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1、1The Wife of BathsThe Wife of Baths Attitude Attitude Towards Love Towards Love 21Why we choose this passage2Study questions in advance3Extracts from the passage Table of Contents3Why we choose this passage?Why we choose this passage?Geoffrey Chaucer is the representative writer in the Medieval Engl

2、ish literature.He was regarded as the Father of English Poetry4 5Famous worksFamous works:坎特伯雷故事集The Canterbury Tales 公爵夫人之书(Book of the Duchess)、声誉之宫(The House of Fame)、百鸟会议(The Parliament of Birds) 贤 妇 传 说 ( T h e L e g e n d o f G o o d Woman ) 6坎特伯雷故事集坎特伯雷故事集(The Canterbury TalesThe Canterbury T

3、ales)7 The Canterbury Tales1. It has 24 stories.2.It is the description of the pilgrims(朝圣(朝圣者)者)who tell stories.3. It is about the life of ordinary people.4.It consists of the prologues(序言序言) of the pilgrims and their tales.5. It gives vivid characters, with humor and satire.8The Tales The famous

4、ones are the story of : 1) the wife of Bath(巴斯夫人), 2) the Knight(骑士), 3) the Pardoner(卖赎罪卷者), 4) the Nuns Priest(尼姑的教士), 5) the Prologue(序诗).9The Wife of Bath 巴斯妇巴斯妇The wife of Bath shows Chaucers keen observation. She is light-hearted, merry, somewhat vulgar (粗俗的), and exceedingly talkative.She had

5、 married five times. Her first three husbands were old but wealthy; She was in charge of them.The forth one was tortured to death by her. At last,she fell in love with a poor young man.It is a vivid sketch (概述) of a woman of the middle class, and a colorful picture of the domestic life of that class

6、 in Chaucers day.10The wife of BathCanterbury TalesChaucerMiddle English literatureSo,this is why we choose itSo,this is why we choose it110102030405Study QuestionsAttitude Praise be to God that I have wedded five!Of whom I did pick out and choose the bestBoth for their nether purse and for their ch

7、est. Welcome the sixth whenever come he shall. 祝福上帝,我也祝福上帝,我也结了五次婚!结了五次婚! 他们都是经我选他们都是经我选择出来,择出来, 在体力方面和金钱在体力方面和金钱方面是最美满的方面是最美满的 . 我欢迎第六个来,我欢迎第六个来,不论何时不论何时 13Attitude Forsooth, Ill not keep chaste for good and all;When my good husband from the world is gone,Some Christian man shall marry me anon; Whe

8、n my fourth husband lay upon his bier,I wept enough and made but sorry cheer,. But since I was provided with a mate,I really wept but little, I may state. 老实说,我不愿完老实说,我不愿完全守节。我的丈夫全守节。我的丈夫辞别了世界,马上辞别了世界,马上又一个耶教信徒来又一个耶教信徒来娶我娶我 我第四个丈夫躺在我第四个丈夫躺在棺材里的时候,棺材里的时候, 我哭个不停,满脸我哭个不停,满脸愁苦,愁苦, . 但自从找到了一个但自从找到了一个新的配偶

9、,新的配偶, 我哭得很少了,这我哭得很少了,这是实话是实话: Love is Dynamic14Attitude Theyd given me their gold, and treasure more;I needed not do longer diligenceTo win their love, or show them reverence.They all loved me so well, by God above,I never did set value on their love!他们给了我产业他们给了我产业财宝;财宝;我不用再花力气我不用再花力气去博取他们的爱去博取他们的爱

10、或去奉承他们了。或去奉承他们了。他们十分爱我。他们十分爱我。所以我就不再珍所以我就不再珍视他们的爱了!视他们的爱了!15:Love is Conditional My fifth husband, may God his spirit bless!Whom I took all for love, and not riches, 我的第五个丈夫,我的第五个丈夫,上帝祝福他的灵上帝祝福他的灵魂!我嫁给他是魂!我嫁给他是为了爱,不是为为了爱,不是为了钱。了钱。Attitude16Attitude And thus of one thing I speak boastfully,I got the

11、best of each one, finally,By trick, or force, or by some kind of thing,As by continual growls or murmuring 但我有一点是自已自但我有一点是自已自夸的,夸的, 到头来各方面我总是到头来各方面我总是占便宜,占便宜, 无论是用狡诈或用强无论是用狡诈或用强力,或用某种圈套,力,或用某种圈套, 如不断的嚼舌埋怨等如不断的嚼舌埋怨等法术。法术。17Attitude Ill not delay, a husband I will getWho shall be both my debtor and my

12、 thrallAnd have his tribulations therewithalUpon his flesh, the while I am his wife.I have the power during all my lifeOver his own good body, and not he. 我决不退让;我决不退让; 我要一个丈夫做我我要一个丈夫做我的债户与奴仆;的债户与奴仆; 在我做他的妻子的在我做他的妻子的时期中,他的肉体时期中,他的肉体上将受到相当大的上将受到相当大的苦难。苦难。 我活着一天,我活着一天, 我就可以控制他的我就可以控制他的身子,他却不能控身子,他却不能控制

13、我。制我。18: Love is Control To have the governing of house and land; And when I had thus gathered unto meMasterfully, the entire sovereignty,And he had said: My own true wedded wife,Do as you please the term of all your life,Guard your own honour and keep fair my state 他给了我房产的主他给了我房产的主权,权, 于是我用了巧妙的于是我用

14、了巧妙的手腕,手腕, 制服了他的一切,制服了他的一切, 他说道,他说道,我忠我忠实的妻,实的妻, 从此以后,你要从此以后,你要怎样就怎样;怎样就怎样; 你将永保你的名你将永保你的名誉和我的身份誉和我的身份Attitude19Condensation in The Tale of The Wife of Bath “Women desire to have the sovereigntyAs well upon their husband as their love,And to have mastery their man above;This thing you most desire, ”

15、 “我的主后,我的主后,这世上所有的这世上所有的女子最愿能控女子最愿能控制得住她们的制得住她们的丈夫或情侣,丈夫或情侣,做他们的主宰。做他们的主宰。这就是你们最这就是你们最大的欲望大的欲望.”20Condensation in The Tale of The Wife of Bath To have me foul and old until I die,And be to you a true and humble wife,And never anger you in all my life;Or else to have me young and very fairAnd take yo

16、ur chance with those who will repairUnto your house, and all because of me,Or in some other place, as well may be. 你还是愿意我你还是愿意我丑老,丑老, 却一生做你的却一生做你的忠诚谦和的妻,忠诚谦和的妻,决不违拗你的决不违拗你的心意呢,还是心意呢,还是愿意我年轻貌愿意我年轻貌美,美, 却说不定为了却说不定为了我的原故,你我的原故,你要在家中或其要在家中或其他地点偶尔忍他地点偶尔忍受些烦受些烦扰?扰?.”21Condensation in The Tale of The Wife of Bath This knight replied as you shall hear:My lady and my love, and wife so dear,I put myself in your wise governing;Do you choose which may be the more pleasing,And bring most honour to you, and me also.I care not which it be


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