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1、消防产品型式认可申请书APPLICATION FOR TYPE-APPROV AL OF FIRE PRODUCTS首次申请 /First Application扩大范围申请 /Scope Expansion 证书延续申请 /Renewal换版申请 /Format Change 申请企业名称 / Application product category :(加盖公章 /Seal)生产厂名称 / Factory:申请产品类别 /Category of Product:填报日期 /Submission Date (yyyy/mm/dd):年 月 日公安部消防产品合格评定中心印制Published

2、by China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security, PRC申请企业须知1、申请企业必须严格按照消防类产品型式认可实施规则中工 厂基本条件的要求建立并实施有效的质量管理,确保企业的质量 保证能力符合实施规则的基本要求;2、申请企业必须符合消防类产品型式认可实施规则中生产设 备及检验设备的最低配置要求;3、申请企业须严格遵守型式认可程序及时限要求,正常情况下, 接到工厂检查通知后的 30 日内应接受工厂条件检查, 并应在规定 时间内完成对不符合项的整改工作, 自抽样之日起 15 日内将样品 送到

3、指定检测机构进行检验,并按期缴纳相关费用;如遇特殊原 因,必须及时通报公安部消防产品合格评定中心;4、申请企业获证后,必须严格按照消防类产品型式认可实施规 则的规定,正确使用型式认可证书和标志。对有违规者,公安 部消防产品合格评定中心将进行严肃处理。5、申请企业获证后, 所生产及销售的产品必须与发证检验样品保 持一致,产品质量必须符合型式认可规则和相关标准要求。若必 须对涉及产品一致性的关键因素,如关键原器件、原材料、关键 设计及主要生产工艺发生变更,以及生产场地搬迁、法人及主要 技术人员发生变更时,获证企业必须及时向公安部消防产品合格 评定中心申报,由中心按照消防类产品型式认可实施规则要 求

4、安排确认工作。未经中心确认,不得生产及销售产品,对违规 者,公安部消防产品合格评定中心将进行严肃处理,由此而导致 的一切责任均由违规企业承担。The Notice of the Applica nt1. The Applicant must not only constitute a quality control and bring into effect which according to the request of the factorys postulate, but also make sure the quality guara ntee capacity of the cor

5、porati on accord ing to the request of the impleme nt rules.2. The applicant must measure up the lowest configuration requirement of producing equipment and checking equipment that refers to the The Implement Rules Of The fire fighting product Type-Approval.3. The applicant must follow the authentic

6、ation procedure and the time limit requirement. In normal condition, the enterprise should accept the work condition inspection within 30 days after receive the information, and finish the modificati on of the un accepted item within stated time. The en terprise should send the sample to the appo in

7、 ted exam ine in stituti on in 15days after thein specti on, and pay for the related bill. The en terprise should declare to CCCF in time if there is any special case.4. After getting the certificate, the applicant must follow the implement rules strictly and use authorized certificate and symbol co

8、rrectly. CCCF will sternly punish the foul.5. After getting the certificate, the applicant must keep the products they produce and sell the same with the in spect ing samples. The quality of the products must measure up the authe nticati on regulati ons and the correlative sta ndards. If the some ke

9、y factors that related to the coherenceof the products have to be modified, such as key source apparatus, raw material, core design and primary produce tech niq ue, as well as the workplace, juridical pers on and key tech ni cal pers onnel cha nge, the en terprise must declare to CCCF. And CCCF vali

10、dates the situation according to the implement rules. The enterprise can't produce and sell any products without the validati on. CCCF will ster nly punish the foul. And the foul is charged of all the correlative obligati on.我代表申请企业郑重声明:1. 本企业遵循“诚信第一”的基本原则,承诺遵守国家有关法律法规及公安部消 防产品合格评定中心(以下简称CCCF)制定

11、的型式认可实施规则的所有要求 及型式认可程序。2. 本企业同意按型式认可规则的要求提供评价所需文件和资料,所提供的信息 均真实有效,否则承担由此引起的一切法律责任。3. 本企业保证按型式认可合同及相关要求支付型式认可费用,并为实施型式认 可产品型式认可工作提供所需要的资源。4. 本企业将妥善保管检验报告、工厂检查报告和型式认可变更确认等型式认可 的相关资料,以备监督检查、飞行检查及有关证后监督工作时使用,公安部消 防产品合格评定中心将不承担获得产品合格型式认可的生产厂或销售商应承担 的法律责任。5. 本企业完全接受申请企业须知中所涉及的全部内容。StatementI, on the behal

12、f of the Applicant, make the statement hereby:1. The Applica nt is willi ng to comply with the Impleme nt Rules for Type-Approval formulatio n which by Chi na Certificati on Cen ter for Fire Products (So-called as CCCF).2. The Applicant does agree to submit the necessarydocuments and information whi

13、ch truthf uln ess has bee n en sured by the Applicandm this otherwise un dertakes all legal liability which causes.3. The Applica nt guara ntee to make the payme nt in accorda nee with the Type-Approval Con tract an d/or the releva nt requireme nt.4. The Applica nt will keep ing the releva nt in for

14、mati on about authe nticati on properly, such as the prove report, jerque report of factory and the validate of the authentication change, which will be used in the supervise in spect, sudde n in spect and the supervisal task after applicati on. CCCF will not toe the scratchwhich must be bearedby th

15、e factory or mercha ntwho get the product eligibility authe nticati on.5. The Applica nt does accept the con tentThe no tice of the Applicantc ontain ed.申请企业法定代表人 /Authorized Person of the Applicant Firm(签名 Sig nature/ 盖章 Sea)日期 /Date (yyyy/mm/dd):年 月 日、申请企业名称、地址及联系Applicant Information1 申请企业 /Appli

16、cant Firm:1.1 申请企业名称 / Name in Chinese and English:盒方式1.2 申请人地址、邮编 /Mailing A ddress and Postcode 注册地址 Registration address:邮编:通讯地址 Maili ng address :邮编:1.3 法定代表人 / Juridical Pers on: 电话 /Tele phone:手机 /Mobile phone1.4 联系人 / Person to be Contacted:电话 /Telephone:手机 /Mobile phone1.5 传真 /Fax: 1.6 电子邮件/

17、E-mail: 1.7 组织机构代码 / Organizations and agencies code: 1.8 组织性质代码/ Organization nature code : (按本申请书第六项的要求填写)2 制造商 / Manufacturer2.1 制造商 名称/ Name in Chinese and English: 2.2 制造商地址、邮编 / Manufacturer Address and Postcode注册地址 Registration address:邮编:通讯地址 Maili ng address :邮编:2.3 法定代表人 / Juridical Person

18、:电话 /Telephone:手机 /Mobile phone2.4 联系人 / Person to be Contacted电话 /Telephone:手机 /Mobile phone2.5 传真 /Fax: 2.6 电子邮件/E-mail: 2.7 组织机构代码 /组织机构代码 / Organizations and agencies code:2.8 组织性质代码 / Organization nature code:求填写)生产厂/factory:3.1 生产厂名称 / Name in Chinese and English:(按本申请书第六项的要3.2实际生产厂地址、邮编 /Addr

19、ess & Postcode:注册地址 Registration address:邮编:通讯地址 Maili ng address :邮编:实际生产厂地址 Actual plant address:邮编:3.3 法定代表人 / Juridical Person (if applicable ) :电话 /Telephone:手机 /Mobile phone3.4 联系人 / Person to be Contacted电话 /Telephone:手机 /Mobile phone3.5 传真 /Fax:3.6电子邮件/E-mail:3.7 组织机构代码 Organizations and

20、 agencies code: 3.8组织性质代码/ Organization nature code : (按本申请书第六项的要求填写)4 企业注册资本 / Enterprise registered capital: (万元 / Ten thousand Yuan),经营范围Management scope: 5 单位总人数 /Enterprise total number of people ,高级技术职称人数 / High-level technical titlepopulation,中级技术职称人数 / Intermediate technical title population

21、 ,初级技术职称人数 / Primary technical title population 。设计开发技术人员 / Design development technical personnel,生产制造技术人员 /Manufacturing technical personnel,产品检验技术人员 / Product inspection technicalpersonnel,售后服务技术人员 / Post-sale service technical personnel , 其他技术人(注:上述人数均为所涉及申请产品的人数)员 / Other tech nical personnel6

22、申请型式认可产品的最大年生产能力/ Application pattern approval product most bumper yearproductivity :。(例:灭火器XX具/年;防火门XXX平米/年;消防应急灯具 XX具/年等)7 申请型式认可产品使用型式认可标志形式/ The application pattern approval product use patternapproves the symbol form :A、消防产品身份信息发布及标志/ Fire product status information issue and symbol ;B、 普通消防产品型

23、式认可标志/ Ordinary fire product pattern approval symbol ;。8中国代表处或中国办事处名称,联系人姓名,地址,邮编,电子邮件、电话、移动电话及传真/Applicant ' representative or local office in China, Person to be contacted, Address & Postcode, E-mail,Teleph one, Mobile No. & Fax No.: 、申请型式认可产品情况Product In formati on for Type-Approval序号

24、Serial No.产品名称(按产品实施规则中 相关要求填写)Name of Product型号规格Model and Specification执行标准Impleme nted Stan dard商标(自愿填报)Trademark产品检验选择相应的国家级消防产品 质量监督检验中心名称Name of the National Quality Control & Testi ng Cen ter for Fire Products as Selected国家固定灭火系统和耐火构件质量监督检验中心/Tianjin fire Research Institute (天津)国豕消防装备质量监督

25、检验中心/China National FireEquipme nt Quality Supervisi on Cen ter (上海)国豕消防电子产品质量监督检验中心/Shen ya ng FireResearch In stitute (沈阳) 国家防火建筑材料质 量监督检验 中心/Sichuan Fire Research Institute (四川)备注/Note:注:若申请企业属证书延续申请,在备注栏中注明是全部产品或是部分产品换证,并提交申请换证产品型式认可证书复印件 / If applies for the enterprise to need to transform the

26、certificate, needs to indicate is the complete product or thepartial products, and must submit the application product the pattern approval certificate copy申请型式认可产品名称、型号及照片(与申请产品一一对应)Product Name, Type and Photo for Type-ApprovalProduct Photo名称型号NameModel名称Name贴照片处Product Photo型号Model三、申 请 企 业 承 诺我代

27、表申请企业郑重承诺:1始终遵守型式认可计划安排的有关规定; 2为进行评价作出必要的安排,包括配合检查组的工作、允许检查组进入 需进行检查的区域、查阅所有的记录(包括内部审核报告、人员评价文件 等)、提供必要的交通工具等; 3按合同规定和相关规定,及时缴纳各项费用,及时从“中国消防产品信 息网”获取相关信息; 4按有关法律法规、规章的要求,正确使用证书和标志;5 谨慎使用产品型式认可结果, 不损害公安部消防产品合格评定中心的声 誉;不对社会产生误导,不未经许可发表声明; 6当证书被暂停、撤销、中止型式认可程序时,立即停止涉及型式认可内 容的广告及宣传,并按要求将所有型式认可文件(至少应包含型式认

28、可证 书及型式检验报告)交回公安部消防产品合格评定中心,封存型式认可标 志;7在传播媒体中对产品型式认可内容的引用,严格遵守国家的相关要求。申请企业法定代表人签字:(加盖公章 )年月Commitment of the Applicant FirmI represent apply for the enterprise to pledge seriously :1: Make a Statement related to the certification only in the scope of approved certification2: In order to carry on the

29、 appraisal to make the essential arrangement, including the coordinate inspection team's work, the permission inspection team enters must carry on the inspection the region, consult all records (including internal check report, personnel to appraise document and so on), to provide the essential

30、transportation vehicle and so on.3: According to the contract provision and the related stipulation, pay each item of fee promptly, promptly from “ Chinese fire prevention product information network” gain related information4:According to the relevant law laws and regulations, the rules and regulat

31、ions request, uses the certificate and the sign correctly5: The discrete use product authentication result, does not harm the Ministry of Public Security fire prevention product qualified assessment center the prestige; Does not have misleading to the society, not issues the statement without the pe

32、rmission6: When the certificate is suspended, the cancellation, stops authenticating the procedure, immediately stops involving the authentication content the advertisement and the propaganda, and will possess the authentication document according to the request (to contain authentication certificat

33、e and pattern survey report at least) returns the Ministry of Public Security fire prevention product qualified assessment center, seals the authentication symbol7: In the communication media to the product authentication content's quotation, should meet the national related requirementSignature :Signed by the authorized


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