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1、1. To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is ( B )A. letter of credit B. cash in advance C. open account D. banker sdraft2. To the importer, the most favorable method of settlement is ( C )of credit B. cash in advance C. open account D. collection3. Which of the following payme

2、nt method is based on commercial credit( C ) of credit guarantee C. collection D. standby credit4. An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF terms, who is responsible for the freight charges in each ( A )A. importer; exporter B. exporter; importerC. importer; importer D. exporte

3、r; exporter5. International cash settlement has the following disadvantages except( B )A. expensive B. safe C. risky D. time-consuming6. CHIPS is the electronic clearing system for ( B )8. USD D. EUR7. CHAPS is the electronic clearing system for ( A )8. USD D. EUR8. BOJ-NET is the electronic clearin

4、g system for ( D )A. USD B. GBP9. TARGET is the electronic clearing system for ( C )A. USD B. GBP10. CHATS is the electronic clearing system for ( D )A. USD B. GBP11. From a Chinese bank s point of view , the current account it maintains abroad is known as ( A )A. a nostro account B. a vostro accoun

5、tC. a current account home currency account12. From a Chinese bank s point of view , the current account maintainedby a foreign bank with him is known as( B )nostro account vostro accountcurrent account foreign currency account13. International trade settlement methods are used to complete the money

6、 transfer aroused by ( A)A. goods transactions B. services supplyC. security investment D. investment incomes14. Documentary credit business is subject to ( A )A. UCP600 522 C. URDG758 D. ISP9815. Collection business is subject to ( B )A. UCP600 522 C. URDG758 D. ISP9816. Standby credit business is

7、subject to ( D )A. UCP600 522 C. URDG758 D. ISP98of guarantee business is subject to ( C )A. UCP600 522 C. URDG758 D. ISP9818. London is the clearing centre for ( B )A. USD B. GBP19. New York is the clearing centre for ( A )A. USD B. GBP20. Tokyo is the clearing centre for ( D )A. USD B. GBP21. Fran

8、kfurt is the clearing centre for ( C )A. USD B. GBPthe following documents, the one which is not regarded as control documents is ( D )A. authorized signatures B. test keysC. schedule of terms and conditions D. correspondent arrangement23. The seller should arrange for the insurance of the goods tra

9、nsportation under ( C )24. ( A ) cheque can be cashed over the counter of paying bank.A. An open B. A crossed C. A general crossing D. A special crossing25. The effect of a blank endorsement is to make a negotiable instrument payable to the ( C )A. specified person B, order of a specified person C.

10、bearer D. named person26. If the bill is pay able “ 60 days after date ” , the date of payment isdecided according toA. the date of acceptance B. the date of presentationC. the date of issuance D. the date of maturity27. The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the( B )A. drawer B. drawee C

11、. holder D. payee28. When financing is without recourse, this means that the bank has no recourse to the ( D ) if such drafts are dishonored.A. payer B. drawee C. acceptor D. drawer29. The ( C ) of a promissory note assumes the prime liability to make payment of the note.A. holder B. drawee C. maker

12、 D. acceptor30. The bill which must be presented for acceptance is( B )A. the bill payable at xx days after date B. the bill payable xx days after sightC. the bill payable on a fixed date D. the bill payable at sight31. In order to retain the liabilities of the other parties, a bill thathas been dis

13、honored must be ( A )A. protested B. given to the acceptorC. retained in the files D. presented to a bank32. ( C ) is not a holder of a billA. Payee B. Endorsee C. Drawer D. Bearer33. Which of the following is a relative essential item of a billA. amount B. tenor C. payee D. drawee34. An endorsement

14、 ,which prohibits the further negotiation of theinstrument ,is called ( D ) endorsement .A. qualified B. general C. specific D. restrictive35. A check is a ( D ) draft drawn on a bankA. time C. direct D. demand36. The act which is never involved in promissory note business is ( C )37. The act which

15、is never involved in check business is( C )38. The acceptor of a bill is the person who originally named as ( B ) of the bill.A. drawer B. drawee39. The first holder of a bill is the ( C ) of the billA. drawer B. drawee40. Among the following crossed cheques, the one which contains the words( D ) is

16、 a special crossed cheque.A. banker B. not negotiable C. A/C payee D. Bank of China41. The meansof authenticating payment order in mail transfer is the ( D )A. SWIFT authentic key B. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test key D. authorized signatures42. The means of authenticating payment order in

17、telegraphic transfer isthe ( C )A. correspondent arrangement B. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test keyD. authorized signatures43. Which of the following is not a method of remittance( C )A. M/T B. T/T C. T/R D. D/D44. Open account as a payment method is usually used when( D )are sold under the

18、seller s market conditionare badly needed by the buyerare of special standards or special specificationsare sold under the buyer s market condition45. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order isexpressed as in cover , we have credited your A/C with us , the A/Crelationship betwe

19、en the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( A )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two d

20、ifferent banks46. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order isexpressed as in cover, please debit our A/C with you , the A/Crelationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( B )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintai

21、ns an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks 47. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as in cover, we have authorized Bank A to de

22、bit our A/C and credit your A/C with them , the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( C )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a

23、third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks 48. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as in cover, we have instructed Bank X to transfer the proceeds to your A/C with bank Y , the A/C relationship between the remitting ban

24、k and the paying bank must be ( D )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks49. I

25、t will be more convenient if the collecting bank appointed by the sellerA. is a large bankB. is the remitting banks correspondent in the place of the importerC. is in the exporters countryD. acts on the importers instructions50. Under D/P, the documents will not be delivered to the buyer untilA. the

26、 goods have arrivedB. the documents have arrivedC. the documents are presented to the buyerD. the bill is paid by the buyer51. Under D/A, the documents will not be delivered to the buyer untilA. the goods have arrivedB. the documents have arrivedC. the documents are presented to the buyerD. the bill

27、 is accepted by the buyer52. In collection business, banks are obligated to check the documents received to see thatA. they are authenticB. they are regularC. they are the same as those listed in the collection instructionD. they are in the right form53. A bill of exchange which is accompanied by sh

28、ipping documents is known as ( B )A. a clean billB. a documentary billC. a clean collectionD. a documentary collection54. In documentary collection, after the goods have been shipped, the exporter presents the documents to ( C ) for collectionA. the collecting bankB. the reimbursing bankC. the remit

29、ting bankD. the opening bank55. Which of the following is not the obligation of remitting bank in collection ( D )A. to complete a collection order strictly according to the principal sinstructions.B. to perform following all the instructions given by the principal.C. to keep the documents wellD. to

30、 examine the contents of documents in detail56. Which of the following is not the obligation of the collecting bank( B )verify the authenticity of the collection order8. to take care of goodsrelease documents strictly on the delivery terms of documents.perform following all the instructions given by

31、 the remitting bank.collection business, the drawer of the draft for collection is ( A )A. seller B. buyer C. remitting bank D. collecting bank58. In collection business, the drawee of the draft for collection is( B )A. seller B. buyer C. remitting bank D. collecting bank59. If the collection instru

32、ction given by the principal specifies thatcollection charges are to be borne by the drawee but with no express statement that they may not be waived, charges will be for the account of( A ) providing the drawee refuses to pay them.A. principal B. remitting bank C. collecting bank D.presenting bankp

33、rice term which is more favorable to the seller under collection is( D )A. EXW B. FOB C. CFR D. CIF61. In L/C business , the exporter can receive the payment only when ( C )A. he has shipped the goodshas presented the documentsdocuments presented constitute a complying presentationimporter has taken

34、 delivery of the goods.62. In L/C business, the issuing bank can refuse to pay the credit amountwhen ( C )applicant prevents him from making paymentgoods are not the same as those stipulated in the sales contractkind of document required by L/C isn t presented.of the applicant s account is not enoug

35、h for payment .63. Of the followingkinds of L/C, ( B )is the L/C which requires no draftsat all.payment creditpayment creditcreditcredit64. Of the following kinds of L/C, ( C ) is the L/C in which drafts arealways required.payment creditpayment creditcreditcredit65. Of the following kinds of L/C, (

36、D ) is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.creditcreditcreditto back credit66. Of the following kinds of L/C, ( A )is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.A. tra

37、nsferable creditB. reciprocal creditC. revolving creditcredit67 Of the following kinds of L/C, ( C ) is the L/C which is especiallysuitable for use to settle the payment under a long term contract covering goods to be transported by regular partial shipments.creditcreditcreditto back creditthe follo

38、wing kinds of L/C, ( B ) is the L/C which is especially suitablefor use to settle the payment under counter trade.creditcreditcreditto back credit69. Confirmation of a credit may be given by ( B )A. the beneficiary at the request of the importerB. the advising bank at the request of the issuing bank

39、C. the advising bank after the receipt of correct documentationD. the issuing bank after the receipt of correct documentation70. The credit may only be confirmed if it is so authorized or allowed by( A )A. the issuing bankB. the supplierC. the advising bankD. the beneficiary71. The second beneficiar

40、y of a transferable letter of credit is the( D )A. middlemanB. transferring bankC. the applicant of the transferred creditD. real supplier of the goods72. The first beneficiary of a transferable letter of credit is the ( A )A. middlemanB. transferring bankC. the applicant of the transferred creditD.

41、 real supplier of the goods73. The red clause credit is often used as a method of ( B )A. providing the buyer with funds prior to shipmentB. providing the seller with funds prior to shipmentC. providing the buyer with funds after shipmentD. providing the seller with funds after shipment74. An applic

42、ant must reimburse an issuing bank unless he finds that( D )A. goods are defectiveB. goods are not as ordered in the sales contractC. documents received do not allow him to clear the goods through customsD. documents do not conform on the face to the terms and conditions of the credit75. Application

43、 for any amendment to a letter of credit should be givento the issuing bank by ( A )A. the applicantB. the beneficiaryC. the advising bankD. the nominated bank76. The message type which is used to send a amendment notice of a documentary credit through SWIFT is numbered ( C )A. 700 B. 705 C. 707 D.

44、710all the financial methodsmentioned bellow , which method provides fundswithout recourse ( C )A. packing loansB. bill discountingC. forfaitingD. borrowing docs against T/Rletter of credit, the primary debtor is the( C )A. applicant B. importer C. issuing bank D. nominated bank79. The applicant of

45、letter of credit is ( B )A. the exporter B. the importer C. the exporter s bank D. theimporter s bank80. The beneficiary of letter of credit is ( A )A. the exporter B. the importer C. the exporter s bank D. theimporter s bankletter of credit which is expired on Oct. 1, 2008 specifies that “ document

46、s must be presented within 15days after the on board date of bill of lading ” . If the on board date of bill of lading is Sep. 10,2008, the latest dateof presentation must be ( B )A. Sep. 24 ,2008 B. Sep. 25 ,2008 C. Sep. 26 ,2008 D. Oct. 1, 200882. If there is no indication in the credit of the ins

47、urance coveragerequired, the amount of insurance coverage must be at least ( C ) of theCIF or CIP value of the goods.A. 100% % C. 110%83. Which of the following actions performed by the nominated bank is notregard as the action of honor( D )A. to pay at sight under sight payment creditB. to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity underdeferredpayment creditC. to accept the draft and pay at maturity under acceptance cre


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