



1、口语提分必备救急句型没听清问题或似懂非懂时,可以礼貌地请考官重复或者换一种表达方式问你,可用 的表达有:1. If I understand right,2. I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)?3. Sorry I don't quite catch you. When you say , do you mean ?4. I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)5. That's a rat

2、her difficult question, but (maybe)6. Could you please rephrase that question / topic?回答问题时可以帮你争取一些时间的开头句:1. That's an interesting question.2. Well, it's really hard to say.3. Acturally, I don't quite remember.4. Um, if I have to take a pick, I'd go to the former/latter one.如果你在表达完观点

3、后发觉说的并不完善,需要用更多的语言去解释,那么换种方 式重述观点的开头可以是:1. In other words, I am2. And that means 3. Let me put it another way,4. What I'm suggesting is5. All I'm trying to say is6. What I'm getting at is7. If I can rephrase that,8. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying9. Perhaps it would be more

4、accurate to say 一时回答不上问题时可以用这些自然地化解卡壳危机:1. Well, 2. Actually,3. In fact,4. You see,5. How shall I put it,6. Let me think for a second, .7. Give me a few seconds, 想不出单词 / 句子/ 结尾时的救场句1. you know, and stuff like that./and something like that.2. or some on e/somewhere like that.还有一些常用表达在关键时候也能救场,比如表达意见观

5、点的句子: ,在1. As far as I 'm concerned, 2.It seems to me that.3. From where I stand, it is4. What I reckon is5.1 'd like to point out that6.If I may say so, this is7.1 'm convinced that 8. Personally, I consider.9.1 think.表达喜欢某人或某事可以用这些表达:1.1 have a fancy for2.1 'm very keen on 3.1 '

6、;ve always liked 4.1 'm crazy about 5. is one of my favorite pastimes.6.1 can 't find words to express how much I like it.7.1 have a particular fondness for8.1 am addicted intobe associated withHardwork and success is always associated with ambition.because its color can dissipate the heatI

7、feel impressed > but the thing that impressed me most it can describe the feeling which I havethinking about something in one way, but not in every way:becausethey may fail to adapt in an environment since not every species of animals are adaptablesodont quickly or easily put them in an environme

8、nt without any adjusment mind*Most people keep different pets in my country but the most common areeither dogs or cats.although its not as nu merous as the domesticated ones like the cats and the dogs. it was really excit ing since I had the cha nee to touch this in credible creature and I was able

9、to catch a very close image of it.What is your favouritecolour? WhyWhat can you lear n about a person from the colour they like?Do any colours have a sp ecial meaning in your traditi onal culture?be assaclate-d withEMmpJe: My favourite colour is, green, any shade of it_ Green i占 associated with natu

10、re ond 社 good few people suffering from skess.hidden characteristic_ txornpie: Knowing soTnobody s favourite colour givos me an idea of whet kind of personoHtv that person may have, 'lit makes me a glimpse or Ihat person's hiddengoodwilltxompJe: In my cuilirre, white represerts-acjdwj L, pui

11、ity and all 1he positive things you could ever think of ii rTia*es people iee life in its b<fgh帕e竪.I usually watch TV programmes aboul food, culture and currentaffair? every daVv it's port of my daily routine.I switch the channel whenever those boring and nonsenseadvertisement are shown.Some

12、TV programmes that involve violence are not suitable foryoung childrer.for exampleis a very com mon type of readi ng tool for me since it contains a lotof in formatio n that can help me facilitate lear ning in my classlike for exa mple if you are into fashi on, the n this read ing articles can p rov

13、ide you with in teresti ng ideas to improve your fashi on and to be always on tren d.be more familiar with p hrasesnow why do they n ame it like this?- the most in terest ing meal for me is the firepigeon, its a very young pigeon prepared with. I think this food is very wellcooked and is the favorit

14、e of most people visiting this place finally, I think this restuarant is very memorable since it has a great interior which will really mark in your mind as you visit this place.I do not dine in a restaurant very frequently. In fact I prefer to eat homemade foods. However, there are some occasions w

15、hen I prefer meeting people at a restaurant and like to taste the delicious menus the restaurants offer. One such restaurant is Plaza de Capita Foods' that I really like and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to talk about my favourite restaurant that I enjoyed going to. I went to thi

16、s restaurant a couple of weeks ago with my parents and siblings. The restaurant is situated in a large shopping mall in the city we live in and it is almost 30 minutes away from our home. The restaurant is in the 18th floor and offers a nice open sky view. It was my younger sister 's birthday an

17、d we planned prior to the occasion to celebrate this special day outside. As part of our whole day plan, we ate the dinner at this restaurant. My father also like the way the restaurant offers an excellent dining experience in a moderately cheap price. We ate the buffet and that included almost 40 i

18、tems in total. I remember eating around 8-9 items while my parents less. But my younger brother John enjoyed more than 20 items. Side note: He did not eat all the items. He just tasted many of them! The common items we ate included fried rice, sandwiches, fried chicken, curry chicken, cheese and onion rolls, seafood platter, garlic bread, prawns and icecream. The restaurant offers an excellent view


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