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1、原来生活可以更美的行业动态周报制冷集团海外市场部2011年 第六期 (2月6日-2月12日)目 录本期推荐 Mabe公司决定撤走其巴西市场自有品牌经过30个月、投资超过6千万美元的努力付出,墨西哥的Mabe公司近日还是决定放弃其在巴西市场的自有家电品牌销售,并基本确定将同时撤下博世的产品,而继续以Dako,Continental和GE几个品牌销售(Mabe公司于2008年开始在巴西推广其自有品牌产品,2009年7月刚完成了对博世集团巴西分公司的收购)。家电商 博世家电公司庆祝集团诞辰125周年博世家电公司近日庆祝了其母公司博世集团诞辰125周年。博世家电是博世西门子家电的一部分,秉承“为生活而

2、创造”的公司理念,力求家电的精确制造、现代设计和节能效率。 伊莱克斯上季度净利润小幅上升,但销售额却降低瑞典家电制造商伊莱克斯宣布其去年第四季度净利润上升了2个百分点至1.06亿美元,但是销售额却因汇率等原因从去年的282亿克朗(44.64亿美元)降低到了276亿克朗(43.66亿美元)。伊莱克斯公司由于实施关闭其加拿大的工厂等重组办法,和欧洲工厂的裁员措施成功的降成了成本。虽然业绩公布后伊莱克斯股票下滑,但伊莱克斯首席执行官Keith McLoughlin对经营业绩仍表示自豪。 三菱电机宣布其2010年后9个月盈利增长迅猛三菱电机前段时间宣布其2010年4月到12月的盈利增长迅猛。这是由于日

3、本政府推行的节能家电补助计划Eco-point环保点数使家电产品销售快速增长。在2010年后9个月间,集团净利润达1169亿日元(14.26亿美元),而年同期则为亏损亿日元;营运利润提升了3.5番达到1925.5亿日元(23.38亿美元)。销售收入则上涨12.6%到亿美金。 LG的9项产品在德国获红点设计奖LG公司的9项产品在近期于德国汉诺威举行的国际论坛(IF)设计大奖赛上获得了红点设计大奖。大赛有来自43个国家超过2700件产品参选,LG公司的3D电视,滚筒洗衣机和LED照明设备被评获奖,并且公司还获得了“再回收环保设计”大奖。红点奖评选主要关注产品的环保程度,可回收材料使用和产品的多功能

4、。 斯诺文尼亚Gorenje将在塞尔维亚东部组建洗、干衣机组装线斯诺文尼亚家电制造商Gorenje近日宣布计划将在东塞尔维亚Zajecar地区组建一条洗、干衣机组装线,同时公司表示出于经济考虑,有可能将其斯诺文尼亚Sostanj的洗衣机塑料件制造工厂也迁往塞尔维亚,届时将会从现有132名员工中裁员50名,但并未表示新厂是否也会迁到Zajecar。Zajecar工厂将于12个月内开始运作,初期投资达290万欧元(397万美元)。Gorenje公司表示现今所有的洗干衣机生产仍将在斯诺文尼亚的Velenje母工厂进行,而Zajecar的生产线则主要针对塞尔维亚和其他东欧国家的产品销售,以充分利用当地

5、的成本优势以及巴尔干地区和俄罗斯等国家的贸易协定。专业渠道 印度Blue Star(蓝星)计划2012财年家用空调销量达27万台,市场占有率提升到9%印度蓝星公司近日宣布其2012财年的家用空调销量目标为27万台,以达到计划9%的市场份额。公司本财年家用空调销量目标19万台,销售重点瞄准孟买,德黑兰,加尔各答等较大的市场,目前市场份额4%。此外,今年将投资2亿卢比(446万美元)于广告宣传。并且有意在印度西边或南边新建其第6个制造工厂。零售渠道 百思买将推行沃尔玛天天平价式的定价政策世界最大消费电子品零售商百思买可能减少使用战术性降价,而采取更直接的类似于沃尔玛天天平价的销售策略。百思买近年销

6、售增长缓慢,据Bloomberg公司预计,今年收入可能仅增长1.2%到503亿美元,将是百思买至少10年以来的最慢增长速度。但是百思买的新降价政策效果如何还有待观望。其它 美国节能联盟称2014制冷设备能效平均增长将达25%根据美国节能联盟最新的预测报告表明,从2010年底开始实施的美国能源总署新节能政策将在2014年看到效果:由于新政策标准涉及冰箱、冰柜、洗衣机、干以及、洗碗机和空调等种家电产品,并且后续的“能源之星”认证计划将会与智能电网、以及相关产品免税刺激等计划更多关联,届时大多数新型冰箱将平均增长25%的能效,一台560L大小的冰箱(上置冷冻室)耗能将仅为每年390千瓦时,相比上世纪

7、90年代年时每年900千瓦时的耗能有大幅降低。 印度钢铁原材料价格又一轮提升印度各大钢铁公司近期均提升了其钢铁原材料价格,印度钢铁管理局有限公司(SAIL)上周板材价格每吨增长了1000卢比,长材钢每吨价格增长1200卢比;Bhushan公司每吨提升1500卢比,提升幅度达3%。而受洪水的影响澳大利亚昆士兰的焦炭价格也将持续攀升,本季度已达到225美元一吨,下季度预计会涨到250美元一吨。【正 文】本期推荐Brazil:Mabe to Withdraw own brand and BoschMabe公司决定撤走其巴西市场的自有品牌经过30个月、投资超过6千万美元的努力付出,墨西哥的Mabe公司

8、近日还是决定放弃其在巴西市场的自有家电品牌销售,并基本确定将同时撤下博世的产品,而继续以Dako,Continental和GE几个品牌销售(Mabe公司于2008年开始在巴西推广其自有品牌产品,2009年7月刚完成了对博世集团巴西分公司的收购)。After roughly 30 months and investment in excess of US$60mil, Mabe of Mexico has decided to abandon the idea of successfully selling its own brand of electrodomestics in Brazil.

9、 The manufacturer will almost certainly withdraw Bosch products too, since it holds the sales rights (acquired in July 2009 from BSH Brasil. The Mexican group will thus continue with just Dako, Continental and GE locally. Yesterday, Mabes HR director Eduardo Mello Batista met with representatives of

10、 the Sindicato (union) dos Trabalhadores Metalurgicos from Campinas and the surrounding region, home to three of five Mabe-owned plants in Brazil.The union learned that the Campinas plant will produce ovens and stoves from now on, the work having previously been split between Campinas and Hortolandi

11、a. Fridge-freezers will be made in Hortolandia and Itu with the Hortolandia plant also to take on electrodomestic-component manufacture, replacing Itu and outsourced operations. Jair Santos, the unions leader, says that the firm denied that Bosch and Mabe products would be discontinued in Brazil. Ma

12、be meanwhile has stated that it will launch products for new categories as of next month. The Mexican group arrived in Brazil in 2003 but only launched its own brand in 2008. 【返回目录】家电商Bosch Home Appliances Celebrates 125 Years of the Bosch Group博世家电公司庆祝集团成立125周年博世家电公司近日庆祝了其母公司博世集团诞辰125周年。博世家电是博世西门子家

13、电的一部分,秉承“为生活而创造”的公司理念,力求家电的精确制造、现代设计和节能效率。Proudly celebrates the 125th anniversary of its parent company, The Bosch Group. Established by Robert Bosch in 1886, The Bosch Group includes more than 300 subsidiaries and regional companies in over 60 countries, and has a workforce of 280,000 associates w

14、orldwide. In the U.S., Bosch home appliances is headquartered in Huntington Beach, CA. The company also operates an appliance park in New Bern, N.C. comprised of state-of-the-art factories for washers, dryers, ranges, ovens and cooktops.Robert Bosch founded his company with a strong commitment to cu

15、stomers, famously saying, Wed rather lose money than the trust of our customers. Bosch continues this commitment by delivering innovations Invented for Life. For Bosch home appliances, Invented for Life means ensuring precision, modern design and efficient performance in its appliances. Sustainabili

16、ty plays an important role at Bosch home appliances and has been part of Boschs DNA since its founding. Sustainability at Bosch appliances has evolved to acting in a responsible manner across the board from manufacturing, to efficiency during product life and ensuring product recyclability when its

17、life cycle is over.About Bosch Home Appliances Bosch home appliances is part of BSH Bosch and Siemens Home Appliance Group, the third largest appliance manufacturer in the world. Known worldwide for raising standards in appliance efficiency and quietness, Bosch is the only US appliance manufacturer

18、with entire product lines of ENERGY STAR qualified dishwashers, washers and refrigeration. Bosch has earned the Partner of the Year Award for Appliances two years in a row. VitaFresh is a trademark of BSH Home Appliances Corporation; all rights reserved. 【返回目录】Net profit for Swedish appliance maker

19、Electrolux marginally higher in Q4 but sales disappoint伊莱克斯净利润小幅提高但销售额却不理想瑞典家电制造商伊莱克斯宣布其去年第四季度净利润上升了2个百分点至1.06亿美元,但是销售额却因汇率等原因从去年的282亿克朗(44.64亿美元)降低到了276亿克朗(43.66亿美元)。伊莱克斯公司由于实施关闭其加拿大的工厂等重组办法,和欧洲工厂的裁员措施成功的降成了成本。虽然业绩公布后伊莱克斯股票下滑,但伊莱克斯首席执行官Keith McLoughlin对经营业绩仍表示自豪。Swedish home appliance maker Electro

20、lux AB on Wednesday reported a 2 per cent rise in fourth quarter net profits thanks to lower restructuring costs in Europe and North America, but sales fell, disappointing market expectations. The company, headquartered in Stockholm, posted a net profit of 677 million kronor ($106 million), up sligh

21、tly from 664 million kronor in the same three months a year earlier.The figure was lifted by lower costs related to restructuring measures in a Canadian appliance plant as well as staff cuts in its European work force. Sales slipped to 27.6 billion kronor from 28.2 billion kronor a year ago, mainly

22、due to unfavourable exchange rates. Investors dumped Electrolux shares upon release of the earnings, sending them 5 per cent lower to 172.80 kronor ($26.99) in early trade on the Stockholm stock exchange.New CEO Keith McLoughlin, who assumed his post on Jan. 1, declared himself pleased with the resu

23、lts, saying that despite pricier raw materials and tough competition, his company has managed to improve results in all its business areas. “I am extremely proud, he said, noting that product mixes improved in both Europe and North America and that significant earnings improvement occurred in the im

24、portant Oceania, Southeast Asia and Northern regions of Asia/Pacific. Full year earnings were also higher in Latin America. Full year profits reached nearly 4 billion kronor, up from 2.6 billion kronor, thanks to lower expenses. For 2011, McLoughlin warned that the costs of raw materials are expecte

25、d to increase between 1.5 billion kronor and 2 billion kronor on the previous year. To offset those costs, McLoughlin said Electrolux plans to make a general increase in its own prices in North America. In Europe, price increases will be more selective. It will take time to implement price increases

26、 and we will begin to see the positive effect in the second quarter, he said. Electrolux, which makes refrigerators and vacuum cleaners, is due to launch a cost-cutting program within its global operations. The measures, which will start at a cost of 500 kronor million a year in 2011 and 2012, are e

27、xpected to save the company some 2-2.5 billion kronor a year with full effect from 2015. For 2011, the group said it expects appliance demand in North America and Europe to grow modestly, with most of it coming through in the second half.【返回目录】Mitsubishi Electric Returns to black on brisk sales三菱电机去

28、年后9个月盈利增长迅猛三菱电机前段时间宣布其2010年4月到12月的盈利增长迅猛。这是由于日本政府推行的节能家电补助计划Eco-point环保点数使家电产品销售快速增长。在2010年后9个月间,集团净利润达1169亿日元(14.26亿美元),而年同期则为亏损亿日元;营运利润提升了3.5番达到1925.5亿日元(23.38亿美元)。销售收入则上涨12.6%到亿美金。Mitsubishi Electric Corp. said Wednesday it returned to the black in the April to December period thanks to brisk sal

29、es of home appliances backed mainly by the governments eco-point incentives.In the nine-month period, the electronics maker posted a group net profit of 116.90 billion yen in a turnaround from a year-before net loss of 2.84 billion yen, as group operating profit jumped by about 3.5-fold to 192.55 bi

30、llion yen, it said.Group sales rose 12.6 percent from a year earlier to 2.60 trillion yen as its home-appliance products such as air conditioners, liquid crystal display TVs and refrigerators drew sharp demand before the scale-down last December of the subsidy program for the purchases of environmen

31、tally friendly appliances, it said.Air conditioners also drew high demand overseas due to the heat wave last summer, while photovoltaic systems saw growth globally thanks to subsidies and other stimulus programs in various countries, it said. The company also saw sales growth in such sectors as indu

32、strial automation systems and electronic devices, it said. It left unchanged its earnings projections for the full fiscal year to March with a group net profit of 115 billion yen, up 306.7 percent from the year before, on group sales of 3.56 trillion yen, up 6.2 percent. 【返回目录】LG wins 9 red dot desi

33、gn awardsLG的9项产品德国获红点设计奖LG公司的9项产品在近期于德国汉诺威举行的国际论坛(IF)设计大奖赛上获得了红点设计大奖。大赛有来自43个国家超过2700件产品参选,LG公司的3D电视,滚筒洗衣机和LED照明设备被评获奖。红点奖评选主要关注产品的环保程度,可回收材料使用和产品的多功能。LG Electronics, a global leader in consumer electronics and home appliances, has won the acclaimed red dot design awards for nine of its products at

34、the recent IF (International Forum) Design Award in Hannover. LG was honoured for the ninth year in a row at the IF Design Award, which saw participation from 43 countries with more than 2,700 products. The award winning products included Nano Full LED 3D TV, a front loading washing machine and LED

35、lighting. LG was also honored with the red dot: grand prix for its reusable eco-package design.Only six out of the total of 6,369 entries received this exclusive award from the red dot jurors. The design was noted for using eco-friendly and recyclable materials as well as for its high versatility -

36、the packaging can be reused as a photo frame or a pencil stand, among other purposes. Design has been a part of LGs DNA since our founding and being recognized with these prestigious awards year after year is testament that we must be doing something right, said H S Paik, president of LG Electronics

37、 Gulf. But looking good has never been enough for us. What really makes products beautiful is how they improve customers lives.【返回目录】专业渠道Blue Star eyes 9 percent market share in room air-conditioning印度蓝星目标2012家用空调市场占有率提升到9%印度蓝星公司近日宣布其2012财年的家用空调销量目标为27万台,以达到计划9%的市场份额。公司本财年家用空调销量目标19万台,销售重点瞄准孟买,德黑兰,加

38、尔各答等较大的市场,目前市场份额4%。此外,今年将投资2亿卢比(美元)于广告宣传,并且有意在印度西边或南边新建其第6制造工厂。Air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration major Blue Star is eyeing a nine percent market share in room air-conditioning segment by selling 270,000 units of air-conditioners in FY12, a top executive of the company said Monday.We targ

39、et to sell about 190,000 units of air-conditioners in room air-conditioning segment this fiscal. Now our market share in the segment is four percent, said B. Thiagarajan, president, air-conditioning and refrigeration product group, Blue Star. He was talking to reporters at a press meet here on the o

40、ccasion of announcing the companys foray into the room air-conditioning segment. Informing that currently Blue Star had a portfolio of 35 models of air-conditioners, he said it would launch another 15 models next fiscal. We will invest Rs.20 crore in a few months for advertisement, in which Rs.5 cro

41、re will be spent on the coming cricket world cup he added. Stating that now the company has five manufacturing units in India, he said: Our ambition is to set up a new manufacturing unit some where in south or west (India). Blue Star will focus on large markets like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata to sell

42、 room air-conditioners, Thiagarajan added. 【返回目录】Slovenias Gorenje To Set up Washer/Drier Assembly Line in Serbias Zajecar斯诺文尼亚Gorenje在Serbia洗干衣机生产线斯诺文尼亚家电制造商Gorenje近日宣布计划将在东塞尔维亚Zajecar地区组建一条洗、干衣机组装线,同时公司表示出于经济考虑,有可能将其斯诺文尼亚Sostanj的洗衣机塑料件制造工厂也迁往塞尔维亚,届时将会从现有132名员工中裁员50名,但并未表示新厂是否也会迁到Zajecar。Zajecar工厂将

43、于12个月内开始运作,初期投资达290万欧元(397万美元)。Gorenje公司表示现今所有的洗干衣机生产仍将在斯诺文尼亚的Velenje母工厂进行,而Zajecar的生产线则主要针对塞尔维亚和其他东欧国家的产品销售,以充分利用当地的成本优势以及巴尔干地区和俄罗斯等国家的贸易协定。BELGRADE (Serbia), January 24 (SeeNews) - Slovenian home appliances maker Gorenje (LJE:GRVG) said on Monday it plans to set up an assembly line for washers and

44、 driers in Zajecar, in eastern Serbia. The company also said in a filing with the Ljubljana bourse that it plans to relocate to Serbia the production of plastic wash basins from its Sostanj plant in Slovenia as manufacturing operations there are no longer economically viable.It was not immediately c

45、lear if the Serbian wash basins production unit will also be set up in Zajecar. Gorenje said it will launch the planned business operations in Zajecar within 12 months from the signing of the relevant binding contracts. The initial investment is planned at approximately 2.9 million euro ($3.97 milli

46、on), the company said, not specifying if the figure covers only the assembly line or possibly the planned plastic wash basins unit as well. Gorenje believes that it will sign the agreement on its investment in Zajecar with the Serbian government and the city of Zajecar by the end of January, the sta

47、tement said. All washing machines and driers will still be manufactured at the parent company plant in Velenje, in Slovenia, the statement said, adding that the assembly of appliances bound for sale in Serbia and some Eastern European countries will take place in Zajecar.The assembly in Serbia will

48、allow Gorenje to reap the advantages of a free trade agreement that the Balkan country has with Russia and some other countries in the region. As a result, Gorenje will boost their sales in these markets which are highly important for the Groups profitability. Moreover, the Zajecar investment will t

49、hus positively affect the output of washing machines and dishwashers at the Velenje plant, allowing the company to maintain the jobs at the parent company location the statement said.The Zajecar complex that will house Gorenjes manufacturing operations comprises two production halls with a total are

50、a of 18,000 square metres on a 14-hectare property. The relocation of the wash basins production will reduce the number of employees in Sostanj to about 50 from the current 132. The layoffs are likely to take place in the second half of 2011.The Zajecar location also offers possibilities for manufac

51、turing components and expanding the groups activities in the field of ecology, consistent with the companys strategic plan to become the leading provider of comprehensive waste management services in Southeastern Europe, the statement said. Gorenje already has operations at two other locations in Se

52、rbia: a refrigeration appliance plant in Valjevo, and a water heater plant at the manufacturing complex in Stara Pazova. The decision to invest in the Serbian town was adopted in compliance with Gorenjes strategic plans which include partial internationalisation of operations, including relocating t

53、he production of low-priced products to low-cost countries while maintaining the production of high value-added products in Slovenia. Gorenje shares closed flat at 12.8 euro on Monday. 【返回目录】零售渠道Best Buy may move to Wal-Mart style prices百思买将转向沃尔玛天天平价式的定价政策世界最大消费电子品零售商百思买可能减少使用战术性降价,而采取更直接的类似于沃尔玛天天平价

54、的销售策略。百思买近年销售增长缓慢,据Bloomberg公司预计,今年收入可能仅增长1.2%到503亿美元,将是百思买至少10年以来最慢的增长速度。但是百思买的新降价政策效果如何还有待观望。RICHFIELD, Minn. - Best Buy, the worlds largest consumer electronics retailer, may curtail three decades of tactical discounting and move instead to its own version of the everyday prices pioneered by Wal-

55、Mart Stores. With Americans increasingly using smartphones to comparison shop, consumers are unwilling to wait for sales if they find better deals elsewhere, said Mike Vitelli, executive vice president and co-head of the North America division. We have to move rapidly in recognizing the transparency

56、 of pricing, Vitelli, 55, said in an interview at Best Buys headquarters in Richfield, Minn. Internal discussions about making the switch are at an early stage, he said.In December, Best Buy cut its profit outlook for the year ending this month to between $3.20 and $3.40 a share, down from $3.55 to

57、$3.70, citing falling domestic demand for televisions, notebook computers and gaming software. It lost TV sales after Wal-Mart and Target discounted prices on their least expensive models on the Black Friday weekend in late November while Best Buy delayed price cuts until December, Vitelli said. The

58、 retailer has tried new tactics to keep customers from defecting to rivals. In December, the company dropped fees it charges to take back merchandise. On Feb. 6, it officially kicked off a product buyback program with a Super Bowl commercial starring Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne.Typically everyday pricing is a pledge that a retailer will offer the best price it can get from suppliers and still make money on each item. Best Buy may not be able to generate enough consumer interest to make up for lower average selling prices, said Michael Pachter, a


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