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1、七年级英语上学期期中试卷(分值:100分时间:90分钟)I-单项选择(每题0.5分,共10分)1. Whose sweater is this?A. Yes, it' s my sweaterB. They are her sweatersC. No, it' s not my sisterD. It' s her sweater2. My mother usually goes shoppingSunday with me.A. inB. atC. onD.with3. It' s cold,pleaseyour coat.A. wearB. putC. pu

2、t onD. wears4. Last night,there was a food accident. Thewere ill, butnowere lost.A. child, livesB. children, life C. children, lives D.child, life5. 一This is a photo ofwhenthey were young.一OK,how happy they both looked!A. myfather and motherB.my mother and father' sC. mymother' s andfatherf

3、sD. my father' s and mymother6. The newstudent isin,GradeTwo.A. ClassThirdB. Third Class C.ClassThreeD. Threeclass7.Can Ihelp you?six apples.A. likeB. takeC. eatD.drink8.Are you readyYes, please. Iwould like somedumplings.A. orderingB. orderC. to orderD.orders9. I like porridgebreakfast, and I u

4、sually put milk and sugarit.A.for; forB. on; onC. for;inD. on; for10.I don' t havericeat home, butI havemeat.A.some; some B. any; someC. any;anyD. some; any11.Could Isomemilk,please?Yes, here you are.A. likeB. wantC. haveD. eat12. 一Good night, Mum.,Li Ming.A. That' s fineB. Good nightC. You&

5、#39; re welcomeD.Thank you13.My favourite food is fishand dumplings.A. What' s your favourite foodB. Can I helpyouC. Do you like fish or dumplingsD. Would you like some fish ordumplings14. Would you like some hot dogs?A. No, thanksB.No, I would notC. Yes, I wouldD.Yes, I like15. Li Ping, is this

6、 your pencil?Yes, thanks.A. That' s right B. That' s all right C. OKD. Allright16. is the ruler?-It' s here.A. WhatB. How C. WhereD. Which17. Is this apple?Yes, it' sred apple.D. a, anD. youA. an, an B. an, aC. a, a18. Is this room?Yes, it is.A. heB. hisC. I19. Your eraser is very ni

7、ce.A.Thank youB.You are rightc.No, you' re wrongD. No, it' s not good20.Let me show _ around.A.IB. youC. sheD. hen.完形填空(每题1分,共io分)MAN: Good morning. Can I help you?BOY: Yes, please. I want a computer.MAN: This is 2 nice computer.BOY: 3 is it?MAN:4 about 5000 yuan.BOY: 5000 yuan! 5 a lot of m

8、oney.MAN: It' s an American computer. American computers are very 6 , but they are very expensive, too.BOY: Do you have Chinese computers?MAN: Yes, we 7 , These computers are made 8 China.BOY: Well, this computer looks nice.MAN: 4000 yuan.BOY: Oh, sorry,MAN: How aboutI don' t have so 9 money

9、.this one ? Only 3500 yuan . It isfrom Japan (日本)。BOY:That' s OK.r n10it.1.A.buyB. buysC. lookD. to buy2.A.aB. theC. myD. I3.A.How muchB. HowmanyC. How tallD. How4.A.This isB. It' sC. That'sD.Thesej are5.A.This isB. ItsC. That'sD.Thesej are6.A.deliciousB. goodC. hungryD. ready7.A.are

10、B. willC. hasD. do8.A.inB. onC. ofD. to9.A.manyB. a lotC. muchD. any10.A.takeB. takesC. to takeD.willtakeHL阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)AMary: Let' s play computer games.Gina: That sounds great. Where' s your computer?Mary: I don' t have a computer. Do you have a computer?Gina: No, I don' t. But I

11、 have a TV. Let' s watch TV.Mary: No, that sounds boring. Let' s play tennis. I have a tennis bat.Gina: Good. Where is it?Mary: On the sofa. Do you have a bat?Gina:No, I don' t . Does yourbrother have a bat?Mary: Yes,he does. And he hastennis balls.1. Does Mary have a computer?A. She has

12、 two computers.C. No, she doesn' tcomputer2. Who has a TV?A. Mary.C. Mary' s brother.B. Yes, she does.D. She doesn ' t have aB. Gina.D. Gina' s brother.3. Does Gina have a tennis bat?C. No, shedoesnt t.D. She doesn' t have tennisA. Yes, she does.B. She has two tennis bats.bats.4.

13、 Does Mary have a tennis bat?A. She has two tennis bats.C. No, she doesn' t.B. Yes, she does.D. She doesn* t have tennis bats.5. Does Mary' s brother have tennisballs?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn' tC. He has tennis balls.D. He doesn' t have tennis bats.I' m Tangtang. This is a

14、 picture of my family. There are six peoplein it. My grandmother and grandfather are sitting on the sofa. Dad isstanding beside me. He is wearing a brown sweater. Today is my birthday.I am wearing an orange dress. The dress is new, and it' s from my father.My mother makes a birthday cake for me.

15、 The cake is in her hands. Oh! Whereis Doudou? He is beside my grandmother. We have a good day today.1. How many people are there in the family?A. Three.B. Four C. FiveD. Six2. What colour is Dad' s sweater?A. RedB. BlueC. Brown3. Whose birthday is it today?A. Mum' s B. Grandfather* s C. Tan

16、gtang' sD. OrangeD. Doudou'4. Who makes a birthday cake?A. DadB. Mum5. Where is Doudou?A. He is beside Tangtang.C. He is beside his grandmother.C. Grandmother D. TangtangB. He is sitting on the sofa.D. He is above hisgrandmother.There is a big shop near my home. There are many different thin

17、gs in it. Many people go shopping in this shop every day. They are young and old, women and men. It' s Sunday afternoon. My mother and I are in the shop. Mother wants to buy some food for supper. She gets some meat, fish and 30 eggs. They all look fresh and they are very cheap. I want a colour p

18、encil and a knife. The people in the shop are very friendly. The shop opens early in the morning and closes late in the evening. People can getthings after work.near my home.1. There is a A. schoolB. hospital2. Who can go to the shop?A. Only teachers and students.C. Only children.C. shop D. post off

19、iceB. Only boys and girlsD. All the people3. The things in the shop are very .A. freshB. cheapC. expensive D. fresh andcheap4. I want to buy in the shop.A. a colour pencil and a knifeB. some meatC. fishD. 30 eggs5. Which sentence is right according to the passage?A. The shop is very far from my home

20、.B. Mum and I go to the shop in a morning.C. The people in the shop are very friendly.D. After work, people usually can' t buy things from the shop.Taiwan is in the southeast of China. It has a very special park. Thatis Kenting National Park. In the park there are sunny beaches, fine weather, an

21、d beautiful forests (森林).Every year, thousands of people visit the park. People from other cities love visiting the park.At Kenting National Park, there are a lot of fun things to do. You can play in the water and relax on the beaches. You can visit the beautiful garden. Do you want to come to visit

22、 Kenting National Park? Welcome toKenting National Park.1. This passage is about aA. parkB. foodC. schoolD.house2. In the park wecan seeA. movies B.cinemasC. beachesD.villages3. In the park wecanA. swimB.wash clothes C. flyD.watch TV4.people love visitingthe park.A. AllB. MuchC. NoD. Many5. The park

23、 is in theChina.A. eastB. westC. southeastD. southwestM任务型阅读(每题2分,共10分)The Johnson family are at home. Mr. Johnson is in the kitchen(厨房).He is cooking. Mrs. Johnson is in the living room. She is sitting in an armchair. She is reading a book. Tommy and his friend, Rieky, are in the garden. They are w

24、ashing the car. Sue and her friend, Garol, are in her bedroom. They are playing a computer game.13题为简略回答问题;4题为判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误); 5题为英译汉。1. Where is Mr. Johnson?2. What are Tommy and his friend doing?3. Is Sue playing a computer game?4. frs Johnson is cooking in the kitchen.()5. Put the underline

25、d sentence in the passage into Chinese.V.连词成句(每题2分,共10分)1. is, English, this, what, in (?)2. books, have, do, how, you, many (?)3. go, I, on, school, to, foot (.)4. weather, warm, spring, the, is, in (.)5. they, English, can, speak, or, French (?)VI.句型转换(每题1分,共10分)1. They have a TV.(对划线部分提问) they ha

26、ve?2. His sister has computer games.(改为一般疑问句) his sister computer games?3. Jim can play computer games. (改为否定句)4. He likes pens.(改为否定句)He pens.5. Can you sing?(作否定回答), I.6. This is a book.(改为复数形式) some 7. Nancy eats lunch at school.(同义句转换) Nancy at school.8. I will buy her a present.(同义句转换)I willher

27、.9. The children are at home today.(对划线部分提问) the children today?10. I can play ping-pang.(改为一般疑问句) _ youping-pang?vn.书面表达(io分)请以My Family为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的家人。七年级英语上学期期中试卷试卷分析I.单项选择1. D解析:特殊疑问句要根据事实回答,而不用Yes或N。作答;B项为复 数形式,与问句中is this不符,故只有D项正确。2. C解析:表示“在星期几”,星期名词前的介词用。n。故选C。3. C解析:句意:“天气冷,请穿上你的外套”,用put

28、on强调动作,意为 “穿上”,故选C。4. C解析:由两个空后面的两个were可知都要填名词的复数形式,child复 数形式为children (孩子们);life复数形式为lives (生命),故选C。5. B解析:本题考查双重所有格形式。由“This is a photo of”可知是一 张父亲与母亲的合影,故四个选项中寻找只在最后加's的,只有B选项。6. C解析:在书写班级和年级时,数字要用基数词,并写在班级或年级后面, 且班级、年级和数字都要大写,故本题选C。7. B解析:表示“买”时要用动词take。8. C解析:be ready to do sth.意为“准备好做某事”。

29、9. C 解析:for breakfast意为“作为早饭”;put. . in it意为“在里面 放”,故选C。10. B解析:some用于肯定句,any用于否定句,故选B。11. C 解析:由"here you are”可知上句意为"要",而"Could I have.”是固定句型“我能要? ”,故选C。12. B 解析:对"Good night.进行应答时也要用"Good night.13. A解析:由答语可知上句要用询问对方喜好的特殊疑问句。14. A 解析:对"Would you like . ?” 作否定回答时,常

30、用"No, thanks”, 故选Ao15. B解析:本题考查情景交际。That' s all right是“不客气”的意思, 故选Bo16. C解析:由答语可知,此句是对地点提问,所以用where,故选C。17. B解析:apple是以元音音素开头的,应用an: red以辅音音素开头,应用a修饰,故选B。18. B解析:本题考查代词。表示某人的房间,这里缺少一个形容词性物主 代词,四个选项中,只有his是形容词性物主代词,故选B。19. A解析:本题考查情景交际。对别人的夸奖,应用Thank you.来回答。20. B解析:show sb. around ”带领某人参观”中

31、sb.用宾格形式,故排除 A、 C、 Don.完形填空1. D解析:考查want to do sth.的固定用法。2. A解析:不定冠词a在这里表示泛指。3. A解析:询问物品的价格时要用How much。4. B解析:it在这里表示价格。5. C解析:that指代前面的5000元。6. B解析:表示电脑等物品质量“好”时,要用形容词good。7. D解析:以“Do you . . . ?”开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答要用“Yes, I/We do.8. A解析:be made in意为“在被制造”。in后接地点。9. C解析:money是不可数名词,要用much来修饰。10. A解析:will

32、是助动词,后面要接动词原形。m.阅读理解A短文:1. C解析:由文章第四句可知选C。2. B解析:由文章第七句可知选B。3. C解析:由文章倒数第四句可知选C。4. B 解析:由 Let' s play tennis. I have a tennis bat.可知选 B。5. A解析:由文章最后一句可知选A。B短文:1. D 解析:由 There are six people in it.可知选 D。2. C 解析:ill Dad is standing beside me . He is wearing a brown sweater.可知选Co3. C 解析:由 Today is

33、my birthday.可知选 C。4. B 解析:由 My mother makes a birthday cake for me .可知选 B。5. C 解析:ill Where is Doudou? He is beside my grandmother.可矢口选 C。C短文:1. C 解析:从"There is a big shop near my home. 可知选 C。2. D 解析:从“They are young and old, women and men. 可知选 D。3. D 解析:从“They all look fresh and they are very cheap. 可知选 Do4. A 解析:从"I want a colour pencil and a knife. 可知选 A。5. C 解析:从"The people in the shop are very friendly. 可知选 C。D短文:1. A 解析:从“It has a very special park. That is Renting National Park. 可知选Ao2. C 解析: 从 “In the park there are sunny beaches, fine weather, and bea


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