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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版八年级英语下册 Module 1-2 综合检测题I. 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)1. -Im here to see Miss Katherine Pierce. -Youre late! She _ New Orleans.A. has been toB. went toC. is going toD. has gone to2. Jeremy Gilbert is very _ seeing Bonnie again.A. exciting aboutB. excited aboutC. exciting forD. excited for 3. We

2、 can _someone shouting downstairs.A. listenB. soundC. hearD. listen to4. Matt is good at all the ball games, _ basketball.A. reallyB. mostlyC. exactlyD. especially5. -How about going to the movie tonight? -Great! I _ it yet. When does it start?A. havent seenB. didnt seeC. have seenD. will see6. Elij

3、ah is one of _in the world.A. oldest and cool vampireB. the oldest and coolest vampireC. the oldest and coolest vampiresD. oldest and coolest vampires7. -Damon, have you ever _ abroad?-Many times.A. goneB. goC. beenD. be8. Have you finished your homework _, Stephan?A. alreadyB. yetC. everD. never9.

4、Mayor Lockwood isnt in his office. He _ to the library.A. has goneB. wentC. has beenD. goes10. So far Klaus _ drawing over 200 pictures.A. has finishedB. finishedC. finishesD. will finish11. -_ have you been to Mystic Falls? -Only once.A. How longB. How oftenC.How soonD. How many times12. -When _ yo

5、u _ this nice pair of shoes?-Yesterday.A. have, boughtB. have, buyC. did, buyD. will, buy13. Elena Gilbert is ill. The doctor asked her _ for a few days.A. dont go outsideB. not go outsideC. didnt go outsideD. not to go outside14. Our history teacher _ Beijing for over 12 years.A. has gone toB. has

6、been inC. has come toD. has been to15. The train sounds _ and the seats feel _.A. noisily; comfortableB. noisy; uncomfortableC. noisily; uncomfortableD. noisy; comfortableII完型填空(每小题2分,共24分)I had been a high school teacher for six years and had watched a lot of TV shows about solving cases (破案). I wa

7、s about to begin my dream _16_, something I had wanted for a long, long time.On the first Monday of the Firearm Officer Safety Training we were given guns and by Wednesday we were given our first test. We would score one mark for a hit to the _17_ on the target, and half a mark for anywhere else on

8、the body. When it was my turn, I entered the house _18_. It was dark and I could hardly see a single thing. Suddenly, one of the targets jumped out at me. I _19_ my gun out quickly and fired two shots. He fell to the ground. Another target appeared from behind and I _20_ to get a successful shot. Ju

9、st at the moment, I noticed something in the corner. I fired four shots and then the test ended. I came out of the house, feeling _21_ that I was finally going to pass the test.targetWhen one of the officers followed me out, I couldnt wait to ask, “Did I pass, sir?” “No,” he said angrily. “What? Why

10、?” I wondered. He then _22_ at his shirt and shouted, “See this?_23_ shots! Luckily they were paintballs. I didnt wear any protective gear (装备) because I was just in the corner to _24_ you.”I said sorry to the officer and told him that I was not terrible at other police trainings and I always scored

11、 a high mark when we _25_ telling someone that their family member had died. “Thats good,” he said. “Because when you accidentally _26_ someone with the way you did, you will be able to tell the family very nicely how they died.” In the end, after nine months of what is usually a six-month course, I

12、 realized that people around me would be a lot better off if I _27_ to teaching.I am now the Head of Department for English at a high school. The words of the Rolling Stones spring to mind: You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.16. A.

13、testB. jobC. actionD. chance17. A. legsB. arms C. head D. chest18. A. nervouslyB. happilyC. carefullyD. quietly19. A. pulledB. pickedC. heldD. found20. A. triedB. startedC. decidedD. managed21. A. proudB. confidentC. pleasedD. surprised22. A. lookedB. knockedC. pointedD. laughed 23. A. TwoB.ThreeC.

14、FourD. Five24. A. scoreB. helpC. watchD. protect 25. A. finishedB. practicedC. keptD. enjoyed 26. A. hurtB. hitC. killD. wound 27. A. tookB. changedC. gotD. returned III阅读理解(每小题2分,共26分)AIt was 8:40 in the evening and I was at StarbucksPlaza Singapura, the place we are going to meet. I was 20 minutes

15、 before meeting time. It is not polite to be late for a date for the first time anyway. I waited, looking at the people coming and going. I was daydreaming about today's soccer match I played and started thinking about life and soccer. Life is like soccer. You never know when you are going to ge

16、t hit by the ball in your face. You have to live!As I was trying to relax myself, I felt her appearancethe smell, I can never forget. I looked up and saw her smiling and making her way towards me. She was pretty-looking and she was in fashion. I stood there watching her coming. A bright colored T-sh

17、irt with a beautiful skirt. Wow, I really love girls wearing skirts. It makes them look more attractive and natural.“Sorry I am late.”“No, its OK. I am just early myself.”“So what film are we going to see?”“It's OK, we will check it out later, and anyway what matters most is who I am going to se

18、e it with, not the show.”28. Why was the man at Starbucks alone?A. He got there much too early. B. He was there for his first date.C. He wanted to be more polite.D. He enjoyed watching people there.29. What can you know from “You never know when you are going to get hit by the ball in your face”?A.

19、He was worried about his date. B. Soccer is a difficult game.C. He was afraid to be hit in the face. D. He lost a soccer match.30. What did the man think of the girl at the first sight (视线)?A. She was very young. B. She was very careless.C. She was very fashionable. D. She was very popular.31. What

20、do you know from their dialogue?A. The girl likes seeing films very much. B. The man has two tickets in his pocket.C. The girl looked more attractive and natural than the man. D. The man was good at expressing (表达) himself.32. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The man had mu

21、ch experience in soccer. B. The film would be shown at 9:00.C. The girl likes bright color clothes very much. D. The man forgot the name of the film.BIf you look through the Surui reserve (保护区) with Google Earth, you will see a green area in the middle of yellow surroundings. Once, the Paiter-Surui

22、tribe (部落) lived in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. But after the tribe met with Westerners years ago, they nearly disappeared: diseases brought by outsiders reduced the Suruis numbers from 5,000 to about 250.Today, some 1,300 people live in 23 villages across 600,000 acres (英亩). Thoug

23、h they are wearing T-shirts and jeans, the Surui decide to protect the tribal culture. They are in danger again. Trees are being cut, animals are being killed, and the forest is becoming smaller and smaller. But this time its different. The Surui people have put aside their bows and arrows and taken

24、 up a new weapon (武器): the Internet.The idea comes from the leader of the Surui, Chief AlmirNarayamoga. “We decided to use computers to bring attention to our situation,” says Narayamoga. The first in his tribe to go to college, he learned how to use computers.The chief asked about the possibility o

25、f making a map of the Surui reserve using Google Earth. An online tour of the reserve, he believed, would help protect the Surui by showing the world the results of cutting trees and the attacks (进攻) on tribal land. It would also tell the government about their situation. This way, Narayamoga hoped

26、to raise money to protect the rainforest by planting one million trees. “Training and education is now our kind of war,” he says. “We know we have to do so.”Narayamogas visit to Google was a great success. The Internet search company sent teams to the Amazon to train the Surui in using computers, ca

27、meras, and phones to photograph their surroundings, which could be found using GPS and then shown on Google Earth. The Surui have now mapped the whole reserve and recorded the animals and plants of the rainforest within it.While their work is supported by some international groups, Narayamoga hopes

28、they can support themselves within ten years, with coffee production and tourism. The great thing about the Surui is that they try to find their own ways to deal with the problems they face.33. How many people are still living in the tribe today?A. About 600,000. B. About 5,000. C. About 1,300. D. A

29、bout 250.34. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 5 possibly mean?A. 地图B. 版图C. 绘制地图D. 规划35. What do the Surui mainly depend on to protect their land?A. Normal tools in life. B. Scientific knowledge.C. Help from outside. D. Information technology. CIt is learnt from the experiences that get muc

30、h more than just keeping fit when they play sports. Many think that sports will waste time, and kids will not concentrate on their studies. _36_. Exercise improves memory, learning and concentration, which can give active kids an advantage in classrooms.Children who play sports learn more about team

31、 work. They start learning the importance of working together._37_, and how much one should struggle (努力) to reach that goal. Playing sports builds confidence and a positive attitude within kids._38_, and help them to be more social and better at communicating with others. This practice makes them m

32、entally and physically strong, which keeps their mind healthy. Martial arts (武术) can teach kids patience. _39_, and it makes them stronger mentally. A. Children also learn from sports how to set a in lifeB. However, kids who play sports do better in schoolC. Swimming can make their shoulders very st

33、rongD. Children who play sports usually waste their timeE. Besides, sports help kids to make new friendsIV根据其内容简要回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分)When Ron Clark began teaching in 1995, his teacher gave him this advice, “If you can influence the life of one child, youll be a success.” Up to now, Ron still doesnt agr

34、ee with that advice. When Ron entered a class, he decided to change every students life for the better.Ron never planned on being a teacher. After college, he travelled around the world, living a life full of adventures, but after getting terribly sick, he returned to his hometown, North Carolina. T

35、hen he taught at a school there. “From then on it was like magic I fell in love with teaching,” said Ron. After five years of teaching, he heard that some schools in East Harlem, New York were failing because there were few good teachers. “At that moment I had a feeling it was like a calling,” he sa

36、id. “And so I said, Im going to do it.”Before school started, Ron went to every single students home and met with their families. He gave his students his home phone number, so if they had any trouble with their homework, they could call him. To connect with his students, Ron knew he should use spec

37、ial teaching methods. He learned to play funny games with them, gave them lively lessons, and spent his time taking students to New Yorks tourist attractions. His students studied harder and behaved(表现)better in return.Because of his efforts in North Carolina and Harlem, Ron Clark has become one of the most successful teachers in America. But, more than anything else, he has become famous for his book called The Essential 55.Sold in over 25 countries, The Essential 55 has encouraged teachers to influence the lives of all of their student


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