1、一. 翻译原则1.忠实原则, 即信息对等而不是语意对等Eg. 每年的两届交易会, 把全国几乎所有的外贸公司和出口商品集中起来, 统一到广州展出, 成交, 减少了我们到国外推销的支出, 外商也可以只派少数人到会选购, 不必花大人力到我各口岸寻找生意, 节省了买卖双方的费用, 深受国外经营各种商品的中小客商的欢迎.The biannual Guangzhou Fair is attended by almost all foreign trade companies in China and presents a great number of export commodities to buye
2、rs from abroad. Many transactions are concluded at the fair. As sellers and buyers can all gather in one place to conduct trade talks, the fair apparently saves them a great deal of time and money. This explains why the Guangzhou Fair has long been popular among overseas traders.2. 准确原则-选词准确, 概念表达准确
3、, 数码单位准确.如: 保税区Free trade zone保税仓库Tarriff-free warehouseEg. 客商从开发区企业分得的利润汇出境外时, 免征所得税. Eg. 如贵方能将尿素报价降至每吨1200美元, 我们可以订购150至180吨.If you can reduce your price of Urea to 1,200 dollars per ton, we may consider placing an order of 150-180 tons.3. 统一原则译名, 概念, 术语应始终保持统一, 不能随意改变译名.如:基本建设basic construction基本
4、价格basic price4. 文化融入A. 注意文化因素-了解中西方文化差异1 思维方式的不同中国文化重权威与历史, 西方重现实与事实-偏实用.中国文化重整体, 西方偏分析性思维2 语言的不同中国语言重修饰, 偏笼统与含糊, 西方语言重具体和准确.谦辞在许多场合被采用, 体现了中国文化背景下语用特征之一.Eg. 人们根据瀑布的声和形,予它诗一样的名字,诸如九龙潭,人字瀑,百丈瀑,鸣弦泉,三叠泉、铁线泉、钵盂泉等等。 (黄山,北京,中国旅游出版社)Poetic names are given to these waterfalls according to their sounds and s
5、hapes, such as Nine-Dragon Waterfall, 人-shaped Waterfall, Hundred-Zhang Waterfall, Singing String Spring, Three section Waterfall, Iron-line Spring, Alms Bowl Spring.B. 灵活采用归化Eg. 它既保持了酱香浓郁、典雅细致、协调丰满、回味悠长等贵州茅台酒的独特风格.It possesses unique style and flavor and is extremely enjoyable liquor.Eg. 由于时间仓促, 作者
6、水平有限, 书中疏漏在所难免, 欢迎广大读者批评指正.Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this bookC. 以目标语的行文规则来衡量-得体性5. 文体与翻译:不同的翻译文体采取不同的翻译风格.如广告与合同的翻译风格就不同. 请看如下2个译例:1) 我厂生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽堂皇.The carpets made in our factory are well-known for their novel design, elegant colors, beautiful looks and magnific
7、ence.2)如果一方未行事或延迟使其在本合同项下的某项权利, 不构成该方对此项权利的放弃, 如果该方已经行使或者部分行使某项权利, 并不防碍其在将来再次行使此项权利.Either Partys failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or priviledge under this contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof, and any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege s
8、hall not preclude the exercise of any other right, power or privilege二、翻译技巧1. 词、术语的处理1)求其真实意to find out the real meaning in the context2)求其内核意- define its intra or core meaning3 求其文化意义-to locate the meaning of the culture-laden word2. 句子的处理1合译法(1将两个或两个以上的句子合并为一个句子; 或一个复合句或并列句等.例如: 由于业务繁忙, 我们难以按原计划访问
9、贵公司My tight schedule of business duties will not permit me to visit your company as planned虽然利率已经很高了, 但它需要保持在比通货膨胀率高的水平上, 这样做会使投资受到打击Interest rates, already high, need to stay higher than inflation, which will hurt investment(2用并列连词 and , so, but, or 或从属连词 as, before, though 等将数句连成一句.使我们的服务尽可能完善是我们一
10、贯的努力, 任何错误不管多么微小, 我们都能密切注意.It is our constant endeavor to make out service as nearly perfectly as possible, and no mistake is too small to receive our closest attention.(3将其变为主从复合句Eg. 中国是个大国, 80%的人口从事农业, 但耕地只占土地面积的1/10,其余为山脉, 森林, 城镇和其他用地. China is a large country with four-fifths of the population e
11、ngaged in agriculture, but also one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountain, forest or put to urban and other uses.Eg. 我们要加快经济结构的战略性调整, 优化经济结构, 坚持以市场为导向, 依靠科技进步.We will accelerate strategic restructuring of economy and optimize the economic structure, which should be market oriented a
12、nd rely on the scientific and technological advances.2 分译法有的句子很长, 需要将句子拆开成几个句子来翻译, 它需补充成分.Eg. 由于这种产品工艺先进, 结构新颖, 造型美观, 款式多样, 舒适大方, 携带方便.The technological design of this product is advanced with novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns. They are comfortable and convenient to carry.3. 翻译时要
13、注意的事项:1 加主语, 找句子的成分, 顺译为佳.Eg. 按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,积极推行规范的公司制和股份制改革,完善法人治理结构,深化企业内部分配、人事、劳动制度改革,建立激励和约束机制.In line with the principles of “clearly established property right ownership, well defined rights and responsibilities, separation of enterprises from government and scientific management,
14、” vigorous efforts were made to carry out reforms aimed at introducing the standard corporate system and the joint-stock system and improving corporate governance. We deepened the reform of enterprises internal systems for distribution and human resources and labor employment management and establis
15、h incentive and disciplinary mechanisms.Eg. 我国有些大学研究所所开发的技术难以产生效益, 甚至找不到市场.The technologies developed by some research institutions of our universities cannot effectively produce economic results, and even have little chances to enter the market.Eg. 宜于实行股份制的国有大中型企业, 要利用股票市场, 抓紧进行股份制改革.Trans1: Large
16、and medium-sized enterprises to which share-holding system is applicable should make use of the stock market and quickly carry out stocking system reformsTrans2: As for those large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises which have mature condition (have become ideal for carrying out share-holding
17、system, they should make use of the stock market to speed up the reforms in stocking systems.2 根据语境来选择词并以译入语的正确性、得体性来检验译文。切忌:机械或简单对应Eg. 一夜之中, 每时每刻, 玉兰油晚霜使您的皮肤始终保持湿润, 增强皮肤的自然再生能力, 舒展细微皱纹, 让你的皮肤显得更柔软更年轻.All through the night, Night of Olay enhances the natural regeneration of your skin by keeping it c
18、onstantly moist, easing tiny wrinkles and making your skin softer and more delicate.Eg. 在我们结束谈判之前, 我想在合同里加一个条款, 我对口头约定不放心. verbal agreement.Eg. 食品安全事件和安全生产重特大事故接连发生,给人民群众生命财产造成重大损失,教训是深刻的。A number of serious and major incidents concerning food and workplace safety have occurred, which have 今年财政收入紧张的
19、矛盾十分突出。(09年总理政府工作报告)三、产品的介绍和翻译A. 产品说明的语言特点1广泛使用一般现在时和主动语态或被动语态Attention should be paid to the working temperature of the machine1 常采用非谓语形式(ing分词, ed分词和动词不定式以及省略句Eg. 处理装置时须特别小心, 防止意外破损Exercise care during device handling to reduce the possibility of accidental device breakageEg. 请仔细阅读说明书, 以便使本机发挥其最佳性
20、能, 经久耐用, 不出故障.To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble-free use, please read this instruction manual carefully.2 use model verbsEg. 早晚刷牙后含漱2-5分钟Gargle with the product 2-5 minutes after brushing in the morning and evening.Eg. 请勿重复消毒Do not resterilize3 专业性和准确性如拉边机pulling edge machin
21、e,应是:top rollerB. 文体特点简洁性、技术性、规范性和说服性C. 典型句型具有功能、特点、功效Possess-This product featuresIt is characterized by2. 使用安全、携带方便It is safe to use and convenient to carry3 以精选原料,经科学配制而成Be scientifically prepared with choice ingredients including-,the carefully selected materials Be made from carefully selected4
22、. 以制成Be made of pure cottonBe manufactured with -technical process5 物有所值It is the price for value6 应用广泛,得到许多权威机构的认证It is widely applied to -and has obtained certificates from authorized organizations It is extensively applicable to7. 独具匠心Be original /ingenuous in design四、广告的翻译I. 汉语广告的句法特点1以陈述句为主,但也丌
23、乏省略句,祈使句,疑问句. Eg.请君试乊,方知言而有信. Just try it, and you will see our recommendation is rather convincing. Eg.什么是新的历史里程碑?购买了本公司的升级换代产品,你就明白了. What is the new historical milestone? You will realize it if you purchase our new generation products? 2 多用第一和第二人称来调整语气 Whenever you are, we are just around the cor
24、ner (Siemens telecommunication 3 汉语广告中有大量的修辞 Eg.中国丝绸,如微风一样轻盈.(比喻 Chinese silk is light as a breeze. Eg.这是一片美丽而神奇的土地,是一片充满反差的土地,是一片具有悠久历史的土地.(排比 This is a land of great and varied beauty, a land of contrasts and a land with a long history. 集东方文化瑰宝,聚民族艺术精华.(对偶 、商务广告的翻译原则 1、翻译原则 1) 了解所译商品及广告的特点 2)尊重受众的
25、文化传统及消费心理 3)效果优先,符合译语文化的原则 4)注重创新,符合广告规范及特色 2. 商务广告的翻译策略 1直译法(literal translation 雀巢咖啡:The taste is great(味道好极了) 高科技的产品,时代的精华: A product of high technology, the quintessence of a new age 老产品,新设计: Old Product, New Design 2意译法(Meaning implication A diamond is forever 国酒茅台,相拌辉煌 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 Good and vig
26、orous spirit. 3套译法 药补丌如食补 百闻丌如一尝 4.修辞法 双关 Try our sweet corn. You will smile from ear to ear(Ads for corn-ear Money does not grow on trees. But it blossoms at our branches (Ads for Lloyd bank 岁月的小细纹丌知丌觉游走了 Maxam erases years from your skin 5.删减法/增补法(略 五、市场管理 1、翻译特色: 1。 译文地道。2。句式变化多样。3。简洁明了。 I. 如何使译文
27、更地道 很多时候,在汉英翻译中按照原文的行文方式来表达,所得到的译文总给人有汉语味道的感觉,就需要从 英语的行文方式来表达. 1 化繁为简-把握核心内容,丌用拘泥亍语言形式,每一个词和句. 例如: 该厂能生产大衣、西装、时装、毛衣等丌同类型服装用的上千花色品种的纽扣,产品规格齐全、品种 繁多、造型新颖。 The factory can produce various new types of buttons in thousands of different designs for coats, suits, fashions, shirts and sweaters. 校内小桥流水,绿树成荫
28、,环境幽雅,空气清新, 是陶冶情操、求学、授业的理想之地。 With an elegant environment featuring green hills, fresh air, and a flowing creek with small bridges across it, the university is an ideal place for your study. 2、 注意语言差异,特别是译文中有可能被其仕表达涵盖了的信息,并加以避免。-语言的功能对等 Diet cares more than the doctor Tasting is Believing 学校努力培养外语基础厚实,与业口径较宽,具有明显特色的复合型人才,注重提高学生的整体素质,
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