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1、人教版小学英语六年级上册 Unit6 说课稿科任教师: 丁腾说教材本单元学生学习的内容有 :1).学会描绘和谈论天气 .2).学会叙述在不同的天气背景下能做什么 .3).学会表达现在进行和发生的动作包含的语言知识如下 :1. 重点词汇 :(天气现象的词 )rain、raining、snow、snowing、wind 、windy、cloud、cloudy、cold、hot、warm、cool、humid;(词组)takephotos、 have a good time、on vacation、Thank you for?其它词 )weather、 terrible、 pretty、 beach

2、、 scarf、 heat、 relaxed.'s it going? What2. 重点句型是 How's the weather in Beijing? Howare you /they doing?3. 语法项目是由how引导的特殊疑问句和现在进行时的用法.4. 情感目标是通过学习课文及句型操练,让学生学会谈论世界各大城市的天气状况以及描述在不同的天气下人们能做什么,了解外国的天文地理及日常习惯人们通常以谈论天气来引出其它话题,拉近彼此的距离,从而开拓学生的视野,增添学习英语的兴趣5 .对学生状况的分析:从学生现有的知识水平来看,在上一单元他们已学习了 What are

3、you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 这些现 在进行时态的用法。6 .重难点的分析:重点在于 HoW s the weather? How ' s it go等g?由 how 引导的特殊疑问句;难点在与叙述在不同的天气下能做什 么及写作能力的培养二 、教学方法1、说教法我把这个单元分为三课时,它们是词汇句型操练课;听力课; 写作课.我利用当时的实际天气状况来引入 How' s the weather? It ' s raining/windy/cloudy. 这个句型的出发点是以实际生活引入课堂, 以旧知识引出新知识点,符合学生的认

4、知能力的发展然后利用 一些图片来介绍sunny/snowing等几个大城市的天气现象,同学们 熟悉了这些天气现象的词汇后,再进行句型操练和听力训练,然 后进行写作训练叙述在不同的天气下能做什么等充分利用直观 教具图片、简笔画、录音机等教学手段,使学生在讨论中获得语 言知识,在愉快的氛围中学习,学会问候关心同学,在交流中提 高自己,在合作中创新2、说学法大量发挥学生的潜能,指导学生在课前收集一些世界各大城 市的天气状况图或不同天气下人们在做不同事情的图片2. 学会识别天气情况的图标和介绍各种天气状况.三、说教学过程 第一课时:词汇句型操练课Step 1. Leading-in1).利用真实情景和

5、一些图片,用What' sthe weather Iiketoday/inGuangzhou?It 'rasining/windy/cloudy/cold/warm/cool/humid /snowing/sunny 等描述天气状况的词2).学生对于 snowy/snowing, raining/rainy 等词的意义用法较难理解,我就利用顶尖教案上的 “西游记外传聊天 ”讲给学生听,目 的在于增强target Ianguage目的语)的掌握理解,并以此来增加学生的学习兴趣Step 2. 让学生试着将这几个表示天气状况的词和相应的图片配伍, 了解更多描述天气状况的词,目的在于拓

6、展词汇量SteP 3. 出示天气简笔画的图,让学生写出 sunny, cIoudy, snowing, wi ndy, rai ning,等词.主要是为了学生能识别一些天气图标Step 4. 利用课前学生搜集到的图片让学生相互讨论:eg. S: How's theweather in Guangzhou ?S: It 'ssunny.SteP 5.学生完成Section A. 1a部分,要求学生找出各图表示的天气状况的词, 并相互对话练习. 做此题的目的是为了让学生把本节课所 学的知识点运用到实际生活中去.SteP 6. 听写,及时反馈,堂上巩固新词.). How's

7、the weather today? It'susnny.2).CIoudy/windy/raining/snowing/coId/humid/hot/cooI/warmSteP 7. Summary (Iet Ss say it out)这节课学习了有关天气状况的词以及以 how 引导的特殊疑问句的问答Step 8. Homework. 1). Copy the new words. 2). Make new conversations using the pictures that the students四板书设计What' s theweather like ?How&

8、#39; s the weather?It ' s sunny/snowing/raining/cloudy/win.dyHow's it going?Not bad./Great/Pretty good.Unit6 It's raining (Section A 1a-1c教 案Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge and Ability Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing,how 's=how is, weather, Mos

9、cow, Boston(2) Target Language: Hi! How's the weather in Beijing? It's sunny.(3) Train students'listening skill(4) Train students'communicative competence.2. Method Objects in Teaching.(1) Listening and talking methods. (2) Pair work.3. Moral Object:In the West, people like talking a

10、bout the weather instead ofasking “Have you eaten?”or “Where are you going?”. It 's impolite to ask such questions in the west.Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary. 2. Learn to talk about the weather using thetarget language.Teaching Difficulties1. Key vocabulary.2. Learn to talk about the weath

11、er using the target language.3. Train students'listening skills4. Train students'communicative competence.Teaching Aids:1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A map of the world.Teaching ProceduresStep I. Greetings and Lead-inGuessing game, please guess what people are doing?He is playing the

12、guitar. He is running.They are dancing. He is eating hamburgers.What is she doing? She is listening to music.And it is raining heavily in the picture.In this picture, we will learn to talk about weather.Stepn New words.Do you know any words about weather?sun snow wind rain cloudHow is the weather? s

13、un, sunny, I'ts sunny.How is the weather? cloud, cloudy, It's cloudy.snow, snowy, It's snowy.wind, windy, It 's windy.rain, rainy, It 's rainywi nd windyFind out the rules: sun, sunny snow snowyrain rainy cloud cloudyThinking: Is it ? sunny, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudySte p 皿P ra

14、cticeWhat 'the date today? It'How ' the weather? rai ny, win dy, cloudy, sunny, snowy,Step IV PairworkHow ' the weather?二Wha'the weather like?Match 1a. 1a 2e 3d 4b 5cLook at the picture, where is it? Beiji ng, Shan ghai, Moscow, Toronto,Bost onStep V Different cities different we

15、atherHow ' the weather in Shan ghai? 'cloudy. Beiji ng sunnySte p V Pair workHow ' the weather in ? It'Ste p VI. 1b ListenSte p VII. Who is the best reporterGood morning, dear friends. Today is Here is CCTV weatherreport! You can see, Beijing is rainy, Shenyang is.Thank you forliste

16、ning!1. It ' sSte p VIII. Exercise(sun) today, but it (wirid)s2. Look, whatthey? (do) They(play) tennis.A. listenB. listens3. There _ (be) some milk in the glass.4. Can he(go) shopping with me?5. Lucy(have) lunch at school now.6.She usually(have) lunch at school.1. It ' s eight o' clock.

17、 Jim '. s father _TVA. is watchingB. are watchingC. watchD. to watch2.is the weather there? It' s windy.3.A. What B. How C. What' s D. howthe weather like today? Cloudy.A. How 'sB. What doesC. WhatD. What ' s4. What 's the weather like today?A. It 's rainB. It ' s rai

18、ning.C. It rainy. D. It ' s wind.5. We wantthis book now.A. readingB. am readingC. readD. to read6. That boy isnthe teacher.C. listening D. listening to7. _ you _ the window? Yes, I am.A. Do, cleanB. Is, cleaningC. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaningStep X. Self summary1.Vocabulary about weather:2. Sentences :a. How to as


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