



1、仁爱版九年级英语上册Unitl Topicl SectionA 教案设计Unitl Topicl Section A优质课教案(河南省)一、教学目标1. Knowledge aims:Lead the students to learn and master 掌握)New words and phrases(新词和短语)Africa , bell, take place, volunteerNew sentence pattern s(新句型):Where have you beenI have been to Mount Huang with my parents.Great changes

2、 have taken place there.She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.There goes the bell.2. Ability aim (能力目标):Lead the students to learn to use the structure ta) of have been to and have gone to properly.3. Emotional aim (情感目标):Lead the students to learn to love others and help others.二、学情分析学生基础不太好三、重点难点

3、Key points:have been to and have gone toThere goes the bellWhere have you been?Difficult point:The difference between have been to and have gone to.inverted sentence (倒装旬).四、教学过程4.1 教学过程4.1.1 教学过程Stepl Leading-in操作通过问候、图片进行交谈,交流关于暑期的事情,对话间使用 Where have you beer? have been to.让学生自然提前感知这些重要句型,借助图片已经创设

4、 的情境体会和理解句型的含义以及使用。Step2 Target presentation®作由开始的问候和交流自然汇入同一个话题的暑期经 历,自然过渡到包含此话题的学习目标。Step3 Learning1. Words and sentence pattern learning操作:(1)由起初引入的话题提前感知新句型 "Where have you been /I have been to",借势利用图片和该句型作为辅助进行新单词的理解和学习。单词理解和句型练习融合为一个整体。(2)在操作(1)的同时利用色彩、下划线、圈注以更好地帮助学生区分使 用have be

5、en to和have gone to呈现练习的句子,再次利用色彩、下划线、圈注 以更好地帮助学生寻找、发现规律,小组合作总结出have been to和have goneto的区别。进而进行相关题目练习,并由学生进行做题讲解。2. Further sentence pattern practice操作:(1)承接上个环节的基础,呈现课本 3里的图片、关键词和例子,让学生 仿照学习进一步加深巩固新句型的应用。也为1a部分的学习奠定良好的基础。3. Display操作:练习过后学生展示,及时给予恰当并具有鼓励性的评价Step4 Text learning1. First listening(1)

6、Listen to the record and complete the table in 1b.Then check the answer.(2) Based on the table let the students retell la together.2. Second listening(1) Listen to the record and fill in the blanks. Then check the answer.(2) Knowledge teaching操作(1)依据所填空格进行知识点拨,随讲随练。其间,讲解 volunteer一词时配以图片,引导学生在情感上进行升

7、华学会爱他人、帮助他人。(2侧重引导,利用色彩、下划线、圈注、结构图让学生主动发现、总结规律。(3)自读课文,同时找出 1a中与 | have been to Mount Huang with my parents相 似的句子。(4)利用色彩、圈注让学生主动发现、总结规律 一have/has砌词过去分词。简 单了解现在完成时的结构。建议学生课下提前预习现在完成时的语法知识利于下 节课知识的学习。Third listening操作:听、看并跟读视频进行纠音的同时学习会话动作、神态。为展示做准备Cooperation display操作:(1)呈现关键词和对话构。(2)学生合作展示。及时给予恰当的

8、评价Step5 Summary操作:(1)引导进行学生总结(2)补充并呈现所学重要知识Step6 In-class tests1. Choose the best answer.2. Where is Zhao Ming? He the playground. He is playing football there.A. has been toB. has gone toC. have been toD. goes to3. Great changes in my hometown.A. have taken place B. take placeC. have happened D. ha

9、ppened4. Hi, Kangkang, where have you? The bank.A.goneB.been toC.beenD. go5 / 45. He got up late he was late for work today.A. such as B. so.that C. very that D. Too to6. Fill in the blanks1. A: Where you?B: Ito my grandpa ' s home.2. A: don ' t feel well I have a cold.B:you to the hospital?

10、A: Yes. I have.3. A: Where is our teacher? I have something to tell her.8: She to the library.4. A: Where is your grandson?I haven ' t seen him for a long time.8: He to New York.5. A: Can you give the cup to me?B: Sure. Here.Step7 Homework1. Finish your workbooks.2. Practice 1a and 3 after class.3. Have a look at the irregular Verbs of your books and preview SectionB. Blackboard DesignUnit 6 Topic 1 The


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