1、12ContentsActive Reading 23Why do so many people love football? Is it only because it is exciting? Sometimes it can also be very funny. Now its time for football fun. Lets enjoy the video clip.Warming UpRichard Lindon is believed to have invented the first football with rubber bladders.4TextAbout th
2、e author HeptathlonGo to the text5TextDenise Lewis, the writer, is a British athlete, born in 1972, who won the gold medal for the heptathlon at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. After her 2000 Olympic gold medal event, she was given an OBE (Order of British Empire), an honour given by the Queen, to re
3、cognize her contribution to sports and other championships. In the 2004 Olympic Games she had to withdraw due to injuries. She retired from sports in 2005.6 The heptathlon consists of seven events (“hepta” means “seven” in Greek): Three are track events the 100m hurdles, 200m and 800m events, and fo
4、ur are field events the high jump, shot put, long jump and javelin. On the first day, athletes participate in the 100m hurdles, high jump, shot put and 200m events. The other events are on the second day. The winner is the woman who achieves the highest number of points collected in all the events.
5、She does not need the top score in any single event, but competitors must take part in all the events. Points are calculated for each event by measuring distance and speed. The equivalent event for men is the decathlon (“deka” means “ten” in Greek) with ten events (100m, 400m, 110m hurdles, 1500m, l
6、ong jump, high jump, shot, discus, pole vault and javelin).Text7My dream comes true 1 The rain had started to fall gently through the evening air as darkness descended over Sydney. Hundreds of lights illuminated Stadium Australia, and the noise was deafening. As I walked towards the track I glanced
7、around me at the sea of faces in the stands, but my mind was focused. The Olympic gold medal was just minutes away, hanging tantalisingly in the distance.Text82 My heart was beating loudly, my mouth was dry and the adrenaline was pumping. I was so close to the realisation of my childhood dream and t
8、he feeling was fantastic; it was completely exhilarating, but also terrifying. I knew I would have to push myself beyond my known limits to ensure that my dream came true.Text93 I tried to keep composed, telling myself not to panic, to stick to the plan and run my own race. I knew the Russian girls
9、would set off quickly and I had to finish this race fewer than ten seconds behind the Russian athlete Yelena Prokhorova. If I could do that, the title would be mine. 4 I looked out along the first stretch of the 400m track and caught my breath. The 800m race had punished me so much over the years in
10、 the World, Commonwealth and European Championships and now it stood between me and the Olympic title.Text10 5 The British supporters were cheering so loudly it seemed as if they were the only fans there. I could hear my name being called. I could hear the shouts of encouragement and the cries of ho
11、pe. Union Jacks fluttered all around the vast, beautiful stadium. I felt unified with the crowd we all had the same vision and the same dream. 6 My ankle was bandaged against an injury I had incurred in the long jump just a couple of hours earlier, but I shut out all thoughts of pain. I tried to con
12、centrate on the crowd. They were so vocal. My spirits lifted and I felt composed.Text117 I knew I would do my best, that I would run my heart out and finish the race. I felt the performer in me move in and take over. I had just two laps to run, that was all. Just two laps until the emotional and phy
13、sical strain of the past two days and the last 28 years would be eclipsed by victory or failure. This race was all about survival. Its only two minutes, I kept telling myself, anyone can run for two minutes.Text12 8The starting gun was fired, and the race began. The first lap was good, I managed to
14、keep up with the group, but I was feeling much more tired than I usually did, and much more than Id anticipated. Both the long, hard weeks of training that had led up to this championship, and the exhaustion from two days of gruelling competition were showing in my performance. Mental and physical f
15、atigue were starting to crush me, and I had to fight back.Text139 Prokhorova had set the pace from the start. It was important that I didnt let her get too far in front. I had to stay with her. At the bell I was 2.3 seconds behind her. Just one lap to go. One lap. I could do it. I had to keep going.
16、 In the final 150 metres I could hear the roar of the crowd, giving me a boost at exactly the moment I needed it the most just when my legs were burning and I could see the gap opening between me and the Russian. Thankfully, my foot was holding out, so now it was all down to mental stamina.10 Prokho
17、rova was pulling away. I couldnt let her get too far; I had to stay with her. I began counting down the metres I had left to run: 60 m, 50 m, 40 m, 20m. I could see the clock. I could do it, but it would be close. Then finally the line appeared. I crossed it, exhausted. I had finished.Text1411 As I
18、crossed the line my initial thought was how much harder the race had been than expected, bearing in mind how, only eight weeks before, I had set a new personal best of 2 minutes 12.2 seconds. Then my mind turned to the result. Had I done it? I thought I had. I was aware of where the other athletes w
19、ere, and was sure that Id just made it. But, until I saw it on the scoreboard, I wouldnt let myself believe it. As I stood there, staring up and waiting for confirmation, I tried hard to keep negative thoughts from my mind but I couldnt help thinking, what if I have just missed out? What if Ive been
20、 through all this, and missed out?Text1512 In the distance I could hear the commentary team talking about two days of tough competition, then I could almost hear someone say, “I think shes done enough.” The next thing I knew, Sabine Braun of Germany came over and told me Id won. They had heard befor
21、e me, and she asked what it felt like to be the Olympic champion. I smiled, still not sure.13 Then, the moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life my name in lights. That was when it all hit me. Relief, a moment of calm, and a thank you to my inner self for taking me through these two day
22、s. I felt a tingle through the whole of my body. This was how it is meant to be arms aloft and fists clenched.14 I looked out at the fans, who were waving flags, clapping and shouting with delight. I was the Olympic champion. The Olympic champion.Text16Text梦想成真梦想成真1 当夜幕降临悉尼时,雨也开始悄悄地从夜空中飘落。几百盏灯把澳大利亚体
23、育场照得灯火通明,场内的声音震耳欲聋。走向跑道时我看了一眼四周看台上无数的脸,但我的注意力还是很集中。再过几分钟奥运金牌的归属就要见分晓了,它悬挂在远处,很诱人。17Text2 我的心在剧烈地跳动,口干舌燥,肾上腺素猛增。童年的梦想就要实现了,这种感觉真是太奇妙了:令人非常兴奋,又胆战心惊。我知道,为了确保能梦想成真我必须强迫自己超越已知的极限。18Text3 我极力保持镇静,告诫自己不要紧张,要坚持按原计划做,按自己的节奏跑。我知道那些俄罗斯姑娘起跑很快这场比赛我落后俄罗斯运动员叶莲娜普罗科霍洛娃不能超过十秒。如果我做到这一点,冠军就是我的了。4 我望着四百米跑道的起跑点,屏住了呼吸。这些年
24、来,在世锦赛、英联邦锦标赛以及欧洲锦标赛的八百米赛跑中我屡战屡败,饱受挫折。现在,它再次横在我与奥运冠军头衔之间。19Text5 我的英国支持者在为我欢呼,声音特别大,就好像看台上的观赛者只有他们一样。我听到他们喊我的名字,为我鼓劲加油,听到他们充满希望的呐喊。宽阔美丽的体育场上到处飘扬着大不列颠联合王国的国旗,我感觉自己和观众融为了一体:我们有着同样的期盼,同样的梦想。6 几个小时前,我的脚踝在跳远时受了伤,缠上了绷带,但是我忘掉伤痛,尽量把注意力集中在观众身上。他们的叫喊声势浩大,使我精神振奋,我感到镇定自若。20Text7 我知道自己会全力以赴,拼尽全力跑完全程。我感觉自己已经进入最佳状
25、态。我只要跑两圈就行了,就两圈。跑完这两圈,过去两天以及28年来所有情感和身体上的辛苦付出就将被胜利或者失败所淹没。这一跑真是生死攸关。我不断地告诉自己:也就是跑两分钟,谁都能跑两分钟。21Text8 发令枪响了,比赛正式开始。第一圈还好,我跟其他人跑得一样快,但我觉得比平时要累得多,比我预想的要累得多。这次赛前长达数周的艰苦训练以及这两天激烈的比赛所带来的疲劳在我的赛跑过程中显现出来。精神和肉体的疲倦开始向我袭来,我不得不反击。22Text9 普罗科霍洛娃一开始就领先。最重要的是我不能被她甩得太远,我得紧紧地跟着她。最后一 圈的铃声响起时,我比她落后2.3秒。只剩一圈了,就一圈,我能赢,我必
26、须坚持跑下去。到最后150米的时候我听见观众高声叫喊,在我最需要的时候为我加油助威这时我的腿疼得要命,我看见我和那个俄罗斯运动员之间距离正在拉大。令人欣慰的是,我的脚还在继续向前迈步,这时候就全靠精神毅力来支撑了。10 普罗科霍洛娃正在向前冲,我不能让她甩开了,我必须跟上她。我开始倒数剩下的距离:60米、50米、40米、20米。我看得见计时器了,我能赢,但成绩会很接近。最后终点线出现了,我 冲了过去,累得精疲力竭。我跑完了。23Text11 冲过终点线时我最初的念头是这次赛跑比预期的要艰苦得多,记得八周前我以2分12.2秒的成绩打破了个人最好成绩。然后,我的心思转向了比赛成绩:我赢了吗?我想我
27、是赢了,过终点线时,我知道其他运动员的位置,我肯定我赢了。但是,如果我不是亲眼看见记分牌上的成绩,我就无法让自己相信这是真的。当我站在那里,抬头望着记分牌等待确认成绩时,我竭力打消脑子里消极的念头,但是我还是禁不住想:如果我再次与冠军失之交臂怎么办?如果我经历了这些磨难却又一次失败了,那该怎么办?24Text12 我听见远处转播比赛的解说员在谈论两天来的艰难赛事,我好像听见有人说:“我觉得她做得够好了。”接下来,来自德国的萨拜因布劳恩走过来告诉我我赢了,他们在我之前打听到了消息,她问我当奥运冠军是什么滋味。我笑了,但还是不敢肯定。13 接下来的那一刻将让我铭记一生:计分牌上我的名字亮了。那一刻
28、我惊呆了。如释重负,平静了一会儿,感谢我内在的自我帮我度过了这两天。我感到全身一阵振颤,这时候该做的事是:高举双手,紧握双拳。14 我向我的支持者望去,他们正兴高采烈地挥舞旗帜,鼓掌呐喊。我是奥运冠军,奥运会的冠军。25Words & Phrases26Words & Phrases27Words & Phrases28gently ad. carefully, without a lot of force or sudden change in movement 轻柔地;轻轻地e.g.1. She kissed her baby gently on the cheek
29、. 她温柔地吻了吻她孩子的脸颊。2. Rain dropped gently on the roof above. 雨轻轻地落在上面的屋顶上。Word family: gentle adj. gentleness n.Words & Phrases29illuminate vt. 1. (fml) to make a place bright with light, or shine a light on sth. 照明;照亮;照射e.g.1. The room was illuminated by the glow of the fire. 房间被炉火照得通明。2. When the
30、 moon is behind the earth, how can the sun illuminate it at all? 当月球处于地球的背面时,太阳究竟怎么会照到它呢?Words & Phrases302. to make sth. much clearer and easier to understand 阐明;解释;使易懂e.g.1. Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject we studied. 我们这位有趣的老师几乎能解释清楚我们所学的所有科目。2. His lecture illumin
31、ated and explained many scientific phenomena. 他的讲座阐明并解释了许多科学现象。Word family: illumination n. Words & Phrases31deafening a. so loud that you can hear nothing else 震耳欲聋的Word family: deaf a. deafen v. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. None so deaf as those who wont hear. 拒听之人耳最不聪。2.
32、The operation deafened him for life. 那次手术使他终身耳聋。3. The noise of jets taking off was deafening. 喷气机起飞时发出的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。Words & Phrases32tantalisingly ad. (BrE) in a way that makes you feel excited or hopeful about having sth. you want, often sth. that you never get 挑逗性地;逗引性地Word family: tantalising a.
33、e.g. 1. I have smelt the tantalizing fragrance of fried bacon. 我已经闻到了诱人的炸熏肉的香味。2. She smiled at him tantalizingly. 她挑逗地朝他笑。Words & Phrases33adrenaline n. U a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that makes your heart beat faster and gives you more energy when you are frightened, excited, or
34、angry 肾上腺素(由肾上腺产生的一种化学物质,能使人心跳加快,让人在恐惧、兴奋或愤怒时精力猛增)e.g. 1. Stress gets the adrenaline flowing.(i.e. Stress makes you feel excited and active.) 压力产生了肾上腺素.2. The applause acted on her like a shot of adrenaline. 掌声犹如给她注射了一支强心剂。3. My adrenaline was still pumping as I slid off the horse and was surrounded
35、 by my cheering family. 我下马后被欢呼的家人团团围住时,我还沉浸在高度兴奋中。Words & Phrases34exhilarating a. making you feel extremely happy, excited, and full of energy 使人异常高兴的;让人极度兴奋的;令人精力充沛的e.g. Racing down the ski slope for the first time was an exhilarating experience. 第一次急速滑下滑雪坡道真是万分刺激。Words & Phrases35terrify
36、ing a. extremely frightening 极其恐怖的;令人恐惧的e.g. The hostages suffered a terrifying ordeal. 人质遭受了极其可怕的折磨。Cf. terrified a. very frightened 非常害怕的;极度惊恐的e.g. 1. Im terrified of heights. 我怕高。2. David was terrified at the thought of parachuting. 大卫一想到跳伞就害怕。Words & Phrases36ensure vt. to make certain that
37、sth. happens or is done 保证,担保e.g. 1. The book ensured her success. 那本书确定了她的成就。2. Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night. 夜间请务必将所有的灯关掉。 3. In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan. 为确保成功, 我们必须要有一个周密的计划。 Words & Phrases37composed a. calm and relaxed
38、 镇定的;镇静的e.g. 1. He was pale but perfectly composed. 他脸色苍白,却十分镇静。2. Anger appeared on her usually composed face. 她平素安详的脸上出现了怒容。Words & Phrases38championship n. C a competition to find the best player or team in a sport or game 锦标赛e.g.1. Over thirty children will compete in the swimming championsh
39、ips. 三十多个孩子将参加游泳锦标赛。2. international ( national, world ) championship 国际锦标赛 (全国锦标赛、世界锦标赛)Words & Phrases39 The World Championships are organized by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). They were originally held every four years, but are now held every two; The European
40、Championships, organized by the European Athletics Association, originally took place every four years before 2010, when they started to be held every two years; The Commonwealth Games include teams from over 71 nations and dependencies, and are held every four years; there are four teams from the U
41、K (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) but only one UK team for the Olympics or World Championships.Words & Phrases40Words & Phrases41flutter v. to move up and down or from side to side with short, quick, light movements, or make sth. move in this way(使)挥动;(使)振动;(使)晃动e.g.1. The co
42、loured flags are fluttering in the breeze. 彩旗在微风中飘扬。2. The girl fluttered a handkerchief. 女孩挥舞着手帕。Words & Phrases42unified a. behaving or treated as one group, country, or system 联合的;一体的e.g.1. He sought to make a poem as unified as a tune. 他试图使一首诗像曲调那样浑然一体。2. Its hard to find a unified approach
43、that will work well in all schools. 要找到一个能适合所有学校、统一标准的方法很难。Word family: unify v. Words & Phrases43incur vt. to experience sth. unpleasant as a result of sth. that you have done 招致(不快之事);遭受e.g.1. He incurred a heavy loss through you. 他因为你而遭受重大损失。2. Each stage of the process incurs an additional r
44、isk. 这个过程的每一步都招致额外的危险。Word family: incurrence n. Words & Phrases44Words & Phrasesvocal a. 1. sb. who is vocal express their opinion frequently and strongly 经常激烈地表达意见的;直言不讳的e.g. 1. Public opinion at last became vocal. 终于舆论哗然。2. He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results. 他直言不讳
45、地说出了对结果的不满。2. relating to the voice, or done with the voice 嗓音的;发音的e.g. They can send out non-linguistic vocal effects like laughs and sobs. 它们可以发出像笑声和呜咽这些非语言的声音效果。45performer n. C sb. who performs in front of an audience, for example an actor or musician 表演者;演出者e.g. 1. The president was a polished
46、television performer. 总统非常善于在电视上表现自己。2. She is not a professional performer, she is only an amateur performer. 她不是专业演员,只是个业余表演者。Word family: perform v. performance n. Words & Phrases46strain n. C, U pressure caused by a difficult situation 负担 ;压力e.g.1. This war will put a great strain on the eco
47、nomy. 这场战争将给经济造成巨大的压力。2. Its a real strain having to get up so early! 这么早起床真是一种压力!3. The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell. 与艾利森共用一间办公室所引起的精神压力正在开始显现。Words & Phrases47eclipse1. vt. to make sb. or sth. seem less successful or important, by becoming more successfu
48、l or important than they are 使黯然失色;使蒙上阴影;使相形见绌;光芒盖过e.g.1. Their happiness was soon eclipsed by the terrible news. 他们的幸福很快被这可怕的消息蒙上一层阴影。2. Napoleon eclipsed other generals of his time. 拿破仑让他那个时代的其他将军都黯然失色。 Words & Phrases48Words & Phrases2. n. a short period when all or part of the sun or moo
49、n becomes dark, because of the positions of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other (日、月)食e.g.1. a solar eclipse 日食2. a lunar eclipse 月食3. a partial / total eclipse of the sun 日偏 / 全食49exhaustion n. U a feeling of being extremely tired and without energy 筋疲力尽;疲惫不堪e.g. 1. He was hollow-eye
50、d and seemed very close to exhaustion. 他眼眶深陷,看起来几乎是精疲力竭了。2. He fell silent, with his head bowed in exhaustion. 他不出声了,脑袋疲惫地耷拉着。Word family: exhaust v. exhausted a.See also: exhaustedWords & Phrases50gruelling a. very difficult and involving a lot of continuous effort 艰苦的;使人精疲力竭的e.g.1. In those gr
51、uelling training days, she was a big support to him. 在那些艰苦受训的日子里,她对他非常支持。2. Marathon is a gruelling contest. 马拉松是非常累人的比赛。Words & Phrases51fatigue n. U a feeling of being extremely tired, either physically or mentally 疲劳;劳累 e.g. 1. Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident. 这个事故是驾驶员疲劳所致。2. I w
52、as dropping with fatigue and could not keep my eyes open. 我快要累倒了,眼睛也睁不开了。3. The old lady cant bear the fatigue of a long journey. 老太太不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。Words & Phrases52roar 1. n. C the noise that a crowd of people make when they are angry or excited(人群愤怒或兴奋时的)喊叫声;呼喊声e.g. We heard the roar from inside
53、the stadium. 我们听到来自体育场里面人们的呼喊声。2. vi. if a crowd of people roar, they all shout at the same time because they are angry or excited(人群)喊叫;呼喊e.g. Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion? 当他像狮子般咆哮时, 谁敢和他顶嘴?Words & Phrases53boost n. C (usu sing) (give sb. a ) sth. that helps you to feel m
54、ore positive or more confident; an action or event that helps sth. to increase, improve, or become more successful 激励e.g. 1. Getting the job gave him a big boost. 得到这个工作对他是个很大的激励。2. The festival has been a major boost for the local economy. 这个节日对当地的经济是一个很大的促进。Word family: boost v. Words & Phrase
55、s54thankfully ad. 1. used for saying you are pleased that sth. unpleasant is no longer happening or did not happen 谢天谢地;万幸地e.g. Thankfully the boys are safe. 谢天谢地男孩们都安全。2. in a grateful way 感激地;感谢地e.g. They thankfully accepted the soup and warm clothing. 他们感激地接受了汤和温暖的衣服。Word family: thank v. & n
56、. thankful a.Words & Phrases55stamina n. U the ability to work hard or make a lot of effort over a long period of time without getting tired 耐力;持久力;毅力e.g. 1. I dont have the stamina to work all night. 我没有毅力工作一个晚上。2. I dont have the stamina to run long distances. 我没有跑长距离的耐力。Words & Phrases56e
57、xhausted a. extremely tired and without enough energy to do anything else 筋疲力竭的;疲惫不堪的e.g. 1. He arrived home feeling exhausted. 他筋疲力尽地回到了家。2. He fell into bed utterly exhausted. 他疲惫不堪,倒在床上。See also: exhaustionWords & Phrases57scoreboard n. C a large board that shows the scores in a game or sport
58、s event(体育比赛中的)记分牌e.g. The result of mens ten thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard. 男子一万米决赛的成绩显示在记分牌上。Words & Phrases58commentary n. C a spoken description of an event or sports competition that is given as the event is happening, especially on radio or television(尤指电台、电视台对事件或体育赛
59、事的)解说,报道e.g.1. His running commentary on the football match was excellent. 他对这次足球赛所作的实况报道十分精彩。2. BBC1 will give a live commentary on the election results. BBC1频道将对这次选举结果进行实况报道。Words & Phrases59tingle 1. n. C a feeling in part of your body when it stings slightly 刺痛感e.g. She felt a tingle in the
60、back of her neck. 她觉得颈后有刺痛感。2. v. if a part of your body tingles, it stings slightly, for example because it is very cold or very hot 刺痛e.g. My cheeks tingled with the cold. 我的脸颊冻得有点刺痛。Words & Phrases60aloft a. (literary) high up in the air 在高处的;在空中的e.g. The spectators were shouting with pleasure arms aloft with flags.观众们开心地呼喊着挥舞着旗子。Words & Phrases61a sea of sth.: a large amount of sth. 大量的某物e.g. 1. I dont want to add you a sea of troubles. 我不想给您添
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