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1、夹叙夹议文专练II第一组IIA(2019 平顶山质量检测)After living near Madrid for a year as an au pair (以帮做家 务事等换取食宿的人)three years ago, it was nice to _1_ this weekend.l felt like I was at home and thought how 2 one can be to feel like this in a place that isn _3_ your home .I now refer to this tow n as one of my homes fro

2、m home and have lear nt how home is where your _4_ is.A lot of people get homesick and it is a very _5_ feeli ng whe n away from _6_ ones and home comforts. _7 _ I have learnt that you can feel at home when you are _8_ in that place with people who _9_ you.Through simply embracing every mome nt, _10

3、 friends and enjoying a new _11 _ you can feel settled in a short amount of time .I did exactly this whe n movi ng to Spai n for the first time,as positive thoughts tend to bring positive experie nces.Luckily eno ugh, I was with a host family that were very _13_, which helped to ease the process of

4、feeling happy and settled .I now love visit ing whe n I can to see how the childre n grow up and feel very blessed by being able to _14_ this.Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students and not a(n) 15_,in a different region.Nonetheless, the process of _16_ has bee

5、n easier, as I feel 17_ the Spanish culture already.Of course when moving away from homeyou have to18_ many things that are different in comparison to what you call home.However, this is the _19 of travell ing, explori ng and _20 yourself and a new place.A new place that one day you might be able to

6、 call your home too.【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。作者在异国他乡找到了自己的“家”1. A.leaveB.planC. moveD.visit答案 D 根据最后一段第一句可知,作者重 “访(visit)”西班牙。2. A.proudB.luckyC popularDreal答案 B 根据上文的 I felt like I was at home 和下文的 feel like this 可知,在异国他乡能找到家的感觉确实“幸运(lucky) ” 0 3A.fina l l yCcompletely 答案 D 如果在某个地方 家的感觉,那真是幸运0 BpossiblyDnec

7、essarily不一定 (not necessarily)” 就是家 能找到Bdream4A.beliefC heartDjob答案 C 根据上文的nice, feel like可知,作者认识到家就是“心灵(heart)”的 归属地0 5A.normalBuniqueCstrongDuneasy答案 A 根据上文的A lot of people get homesick及常识可知,思乡是一种“正 常的 (normal)” 情感0 6A.similarBunusualC lovedDrespected答案 C 根据上文的homesick可知,一个人远离自己“所爱的(loved)”人和家中的舒适,

8、当然会泛起乡愁0 7A.HoweverBThereforeCInsteadDOtherwise答案 A 下文提到的在异乡也能找到家的感觉与上文意义上发生了转折, 故选However0 8A.freeBpowerfulCavailableDcomfortable答案 D 解析见下题0 9A.care forBlook forC ask forDwait for答案 A 根据上文的you can feel at home可知,此处意思是,如果在一个地方能与“关爱(care for)”自己的人在一起、觉得比较“舒服(comfortable)”,那自然能找到家的感觉。 10A.missingBmaki

9、ngCchoosingDaiding答案 B 解析见下题。 11A.ideaBcultureChomeDchance答案 B 根据这两个空所在句中的 embracing every moment, enjoying 和 you can feel settled in a short amount of time 可知,如果能珍惜每个瞬间、 “ 交 (making)”些朋友、享受新的“文化(culture)”,那很快就能融入当地的生活。 12A.chattingBplayingClivingDdealing答案 C 根据下文的host family可知,“我”与寄宿家庭“生活(living) ”

10、在一 起。 13A.wiseBhonestCsuccessfulDfriendly答案 D 根据下文的 helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settl可知,寄宿家庭的成员都很“友好(friendly) ”。14A.changeBexperienceCsupportD improve答案 B 根据上文的 see how the children grow up可知,能“经历(experienee” 这一过程,作者感到很幸福。 15A.teacherB roommateCfamilyDorganization答案 C 上文的host fa

11、mily是提示。16A.going onBturning aroundCstepping forward 答案 D 解析见下题。 Dsettling in17A.accustomed toBexcited atC. satisfied withD. interested in答案 A 因为是第二次来西班牙,所以作者这次“安定(settling in)”下来要比上次更容易些,因为他已经“熟悉(accustomed to” 了当地的文化。18. A.give upB. start withC. adapt toD. carry out答案 C 根据本空所在句中的moving away from h

12、ome和 different incomparison to what you call home可知,背井离乡自然需要 “适应(adapt to)” 异地不同于家乡的很多方面。19. A.rolesecretC. delight答案C 解析见下题。symboldiscoveri ngcon troll ing20. A.helpingC. enjoying答案 B 根据However可知,前后表示转折。作者认为虽然需要适应很多新事物,但是这恰巧就是旅游、探索、“发现(discovering)”自我的“乐趣(delight)” 所在。B(2019 长治质量检测考试)1 was looking

13、at the catalogue of an upcoming seminar given by some famous and successful people.1 called one of my best friends and asked him _1_ he wan ted to go.He said, “ Oh, I ' nnot going to _2 my money.Brother, those guys just got _3_. ” His answer, to say the least pissed me off (使 恼怒)!I said seriousl

14、y, “_4_, brother.I came from being a homeless man to a pretty _5_ manager! Am I lucky? Nohave earned 6 I own' mot a multi millionaire but I _7_ I ' ll be in the future. The people my friend didn ' t want to _8_ at the seminar were very successful and famous billionaires.In addition, the

15、_9 was pennies in comparison to the_10_ to meet and speak to thesemen .Besides, whe n I say penni es, I _11, people spe nd more on a pair of jea ns!Luck is _12_ an occurre nee that only happe ns by cha nee after an action is take n.My13_ considered these successful people to be lucky by mistake.The1

16、4_ isthat it isn ' “luck ”at makes a successful billionaire.Luck like things tend to_15一 after people take acti on towards a desired result .In fact, successful people _16 to be “ lucky ” have made more effort than others.Ralph Waldo Emerson said,17 _ men believe in luck.Strong men believe in ca

17、useand effect. ”_, to get“ lucky ” here ' s what you should do.Decide what you want,create a plan to get it and then DO IT ! _19_ you keep at it and _20_ give up, success, I mean luck will beg in to sno wball in your favor!【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者邀请朋友参加成功人士举办的研讨会,朋友却不以为然,认为他们成功凭的是运气。作者就此发表了对运气的看法。1. A.

18、afterB. whenC. whereD. whether答案 D 作者得知将有一场成功人士举办的研讨会后给他的朋友打电话,问他“是否(whether)”想参加。2. A.wasteB. earnC. lendD. save答案 A 由下文的 pissed me off 及第二段中的 the.was pennies in comparison to.people spe nd more on a pair of jea n可知,朋友的回答出乎作者的意料,且该 研讨会是收费的。据此可推断,作者的朋友说他不打算“浪费(waste)”钱去参加 研讨会。3. A.strangeB. luckyC.

19、funnyD. proud答案 B 由第三段中的 My.considered these successful people to be lucky by mistake可知答案。4 . A.WaitB . StopC . ListenD . Notice答案 C 由上文可知作者被朋友的话惹火了,他要严肃地驳斥朋友的观点,故应该是让朋友认真“听(Listen)”他将要说的话。5 . A.activeB . kindC . powerfulD . successful答案 D作者想通过自己由无家可归者奋斗为“成功的(successful)”管理者的经历告诉朋友:成功绝非靠偶然的运气。 6A.no

20、thingBeverythingCsomethingD anything答案 B 由上文的 Am I lucky?No 可知,此处作者说他不是走运,而是靠努 力赢得他所拥有的 “一切 (everything)” 。7A.imagineBdoubtCbelieveDhope答案 C 上文讲作者的财富不是靠运气, 而是通过努力得来的。 故此处作者是 说他虽然现在还不是个大富豪,但他 “相信(believe)”自己通过努力未来会成为 大富豪。 8A.seeBfindCraiseDhelp答案 A 由第一段可知,作者的朋友不想在研讨会上“见(see)'的人是名利双收的亿万富翁。 BcallD

21、feeBdecisionD plan9A.paperCplace答案 D 解析见下题。 10A.messageCchance答案 C 由 was pennies in comparison to.people spend more on a pair of jeans知,参加研讨会的“费用(fee)”相对于这一难得的“机会(chance)”的价值来说 很低。Bmean11A.discoverCguessDknow答案 B 作者说费用极少的“意思(mean)”是参加研讨会的费用比人们买一 条牛仔裤花的钱还少。 12A.actuallyBfairlyCfinallyDgradually答案 A 作

22、者解释自己对运气的理解:运气“实际上(actually)”只会在人们采 取某种行动后偶尔发生。 13A.coworkerBmanagerC heroDfriend答案 D 由第一段中的 I called one of my best friends 可知,作者的 “朋友(friend)” 误以为成功的人都是幸运的。 14A.resultBcommentCtruthDproblem答案 C 此处是针对上文的 considered these successful people to be lucky bymistake而言。“真相(truth)”是:促使亿万富翁们成功的不是运气。15A.hide

23、BhappenC changeDfail答案 B 走运的事情通常“发生(happen)”在人们朝着期待的结果采取行动之后。16A.consideredB provedCblessedDshown答案 A事实上那些“被认为(considered)”走运的成功人士比别人付出了更多努力。上文的 considered these successful people to be luck是提示。17A.CoolB CleverCUglyDShallow答案 D 该句与下文的Strong men believe in cause and effec是对比关系。故此处意为:“肤浅的(Shallow)”人相信

24、运气。18A.OtherwiseB ThereforeCHoweverDInstead答案 B 上文讲强人 (即朋友所认为的幸运的人 )与肤浅的人的区别在于前者 相信因果而后者相信运气。 “因此(Therefore)”,要想成为幸运儿需要按照以下 的建议行动。 19A.ThoughB SinceCIfD Before答案C 解析见下题。20. A.neverB. oftenC. sometimesD. always答案 A “如果(If) ”你坚持执行自己的计划并且 “永不(never)”放弃,那么 成功或者说幸运就会降临。II第二组IIA(2019 渭南质量检测)We talk about

25、the persistenee (坚持不懈)needed to make our dream come true today.Just thi nk of Wilbur and Orville Wright.Their _1_ eertai nly didn ' t happen overnight!Wilbur was 12 years old and Orville 8 when their father brought home a _2 .Itwas a rubber _3_ made in Fran ee.They _4_ it so much that they playe

26、d with it un til it brokem mediately, they bega n _5_ eopies.They were hooked on aviati on 飞行器 制造)! In 1900, as young men, having built their first glider 滑翔机),they decided to _6 it out at Kitty Hawk on Kill Devil Hills .It _7_ on siste nt strong win ds, and the somewhat eushi oning effects of san d

27、.That first flight was un successful, _8_ it didn ' t stop them.After several naobries, on December 17 1903, with a much _9_ plane, they risked their lives to drive it in the wind.They _10_ flying the world' sfirst powered airplane.Beginning at 10 35 a. m.that day, Orville _.11_ it 120 feet

28、in about 12 seco nds.At 12 00, Wilbur flew it 852 feet in 59 seco nds! Joh nny Moore, one of five men who _亿 them that morning (in charge of dragging the plane across the sand for positi onin g), ra n to the village of Kitty Hawk _13_,“ They' ve madeit!” This was the 14_ of aviation! At this tim

29、e, Wilbur was 36 and Orville 32.Roughly 24 years had passed 丄5_ their father gave them that toy!If you have a _16_, work at it.If it doesn' t turnLo.t asdon' t give up! Tryagain! Who wants to live and say somewhere, “Ifonly ”or “What if ?”18_what you want and accomplish it.Don' t ever _倔

30、 upn the world can take theplace of persiste nce.Tale nt will not; nothing is more 20_ tha n un successful men with talent.Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts (流浪汉).Persiste nee and determ in ati on alone are omn ipote n 无所不能的).【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。 莱特兄弟发明飞机的经历证明: 坚持不懈是 成功的法宝。1. A

31、.failureB. aeeidentC. aehievementD. ehange答案 C 由第二段可知,莱特兄弟发明了飞机,然而他们的“成就 (aehievement)'不是一夜之间完成的。2. A.toyB. toolC. bookD. pet答案 A 由下文的 they played with it until it broke 可推断,父亲给他们带回来 一个“玩具(toy)”。3. A.earB. bieyeleC. helieopterD. ship答案 C 由下文的They were hooked on aviation可推断,这个礼物与飞机有关。 故选 helieopt

32、er。 4. A.desiredB. missedC. neededD. liked答案 D 由下文的 they played with it until it broke 可知,兄弟俩很 “ 喜欢 (liked) ”这个玩具。5. A.buildingB. sellingC. buyingD. drawing答案 A 由下文的 They were hooked on aviation.built their first glider 可知,玩具飞机坏了以后,兄弟俩开始“建造(building) ”类似的飞机。6. A.putB.tryC.piekD.earry答案 B 兄弟俩建好第一架滑翔机

33、后决定试验它。try sth out试验。7. A.avoidedB.preventedC.providedD.eaught答案 C 由上文的Kill Devil Hills可知,山上“有(provided)”持续的强风,利于飞行。 Band8A.butC soDor答案 A “第一次飞行并未成功 ” 与“失败并没有阻止他们 ”之间是转折关 系,故选连词 but。9A.ordinaryBsimilarC organizedDimproved答案 D 由语境可知,首次飞行失败后, 兄弟俩又试验了几次, 最终制造了一 架有很大“改进的(improved)”飞机。10A.took toBkept t

34、oC gave upDended up答案 D 莱特兄弟“最终(ended up)”成功驾驶世界上第一架动力飞机。11A.flewBplacedC d raggedDpulled答案 A 由下文的 Wilbur flew it可知,Orville先“驾驶(flew)”飞机在12秒之内飞行了 120英尺。 12A.noticedBmetCvisitedDhelped答案 D 由下文的 in charge of dragging the plane across the sand for positioning可知,该男子那天上午“帮助(helped)”兄弟俩试飞。13A.laughingBadd

35、ingCcryingDexplaining答案 C 由下文的They've made it可推断,该男子兴奋地 “叫喊着(crying)” 向村民通报试飞成功的消息。 Bbirth14A.resultCtargetDchance答案 B 莱特兄弟试飞成功标志着飞机制造的“开始(birth) ”。CthoughDwhenBuntil15A.since24答案 A “从(since)”父亲送给他们那个玩具到试飞成功,已经过了大约 年。16. A.reasonB. dreamC. presentD. task答案 B 由上文可知,莱特兄弟的梦想是制造飞机。他们的成功证明:有“梦想(dream

36、)”就应该努力去实现它。17. A.allowedB. decidedC. expectedD. required答案 C 如果现实并不是我们所“期望(expected)'的,也不要放弃。18. A.Worry aboutB. Return toC. Forget aboutD. Stick to答案 D 由上文的don 'give up! Try again可知,要“坚持(Stick to)”自己想要的,并努力实现它。19 . A.Somethi ngB . Noth ingC . AnythingD . Everythi ng答案 B 由下文的Tale nt will no

37、t.Education will not.可推断,世界上“没有任何东西(Nothing)”能代替坚持不懈的努力。20 . A.com monB . activeC . painfulD . excit ing答案 A 天资不能代替坚持不懈的努力:有天资却不成功的人再“常见(common)” 不过了。BOne of my favorite gardening tasks actually happens long after it' s time to dig, sowweed, and watern late win ter, I _1_ gett ing out into my fr

38、uit trees for their big annual pruning 修剪树枝).To me, this is the most _2_ spri ng clea ning task because it is a job that actually_3 a living thing to grow.It is a labor that helps _4_ fruit.For seven years, myhusband and I have _5_ apple, sour cherry peach, pear, sweet cherry, and orange trees in ou

39、r tiny orchard 果园).Before we planted, we _6_ a 15 day training class at the University of Massachusetts.The in structor taught us how to shape the _7_ and get rid of diseases and in sects.He _8_ taught us this guidi ng prin ciple whe n it _9_ pruning: Remove to renew.There is biology behind this phi

40、losophy.Cutting off tree _10_ that are damaged, crowd ing out the sun, or grow ing at a(n) _ 1_ an gle allows for proper air and sun light circulati on.lt also makes a tree 'root system put out new growth in a way that _12_ more and healthier fruit production._13_, removing some bran ches ren ew

41、s our trees ' growth a活力g)or(“ Remove to renew ” has a deeper for me, though.Having a positive outlook on life is fueled by my _1_5to feel renewed, refreshed andready to grow.And I ' velearned I can ' t do this?_ I have eno ugh space to expa nd and be productive.Not every branch is fruit

42、 bearing _17_. Pruning some of them disorder, _18_, unhealthy foods from my life is essential to focusing my _19 on those things that bring purpose, uplift and _20_ to my days.【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。修剪树枝可以让树木长得更好;同样,我们的生活也需要做一些减法才能让自己充满正能量。1. A.give upB. look forward toC. pay attention toD. think of答案 B 由上文

43、的One of my favorite gardening tasks可知,作者在冬末时便“盼望着(look forward to) ”自己最喜欢做的园艺工作修剪树枝。2. A.surprisingB. boringC. tiringD. satisfying答案 D 由下文的 because it is a job that actually.a living thing to grow可推断, 作者认为剪枝是最“令人满意的(satisfying)”工作。3 . A.e nablesB . requiresC . expectsD . forces答案 A 剪枝工作实际上使得树木能够长得更茂盛。enable意为“使能够”, 符合语境。4 . A.enjoyB


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