



1、The LexicalFeaturesf theAdvertisementandthe TranslationAs an idiom says:"a word is equal to a thousand pieces of gold".The language of the advertisements is the conciser the better.The function of advertisements is publicity and the aim is to achieve certain economic effect.It not only int

2、roduces the products accurately but also saves spaces and time.So the words used in the advertisement need to be deliberated elaborately.Generally speaking,the words of advertisements have two main features.I .Using sim pie spoken IanguageThe function of the advertisement is publicity,to convey the

3、information of the products to consumers as soon as possibie.To attain popuiarity and understandabiiity,using spoken ianguage,even some irreguiar idioms,is an effective way.Because spoken ianguage that comes from the masses is memorabie and active.For exampie:My Goodness! My Guinness!It is an advert

4、isement of beer,which was written bysimple spoken language."My Goodness"is often used to expresses surprise.The structure of"My Guinness"is the same as that of"My Goodness".The whole advertisement is concise and attractive.It can stir up the imagination of the readers.I

5、I .Using a large number of verbs,adjectives,abbreviations,etcThe language of the advertisements should be concise and vivid.Therefore,a flood of adjectives and some particular verbs frequently occur,which make advertisements attractive; Abbreviations can make advertisements more concise.ID .Lexical

6、translation1.The choice of the wordAdvertisements should be concise and active in linguistic,clear at a glance in content.Therefore,in the process of the advertising translation,some verbs of monosyllable should be frequently used.Such as make,get,take,taste,help,save,bring,call,let,like,love, etc.T

7、he final goal of the advertisement is to persuade readers into purchasing products.But in the process of theadvertising translation,“买” can not be simplytranslated into"buy",because"buy"means"obtain something by giving money"that is an unpleasant associative meaning.So

8、translators always try their best to avoid using"buy".They use someother words to express the meaning of"buy"."Buy something"is replaced by"make something","give you something","serve something",and"let something solve your problem&quo

9、t;.These expressions can not only convey the samemeaning as"buy"but also avoid unpleasant associative meanings.About the choice of adjectives in the process of the advertising translation,according to the statistics of an English linguist G.H.Leech,"new"that is the most frequentl

10、y used adjective can be used in many aspects.It can modify size,shape,surface and structure of the products.Additionally,in recent years,people pay much more attention to the health day-by-day,so"natural"frequently emerges in the advertisements of the food.Because of particular characteris

11、tics of the words used in advertisements,translators should pay more attention to the choice of the word in the process of theadvertising translation,especially some trademarks in advertisements.About trademark translation,translators usually use transliteration and free translation,but sometimes th

12、ese two basic methods can't convey the information of the original advertisements accurately.At this time we can adopt another method-combination of transliteration and free translation.2bination of transliteration and free translationThe trademark is of vital importance to a company or corporat

13、ion,and to some extent,it represents the image of the enterprise itself.Therefore,the translation of a trademark in the translation of the advertisements is a very serious job,which allows no arbitrary assumption.The designer of a trademark would have spared no effort to achieve the best effect.And

14、so should a translator.Transliteration is usually the most common method to translate trademarks,for instance,Coca-Cola 可 口可乐、 Canon 佳能、 Xerox 施乐、 Sharp 夏普、 Sony 索尼、 Lucky 乐凯,etc.But sometimes transliteration isn't effective.Thus the translators adopt combination of transliteration and free tran

15、slationbination of transliteration and free translation is a translation method concerning both the pronunciation and the meanings of trademarks in the process of translation,when simplex transliteration or simplex free translation can't convey the information of the original text accurately.It

16、suits the translation of trademarks in advertisements.For example:(An advertisement of a florist shop) Original text:Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.It was translated into “艳特总汇之鲜花发自内心的表达”。In the target text,“艳特总汇” b elongs tocombination of transliteration and free translation,“艳特” is tra

17、nsliteration,“总汇” is freetranslation.Interflora,which is a concoctive word consisting of two parts.One is"inter"which is a prefix,the other is"flora"which means a group of vegetation in a certain place or period.As a name of a florist shop,interflora is a most suitable one.Accord

18、ing to the pronunciation of"inter",the translator cannily translate it into “艳特” which shows the features of flowers at the same time. “总汇” comes from the meaning o f flora which means"get together".There are some other examples,such as “珞珈山” wastranslated into"Lucky Hill",“美通” was translatedinto"Bestone".They are perfect combination of transliter


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