外延版高中英语必修一Module 2 My New Teachers(教案)_第1页
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外延版高中英语必修一Module 2 My New Teachers(教案)_第3页
外延版高中英语必修一Module 2 My New Teachers(教案)_第4页




1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选外研版高中英语必修一Module 2 My New Teachers教师个人信息:姓名:刘学真  单位:四川省自贡市富顺第三中学  职务:教师职称:中教高级  电话一、教案背景:1、教学对象:高一     学科:英语  2. 课型:阅读课       课时:第2课时二、教学课题:Module 2My New Teachers

2、 阅读课三、教材分析:1. 内容分析:本模块从学生的角度描述了不同教师的课堂教学风格,说明了不同学生对不同教学风格的偏爱,极富真实性。2. 学情分析:,刚升入高中的学生还没有掌握略读,跳读等阅读技巧,及识别关键词,确定主题句等策略。并且大部分学生基础薄弱,英语阅读能力较差,学习主动性不够。但是学生态度认真,思维活跃,敢于提出不同见解,能较好地展开话题讨论,各抒己见。因而采取多媒体教学,设置感兴趣的话题来激发学生交流和学习的兴趣,使学生始终处于积极、主动的思考、探究的状态中,创造充满活力的课堂气氛。3. 教学目标:1.通过阅读让学生熟悉课文内容并理解介绍教师风格及师

3、生关系的课文,获取信息并掌握和理解作者的观点。2,掌握介绍某个教师的要点和方法。3.提高学生的阅读能力,培养阅读技巧。4.培养热爱老师、尊敬老师与老师和睦相处的美好情感。4. 教学重难点:. 帮助学生掌握文章大意,理清文章脉络,提高略读、查读的能力。. 培养学生合作意识,锻炼学生英语口语表达能力,提高学生的自信心。四、教学方法:任务型教学、合作学习与探究、小组讨论五、教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的3      3  10    

4、                   12                 9       3,      &

5、#160;    Step          Step           Step                  Step   

6、60; Step       Lead-in1.Have a free talk(1).Do you like your teachers?(2).Which teacher do you like most? And why?2. Make use of the multimedia to show the picture of some teachers and invite students to watch the video about some kind

7、s of teachers.ListeningListen to the tape and answer the questions:1) Which teachers do student like most?2) Who is very good teacher but is serious and strict?Fast-readingTask 1 Match these words with their meanings (读前热身)dare          

8、60; the wrong way                  good-looking               move your hand through the airincorrectly     &#

9、160;         handsomewave about             be brave enough to do somethingfirst impression             how someone seems to

10、you the first time you meet themTask 2: Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the following questions:1)What subject do you think Mr Li is teaching?2)Do all the students like Mrs Chen?3)Which teachers explain things clearly?4)Who is the most popular teacher?5)What does the writer think of

11、 the three teachers?Task 3: Read this passage again and judge whether these statements are true (T) of false (F).1. My first impression Mrs li left on me was that she was nervous and shy.( )2 .Mrs Chen avoids making you feel stupid. (      )3.Mr Hus only been teaching u

12、s for three weeks. (     )4. We dont dare to say a word unless Mr Hu asks us to . (      )5.Most students really appreciate Mrs Chen ,because her teaching is very organized and clear.  (      )Su

13、ggested answers: 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TCareful-readingTask 1: Read the passage carefully and complete the chart below.My newteachersTeacherSubjectCharacterTeachingStudents reactionMrs LiEnglish3.kind , patient Clear,andnot makingstudents feel stupidlikeworkingwith herMrs Chen2. physics strictseriou

14、s5. well organized, clear 6.appreciate her1. Mr Wu Chinese4. amusing ,energeticfunnyrespecthim a lotTask 2: According to the chart above, retell the passage. Today I will talk about three my new teachers; Mrs Li , Mrs Chen and Mr Wu . Mrs LiGroup discussionTask 1: Which teacher do you like

15、 most, Mrs Li , Mrs Chen or Mr Wu?(Ask students to work in pairs to have a conversation and ask some pairs to make a report to all the class.)Task 2:  How to introduce a teacher?(Ask students to work together in groups to have a discussion and each group choose one to make a report to all

16、the class.)Summary and homework-writingWrite a short passage about your new teachers and their teaching method (   at least two teachers).    Talk and give their opinions. Appreciate some cartoons.Listen to the tape and finish the exercise.  Read and

17、 learn the new words.     Do the exercise.      Do the exercise and correct the mistakes.    Fill in the blanks.           Retell the passageAsk and answer in pairs. 

18、;    Discuss in groups and report to the whole class.              通过自由话题最喜欢老师的讨论,既提高学生的学习兴趣,同时锻炼了学生英语口语表达能力。图片展示几位不同风格的老师,并略带幽默,激发学生进一步学习的欲望,为下面的阅读与作文(如何描绘老师的风格)做好了铺垫,由此导入新课,水到渠成。 听、说、读、写每一项技能都是学好英语的基础。本课

19、内容是通过三段短文的形式展开的,简单易懂,故安排了此项听力训练,让学生得到听力的锻炼。两个问题的设计简单,可操作性强,完成此项练习,学生对整篇文章有了一个大致的了解。 读前单词学习帮助学生扫除阅读生词障碍,英英释意重在训练学生的英语思维。 此任务要求学生在5分钟内完成,限时阅读有利于提高学生的学习效率。此环节主要考察学生的略读能力,任务设计简单,锻炼学生捕捉关键信息的能力。 此环节的设计重在考查学生的细节理解能力。       设空式学案使学生的阅读具有目的性,而且能降低阅读的难度。激发人人参与的热情,使学生探索学习策略,轻松提高能力,体验学习快乐。  此部分是文章的缩写,对重点的单词进行复述练习


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