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1、language points学习目标:1 .扎实掌握词汇的用法,提升自己的理解力和记忆力。2 .自主学习,合作探究,学会总结词汇的语法。3 .激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。重点:词的理解和运用。难点:学会总结词汇的语法。预习案一、词汇预习导学1. Characteristic (1)n特征;特性(2)adj.典型的,特有的, Kindness is one of his characteristics.和善是他的特性之一。with his characteristic enthusiasm以他特有的热忱2. combine(1) Combine business and/with pl

2、easured工作 于娱乐之中.(2) Diets are most effective when combined with exerciser 炼与饮食相结合是 最有效的.(3) At last they combined the two groups into oneM 后他们把两个对合二为(4) The two countries combined against their enemyj个国家共同抗敌 .(5) Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water氢氧结合形成水.3.Present vt.(1)They presented a sum

3、 of money to the college in memory of their son.他们向学院赠送了 一笔款以纪念他们的儿子.(2May I present my new assistant to yoU青允许我向你介绍一下我的新助手.(3)He presented his apologies.他表示道歉。(4)The theatre company is presenting 'Romeo and Julia' by Shakespearenext week.剧团下星期将演出莎剧罗密欧和朱丽叶。(5)He always presents a calm smilin

4、g face.他总是展现出平和的微笑。adj. (1)How many people were present at the meeting?会议有多少人出 席?(2)What is your present job?你现在的工作是什么?n. a birthday present 生日礼物make a present of sth. to sb./make sb. a present of sth 把某物赠送给某人4. regarding prep.关于,对于(1)What is her ambition regarding Chinese music浅于中国音乐她有什么报负?(2)Call

5、me if you have any problems regarding your work. 工作方面如果有什 么问题就给我打电话。(3)She has said nothing regarding your request.于你的要求,她什么也没说。5. depress vt.1)使沮丧;使愁苦;使忧愁He was depressed because he had not passed his examinations.他彳艮沮丧,因为他没有通过考试。2)使贬值;使跌价;使减等Does mass unemployment depress wages?大量人口失业会使工资降低吗?6. ho

6、nour (un)名誉, 名声, 敬意 (cn) an honor光荣的人或事She is an honor to our school.对于我们学校来说,她是一个 光荣的人.The athletes competed for the honor of our country.运动员们为了 我们学校的 名誉而比赛.7. relative n./adj.(1) Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine她的男朋友是我的一位远亲. Nothing is fixed in the world; everything is relative.世上没有 绝对的

7、东西, 一切都是相对的.(3) Since he got his job, he has been living in relative comfort.自从他找到工作 以来,他就过着比较舒适的生活.(4)She asked me some facts relative to the problem 她问了 我一些有关这个问 题的事实.8. regulate v.规定,管理,整顿We must regulate our spending.Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic.9. relief n.减轻,解除;宽慰 It was a great

8、 relief to find that my family was all safe. 发现我的家人平安是一大安慰. Relief was quickly sent to the sufferers救济很快送到了难民手中.10. poetry n. U诗歌(诗歌的总称)She started writing poetry at a young ag电年轻时她就开始写诗 .poem n. C 诗, 诗歌, 韵文 poet n. C 诗人 poetic adj.有诗意的; 诗的二、词汇精粹预习自测1. He as a national hero for winning the first gol

9、d medal for hiscountry in the Olympics.A. regarded B. was regarded C. has regarded D . had been regarded2. Facing the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures people ' selifo deal with it.A. related B. related to C. relating D. relating to3. Having been told where

10、he lived, I had no difficulty in finding Pet&' s address.A. exactly B. approximately C. appropriately D. relatively4. To save the drowning child, the boy plunged into the icy water without hesitation, his own safety.A. despite of B. regardless of C. unaware of D. because of我的疑惑:探究案质疑探究词汇用法:1

11、. Characteristic (1)n(2)adj.翻译:(1)骆驼的特点是不喝水也能活很长时间。(2)苹果所特有的味道拓展:写出下列句中character的汉语意思(1)The characters in Chinese writing look like small picture.(2)He has a strong but gentle character.(3)I find -all the characters in his new play very real.2. combine n.固定 搭酉己: combine . and / with . be combinedwit

12、hCombine into combine 联合起来对抗拓 展 combined adj. combinationn.3.present相关短语:将某物赠与某人介绍某make sb. a present of sth.翻译:有两百人参加会议。at present4. regarding iJ;汉语意思为:拓展:regard n.关心,注意,尊敬v.视为,注意,和有关regardless ofgive my regards to sbconsidering prep/conjseeing conj.supposing conj providing /provided5. depress v(/

13、)adj. ()n.6. honour意思为:名誉;名声;敬意时是名词an honor意思为:hono衽止匕为 词相关短语:achieve /attain/gain/win/honor saveone' shonorshow /give /do honor to sb in honor of练习:The street was named after a great man his great contributionsto the city.A in honor of B instead of C in case of D in need of第8页/共9页7. 结合预习案中relat

14、ive的讲解,完成以下空格.relative用作名词,意为relative用作形容词,其含义为:构成固定搭配:relative to意为拓展写出下列单词的意思:relatively adv. relate vt. 8. regulate v()adv-I如句1;,如句2;句 4relatively speakingrelation n. )n. 一()adj9. relief n.表 减轻,解除”时,是名词;表 宽慰”时加冠词拓展:relieve v.减轻,救济,解除 (1)您一大安慰)to have rain after a long time of drought.(2)The docto

15、r' s treatment述轻了他的痛苦)(3)To our great, Geoffrey ' s illnpssved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgment10. poetry n诗歌(诗歌的总称);名词.poem n. 诗,诗歌,韵文;名词.-poet n.诗人;名词.poetic adj.意思是.即学即练完成下列句子:1. 他感到前途无望。He about / at the future.2. 在日常生活中,我们要理论联系实际。In our dail

16、y life, we should theory practice.3. The firefighters have been(受至ij尊敬)for their courage.4. At the end of the sports meeting, the headmaster(赠送)medals and gifts.5. Her mother strictly (规定)how much TV she can watch.6. Light music can get you(使放松)after a whole day of work.巩固提升1. The book has been well

17、 received, but actual sales, it hasn' bteen very successful.A. thanks to B. in terms of C. according to D. regardless of2. Drugs helped to the pain. The whole family let out a sigh of .A. cure; relief B. treat; joyC. relieve; relief D. stop;sorrow3. Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25 the birth of Jesus Christ.A. on behalf of B. in term


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