1、In order to e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng students' healthy growth,e nsuringthat national (property) isnot lost ,to prevent orminimizethe occurrenceofsafetyaccide nts,followthe"prevent, rescueea chothe r,ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel oc
2、al conditi ons, makethe ma nagement system. 1,the principali sthe responsi bilityofschoolsafety,schoolsecurity underthe lea dership ofPresidentse curityw orkleadi ng gro up.T he head tea chertothe lea dership team isresponsi blefor, implementati on oftheaccountability system.2,schoolmonthlystude ntk
3、nowl edge a bout safetyeducation,educationshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafetyeducationforst udents ofcla sses perweek shoul d betargeted.To carryonemergencyissuesdeali ngwith e ducation in General,self-he lpand mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emerge ncycalls (such a s110,119, 122,120,and so on)use
4、commonse nsei neducation.3,t heesta blishmentofmajor a ccident re porti ngsystem.Schoolstudent s report majoraccidentwithinan hourofeducati on;student runand di sappearances t oreport;reportofthe accdientto awritten reportin triplicate,a corre ctionalce ntre,apolicestati on,at ownshi ppeople's G
5、overnme ntshallnot concea l thea ccident. 4week,tea cher sare on dutysy stem, establi sh a nd impr ovethe lea dership val ues; strength enthe education, managementofteaching activities i n schools to ensurenormalteachingorder;re sponsiblefor schoolsafety leadership alwaysmainta ined closecontacta nd
6、 district policestations, canvassing support fromthepolicestati on onschool safetyand help.5,strengt heni ng teachers'morale ducation,esta blisha dedicated l ove,impr oving e ducation qual ity,observ ethe st udents' psy chologi calchange satany timeand take preventivemeasures, no corporalpun
7、i shment a nd covert cor poral puni shme nton students,st udent outofthe classr oom, school smay not be.6, units orde partments use student Street pr opagandaor partici patein t he cel ebrations,a s wellas partici pating i n othersocialw ork,without a pproval ofthe Corre ctiona l Centre,school pri n
8、ci pals consent ,withoutorga nization. Withoutt he approval ofrelevantde partments,may orga nizest udentsto participate i n firefighting, disasterreli efand soon.7,schools should e ducatestudent s toobeythe school rules and regulations, ontime, ontime hometo pre ventacci de nts.8, schoolt oschoolins
9、pections on aregularbasi s,found hidden i n time, andi nsevere cases,itis hard t oeliminateimmediatelyclosed,a nd re ported t othe localpeople'sGovernment,education,and ruleof lawsecti on.9, the school should always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingwa lls,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, doors, Win
10、dow s,stairca sesand avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitiessuchasfire safety,infrastructure security, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepair anddemolitionto e nsure t hatteachers andstudentswork,lear n,live venuesa nd facilitie sare safeand reliabl e.Song Lin Xia ng LiuJia ping eleme n
11、taryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ngLi uJiaping primaryschoolfiresafetysystemstoenhance fire safety,prote ction ofpubli c property andthe life andpropertysafety of teachers andstudents,schoolfiresafety intoday-to-daymanagement,i s devel opi ngthefoll owing firesafetysystem.1,strengthenfire safetyeduca
12、ti on ofthewholeschool.Accordi ngto there quirement softhe Fire Servi cesAct, sothatevery one has ofkee pingfirecontrolsafety, protecting firecontrolfacilities,fire preventi on, reports offire山东省商品房销售管理条例第一章总则第一条为规范商品房销售行为,保障商品房买卖双方当事人的合法权益,根据中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法、城市房地产开发经营管理条例等法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。第二条在本省行政
14、给买受人,并由买受人支付定金或者房价款的行为。本条例所称商品房现售,是指房地产开发企业将竣工验收合格的商品房出售给买受人,并由买受人支付房价款的行为。第六条 商品房预售实行许可制度。房地产开发企业进行商品房预售,应当向设区的市、县 (市) 房地产管理部门申请预售许可,取得商品房预售许可证明。未取得商品房预售许可证明的,不得进行商品房预售。第七条 商品房预售应当符合下列条件:lectricity li nes,e qui pmenti nspecti ons, found hi dden i n timeforrectification,maintenance,a nd security. 9,
15、do notuse an ope n flame in the classroom,prohibit burningst ove, lit ca ndles,mosquitore pellent, no smoki ng, andba nni ng messywiri ng. Without usi ngany household a ppliances is not allowed. 10, live on campusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,a nd educat efamilies and childre n readyt ofire.11
16、, house hol duse of gas in schools,tomaster proper usage,payattenti on t othe leak -pr oof, explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valve afterusetoensuresecurity. 12,di ning room must be qualified,and annualtesting of pre ssure ve ssel s, to reg ularlycheck,t he cantee nworkersm ust be certified, strictl
17、y by operati on operation,gasta nk andst ovesafety distance of 1.5 meters, topreventa ccdients. 13,theadverseconsequences cause d byig noringfiresafetyregulations,willbe punished,unt ilinvestigatedforl egalresponsibi lity. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pingeleme ntary schoolMar ch2016 XiangLiuJia ping el
18、ementaryschool, pine slopessurrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teachersand students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschool gover nance covers personal a nd food hygie ne, cult uralevents a ndother aspect s,integratedgover nance shallobtain wi de support a ndfullcooperation ofthecommunity. Onthe surroundin
19、g e nvironment inschools shoul d be closelymonitored. 2,schoolwork at the sametime,shouldpay attention tothe safetymanagement of schoolenvironment, shouldtake theinitiativetocontactthe distri ctpolicestati on,t hevillage Committee,CorrectionalCe ntre,Townshi p governme nt, busi ness ma nagementand o
20、t her de partmentsto doa goodjob ma nagement.3,teacherondutywit h theexce ptionof inspe ctionsin school s,should alsopayattentiontoe nvironmentalinspections nearthecampus,found thatthejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas,forexample,harassmentofstudents anda varietyofacci dent s, accordi ngtodifferentsit
21、uations reportedschool officials ort hepolicestation i n atimelymanner,toprotect thesafetyofstudents.4, every daybeforeschool ,teachersremindstudents,payattention to traff ic safety.5, shoulde ducate studentsto re spect socialethi cs,a ndvari ousreg ulations,mai ntaining public orde r,and fight theb
22、a d guys,andgra sp the corre ctwaysand meansofmaintaining andimprovi ng students'se lf-care a bility. 6,the est ablishme nt of emergency rescueteamsofteacher sinschool s,on hig h alert andde ploye d.Song Li n Xiang LiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primaryschoolt
23、ea chersand student sorgani zationsoutofsafetymanagementsystem organizati on a ctivities betwee nteachers andst udents, to draw up a precisepla n andse curity measures must be signed by the schoolofficials t oreviewthe programme ofactivitie s agreed upon Corre ctionalCe nter agreedto implement. Orga
24、nizationt othefiel d relativelyfar oractivities requireapprovalby t he De putyDire ctorofthe EducationBureauin charge ofsecurity.2,each activityshoul d have a spe cificresponsi bility,pay attentiontothe per sonsage, physi calmatch.Route 3,a ctivities,l ocati on,fiel dsurv eys shoul dbecarrie doutin
25、adva nce. 4,a ctivities forthe mea ns oftransportshoul dexplai nthe situati ontot he schoolto com ply withve hicle ,safety requirement s,beforet he linefor repairs.5, eachactivity musthave security,emerge ncy response pla n foraccide nts.6, picnics,hiki ng, picnicto payattention tofire prevention,fo
26、od poisoning , preve ntion offallacci dents 7,the a ctivities nearthe river s, reserv oirs,nomeasures or do notmeet these curity requirements oftheIn order to e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng students' healthy growth,e nsuringthat national (property) isnot lost ,to prevent orminimizet
27、he occurrenceofsafetyaccide nts,followthe"prevent, rescueea ch othe r,ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, makethe ma nagement system. 1,the principali sthe responsi bilityofschoolsafety,schoolsecurity underthe lea dership of Presidentse curit
28、yw orkleadi ng group.T he head tea chertothe lea dership team isresponsi blefor, implementati on oftheaccountability system.2,schoolmonthlystude ntknowl edge a bout safetyeducation,educationshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafetyeducationforst udents ofcla sses perweek shoul d betargeted.To carry
29、onemergencyissuesdeali ngwith e ducation in General,self-he lpand mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emerge ncycalls (such a s110,119, 122,120,and so on)usecommonse nsei neducation.3,t heesta blishmentofmajor a ccident re porti ngsystem.Schoolstudent s report majoraccidentwithinan hourofeducati on;student r
30、unand di sappearancest oreport;reportofthe accdientto awritten reportin triplicate,a corre ctionalce ntre,apolicestati on,at ownshi ppeople's Governme ntshallnot concea l thea ccident. 4week,tea cher sare on dutysy stem,establi sh a nd impr ovethe lea dership val ues;strengthen theeducation,mana
31、gementofteachingactivities i n schools to ensurenormalteachingorder;re sponsiblefor schoolsafety leadership alwaysmainta ined closecontacta nd district policestations, canvassing support from the policestati on onschool safetyand help.5,strengt heni ng teachers'morale ducation,esta blisha dedica
32、ted l ove,impr oving e ducation qual ity,observ ethe st udents' psy chologi calchange satany timeand take preventivemeasures, no corporalpuni shment a nd covert cor poral puni shme nton students,st udent outofthe classr oom, school smay not be.6, units orde partments use student Street pr opagan
33、daor partici patein t he cel ebrations,a s wellas partici pating i n othersocialw ork,without a pproval ofthe Corre ctiona l Centre,school pri ncpials consent ,withoutorga nization. Withoutt he approval ofrelevantde partments,may orga nizest udentsto participate i n firefighting, disasterreli efand
34、so on.7,schools should educatestudent s toobeythe school rules and regulations, ontime, ontime hometo pre ventacci de nts.8, schoolt oschoolinspections on aregularbasi s,found hidden i n time, andi nsevere cases,itis hard t oeliminateimmediatelyclosed,a nd re ported t othe localpeople'sGovernmen
35、t,education,and ruleof lawsecti on.9, the school should always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingwa lls,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, doors, Window s,stairca sesand avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitiessuchasfire safety,infrastructure security, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepairand
36、demolitionto e nsure t hatteachers andstudentswork,lear n,live venuesa nd facilitie sare safeand reliabl e. SongLi n Xia ng LiuJia ping eleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ngLi uJiaping primaryschoolfiresafetysystemstoenhancefiresafety, protection ofpubli c property andthe life andpropertysafety
37、of teachers andstudents,schoolfiresafety intoday-to-daymanagement,i s devel opi ngthefoll owing firesafetysystem.1,strengthenfire safetyeducati on ofthewholeschool.Accordi ngto there quirement softhe Fire Servi cesAct, sothatevery one has ofkee pingfirecontrolsafety, protecting fire controlfaciliti
38、es,fire preventi on, reports offire(一)已按约定交纳土地使用权出让金,取得土地使用权证书;(二)持有房地产项目开发经营权证明、建设工程规划许可证和施工许可证;(三)按提供预售的商品房计算,投入开发建设的资金达到工程建设总投资的百分之二十五以上,并已确定施工进度和竣工交付日期。第八条 买受人选择按揭贷款方式付款的,预售商品房的工程进度应当达到多层房屋主体结构封顶、高层房屋主体结构完成二分之一以上,房地产开发企业方可要求买受人办理按揭贷款手续。第九条 房地产开发企业申请商品房预售许可,应当提交下列材料:(一)商品房预售许可申请表;(二)房地产开发企业的营业执照和
39、资质证书;(三)符合本条例第七条规定条件的证明文件;(四)根据施工图设计文件计算的商品房预售总平面图、分层平面图、分户面积图的面积;(五)已签订的前期物业服务合同;(六)商品房预售方案。预售方案应当说明商品房的位置、装修标准、竣工交付日期等内容。土地使用权、在建工程已经设置抵押的,还应当提交抵押权人签署的书面意见。房地产开发企业应当对其所提交材料的真实性负责。第十条 房地产开发企业按照本条例第九条的规定提交有关材料,材料齐全的,房地产管理部门应当当场出具受理通知书;材料不齐全的,应当当场或者五日内一次书面告知需要补充的材料。第十一条房地产管理部门对房地产开发企业提供的有关材料是否符合法定条件进
40、行审核。对符合法定条件的,房地产管理部门应当自受理之日起十日内,依法作出准予许可的书面决定,并自作出决定之日起十日内向房地产开发企业颁发、送达商品房预售许可证明;对不符合法定条件的,房地产管理部门应当自受理之日起十日内,依法作出不予许可的书面决定,并应当说明理由。商品房预售许可证明应当加盖房地产管理部门的印章。lectricity li nes,e qui pmentinspe ctions,foundhidden in timeforrectification,maintebyoperation operati on,gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.
41、5 meters, toother aspectteamsofteachers is,integratedgovernance shallobtain win schools, on high alert a nd depl oyed.S ongLi n Xiang Li u Jiapi ngelementaryschoolMy.On the surrounding earch 2016songnvironme ntin schoolLin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primaryschoolteas shoul d be closelymonit ored.2,schoolwo
42、rkatthesame time, shoulchersa nd st udents orga nizations outofsafety managementsystemd payattention to thesafety managementofschooleorganizati on activitiesbetweentea chersa ndst udents, to draw up apreciseplactionalCentre,Townshi p government,busine ssmanag ementandotherdepartmentstos require appr
43、ovalbythe DeputyDirectoroftheEducation Bureau in chargeof security.2,eachactivity shouldhave aspecifi cresponsibility,payattentind avariety ofa cci dents,a ccordi ngtodifferentsits, location,fieldsurveysshould be carrieduations reported school officiaprevent accidents.13,the adverseconsequences cs c
44、ausedouti n advance.4,activitiesforthe meansls orthe police stati on in atimelymaoftransport should explainner,to pn thesitto protebyignori ng fire safetyregulations, willt uation to thct thesafetyofstudeto theschooltbepunishe d,untilinvestigatents.4,every daybefor eschool ,teachersremindocom plywit
45、h vehicle, safetyrequirements, beforetdforlegal responsibilitstudents, payattention ty. SongLi n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementaryschool Marotraffic safety.5,shoulheline for re pairs.5, e achactivity must haved educate st ude ntstorespe ct socialethisecurity, emerge ncyresponsech 2016Xia ng Lui Jiapi
46、ng elementary school,cs,a ndvariousreg ulations,maintaipine slopes surroundingsafety managementsyning publicor der, andfighttplanfora cci dents.6,pi cni cs, hiking ,picnict opay attentiontofirepreventistem 1 teacherhe bad guys,a ndgrasp thecorrectwaysand students,tallaccihesurroundi ng area ofthesch
47、oolgovernance coverssand mea ns ofmaintai ninga nd impr ovingstudedents7, theactivities near therivers, rents 'ss 'self -personala nd foodhygiene,culturalevef -careabilitsuresor dontsandy.6,t heest ablishme nt of emergency rescuenot meetthesecurity requirementsoftheinspections on aregularbas
48、i s,found hidden i n time, andi nsevere cases,itis hard t oeliminateimmediatelyclosed,a nd re ported t othe localpeople'sGovernment,education,and ruleof lawsecti on.9, the school should always che ckthe inter nalwalls, retainingwa lls,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, doors, Window s,stairca sesand av
49、arietyofsports,extracurricular activities, facilitiessuchasfire safety,infrastructure security, unsafefacility to immediatelyrepairanddemolitionto e nsure t hatteachers andstudentswork,lear n,live venuesa nd facilitie sare safeand reliabl e. SongLi n Xia ng LiuJia ping eleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 son
50、g LinXia ngLi uJiaping primary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety,protection ofpubli c property andthe life andpropertysafety of teachers andstudents,schoolfiresafety intoday-to-daymanagement,i s devel opi ngthefoll owing firesafetysystem.1,strengthenfire safetyeducati on ofthewholeschool
51、.Accordi ngto there quirement softhe Fire Servi cesAct, sothatevery one has ofkee pingfirecontrolsafety, protecting fire controlfaciliti es,fire preventi on, reports offire第十二条房地产管理部门作出的准予商品房预售许可的决定,应当予以公开,公众有权查阅。第十三条商品房预售,房地产开发企业应当与买受人订立商品房预售合同。房地产开发企业应当自合同成立之日起三十日内,依法办理商品房预售合同登记备案手续;备案机关应当应用网络信息技术
53、管理企业。第十七条房地产开发企业在商品房现售前,应当将房地产开发项目手册及符合商品房现售条件的有关证明文件报房地产开发主管部门备案。第三章 销售方式第十八条房地产开发企业可以自行销售商品房,也可以由商品房承销机构代销或者包销商品房。房地产开发企业和商品房承销机构不得销售不符合销售条件的商品房。第十九条采取代销方式销售商品房的,房地产开发企业应当与商品房承销机构订立书面代销合同。代销合同应当载明代销权限、代销期限、佣金支付等内容。采取代销方式销售商品房的,商品房承销机构不得收取佣金以外的其他费用。第二十条采取包销方式销售商品房的,房地产开发企业应当与商品房承销机构订立书面包销合同,约定包销方式、
54、包销范围、包销基价、房款支付、包销期限等内容。包销期满未销售的商品房,由商品房承销机构按照合同约定的包销价格购买,当事人另有约定的除外。lectricity li nes,e qui pmentinspe ctions,found hidden i n timeforrectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, donotusean ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bitburni ng stove,lit ca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosmoking,a nd banningme
55、ssyw iring. Without usi ng any household a pplia ncesis not al lowed. 10,live oncampusfaculty members, must lead byexample,andeducatefamilies andchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master properusage , payattention to theleak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveaf
56、ter usetoe nsur e security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng of pressurevessels,t o regularlyche ck,the cantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperation operati on,gasta nk and stovesafetydista nce of1.5 meters, to prevent accidents.13,the adverseconseque nces caused byignor
57、i ng fire safetyregulations, willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegal responsibilit y. SongLi n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementaryschool Mar ch 2016Xia ng Lui Jiaping elementary school, pine slopes surroundi ngsafety managementsystem 1 teacher sand students,t hesurroundi ng area oftheschoolg overna
58、nce covers personala nd foodhygiene,culturaleventsandother aspect s,integratedgover nance shallobtain wi de support and full cooperation ofthecommunity.On the surrounding e nvironme ntin school s shoul d be closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkatthesame time, shoul d payattenti on to thesafety managementofschoolenvironme nt,shoul dtakethe initiativeto contactthe distri ctpolicestati on,the village Committee, CorrectionalCe ntre,Townshi p governme nt, busine ssmanag ementandotherdepartmentstod
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