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1、人教PEP三年级英语下册期末测试卷C. small)6. A. shortB.seventeen)7. A. ball)8. A. pupil)9. A. white0. boyB. pearB. watermelonC. boatC. earC. woman)10. A. eighteenB eightC eleven三、听录音,选择与你所听内容意思相符的一项口 口0分)()1. A. Amy 幅 from the UK.B. Amy is from the USA.()2. A. She is my mother. " B. She is my sister.()3. A. Th

2、e elephant has a big body and a long nose.B. The elephant has short legs and long ears,()4. A. My pen is in my pencil box.B. My pen is on the desk.()5. A. I like oranges.B. I don't like oranges.四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(10分)This is my L» He's from the USA. He likesanimals. He has a cat, a pig, six

3、 dogs and 2.二 ducks.The cat is 3. The pig is 4.一 二.The doghas four long legs. The ducks are 5.一第二部分笔试(60分)五、为下面的图片选择正确的单词。(5分)A. heA. manA. carA. strawberryB. sheB. womanB. boatB. strawberriesA. thirteen B. fourteen六、选出下面每组单词中不同类的一个。(5分))1. A. CanadaB. studentC. teacher)2. A. sisterB. grandpaC. gran

4、dma)3. A. shortB. ballC. long七、)4. A. capB. inC. under)5. A. seventeen B. appleC. pearD. friendD. fifteenD.thinD. onD. orange选择正确的答案。(10分))1. Mr Wangfrom Beijing.B. isA. am)2. Who*s that man? He's my.A. motherB. teacher)3. The bird isthe elephant.A. inB. on)4. Can Isome pears?A. hasB. have)5.1 e

5、atapple a day.A. anB. some根据句子,选择相符的图片。(10分))1. This is Li Hua. He's a new student.A.B.)2.一Who's that man? He's my father.)3. Its small and fat. It has a long tail.)3. How many kites do you see under the desk?)4.1 don't like pears. I like apples.)5. Look, 12 kites! No. The black one

6、is a bird-()1. Who's that woman?()2. Is he your brother?()3. What's that?()4. Where is my bag?九、从II栏中选出与I栏各句相对应的答语。(10分)IIA. Ifs my new ball.B. I have eleven.C. Is it on your desk?D. No, he isn't. He's myfriend.()5. How many pencils do you have? E. She's mygrandmother.十、选择合适的句子补全

7、对话。(10分)Li Ming: Hi, Mum. This is my friend, John.A. Here you are.B. Have some oranges, John.C. Nice to meet you, John.D. Where a re you from?E. Can I have some grapes?Mum: 1.John: Nice to meet you, too.Mum: 2.John: I'm from the USA.Mum: 3.John: Sorry. I don't like oranges. 4.Mum: 5.John: Th

8、ank you.十一、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)I'm Tom, I'm 12. Tm tall and thin. I have many toys and fruits. I have 15 cars, 13 boats and 6 kites. I have 16 apples, 18 bananas and 2 watermelons. Look! My cars are on the desk. My boats are in my toy box. My kites are under the desk.()1. How old is Tom?A. He

9、is twelve-B. He is eleven.()2. Tom, how many cars do you have?A. I have thirteen.B. I have fifteen.A. I see six.B. I see sixteen.)4. Where are your boats, Tom?A. I hey are on the desk. B. I hey are in the toy box- )5. How many apples do you have, Tom?A. I have sixteen.8. I have eighteen.参考答案听力材料:1.

10、China 2. student 3. mother 4,grancfather5. tall 6. small 7. boat 8. pear9. watermelon 10. eighteen二、1. That girl is my new friend.10. This is my father. He is a teacher.11. have a cat. Its fat.12. My toy bear is in my toy box.13. Let's buy some fruit.三、1. Tm Amy. Tm from the UK.2. -Is she your m

11、other? -Yes, she is.3. Look at the elopha nt. It has a big body and a long nose.4. Is your pen in your pencil box? No, it isn t. It is on the desk.5. Do you like oranges? No, I don't.四、This is my dad. He's from the USA. He likes animals. He has a cat, a pig 9 six dogs and ten ducks. The cat is fat. The pig is big. The dog has four long legs. The ducks are fun.答案:、l.B 2.C 3. A 4 A 5.B6. C 7.C 8.B 9B 10. A二、5 2 J. 3 4三、l.


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