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1、1How to write results and discussion徐腾蛟:讲演 材料收集杨青青:ppt制作 材料收集2 Title(标题)Abstract(摘要)Keywords(关键词)Table of contents(目录)Nomenclature(术语表)Introduction(引言)Method(方法)Results(结果)(结果)Discussion(讨论)(讨论)Conclusion(结论)Acknowledgement(致谢)Reference(参考文献)Appendix(附录)一篇完整规范的学术论文3科技论文的结果科技论文的结果l科技论文的结果是以资料、数据、图表的方

2、式来表达与论文有关的实验数据、观察结果,在此基础上形成适当结论并作简要的说明。它既是作者对自己原先设计的目的或所提出问题的直接回答,也是下文逻辑推理、深入讨论的依据。原则上结果不要展开讨论。 4lHow to write resultsl写作要求l写作要点l写作方法l结果中的图表lHow to write discussionl写作要求l写作要点l写作方法5结果写作要求结果写作要求1. 简单扼要,主次分明,详略得宜; 2. 不外加研究者的评论、评价、分析和推理;3. 实验结果一般用数值表示,但不用原始实验数据,不要全部运算过程,而是列出经加工或统计处理的数值;4. 应用插图、表格、照片目的在于

3、直观和形象性;5. 根据“材料与方法”中的观测指标逐项叙述结果时,若内容过多,可分成段落,加小标题,使资料层次分明6结果写作要点结果写作要点(1) 对实验或观察结果的表达要高度概括和提炼。概括和提炼。 不能简单地将实验记录数据或观察事实堆积到论文中,要突出有科学意义科学意义和具代表性具代表性的数据。(2) 数据表达可采用文字与图表相结合文字与图表相结合的形式。 如果只有一个或很少的测定结果,在正文中用文字描述即可;如果数据较多,可采用图表形式来完整、详细的表述,文字部分则用来指出图表中资料的重要特性或趋势。切忌在文字中简单地重复图表中的数据切忌在文字中简单地重复图表中的数据,而忽略叙述其趋势、

4、意义以及相关推论(3) 适当解释适当解释原始数据,以帮助读者的理解。(4) 文字表达应准确、简洁、清楚准确、简洁、清楚。 避免使用冗长的词汇或句子来介绍或解释图表。为简洁、清楚起见,不要把不要把图表的序号作为段落的主题句图表的序号作为段落的主题句,应在句子中指出图表所揭示的结论,并把图表的序号放入括号中。 7结果写作方法结果写作方法l“结果”部分的叙述方法,应客观地介绍实验结果、通常使用一般过去时被动语态句、判断句和形式主语主动句一般过去时被动语态句、判断句和形式主语主动句,这是为了从修辞上增强叙述的客观性客观性和确实性确实性。l实验结果常用图表加以概括。使得结果表达得简明扼要,而且上下左右数

5、据容易比较对照,可说是一种简练的论文写作方法。图表是科技文献的特征之一,特别是生物学科技文献常用图表形式概括试验资料。图表简明、扼要、形象、具体,并具有鲜明的对比性,使读者一望而知全局及其与左右前后的相互关系。8 e.g. Although the growth of soybeans was not influenced by the time of day when bentazone was applied,the differences in weed control following applications at various times of day were great e

6、nough to be equated with success or failure in practical terms9Titlecolumn headingsbodyfootnotesCareful planning of the tables and figures is important to ensure that the sequencing of these tells a story.Tables and illustrations should follow a sequence that clearly relates to the text and tells th

7、e story of the paper.Use the fewest tables and illustrations needed to tell the story.Strictly follow the journals “Instructions to authors”.10图表的制作与说明图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-1 l图(Figures) (1)名称名称: 各种绘图和照片通Figure,可缩写为Fig.,+复数为Figs.。第一个字母大写, 按出现顺序用阿拉伯数码编号, 例如 Fig. 5 (2)图标题图标题: 图标题与图表题不同,一般放在图的下端

8、,上端与图隔开一行,下端与正文隔开一行。(3)位置位置: 图应放在正文第一次提到有关内容的地方,最好与有关文字放在同一页上。如果图面不宽, 可与文字并排。如为单面打字页面,文左,图右;如果为双面印刷的书页,右手页图在右边,左手页图在左边。(4)座标座标: 曲线图一般把自变量放在横坐标上,把应变量放在纵座标主。因为读者主要关心的是应变量,它的变化通过高度最容易看出。(5)百分比图百分比图: 画圆形百分比图时,文字应当向着一个方向。 11图表的制作与说明图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-2l表(Tables) (1)名称名称: 科技文献中各种表格通称Table,第一字母大写

9、按出现顺序用阿拉伯字码编号,例如Table 12。(2)表格标题表格标题; 每一表格上端都应有一个标题。标题应能概括本表的内容;书写要求和格式与论文标题相同。(3)位置位置: 表应放在正文第一次提到有关内容的地方,最好与有关文字放在同一页上。(4)栏标题栏标题: 每一栏应有标题。必要时可注明数量单位,如空间不够,可在表格脚注中说明。 12图表的制作与说明图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-2(5)脚注脚注: 表中某一部分需要补充说明时,可用脚注。脚注可在说明部分的右上角用小一号的字母按顺序标注。脚注内容直接放在表后。(6) 数字数字: 每一栏的阿拉伯数字应按位数对齐。(7

10、) 宽度宽度: 表格宽度应略短语正文, 如超过页面可横过来,上面应在左侧。(8)长度长度: 表格最好不要转页,如超过一页长度,可转第二页。在第二页上仍应列出各栏的标题,并在右上方注明“Table5 (continued)”字样。13l图表说明 : 突出重点,明确差异。不是逐次重复图表的内容,而是将一组数据与另一组作对比,把自己的结果同别人的结果比,只择其重要者,能支持自己的论点的部分,加以重点说明。对图表的说明既不应过分详细,也不应过分简单。 图表的制作与说明图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-314l图表说明的时态如果图表没有表示特定的时间,而泛指一般值况(如上列表1)

11、,说明可以用一般现在时。如果图表是叙述某一特定时间的情况(如下表2),这个时间点一般是在过去,说明则用一般过去时。如果图表是叙述不同时间的情况, 包括一栏不同的时间和一栏与之相对应的数字,说明可根据具体情况使用不同根据具体情况使用不同时态时态。例如: 对表2 的解说叙事时态是过去时,但最后一句是叙述经常的情况,客观的真理,所以用一般现在时。实际上在论文中只需对重点问题有目的地加以说明。15lIn 1960 the ten leading copper producing countries produced nearly 90% of the world total. The largest

12、producer was USA, one fourth of the world production coming from this source. In fact, the USA was the only country to produce more than a million tons, the other three countries each produced half a million tons or more; in decreasing order they were Zambia, Chile and USSR. This group was followed

13、by two countries, Canada and Congo, producing 350 000 and 300 000 tons respectively. Finally, there was a group of smaller producers, led by Pero and Australia. It is worth noting that copper deposits are distributed relatively evenly in the world because they occur in great quantities in all contin

14、ents except Europe.16图表的引导句型图表的引导句型(1) AS can be seen from Table 9,(2) As (is) shown in Graph 2, .(3) As shown in Table 8,(4) As will be seen from Table 5, (5) As can be seen from the figure on page 9,.(6) . Is shown as follows (Table 2)(7) . Is listed in Table 2.(8) is presented in Table 5.(9) is s

15、ummarized in table 2.(10) .is illustrated in Fig. 5.(11) (see Table 2)(12) (P2, fig. 4 and 5.)17科技论文的讨论科技论文的讨论l讨论部分是论文中的精华部分,是把实验结果提高到理论认识的部分,也是唯一可以由作者自由发挥的部分。论文的作者应在讨论中着重阐述整篇论文中有创造性的内容和独到的见解并回答: (1)Why is the result (2)so what18Writing requirementsKey pointElementsWriting Methods Tense Voice Useful

16、 sentences 19Writing requirements of discussion1. 对本次实验或观察结果做出理论解释和讨论 ; 2. 将本次结果,与过去及其他研究结果(不同时间、不同地点、相同或不同的研究对象中的研究结果)相比较,分析异同,解释产生差别的可能原因,并根据自己或他人的文献资料,提出自己的见解,实事求是,有根据地与其他作者商榷 ;3. 突出本项研究中地新发现、新发明,提出可能原因 ;4. 分析本次研究地不足,还存在哪些尚未解决地问题,提出今后急需研究的方向和设想。20Key point of discussion(1) 对结果的解释要重点突出重点突出,简洁、清楚。

17、为有效地回答研究问题,可适当简要地回顾简要地回顾研究目的并概括主要结果,但不能简单地罗列结果。(2) 推论要符合逻辑符合逻辑,避免实验数据不足以支持的观点和结论。 根据结果进行推理要适度推理要适度,论证时一定要注意结论和推论的逻辑性。21(3) 观点或结论的表述要清楚、明确表述要清楚、明确。 尽可能清楚地指出作者的观点或结论,并解释其支持还是反对早先的支持还是反对早先的工作工作。结束讨论时,避免使用诸如“Future studies are needed.”之类苍白无力的句子。(4) 对结果科学意义和实际应用效果的表达要实事求是实事求是,适当留有余地。 避免使用“For the first t

18、ime”等类似的优先权声明。在讨论中应选择适当的词汇来区分推测与事实区分推测与事实。 选用“prove”,“demonstrate”等表示作者坚信观点的真实性; 选用“show”,“indicate”,“found”等表示作者对问题的答案有某些不确定性; 选用“imply”,“suggest”等表示推测; 或者选用情态动词“can”,“will”, “should”,“probably”,“may”,“could”, “probably”,“possibly” 等来表示论点的确定性程度。22Elements to Include in the DiscussionState the study

19、s major findingsExplain the meaning and importance of the findingsRelate the findings to those of similar studiesConsider alternative explation of the findingsAcknowledge the studys limitationsMake suggestions for further research23States the studys major findinglThe discussion should begin with a s

20、tatement of the major findings of the study. This should be the first paragraph in the discussion. It should be a direct, declarative, and succinct proclamation of the study results.lE.g. Our results confirm that these nasal and full-face masks are similarly efficient over 15 min of NPPV with COPD p

21、atients recovering from acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.”我们的结果证实:对于那些正在从急性高二氧化碳性呼吸衰竭症状恢复的慢性阻塞性肺病人而言,这些鼻套和面罩 和15分钟无创正压通气治疗的效果是差不多的24Explain the Meaning of the Findings and Why the Findings Are ImportantlNo one has thought as long and as hard about your study as you have.lOne of the purposes of

22、the discussion is to explain the meaning of the findings and why they are important, without appearing arrogant, condescending, or patronizing .25Relate the Findings to Those of Similar StudieslThe discussion section should relate your study findings to those of other studies. lQuestions raised by p

23、revious studies may have served as the motivation for your study. lThe findings of other studies may support your findings, which strengthens the importance of your study results. lIt is also important to point out how your study differs from other similar studies.26Consider Alternative Explanations

24、 of the FindingslIt is important to remember that the purpose of research is to discover and not to prove.lit is important to carefully consider all possible explanations for the study results, rather than just those that fit your biases.27Acknowledge the Studys LimitationslEven the best studies in

25、the most prestigious journals have limitations. lIt is far better for you to identify and acknowledge your studys limitations than to have them pointed out by a peer-reviewer or a reader.28Make Suggestions for Further ResearchlAlthough a study may answer important questions, other questions related

26、to the subject may remain unanswered. lMoreover, some unanswered questions may become more focused because of your study.29Things to Avoid When Writing the DiscussionOverpresentation of the resultsUnwarranted speculationInflation of the importance of the findingsTangential issuesThe “bully pulpit” C

27、onclusion that are not supported by the dataInclusion of the “take-home message”, save this for the conclusions section30Overinterpretation of the ResultsThe data are the data: nothing more, nothing less.Unwarranted SpeculationThere is little room for speculation in the discussion.The discussion sho

28、uld remain focused on the your dataand the object of study and/or devices in your study.Inflating the Importance of the FindingsAfter all of the hard work that goes into a study, it iseasy to attribute unwarranted importance to study findings. However, unwarranted inflation of the importance of the

29、study results will disgust reviewers and readers. 31Tangential IssuesIt is important to remain focused on the hypothesis andstudy results. Injecting tangential issues into the discussionsection distracts and confuses the reader.The “Bully Pulpit”Do not use the discussion section to criticize other s

30、tudies.Conclusions That Are Not Supported by the DataConclusions should be a tight packageThe hypothesisStudyData32Writing Methods of Discussionl讨论部分按惯例放在“结果”之后,主要是对实验的各项结果作出有意义的分析分析。l“讨论”部分有关的本实验中的特定情况, 用一般过去时叙述;有关作者的分析和判断用一般现在时或一般将来时叙述。常可使用第二人称主动语态句,因为这是作者的主观主观认识见解。33结果与讨论的时态和语态问题结果与讨论的时态和语态问题TENS

31、E(时态): 通常科技论文采用的时态为一般过去时一般过去时,但在列表、进行统计分析或描述不争事实时应该采用一般现在时。 “Table 4 shows that.”(列表);“These values are significantly greater than those of the females of the same age ,indicating that the males grew more rapidly” (统计分析); “Water was added and the towers became damp ,which proves again that water is

32、wet(不争事实)。 34l根据Day(1989)的建议,论文中凡涉及研究领域内已存在的理论和知识(包括他人在此之前发表过的论文)时均应采用一般现在时来表示对理论贡献者们的尊重。以此推理,Results和Discussion的绝大部分内容(即涉及研究领域内已有的理论和知识的部分)应采用一般现在时。35Tense of Discussion(1) 指出结果在哪些图表中列出时,常用一般现在时。lE.g. Which shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time. (2)回顾研究目的、叙述或总结研究结果的内容为关于过去的事实,所以通常采用过去时。lE.g. After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported ba


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