



1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除Lesson 3 基数词 & 序数词一、基数词1. 1-10 ( one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten)2. 11-19 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen)3.两位数(非整数),十位数和个位数之间用连字符“-”。 ( 21 twenty-one;76 seventy-six)4.两位数(整数),以 ty 结尾; ( 40 forty

2、 ; 90ninety)4. 三位数,在百位数和十位数之间用 and 连接。101 a hundred and one;320 three hundred and twenty;648 six hundred and forty-eight5.百( hundred),千( thousand),百万( million ),千万( billion )6.表示确切的百、千、百万时,不能用其复数形式;( 400four hundred , hundred 不加 s)表示成百、成千时,用其复数形式; ( 成百 hundreds of;成千 thousands of )7. 表示“人的不确切岁数” ,用几

3、十的复数形式;He became a professor in his thirties.(他在三十多岁成为教授。 )8. 表示年代时,用几十的复数形式;It was in 1960s. (那是在 20 世纪 60 年代。)二、序数词1、英语的序数词基本变法:(1) 1-19:一般在基数词后加th特殊情况: one-first ; two-second;three-third;eight-eighth;nine-ninth;-ve 结尾的改 ve 为 f 加 th;(如 five-fifth ; twelve-twelfth )(2)两位数(整数),改 y 为-ie,加 th;(如 twent

4、y-twentieth ; thirty-thirtieth)( 3)两位数 /多位数(非整数),仅个位数部分用序数词。(如: thirty-sixth,fifty-third,one hundred and twenty-first)缩写形式:阿拉伯数字+序数词末尾两个字母nd, 3rd 为特殊形式,其他都是阿拉伯数字+ th )2.(只有 1st, 2first -1 st; second-2nd ; twentieth -20 th ;twenty-third-23rd三、基数词 /序数词用法辨别1. 基数词也可以表示顺序,要将基数词放在名词之后。the first Lesson - L

5、esson One /the fifth page - Page 52. (1)序数词前面加 the 时,表示顺序 ,只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除This is the fourth time I come here.这是我第四次来这儿。(2) 加 a/an 时表示 “再一、又一 ”Weve tried it three times. Must we try it a fourth time?我们已经试过三遍了,还必须再试一次(第四次)四、时间的数词表示法1. 表示时刻(1)整点用“oclock ”; (5: 00 读作 five o clock 或 five)(

6、2)几点过几分,分钟+ past + 小时;(five past seven 七点过五分;a quarter past eight 八点过一刻;half past eight 八点半)(3)几点差几分,分钟+ to + 小时;(ten to eight 八点差十分;a quarter to twelve十二点差一刻)(4)直接法:小时+ 分钟;(6: 31 读作 six thirty-one;10:26 ten twenty-six)2. 表示日期,用 the 加序数词表示,或用缩写形式12 月 1 日 : Dec.1st 或 the first of December;2002 年 11 月

7、 8 日: Nov. 8th, 2002.3. 表示年份,用基数词表示2002 读作 twenty thousand and two;1976 读作 nineteen seventy-six4. 表示年代,用 the + 年代 + s/ s在 20 世纪 30 年代: in the 1930s 或 in the 1930s5. 表示世纪,用 the + 序数词 + century ,或者 the + 整百 + s/s20 世纪:the 20th century或 the 1900s/the 1900s五、分数 /小数 /百分数表示法1、分数表示法:基数词作分子,序数词作分母;分子是“ 1”时,

8、序数词用单数;除此之外,序数词用复数1/3:one third / a third ; 1/2:a half ;1/4: one quarter;3/4:three fourths/ three quarters;1 1:one and a half22. “半”的表达:一半 -a half ;半小时 half an hour ;1.5 小时 one and a half hours 或 one hour and a half .3. 当分数后接名词时,如果分数值大于 1,名词用复数;小于 1,名词用单数。one and a half hours 一个半小时;two and three fou

9、rths meters2.75 米只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除3)小数:小数点左边合起来读,小数点右边的数字分开读,小数点读作point10.25-ten point two five /1.03-one point o three4) 10.25-ten point two five /1.03-one point o three4)百分数:用基数词 + percent 表示50%-fifty percent ;3% - three percent只供学习与交流此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除专项练习题1. Excuse me, how does t

10、his number 20,135 read? It reads_.A.twenty thousands one hundred and thirty-five.C. twenty thousand one hundred and thirty five.B.twenty thousand one hundred and thirty-five.D. twenty thousands, one hundred and thirty-five.2. Each year, _ fished are killed by the polluted water and many people are m

11、ade sick by the polluted air.A. millions ofB. million ofC. two millions ofD. two millions3.During the seven-day May Day holiday _ families went sightseeing.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousands and thousands D. thousands of4.The building has _ floors. They live on the _ floor.A. ninth, lastB. nine, ni

12、neC. nine, ninthD. nine , tenth5.The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop. Jane likes _.A. the ninthB. the ninethC. nineD. ninth6.December is the _month of the year.A. twelveB. twelvethC. twelvitthD. twelfth7.I think that the _ century(世纪 ) will bring us more hopes.A. twenty-oneB. twentiety-firs

13、tC. twenty-firstD. twentieth-one8.Now let me have _.A. the third tryB. a third tryC. third tryD. this third try9.My sister is a student of _.A. the First ClassB. Class OneC. One ClassD. Class First10. Shakespeare was born in _.A. 1660sB. 1660sC. The 1660D. The 1660s11. He became a super star _.A. In his thirtyB. In his thirtiesC. At his thirtyD. At his thirties12. _ of the students play QQ farm games on the Internet.A. 70 percent ofB. 70 percentC. 70 percent ofD. 70 percents13. The Olympic Games are held _.A. Eve


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