1、Module7 Revision-grammar测试Don t leave the water_while you brush your teeth.A . moved; moved B . moving; moving C . moving ; moved D . moved; movingA . exam ined B . exam iningC . to exam ine D . exam ineI can hardly imagi ne Peter across the Atla ntic 0cea n in five days1.Sarah, hurry up. rm afraid
2、you cant have time tobefore theparty.A.get changedB. get cha nge C. get cha ngingD.get tochange2. B. boili ngC. bei ng boil D.According the recent U. S. survey,TV.A. to watch B. to watchi ngThat was one of the experime ntsmade B.maki ngCC.to boilchildrenwatchingDo you rememberA . to
3、meetThe meeti ng.holdi ngspend up to 25 hours a weekD. watchinourlabo.to make.havi ng makeme somewhere before?.met.meet ing.meetyesterday evening is of great importa nee.held C.to hold.to be heldThe speech was very,and we were to tears8.My son isn t feeling well , so I ll get himin the hospital9.10.
4、A . sail.to sail C.saili ng D . to have sailedI would appreciateback this afternoonA . you to call B.you call C . your calli ngD.you re callingHow about the two of us_a walk dow n the garde n?A . to take B . take C . taki ngD . to be tak ingA . ope n B . ope ning C . havi ng ope nedD . ope ned13.The
5、 first textbooks_ for teaching English as a foreign Ianguage came11.12.The computer centre ,last year , is very popular among the students inthis schoo1out in the16th century .A. have written B . to be written C. being writtenD. written14.They have built a_ .A. bridge a hundred metres longB. long br
6、idge hundred metresC. a hundred metre long bridge metresD. bridge hundred long15.He is more dilige nt tha n all_ stude nts in his class.A. the otherB. anotherC . any otherD. other16.Je nny is_ tha n Kate.A. a head shorterB. taller a headC . shorter a headD. a headtall17.My father said he was feeli n
7、g_ .A . much more betterB . a lot of coldC . much cold D. a lotbetter18.The beautiful skirt is_.A . not expe nsive as I expectedB. not very expe nsive as I expectedC . as not expe nsive as I expectedD . not so expe nsive as I expected19.Jim is_ tallest boy in the school.A . farB . the farC . by farD
8、 . by far the20.Betty did badly in the Chin ese exam and I did even_ .A . more badB . more badlyC . badier D . worse21.The girl in red is_ of the twins.A . more dilige ntB . the more dilige ntC . most dilige ntD . dilige nter22.The_practice you have, the_ mistakes youll make.A . much, littleB . more
9、, fewerC. more, lessD. more, fewest23.As we discussed, we got_ .A. much excited B . more andmore excitedC . very excit ingD. more and more excit ing24.If we had followed this pla n, we could have done the job better with_ money and _ people.A. less, lessB. fewer, fewerC. less, fewerD. fewer, less25.
10、After the new tech nique was in troduced, the factory produced_ carsin 1999 as the year before.worriedtha nHow beautifully she sin gs! I have n ever heard better voice33.The fisherma n felt_disappo in ted without catch ing any fish.A . more stillB . more farC . very moreD. eve n more34.He stepped in
11、to the office,_dow n and bega n to fill in the forms.A. sitti ngB. to sitC. satD. havi ng it35.She said she would teleph one but we_ from her so far.A. haven t heardB. didn t hear C. hadn t heardD. won t hear26. twice many B . as many twiceThe shoes in the other shop will becheap
12、er, not as bettercheaper, not as goodWhich isA . a largeDo you haveA . a bigC. twice as many,butD. twice many asB. more cheap, not as betterD. more cheap, not as good_ coun try, Can ada or Australia?B . largeC. a largerD. the largersize in blue? This on es a bit tight for me.B . a biggerC . the bigD
13、 . the biggerHe has writte n someshort stories,the bestB. moreI had n ever spe nta一buthe isknown for his plays.betterD. themostA . more worryB . most worry ingC . more worryingD . most31.This year they have producedgrain_ they did last year.A . as less, asB . as few, asC . less, tha nD . fewer,32.A
14、. the better voiceB . a good voiceC. the best voiceD. a36.When I got to the cin ema, the film_ for ten mi nu tes.A. has begu n B. had begu n C. had bee n on D. was37.When I was at college I_ _three foreignIanguages, but I_ _all exceptfor a few words of each. A. spoke; had forgotte nB.spoke; have for
15、gotte nC. had spoke n; had forgotte nD. had spoke n; have forgotte n38.The police found that the house_and a lot of things_.A. has broke n in to; has bee n stole nB. had broke n in to; had bee nstole nC. has bee n broke n in to; stole nD. had bee n broke n in to; stole n39.The students_ busily whe n
16、 Miss Brown went to get a book she_in theoffice.A. had write n; leftB. were writ ing; has leftC. had writte n; had leftD. were writ ing; had left40. .-Have you moved into the new house?-Not yet, the rooms_ ,A. are being pain tedB. are pain ti ng C. are pain ted D . are beingpain ti ng41.- Do you kno
17、w our tow n at all?-No, this is the first time I_here.A. wasB. have bee nC. cameD. am coming42.We were all surprised whe n he made it clear that he_ office soon.A. leavesB. would leaveC. leftD. had left43.I dont really work here. I_ until the new secretary arrives.A. just help outB. have just helped
18、 outC.am just help ing outD. is completed44.- Your pho ne nu mber aga in? I_ quite catch it.-Its 9568442. A. didn tB. couldntC. dontD.cant45.I don t think Jim saw me; he_ into space.A. just staredB. was just stari ngC. has just staredD.hadjust stared46.- -my glasses?- Yes, I saw them on your bed a m
19、inute ago.A. Do you see B. Had you see nC. Would you seeD. Have you see n47.I first met Lisa three years ago. She_at a radio shop at the time.A. has worked B. was work ing C. has bee n work ingD. has worked48.- Who is Jerry Cooper?-? I saw you shak ing hands with him at the meeti ng.A. Don t you mee
20、t him yetB. Hadn t you meet him yetC. Didnt you meet him yetD. Haven t you met him yet49.- Alice, why didn t you come yesterday?- 1_ , but I had an unexpected visitor. A. hadB. would C. was going to D.did50.The_look on his face suggested that he_that.A. surprising; hadn t expectedB. surprised; hadn
21、t expectedC. surprising; would expectD. surprised; shouldn t expect完型填空Bill was a very good pilot(飞行员). He had been in the air force for severalyears, and had been very successful. Now he was sent to a small field in the middle of a forest, 1 planeswere able to attack(进攻)the en emy very easily, 2_it
22、 was n ear the front line, but 3 to find. The forest trees were very tall and very 4 on all sides, so pla neshad to go dow n very quickly and the n stoptheir falli ngvery 5 before they 6 the gro und. On lythe 7 pilotswereable to land safely, and eve n some of those lost their pla nes and 8 because _
23、they hit the tress on the ground.After Bill had arrived, hewas not 9 until he was able to fly closer to thetrees tha n any of 10 pilots, and soon all the pilots who used that field were tryi ng to 11 each other atflying 12 over the forest. Every time one of their pla nes came back form the attack on
24、 the en emy, theother pilots used to run13 and watch, to see how near the trees 14 pilottook it, ifthe succeededin tak ing very n ear, they laughed and shouted.Bill soon 15 exactly how n ear he was able to go safely, and the n one day he flew so close to the 16of the trees that someof the branches 1
25、7 the bottom of his pla ne. The other men in the pla ne seemedrather 18 , but Bill only laughed as he Ian ded the pla ne without any 19 in the middle of the field, 20 theother pilots on the gro und shouted happily, How silly I am! he said. I forgot that the trees had grow nsince yesterday!1. A. from whichB. in whichC. on whichD. where2. A. forB. wh
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