1、咼中语法30讲 第23讲 直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语当我们引用别人的话时, 可以直接引述别人的原话, 也可以用自己的话把别人的意思转述出 来。如果直接引用原话,被引用的部分就称为直接引语;若是转述,则被引用的部分称为 间接引语。在本章中,我们将以“变化”为讲解的主题,分别学习在直接引语向间接引语的转 换过程中 时态的变化、语序的变化、以及代词和状语的变化,从这些“变化”中,我们可以 完全掌握这个知识点的全部要领。典型例句:直接引语:1.He said, “I m going to visit my English teacher .”他说:“我打算去看望我的英语老师。”间接引语:2.
2、He said that he was going to visit his En glish teacher他说他打算去看望他的英语老师。1直接引语和间接引语概述人们之间主要通过对话进行交流, 在交流中我们必定会转述别人的意见, 看法等。如果我们 引用他人的原话,那么被引用的原话就叫做直接引语; 而日常生活中我们往往 用自己的话来 转述,那么被转述的话就叫做间接引语。请看下表中列举的直接引语和间接引语。直接引语间接引语He said, “1 m going to visit my teacher.他说:“我打算去看望我的老师。”He said he was going to visit he
3、r teacher.他说他打算去看望他的老师。Mary said, “ He doesn t like eating apples.玛丽说:“他不喜欢吃苹果。”Mary said he didn t like eating apples.玛丽说他不喜欢吃苹果。He asked, “ Who is John?”他问:“谁是约翰?”He asked who Joh n was.他问约翰是谁。Joe asked, “Why didn t Susan go hom”?乔问:“为什么苏珊没回家?”Joe asked why Susa n had not gone home.乔冋为什么苏珊没回家。He a
4、sked, “ Do you like the country? ”他问:“你喜欢这个国家吗?”He asked if/whether I liked the coun try.他冋我是否喜欢这个国家。My friend asked me, “ Don tyou want to go swimming today? ”我的朋友冋我:“你今天不想去游泳吗?”My friend asked (me) if/whether I wan ted to go swim ming that day.我的朋友问我那天是否想去游泳。He asked me, “You study Chinese,don t y
5、他问我:“你是学中文的,是吗?”oWfe asked me if/whether I studied Chin ese.他问我是不是学中文的。He said, “What a heavy box it is!他说:“多么重的箱子啊! ”He said what a heavy box it was.他说这是一个多么重的箱子啊。Miss Green said to Jane, “ Please sit down.”格林小姐对简说:“请坐。”Miss Gree n asked Jane to sit dow n.格林小姐请简坐下。She asked, “Would you wait for me
6、here?她问:“你能在这里等我吗?”She asked me to wait wait for her there.她请求我在那里等她。说明:从上表中我们可以看出,在英文中由直接引语转变为间接引语时,变化是比较大的,其中变化最大的是时态和语序,而句子中代词(人称代词、指示代词)、状语(时间状语、地点状语)的变化则与汉语中由直接引语变为间接引语的变化情形基本一致。重要:引用直接引语时,汉语中多用冒号,而英语中多用逗号,而且把引用的别人的话放在双引号之中,第一个字母要大写,句末标点符号放在双引号之中。2直接引语和间接引语的转化1时态的变化2 / 20咼中语法30讲 第23讲 直接引语和间接引语在
7、直接引语和间接引语的转化中,时态的变化是十分重要的,也是容易出错的,因为汉语中没有时态的变化。但间接引语部分实际上是宾语从句,同学们只要细心,这部分不难掌握。时态的变化主要分为以下几种情况:1当主句的谓语动词是现在时态时直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句的谓语动词是现在时态(一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时),那么在从句中,也就是在间接引语中,时态不变。Joe says I know your uncle. ”(直接引语) 乔说:我认识你的叔叔。”tJoe says he knows my uncle.(间接引语) 乔说他认识我的叔叔。John says, I e been reading t
8、he book this book. ”约翰说: 我这周一直在看这本书。”t John says he has bee nreadi ng the book that week.约翰说他那周一直在看那本书。2.当主句的谓语动词是过去时态时直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句的谓语动词是过去时态,间接引语的时态也要变成相应的过去时态。直接引语中的时态间接引语中的时态一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时(不变)一般将来时过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时例外:直接引语为一般过去时的时候,间接引语有时仍保留过去时,而不变为过去完成时。直
9、接引语中的助动词间接引语中的助动词shallshouldshouldshould (不变)willwouldwouldwould (不变)maymightmightmight (不变)cancouldcouldcould (不变)mustmust (不变)He said, “You are right.”(直接引语) 他说:你是正确的。”tHe said that I was right.(间接引语) 他说我是正确的。My mother said, “The door isn locked.”我妈妈说:门没锁上。”tMy mother said that the door wasn tocke
10、d.我妈妈说门没锁上。The old man said, “ I came here on foot. ”那位老人说:我是步行到这儿来的。”t The old man told me that he had gone there on foot.那位老人告诉我说他是步行去那儿的。The patient said, “The doctors have discussed the mysterious disease ”那位病人说:“医生们已经讨论这种神秘的疾病了。”t The patie nt said (that) the doctors had discussedthe mysterious
11、 disease.那位病人说医生们已经讨论过那种神秘的疾病了。The poor man said, “ My money had run out by last week. ”那个可怜的人说:“我的钱上周为止就已经用光了。”t The poor man said his money had run out by the week before.那个可怜的人说他的钱到前一周为止就已经用光了。Joe told me, “ Mr.Li won tome until 9:00. ”乔告诉我:“李先生要到 9 点钟才到。”t Joe told me that Mr.Li wouldn tome unti
12、l 9:00.乔告诉我李先生要到 9 点钟才到。Tom said, “I am reading in my room. ”汤姆说:“我正在我的房间看书。 ”tTom said that he was reading in his room.汤姆说他正在他的房间看书。She said, “I ve been workingiere for five years. ” 她说: “我已经在这儿工作5年了。”tShe said she had been working there for five years.她说她已经在那儿工作5 年了。My boss told me, “ I visited th
13、is museum in 2001 .”说明:因为有了具体的时间2001年,所以间接引语中的一般过去时态不变成过去完成时,而是保持不变。我的老板告诉我:“我在2001年参观了这个博物馆。”t My boss told me that he visited that museum in 2001 .我的老板告诉我他在 2001年参观了那个博物馆。3.当直接引语是真理或客观事实时当引语表达的是真理或客观事实时,不论主句的时态是现在时态还是过去时态,间接引语的时态都不变。Coper ni cus con eluded, “ The earth goes round the sun. ”(直接弓 I语
14、)哥白尼得出结论说:“地球围绕太阳转。”t Coper ni cus con eluded that the earth goes round the sun.(间接弓丨语)哥白尼得出结论说地球围绕太阳转。In class the children were told, “The earth is round.” 在课上,孩子们被告知:地球是圆的。”t In class the childre n were told that the earth is round.在课上孩子们被告知地球是圆的。Ann told her daughter, “ Shanghai is in the east o
15、f China. ”安告诉她的女儿:“上海在中国的东部。”t Ann told her daughter that Shan ghai is in the east of China.安告诉她的女儿上海在中国的东部。注意:因为这3个例句的引语引述的均是真理或客观事实,所以即使主句是过去时,它的间接引语中谓语动词的时态也不变。2. 语序的变化在间接引语中要特别注意语序的变化。因为同学们对宾语从句中的语序变化已经很熟悉了,所以对间接引语中的语序变化不会觉得困难,但还是要很细心,而且要掌握它的变化规律。1. 当直接引语是陈述句时当引用的句子即直接引语是陈述句时,在间接引语中的语序不变,只需要在它的前
16、面加上that, that只起连接作用,不作任何成分,而且还常常被省略。Ann said, “I have already seen the film. ”(直接弓丨语)安说:“我已经看过这部电影了。”tAnn said that she had already seen the film.(间接弓丨语)安说她已经看过那部电影了。Joe told me, “Beijing is the capital of China. ” 乔告诉我:“北京是中国的首都。”t Joe told me that Beijing is the capital of China.乔告诉我说北京是中国的首都。2. 当
17、直接引语是疑问句时A. 当直接引语是特殊疑问句时当引用的句子即直接引语是特殊疑问句时,在间接引语中,疑问词保留不变,语序变为陈述 句的语序。Mary asked, “ Where is my mobile phone,Mum? ” (直接引语)玛丽问:“妈妈,我的手机在哪儿?”t Mary asked her mother where her mobile phone was.(间接引语)玛丽问她妈妈她的手机在哪儿。注意:标点符号的变化:因为直接引语是一个独立的问句,所以要用问号。而间接引语中,主句并不是问句,而是一个陈述句,标点符号要随着主句而变化,所以要用句号。He asked, “Whe
18、n did Columbus discover America?”(直接引语)他问:“哥伦布是什么时候发现美洲大陆的?”t He asked when Columbus discovered America.(间接弓丨语)他问哥伦布是什么时候发现美洲大陆的。时态说明:因为哥伦布发现美洲大陆是历史上存在的客观事实,所以在转述为间接引语时,不变,仍是一般过去时。t He wan ted to know whe n Columbus discovered America.(间接引语)他想知道哥伦布是什么时候发现美洲大陆的。Joe asked, “ What are you talking about
19、? ” 乔问:“你们在谈论什么?”t Joe asked what we were talk ing about.乔问我们在谈什么。“Who lost the key to the room?” asked Miss Green.格林小姐问:“谁丢了这个房间的钥匙? t Miss Green asked who had lost the key to the room.格林小姐问谁丢了这个房间的钥匙。在此句中是对主语提问,疑问词只能用who,语序不变。Joe asked me, “ Whom /Who are you waiting for now? ”乔问我:“你在等谁?”t Joe ask
20、ed me who/whom I was waiting for then.乔问我那时在等谁。在此句中是对宾语提问,疑问词用whom或who,在间接引语中的语序要变为陈述句的语序。B. 当直接引语是一般疑问句时当引用的句子即直接引语是一般疑问句时,在间接引语中首先把一般疑问句的语序变为陈述句的语序,然后在此句子前加if或whetheroThe patient asked, “Is Dr.Li at the hospital? ” (直接引语)那位病人问:李大夫在医院吗?”tThe patient asked whether/if Dr.Li was at the hospital.(间接引语)
21、那位病人问李大夫是不是在医院里。Our teacher asked us, “ Have you waited for the movie star a long time? ”我们的老师问我们:“你们是不是等那位影星等了很长时间?”t Our teacher asked us whether/if we had waited for movie star a long time.我们的老师问我们是否等了那位影星很长时间。Mike asked, “ Has my sister been talking on the phone?”迈克问:“我姐姐是不是一直在打电话?”t Mike asked
22、whether/if his sister had bee n talk ing on the phone.t Mike asked whether/if his sister had bee n talk ing on the phone or not.迈克问他姐姐是不是一直在打电话。比较:if和whether在引导宾语从句(动词宾语从句)时, whether和if都可以和or not连用,但whether后可直接跟or not,而if不能。C. 当直接引语是反意疑问句或选择疑问句时当引用的句子即直接引语是反意疑问句 时,改为间接引语后往往要用whether/if.or not。当直接引语是
23、 选择疑问句 时,改为间接引语后要用whether.or.oMy mother asked, “The shopping mall has been established,hasn ?”(直接弓I语)我妈妈问:“购物中心已建成了,是吗?”t My mother asked me whether/if the shopping mall had been established or not.(间接弓丨语)我妈妈问我购物中心是否已建成。Joe asked, “ You often write to your parents, don t yoU乔问:你经常给父母写信,是吗?”tJoe aske
24、d me whether/if I often wrote to my parents or not.乔问我是否经常给父母写信。He asked me, “ Do you like poems or novels?”(直接弓 I语)他问我:“你喜欢诗歌还是小说?”t He asked me whether I liked poems or novels.(间接弓丨语)他问我是喜欢诗歌还是喜欢小说。3. 当直接引语是感叹句时当引用的句子即直接引语是感叹句时,转换为间接引语可有以下两种方式,其一是保留how或what;其二是使用that从句把原来的感叹句用陈述句表示。“What a lovely
25、cat it is! ” Mary shouted.(直接引语)“多可爱的猫啊! ”玛丽叫道。tMary shouted what a lovely cat it was.玛丽叫道多可爱的猫。(间接引语)tMary shouted that it was a lovely cat.玛丽叫道多可爱的猫。(间接引语)She cried, “ What a crazy idea you have!她喊道:“你的想法/主意太疯狂/出格/不现实了!”t She cried what a crazy idea I had.她大声叫喊,认为我的想法太不现实了。t She cried that I had a
26、 crazy idea .她大声叫喊,认为我的主意太出格了。The students complained, “How boring the lecture is!学生们抱怨说:“这个演讲乏味透了!”t The stude nts compla ined how bori ng the lecture was.学生们抱怨这个演讲枯燥无味。tThe students complained (that) the lecture was boring.学生们抱怨这个演讲枯燥无味。重要:当直接引语为感叹句时,转换为间接引语后,句末不用感叹号,而要用句号。4. 当直接引语是祈使句或表示请求的句子时当引用
27、的句子即直接引语为祈使句或表示请求的句子时,转换为间接引语用一个带动词不定式的简单句表示。Staywhere you are,” said Mr.White.(直接引语)“呆在原地别动! ”怀特先生命令道。t Mr.White asked us to stay where we were.(间接弓丨语)怀特先生命令我们呆在原地别动。I asked my roommate, “ Would you mind turning the music down? ”我问我的室友:“你介意把音乐声关小一点吗?”t i asked my roommate to turn the music dow n.我请
28、我的室友把音乐声关小一点儿。The manager shouted, “ Don t play computer games in the office”经理喊道:“不要在办公室玩电脑游戏。”t The man ager warned us not to play computer games in the office.经理警告我们不要在办公室玩电脑游戏。My neighbor said to me, “ Would yo mind not parking here? ”我的邻居跟我说:“请不要在这儿停车,好吗?”t My neighbor asked me not to park ther
29、e.我的邻居请我不要在那儿停车。重要:当直接引语为 肯定的祈使句或表示 请求的句子时,在间接引语中要用:tell/ask sb.to dosth. o10 / 20咼中语法30讲 第23讲 直接引语和间接引语当直接引语为 否定的祈使句时,在间接引语中用:tell/ask sb.not to do sth.。3代词和状语的变化1. 代词的变化代词包括人称代词和指示台词。人称代词的变化与汉语是一致的,所以对于中国学生来讲这一点是比较容易把握的,间接引语中人称代词的变化取决于主句中的人称代词。指示代词的变化也比较容易理解,即把this/these (这个/这些)转化为that/those (那个/那
30、些)。直接引语间接引语I/wehe/she/theyme/ushim/her/themmy/ourhis/her/theirmin e/ourshis/hers/theirsmyself/ourselveshimself/herself/themselvesthisthatthesethoseI said, I worked in Shanghai three years ago.”(直接弓丨语)我说:“我3年前在上海工作。”t I said (that) I had worked in Shanghai three years before.(间接弓丨语)我说我3年前在上海工作。She sa
31、id, I worked in Shanghai three years ago. ”她说:“我3年前在上海工作。”t She said (that) she had worked in Shan ghai three years before.她说她3年前在上海工作。You said to her, I worked in Shan ghai three years ago. ”你对她说:“我3年前在上海工作。”t You said to her (that) you had worked in Shan ghai three years before.你对她说你3年前在上海工作。John
32、said, “Tomorrow I m going to attendhis party.”约翰说:“明天我将要去参加这个聚会。”t Joh n said (that) the n ext day he was going to atte nd that party.约翰说第二天他将要去参加那个聚会。The policeman asked the thief, “ When were you born?”警察问小偷:“你是哪年出生的?”tThe policeman asked the thief when he/she was born.警察问小偷他/她是哪年出生的。He said, “The
33、se books are mine.”他说:“这些书是我的。”t He said that those books were his.他说那些书是他的。2. 状语的变化状语包括时间状语和地点状语。状语的变化有其内在规律,时间状语由“现在”改为“过去”(如:now变为then, yesterday变为the day before)。地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,由此”改为“彼”(如: here变为 there)。直接引语间接引语ago之前before之前today今天that day 当天this morning/afternoon 今天上午 /下午that morning/afternoon 那
34、天上午 /下午yesterday 昨天the day before/the previous day 前一天tomorrow 明天the next day/the following day 第二天this week/month/year 这周 /月 /年that week/month/year 那一周 /月 /年last week/month/year 上周 /上月 /去年the week/month/year before 前一周 /月 /年next week/month/year 下周 /下月 / 明年the next week/month/year 第二周 /下月 /下一年Two ye
35、ars ago 两年前two years before 两年前now现在then/at the time 那时so far截至目前by then到那时in 1999 在 1999 年in 1999在1999年(具体年代时间不变)here这里there那里The teacher said, “All the students are drawing now.”(直接弓I语)老师说:“现在所有的学生都正在画画。”t The teacher said that all the students were drawing then.(间接弓 I语)老师说当时所有的学生都正在画画。He said, I
36、opened the window this morning .”他说:“我今天上午打开的窗户。”t He said that he opened the window that morning .他说他那天上午打开的窗户。She said, I will go to London this after noon.”她说:“今天下午我将到伦敦去。”t She said that she would go to London that after noon.她说那天下午她将到伦敦去。Joe said, I ve bee n wait in gere for two hours. ”乔说:“我已经
37、在这儿等了两个小时了。”t Joe said that he had bee n wait ing there for two hours.乔说他已经在那儿等了两个小时了。The manager said to me, “You must come here next week.”经理对我说:“你下周必须来这儿。”t The man ager told me that I had to go there the next week.经理对我说我第二周必须去那儿。注意:间接引语中要保存原来直接引语中包含的情态动词的意义。Com mon Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)陷阱例题【全国高考】为了
38、避免重复,The boy wan ted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told himA. not toB.not to doC. not do itD.do not to句意提示:这个男孩子想要去马路上骑自行车,但是他的妈妈告诉他不要去。陷阱追击:tell sb. (not) to do sth.是祈使句直接引语变间接引语时的常用句式。常省去不定式符号to后面相同的成分。此题易误选B。正确解析:本题考查直接引语是祈使句,变为间接引语时的常用句式:及物动词+sb.+ ( not) to do sth.。常见的用于此句式的及物
39、动词有tell,warn, ask等。不定式的否定式是在不定式符号to前加否定副词not或never等,因此排除C和D。为了避免重复,to后面常省去相同 的不定式部分,因此 A为正确答案。陷阱例题Some one is ringing the doorbell.Go and see.【上海高考】A.who is heB.who he isC.who is itD.who it is句意提示:有人按门铃。去看看是谁。陷阱追击:本题设置了两个陷阱。陷阱1:宾语从句的语序。陷阱2:在不明身份时人称代词的选用。宾语从句要求使用陈述句语序,而非一般疑问句语序。另外,常用it代替不明身份的人。如果对这两个
40、关键点没有清晰的概念的话,很容易误选B、Co正确解析:由于宾语从句采用陈述句语气, 主语和谓语不到装,因此可首先排除 A、C两项。 英语中常用it代替不明身份的人或心目中的人,因此排除B项,所以本题正确答案为 D。陷阱例题When Jack arrived,he lear ned Maryfor almost an hour. 【全国高考】A.had goneB.had set offC.had leftD.had bee n away句意提示:杰克到达时得知玛丽已经离开大约1个小时了。陷阱追击:句中的时间状语for almost an hour是段时间,表示瞬间动作的动词或动词短语不能和段时
41、间连用。本题易误选C o正确解析:宾语从句的动作先于主句谓语动词learned的动作,故宾语从句的谓语动词要用过去完成时态,时间状语表示的是一段时间,因此只能用表示状态的动词(短语)或延续性动词(短语),因此正确答案为 D。A、B、C均为瞬间动词(短语),不能与段时间连用。Fi nal Check (实力测验)1把下列直接引语变成间接引语1. My parents said, “We are really excited about our trip to Shenzhen.2. Mike said to me, “ I ll go to the travel agency to make h
42、otel reservations for you tomorrow.”3. David said, I like Beijing Opera and I don t want to miss the play.4. Mary asked me, “ Are you expecting a letter from your parents?5. A nita told the group leader, I have already han ded in my homework.6. My friend said to my pare nts, “ I am going to see you
43、off at the railway stati on n ext week.7. Mr.Barry said, “ Someth ing is wrong with my car and it is being repaired .It will be ready byWedn esdayi8. My mother said to me, “ You must go to college because a good educati on is very importa nt.9. Li Ming said, I n eed ano ther piece of paper to finish
44、 my compositi on.lO.The boy said, “China is in Asia.Il.The man answered, I was born in 1968.12. AII the people exclaimed, “ What magnificent clothes these are!13. The manager asked, “Mary,have you worked here since 1999?14. The patients told the doctor, “ We have been waiting for you since midnight.
45、15. The cook said, I ll probably be making dinner when the guests arrive”16. The old woman said, “ Mike,could you do me a favour to turn off the radio,please?17. Mr.Li asked, “Why didn t the researchers find a cur”?18. Mrs.Barry asked, “The emergency room is busy,isn ” t it?19. A traffic warde n sai
46、d to him, “ Don t park your truck in high street”20. Mrs.Ray said to me, “You don t feel well,do you”2把下列间接引语变成直接引语1. My sister told me that our parents were expecting my e-mail.2. The American said to me that Christmas is on the 25 December.3. The teacher asked why Bob hadn t come to the meeting th
47、e day before.4.0ur headmaster asked us how long we had spe nt on our homework the week before.5. Mr.Li asked/wanted to know whether Jim s injury was serious or not.6. My n eighbor in vited me to go to his birthday party the n ext Mon day.7. The teacher asked who had borrowed the En glish dictio nary
48、.8. My sister asked what I had bought for the salad.9. Jane s father asked her to help him in the kitchen.10. Paul asked Lucy if she was going to be liste ning to the tapes all after noon.KEYS:I. I.My pare nts said (that) they were really excited about their trip to Shen zhe n.2. Mike told me that h
49、e would go to the travel age ncy to make hotel reservatio ns for me the next day.3. David said that he liked Beijing Opera and he didn t want to miss the play.4. Mary asked if/whether I was expect ing a letter from my pare nts.or:Mary asked me whether I was expecting a letter from my parents or not.
50、5. A nita told the group leader that she had already han ded in her homework.6. My friend said to my pare nts that he/she was going to see them off at the railway stati on the n ext week.7. Mr.Barry said (that) something was wrong with his car and (that) it was being repaired and that it would be ready by Wedn esday.8. My mother told me that I must go to college because a good educati on is very importa nt.9. Li Ming said he n eeded ano ther piece of paper to finish his compositi on.10.
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