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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1.0 目的Purpose为维护员工的合法权益,保障广大员工与公司管理层的有效沟通,及时发现、处理各类隐患问题;建立和谐、稳定、团结的劳动用工关系,增强企业的凝聚力和创造力,特制定本制度及流程。We make the process to protect the lawful rights of employee, to assure the timely and effective communication between staff and top management, to discover and deal with different types of

2、potential issues, to build harmonious, stable and united relationship, and to strengthen the coherence affinity and creative ability of the enterprise.2.0 适用范围Scope2.1、本制度及流程适用于××××××××××有限公司的全体在职员工,包括外籍员工。The policy is applicable to all staff of 

3、15;××××××××× (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, including foreigners working for Shenzhen site. 2.2、本申诉制度及流程的管理对象员工的包括无记名建议和实名申诉,员工必须有针对性的选择合理的方式。实名申诉需要申诉人如实填写员工申诉表,便于及时处理和归档。The process covers anonymous complaint and real-name appeal. You may select the rational one.

4、Fill in “Real-Name Appeal Form” factually if you select real-name appeal, which will help executive to deal with it in time.3.0 定义Definitions3.1 员工建议和申诉的渠道包括:Effective channels for complaint and appeal including:3.1.1员工意见箱:用于政策咨询、对一些不合理现象的建议等,不期望得到对建议者本人直接答复的,属于无记名建议。如建议宿舍环境、车间纪律、工衣工服等。Complaint Box

5、: complaint or appeal for counseling for policies or constructive suggestion, which is not expected to get a feedback to applicant, will be regarded as “anonymous complaint”, such as surrounding of dormitory, discipline of workshop, and work uniform etc.员工意见箱内的信息属于无记名建议,人力资源部会定期开启意见箱(每二周开启一次)

6、,对员工要求合理、可以解决的建议会及时解决,并把处理意见公布在公告栏内。The notes collected from “Complaint Box” will be regarded as “anonymous complaint”. Human resources department will open it every 2 weeks and publish the feedback for those are reasonable and may be solved, in bulletin board.3.1.2员工申诉(实名申诉):和本人利益关联密切的建议、申诉,期望得到对本人

7、答复的,属于实名申诉。如个人薪资、假期、个人认为受到不公平公正对待等。时间紧迫、需要立即解决的申诉、建议要使用实名申诉渠道。Real-name appeal:the complaint or appeal, which is related to the benefit of applicant closely and expect to get a feedback to applicant, will be regarded as “Real-name appeal”, such as personal salary, leave, and unfair treatment etc. Pl

8、ease use “Real-name appeal” if you have urgent appeal or complaint.3.2 申诉原则 Principle of appeal3.2.1 申诉人应根据事实,按照本制度及流程的规定进行申诉,不得存在欺骗之行为。Applicant should present appeal according to requirements of policy and process on facts. Cheating will not be permitted. 3.2.2 申诉受理人应在保密的原则下,严肃认真地对待申诉事件,确保员工的正当利益不

9、受侵害。Executive should keep it confidential and treat the appeal seriously to ensure the right benefits of employee are protected. 3.2.3 申诉资料需由申诉人本人如实填写,代理申诉无效。Applicant should complete “Real-Name Appeal Form” personally. Representative appeal is ineffective. 3.2.4 申诉人应遵守申诉流程。不允许越级申诉,以便于各受理人了解事件真相,及时作

10、出正确判断。Applicant should respect the appeal policy. The action of bypass the immediate leadership and present the appeal or complaint to higher levels will be forbidden. It will influence the executive to learn the facts. 3.2.5 无论是无记名建议或者实名申诉时,都要求使用平实、质朴的语言,讲清事实经过即可;不要使用过多的修饰词汇,避免让受理人作出错误的判断。Please us

11、e the simple, unpretending words to present your appeal or complaint. Just tell the truth and dont embellish the story by any means. 3.6、绝不允许存在借助无记名建议或者实名申诉渠道恶意投诉,虚假申诉,以达到打击、报复其他员工的行为。否则将按照员工手册第五章的处罚条例严肃处理。The behavior of malicious calumniation, untrue appeal or use appeal channel to retaliate again

12、st others are forbidden absolutely. One will be punished if violating this discipline. 3.3 申诉事件范围Scope可供员工申诉的事件范围应当是发生或存在于在公司内部的,与工作或者与公司内部员工、制度、规章、设备、环境等相关的,包括但不仅局限于以下各种情形:Employee may present the complaint or appeal for anything related to job, colleague, policy, process, facility and surrounding

13、etc in enterprise, including but not limited to:3.3.1 对公司各项政策的执行过程及执行结果有异议的;包括:安全法规、工作环境、质量政策、安全保护、绩效评估、劳动合同、薪酬待遇、后勤保障、福利待遇等。Be contentious for executive process or implement result for policy including: security policy, working environment, quality system, safety protection, performance appeal, lab

14、or contract, compensation, logistical support and benefit etc.3.3.2 认为受到上级或同事不公平、不公正对待;Suffer unfair or inequity treatment by higher-up or colleague. 3.3.3 投诉或检举各种违反公司政策、制度的行为;Appeal or impeach various behavior of disobeying policy or process of enterprise. 3.3.4 申诉人有证据证明自己权益受到侵犯的其他事项。Have evidence

15、to prove ones interest is violated3.3.5 违反企业社会责任的行为,如性骚扰、种族和宗教歧视等Have any behavior of violating the social responsibility of enterprise, such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination, sectarian discrimination etc.4.0 职责Responsibilities4.1公司成立申诉处理委员会,由申诉人直属主管、所在的部门经理、人力资源部经理、副总经理组成。Enterprise esta

16、blishes a committee to deal with appeal and complaint. The committee consists of direct supervisor, department manager, human resources manager, and deputy general manager. 4.1.1、以上申诉受理人均可在权限范围内对申诉事项进行解答,如果申诉人接受该答复即可终结申诉。如果申诉受理人无法对申诉作出解答,可按照本制度第六条的申诉处理程序进行处理。Executive will survey and explain to appl

17、icant within their respective authorities. The appeal & complaint will terminate if applicant receive the explanation. If not, please refer to article 6. 4.1.2、如果申诉直接提交到了人力资源部。人力资源部将负责调查、取证、提出初步处理意见、参与研究、反馈答复意见等工作。Human resources department will responsible for dealing with appeal job, if it is

18、present to human resources department directly. 4.1.3、原则上申诉人需按照本制度及流程提出申诉。但如果申诉人申诉的对象为自己的直接主管或者部门经理,可以直接向人力资源部门申诉。Applicant should present personal appeal according to this process in principle. If the defendant is direct supervisor or department manager, applicant may present personal appeal to hum

19、an resources department directly.4.2、申诉时效为10个工作日。Leadtime for appeal is within 10 working days. 因不可抗力而致逾期者,应向申诉处理委员会申明理由,申请延长申诉期限,但延长期限不得超过10个工作日。 If one wants to extend the appeal time, he should explain to committee to apply a new appeal time, but no longer than 10 working days.4.3 申诉人申诉时需填写人力资源部提

20、供的员工申诉书(附件一),描述相关事项。Applicant should fill in “Real-Name Appeal Form” to describe details, provided by human resources department. 4.4 受理人应记录好员工申诉书,记录完成后应要求申诉人签字确认。Executive should keep the completed “Real-Name Appeal Form” and ask the applicant to confirm and sign on the form. 4.5 申诉人在等待申诉事件处理期间应严格遵

21、守公司相关规章制度,保证正常的工作状态,不得散布传播任何与工作无关的消极言论、信息。Applicant should respect the policy of enterprise and work as usual when waiting for the feedback. Do not spread any negative words or rumor about work or enterprise. 5.0 工作程序Working Procedure5.1 申诉人应在申诉事项发生之日起10个工作日内到人力资源部领取员工申诉书并尽快填写完毕交给申诉受理人,即直属主管。 The ap

22、plicant receives “Real-Name Appeal Form” from human resources department and completes it within 10 working days after the occurrence of the appeal. Then applicant should transfer the accomplished form to executive-direct supervisor. 5.2 申诉受理人应在接收员工申诉书后详细分析申诉事项是否符合本制度申诉范围的要求。如不符合要求,应当场告知申诉人终止申诉,并在员工

23、申诉书上注明。Executive will judge the conformity once receiving appeal at first. Executive will ask applicant to terminate appeal and mark on the form if it does not.如果申诉事项符合要求,申诉受理人应立即告知申诉人自己能否对申诉事项作出详细如实的解答。如果不能作出解答,受理人应明确告知申诉人,并在员工申诉书上写明由申诉处理程序的后一级进行解答。Executive should tell applicant whether he may dea

24、l with it if the appeal is effective. Executive should mark on appeal form and tell applicant to ask help from department manager if he couldnt solve the problem. 5.3 申诉人的直线经理和部门经理均可直接对申诉事项进行调查、处理,申诉人对处理结果满意的即可终结申诉。如果申诉人对处理结果不满意可继续向人力资源部提出申诉,人力资源部负责对相应的申诉事项进行调查、取证、反馈等工作。Both line manager and departm

25、ent manager may deal with appeal. The appeal will terminate if applicant is satisfied the solutions given by line or department managers. Otherwise, the applicant can ask help from Human Resources Department, who will start investigation, collecting evidence and feedback.5.4 涉及到多部门的申诉事件,由人力资源部统一协调,各

26、部门受理人应齐心协力共同配合完成。若申诉人对处理结果不满意,可继续向人力资源部经理提交申诉。任一申诉处理人员均应在10个工作日内对申诉事项作好调查、取证等工作并得出最终结论。Human resources department will responsible for cross-departmental appeal and coordinate related departments to deal with it in time. Applicant may present appeal to human resources manager if he/she is not satisf

27、ied with result. Any appeal should be terminated within 10 working days. 5.5 如果申诉人对人力资源经理给出的结论仍不满意的,可以在知道申诉结论之日起10个工作日内提出再申诉;10个工作日内不提出再申诉即表示申诉人接受该结论。Applicant may present appeal to next process if he/she is not satisfied with result given by human resources manager, but should within 10 working day

28、s started from the day that one know the result. 再申诉时,副总将负责主导申诉调查工作,申诉处理委员会成员应积极讨论,其结果为公司内的最终结论,申诉人应当遵守,不得再次提出申诉。Deputy General Manager will responsible for the last appeal directly. The committee will discuss the appeal together and give the final solution. It is the final solution for appeal within the enterprise. Applicant should accept and respect it and give up appeal again. 5.6 涉及到跨部门的申诉,由相关部门申诉受理人积极讨论,待达成共识后解决,但不得超越受理期限的限制。All related enrolled executives should actively attend the group discussion to reach a c


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