



1、IRREVOCABLE COMMISSION AGREEMENTAs per International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 佣金协议 按照国际商会(ICC)规则Contract No.合约号码: 与本协议有关的买卖合同的编号:1. AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE:协议开始日期:This agreement enters into force on, 2006本协议从 , 2006 开始生效2. PARTIES:协议方:This agreement is made and entered by and between:本协议涉及以下各方:PA

2、YER:付款人:COMPANY:ADDRESS地址:COUNTRY 国家:TEL:电话:FAX:传真:E-MAIL:电子邮件:AND和PAYEE (A):收款人(A):COMPANY:ADDRESS地址:COUNTRY 国家:TEL电话:FAX:传真:E-MAIL:电子邮件:PAYEE(B):收款人(B):COMPANY:ADDRESS地址:COUNTRY 国家:TEL:电话:FAX:传真:E-MAIL:电子邮件:3. OBLIGATION:义务:WHEREAS the parties whose signatures are affixed hereto (hereinafter refer

3、red to as the Payer and Payee respectively) contemplate a transaction or a series of transactions covering the purchase, shipment, and sale of various quantities of products all to be outlined in a contract or a series contracts, either in original form or as amended (hereinafter referred to as the

4、Contract/Sales/Purchase Agreements), resulting from the cooperation of the Payer and Payee; and本协议的签署方(以下分别称为付款人和收款人)建立交易合作关系,包括买卖,装船,和 产品的约定在另外的买卖合同内(以下称为买卖合同);和 WHEREAS, the Payer and Payee here by agrees that this Compensation Agreement is valid for any/all transaction between the parties herein

5、and concern sale of any/all types of used rails to the buyer: 付款人和收款人均同意本补偿协议涉及出售废钢轨给以下的买主:COMPANY:ADDRESS地址: COUNTRY 国家: TEL:电话: FAX:传真: E-MAIL:电子邮件: This Agreement shall perpetuate the commission value for USD per month. Valid for 3 months(similar to validity of the Guarantee). New commission valu

6、e can be established as annex to this agreement after this duration.本协议的佣金为每月 有效期为3月(与Guarantee的有效期一致).新的佣金协议在本协 议期满后另行订立,作为本协议的附件.WHEREAS, the Payer and Payee desire to specify the Compensation due to the Payee, and the manner in which said compensation is to be paid, resulting from a successful co

7、mpletion of the contemplated transaction(s) and Contract with the above mentioned buyer, Payer and Payee hereby agree as follows: 付款人和收款人现明确佣金总额和支付方式与合同上提及的买主成功交易有关,付款人和收款人同意下列各项条款:The Payer hereby agrees to pay the Payee, the sum in commission of US$ per Metric Ton of product shipped pursuant to th

8、e terms of the Contracts referenced above and appended hereto, in accordance with the Payee ' s instructions (as provided for below), simultaneously within the same banking day as the L/C issuing bank makes payment on each shipment.付款人同意支付收款人佣金总额 US$/公吨.货物重量参考附件买卖合同,佣金的支付办法按照收款人在本协议提供的银行资料通过银行直接

9、电子转账.佣金的支付日期为出L/C银行付款给卖方的同一天.Payer and Payee agree that the compensation is in consideration of service rendered by the Payee, for himself and on behalf of unnamed intermediaries, in connection with the successful conclusion of the contemplated transaction, and represent payment in full for all serv

10、icesrendered by the Payee, and unnamed intermediaries. Payee warrants to the Payer that Payee has full authority to receive the compensation moneys on behalf of said unnamedintermediaries, and agrees to hold the Payer harmless against any and all claims that may bemade now or in the future by any of

11、 said unnamed intermediaries.Simultaneously, Payer warrants to Payee that Payer has full authority to paid said compensation moneys.付款人和收款人同意佣金的支付效力及于收款人和其他人。支付佣金予收款人,与合同买主的成功交易有关.收款人保证有全权代理其他收款人收取应得的佣金,不再有其他收款 人向付款人主张佣金权利.同时,收款人保证有向其他收款人全权支付应得的佣金的义务 Payer and Payee agree that the payable funds from

12、 the Payer' s account are tobe clean, cleared, unencumbered and legally earned or obtained and of noncriminal origin, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, without delayor deduction, free from any attachment and/or change in direction without the written consent of the Payee. Any costs r

13、elated to the transaction such as Closing and/or transaction costs have no bearing on the said agreed amount per metric ton due the Payee.付款人保证其应付佣金不是违法获得的.同时付款人未经收款人的书面允许不得延迟交 付、减除或改变已承诺的条款.因付款人未按承诺支付佣金所增加的费用由付款人承担.Payer and Payee agree that upon each and every shipment, Payer ' s bank shall wi

14、thout delay and protest, transfer the commission/compensation moneys(USD /MT multiply by each shipment ' s quantity) via swift wire in the form of cash intothe Payee ' s bank accountsimultaneously as the bank make payment draw down by Seller on each shipment.付款人保证在每次的佣金支付期,当付款人的银行收到买方的货款后,付款

15、人的银行不 得延迟和拒绝支付佣金,(USD /MT乘每船的装船重量).The Payer and The Payee agree that value of commission is confidential information and can ' t be disclosed to other entities than this agreement signatory, his representatives and can be only disclosure by the way required for make herein named payment of comm

16、ission.佣金的金额是商业秘密,付款人和收款人不得向第三方披露.支付佣金时需要向有关银行 披露的除外.The Payer shall sign a Corporate Performance Bond in the amount of USD$American Dollars with a validity of 52(fifty-two weeks) + 3months in case of delays. The Performance Bond will be the acting instrument immediately from date of reception of th

17、e first payment (agreed as the first L/C) received from the buyer' s bank when the Payer's bank will issue a SBLC naming th e payee as the beneficiary in the amount of the performance bond.付款人将开具履约保证金美元 有效期为52周+3个月给收款人。当付款人收到买方银行信用证后该履约保证金即由付款人银行签发生效,注明受益人为收款人。After the Payer received the Le

18、tter of Credit from the buyer, the Payer shall fax the L/C number to the Payee. This faxed original is part of the agreement and to be considered as legal and binding as if they were original.付款人收到买方的L/C后,应将该L/C的号码传真予收款人确认,该L/C号码传真件作为 本协议的附件,与本协议具有相同效力。Any assignee or legal successor to either party

19、 shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract.任何委托代理人或合法继承者承担合同中的所有义务和享有所有权利。.BANKING INFORMATION:艮行资料:PAYEE S (A) BANKING INFORMATION攵款人(A)的专艮行资料BANK NAME:艮行名称:ADDRESS地址:COUNTRY 国家:TEL:电话:ACCOUN TS BENEFICIARY:ACCOUNT NUMBER户号码:SWIFT CODE:PAYEE S (B) BANKING INFORMATION款人(B)的银行资料BANK N


21、ble law in Singapore Courts, Australian Courts, Canada Courts, USA Courts, UK Courts, India Courts, Polish Courts, or under Swiss law in Zurich, Hong Kong Courts. In the event of dispute, the Rules of conciliation and arbitration of the international chamber by one or more arbitrators designed in ac

22、cordance to said rules is applied. The signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue.本协议的法例适用于以下法院:新加坡法院,澳洲法院,加拿大法院,美国法院,UK法院,印度法院,波兰法院,或苏黎士的瑞士法律,香港法院.如果发生 纠纷,根据国际法的规定提交仲裁,由一个或多个指定仲裁员裁决.付款人和收款人接受以上的法院裁决.6. CHANGES:修改Any changes of terms relating to this agreement mu

23、st be done in a written form, and agreed upon by both parties.现行协议条款的修改必须经协议双方授权人书面签字方能生效。7. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT:议的履行:Each of the parties to this agreement represents that it has full legal authority to execute this agreement and that each party is to be bound by the terms and conditions as set f

24、orth herein. EXECUTION and DELIVERY of this Agreement by and between the undersigned constitutes and shall be construed by any/or all parties to be an IRREVOCABLE OFFER.本协议各方承担合同中的所有义务和享有所有权利.本协议是不可撤消的协议.8. SPECIAL CLAUSE 特另 I约定This agreement has been drawn up in three identical copies, of which one copy for each party. This facsimile agreement will remain enforceable after the hard copy agreement is exchanged. Faxed originals are to be considered as legal and binding as if they were original. This facsimile agreement shall be deemed as invalid until signed by both parties. This


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