



1、Lets Go Swimmin g教学设计 与评析教学内容:小学英语(EEC版)第三册第七课第一部分。 学习目标:学会说打电话时常用的句型,学会用英语提建议。 教学重点: Is XX there?This isXXLets go swimming thisafternoon 教学流程:Step One: GreetingsStep Two: Leading in the class(When I ask the questions,my mo-bile rings. The screen shows: A womanis calling to me. We are speaking.)Woma

2、n:Hello. Is Miss Yao there?This is Miss Chen.T:Hi,Miss Chen.This is Miss Yao.Woman:Lets go swimming thisafternoon.(The screen shows: the picture ofswim.)T: Great!Woman: Bye,T: Good-bye. 简评:教师运用真实情境导人新课,通过和大屏幕里的朋 友通话,把奉节课重点句式“ Is XX there?This is XX Lets go swimming thisaftemoon ”生动直观地呈现,使学生迅速吸收新的语言信

3、息,理解新的语言含义,整体感知语言全貌Step Three:Teaching the newlesson1. T: When we call somebody,we should say:“This isXX.” Wecan t say: “I” m XX.”T: Hello. Is S1 there?SI: Hi, Miss Yao. This is SI.Teach: Is XX there?(Then the students ask and an-swer each other.)2. T:Open the books to Page88, and listen to the tape

4、 carefully.3. T: Hello. Is S4 there?S4: Hi, Miss Yao. This is S4.T:Lets go swimming this af-ternoon. OK?S4:OK.(The screen shows: go swim-ming. )T:go swimming.(Read it one byone.)T:Let s go swimming this af -ternoon. (Read it one by one.)4. Show the word cards: swimming,let s, afternoon, this,go.(Whe

5、n the students see the word,they write it on their small paper.Ask two students put the cards onthe blackboard in aright way. And oth-ers do it on their chairs. )5. T:Loak at Page 89. Lets listenand speak.6. Page 89: Cheek it out.7. Change drill:( The screen shows: go skating, goshopping, gofishing.

6、Ask the studentsmake sentences use these words. ) 简评:这一环节是整节课的关键。教师在确认学生领悟语 言含义,模仿正确的基础上,转入操练,引导学生把学到的语言 知识转化为语言技能。 值得提倡的是, 教师把听说读写有机地融 合在一起,是小学英语课堂教学以学生为本这一教育思想的朴素 实践,而且四项技能训练安排得条理清晰, 层次分明, 环环递进, 独树一帜。 Step Four: Consolidation1.Chant: (the screen shows)Is Kate,is Kate, is Kate there?This is, this i

7、s,this is Lili.This is, this is,this is Kate.Swimming,swimming, letgo swim-ming this afternoon.Great, great, great, great, great.2.Make a dialogue: (the screenshows)T:Hello.Is XX there?This isMiss Yao.S: Hi, Miss Yao. This is XX.T:Lets go shopping this after-noon.S: Great!(The students make their di

8、a-logues as they like ingroups for twominutes.Then ask two or three groupsact their dialogues.) 简评:教师通过 chant 操练、对话操练、表演操练、自由 扩展等一系列生动有趣的活动, 巩固所学内容, 并对重点句式进 行了有效拓展,形式为内容服务,兴趣为学习导引,符合小学生 的学习特点和认知水平。 Step Five: Summary( The screen shows: a big phone )Woman: Hello.Is Miss Yaothere?T: Hi. This is Miss Yao.Woman: Time is up. Please say “good -bye” to your students.T(sad): OK. I see.T: Oh, sorry, my friend


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