1、宁夏中卫市2016-2017学年高二英语下学期第三次月考试题(扫描版,无答案)1 & :酣井K WO第一杵(R 5小腔斑屮世1分.渦好S曲)WrTffi 5內丈扛乩 悔股対诂看商一个小JH的A. B. C,送烦中述出戢怯难项.歼1Q对话仅碱8L1 What口,斡k% e lent tiom die dialogic?A.ITH: litvil、corv was zero-four.B.l-nj:land tram lost rhe kKXbiilt nwtirh*C.IlwIIIMIfch diuppoititcc!.2. Vhetv is this ncrs.Hi0ti pnKibl
2、y Uking ph?A. On ihc bus. R At ihc library * At ih tinemn,3. Whrtt ilitnk docs the uoman prcfcT?A. CefTee B .Cold wiME C. Tea.1 Whais chc man inicrvsiccl in duritiu has free lime?A Pkiyin ctwsi B. Collecting 5nmps. C. Nothing but phy.5 h+i is ill the io spcakciTi doA, E抵vc a cup of coflcc.It ihke ra
3、xi io chc womans匚弋“C. Make亦c.u ly Mart.T. : n(Jt 15小老;环小判I分.满分15分出f卜血5 W吋话戚独门.从期谢所给的A*V-:个迭 项中送岀雄毎厲对話或砂漬两 听第&丹材斡.问爵第6吃$越6 Hiu lmi帖li.i HilJ been looktn for rlr job?A Lor sc ctTtl weeks. B. For home thy” CTor qui)c j long time. 7. tlow did Bill丘I aboutthe interview?A,Hesure he could get die riew
4、jobkB J lc untciiTii if he could gef the new job.C.Hc didnt think lc inters iew was difHcuIt.S. Wli( cun uc know froTii dur ulk?A.Biir wife had uornk-rful lime,B.Biira wifedidntknow ihe newsC.Bills wife was sthsGed with ihcir life279 it n Iffi-9* Why did U Min. go to I lauvtn Island?A. 11 business-
5、B.Ixor J* htliday m、?*ec his Iticnds.10. What lil lt Mmg do theirs?A l 1c eni hiking iu ibc inouufains and圧wcm it ihchincH went站他卩门沛足 加Hz-C *. He sonictmws hid n ivicnic in ihe mo uni ulus*I 1 Why is it quite uel沙和1 ktliiat) lhirul?AHevauxc thvMind山此咤often www、Uiv rnu yg11. Because i is the soul hem
6、 part ci i C Ilina *C,Boih A turd BTifrtft 8 js+ni, HW?n 12 A, Husband nd wife. B-Iricnds- ?.Ncisrhbours.13. What can we learn about the tootbill matcli1/l will bcyiin al one oclock loinorrovfc inoniinp.B Jl is between British and the USA.C Jl will be a boring one*t LWhv did the woman decide not co
7、watch the m.Hch?A. Shv was airnici that she woukl be hitc tor谄/orb.B.Shenol interested in ilC. It took ;i long ume tor leer to fall aslevp*听納9F5t料.网需越15至1 5Ahy lid lhe woimin have NOT yeen the n)an tor sntc time? Je hadIMJCPonvacation.J le vvjis catching tip things at home. CJ le hud been sick -】和.W
8、ha! enn v c :cam atxnitnan from tfic halopjc - A.Sht- uns Hiking careof het mothvr who had the Ou. 13FShc h;id been sick - C.She dtdnt hivc die Mu.听第10+何答第17至20 S.17- W Inch ol the following is 1 RLII i alxut diet loods in Americar- A,Americans spend70 niillion dollars on diet foods. ll.Noi niiiny n
9、cx dtci Ikxxls urc popular every year.C.Aiiieiicun sufverniaikvts sell a vnaricty otdivi18. JCpeople cant lose ucighi an lheir ovii,hal iould tiicy do? A .Only ciil icc cream farlunch and dinner.E3in did groups. B ice vru*iHi divt. t uivtimnul辭二鑰分测遗帰第(八啊第.涌分40埶一节:(R 15 4毎小观2分港井?0分AI nnsh.M luniHt:-
10、nicLikiiHL ( ; i Sintic jH-oplvvailed him Hagarno, they Kaid his mouth lonkcd like ;t large bag* Musivmn oftencalled hmi 1,“戶*wi * sign of respect for his influmce on the world of rnuic.Bom in in New t Jrlcaiis. he幅tr up pixr, but hv cd smong grctit miuicianSi.Jazz was inxnicd in lhe etiyAfew years
11、be fur v h i birth. Arnwirong ofkun baidhti/zIup(ogelhcr.0Ami sieving ?;lHmeci a i:rv.*luknl ibi musi.c ulicn he w吓taught to pla theco met (V1号)at a boys home. In his lute izm Anstrong began to hvc the life of aniusuun Ic pkiyud m parades, clubs, anti on the sleamlxtais ihl traveled on theMississipp
12、i River At that time. New Orleans wa famous lor the ncFmusic of jazz andwas borne to many grcai muMciims* AmisUoni: learned troin lhe oMet musicinn 3ndsoon became rcspcclcd 35 tlwir equalIn 1922 he went to Chicago. There* the tale of Louift Armstrong begins I:romthen unul the end of his life* Armstr
13、ong way cclcbraicd ;nid lovvd hcrv er be ucnlrms4n.Mir hivd no equal when it cainc to playing the Anierivan popular song*Has cornet playing had a deep humanity (1 )6) and wannth that caused nianlisteners io s3V;Listening toust imhesyo feel gooH M aver I !c was the fiiher (he ui/ Myle刊nd one of the K
14、-si-knov% siand ruosi adininxi pxiplc m the woi ld His death, on July 6t1M71, *恥hrund tlw xs coinpai ison H Whichsi.itcmctK .ktxHii Anustrong is tnic?A His tale begin in New Oi Jeans.4B, He was bom before inzz xas in ented. C I inus.ic was jxpu1ar widi hisUstcncrs. D. He learned popular music uc a b
15、oy*s home, 24* Which would be the besttitle for the text?A I he Inx efitioii ot (he Ja/y. MusicThe Faihr of iiie Jazz StyleC llic Making of a MusicianI fhe Spread of Popular MusicBMany j mm3 Is recognize lheir food because theyit.叮 humane hcti you see apple or a piece vt chocolate you know i rial th
16、ese arc things youcan eat*c谥门also use other senseswhen you choose youirfood. ou may like il because it smells good or because it tastesgood. You may dislike some types of food because they do not look smell or taste verynice DiHcreHi iniimls use difTrvnt senses 10 find and choose their food. A fewdv
17、pvnd un cnily ne of their s tpried ihtH. We often eal fnoci because诂匕liLc it ind notit isgood tor u轧In coumncs such asI ranee and Briiaiiu people ear foods with too much sillier, lliis rnakcA them avcrweighu which is bad for their hcahh. Eating loo much red meat and animal products, suchas butter; c
18、an also be bad Itr uic hcld * i-Hiosjn tHc right food. Therefore, hasbecome an area of study in niocicni life,25. Ve cai niter from (he texe that humans and aninials_严A dependMJI( rile sense m chx?sing foodH. arc not satisfied with rheir IcxxlC, choose1od26. Which of the follow nti! cats onlyfood?A.
19、 TJe while butlerfly.B” 7 he small bird*C. I hc bearD门诃衍九27.Ceria in animals change their cdioicc of food when -A+ihcchuncsH 瓷iood color changes( lhey move to diflercni places5D. (hey arc aiimctcd by tfifTcrciii smcl is28.Wc can learn from ihc 1astperaprapii ihat _JX.food is chosen tor a艮ooti rvason
20、B. French and British food is goodC some pcvplu have lew choices of food O- some people Hide about hc-ilthy diet;C*.Wliat will people die of 1 CH)from tlOwV 11 you think that is asimple question, you have not bven paying attention e ikereal technological event of our times- Howlong can humans live?J
21、 iunin brains were krown decide the final death. ecimse The bdsicrnjlenls ) O cars or so. peopleYVill be able to take medicine to repair their。塔曲丸曙官.The medicine,made up of the basic building materials of hfetwiH build n亡w brain cclls hcaH cells, add soonin iTiuch the sxnne way our bodies make new s
22、kin cells to lake the place of old one?Et is exciting u itnayinc thfli the advance in tcchtHlogy max be changing the mostconditional human cxiMci1Ce, hui manytechnical problems still must be cleared up on the way to thiswonderful future.29.According to the passage human death U now mainly causedby_
23、_ -A diseases and agingB atcidcni and warC accidents and gingLX heart chvases anti、n30.In the authors opimon. todays niosl importLHHadvance io technology lies in.A. medicineB. lhe inlcmelbrain cellsI), human organs3 1 - Huinaji nuiv live longer in the future bevauscA. heart disease will he far away
24、from us B human bnun can decide the fitia! deathC, the baic maTeriah of celh will last forever1 human ocgrins乃絆he repaired By new medicine32. Wx can leani trum the pusb-agc(hai”6A human iitc will not I List tnoru (hnn I 20 years tn ihu futureB. human have to Mkc medicine tu build new cell?* new C mu
25、ch needs to be done betore humans cun have n longer bicD. we Have already wived the technicai problems in building new cells,DIn thv aunophere. carbon dioxideJUOWKihc sun tays to enter but prevents the hcn fromescaping. According to a weather expert prediction, lhe jimospbre will be v. annet m ilicy
26、irn; 2050 than H is todny; if man contTHucs io bum fuels at lhe present rale If this winningup look place, the ice c;ips in thewouldbegin to incit, (hu* misLng sea level scverul meters and severely Hooding coastal cities Also,(he inc raise u atmospheric temperature would lead co yreai changes in the
27、 cHninie of ihcnorthern hernisptiere( F事hLn the concern about 3 man-made wamung of the earth h;is concentratedOTItheArctic( It fli1beciiusc ihc Antarctic( t*4)is much colder ,)ud has 3 much thicker ice shockBut the weather experts arcHOIApaving more atieniion only a fe* degrees of wanning. :n oihr w
28、ords, by a warning on th scale( Iwil! ptsibly r/kvplavars from the burning of fuels. Satellite pictures shou ihai Luyv aicsof Anuiretiv kc 4ire already iiip|x:.iring 1 he ex idence suggests that a warning has takenplace 1 ths the theory ihut caftxni dioxide wunns Uicr eunh+I lowcver,ef the fuel is h
29、umi tn the northern pan of thv亡山th, where icmpcniuircs sonn ui be fUtngctukckidc.thcrcibrv* iha up tonatural inllucnccA on lhe weather h?ive7894*J傀七BZTX Should57. AB,smncC. fsnal)D.nwird,wB.nxC.usO themfO”甩B*TI C nxwr peaceful D.bcmrth OK*钮gd齐L-cwB prvcm6.*ewD.nxvr10中卫一中2016-2017学年度第二学期第三次月考离二英语第II卷第二节典15小题,毎小题丨分共15分)根据汉i3意患或首字母提示,用单诃的正确HJ式塡空65 m the operation soon72 His opinion is reasonable, no one is(反对)皿
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