



1、六年级毕业考试英语语法之介词a.In 用于室内或室外的场所。in a room / in a building在房间/大楼里in a garden / in a park在花园/公园里I ha*e two TVs in my house.我房子里有两个电视。They li*e in that building o*er there.他们住在那栋楼里。b.in 与水域进行搭配in the water在水里in the sea在海里in a ri*er在河里I like swimming in lakes when the weather is hot. 我喜欢天气热时在湖里游泳。You can

2、catch fish in the ri*er.你可以在湖里捉鱼。c.in 和行、队伍等进行搭配in a row / in a line一行in a queue一队Let's stand in line and get a ticket to the concert.站成一行,买票去听音乐会。We had to wait in a queue to get into the bank.我们只得站成一队等着进入公园。d. in 与城市、县、州、地区和国家搭配Peter li*es in Chicago.皮特住在芝加哥。be in Germany.Helen is in France th

3、is month. Next month she'll海伦这个月在法国。下个月她就在德国了。2.Ata.at 与具体的地点进行搭配at the bus-stop在公交车站at the door在门边at the cinema在电影院at the end of the street在街的尽头I'll meet you at the mo*ie theater at six o'clock.我六点在电影院见你。He li*es in the house at the end of the street.他住在街尾那间房子里。b. at 与页面位置进行搭配The name o

4、f the chapter is at the top of the page.本章名字在书页上端。The page number can be found at the bottom of the page.书页底部可以看到页码。c. at 与一群人进行搭配at the back of the class在教室后排at the front of the class在教室前排Tim sits at the back of the class.蒂姆坐在教室后排。Please come and sit down at the front of the class.请过来,坐在教室前排。3.Ona.

5、on 与物体表面进行搭配on the ceiling / on the wall / on the floor天花板/墙 /地板上on the table桌子上I put the magazine on the table.我把杂志放在桌子上。That's a beautiful painting on the wall.墙上的画很漂亮。b. on 与小岛进行搭配I stayed on Maui last year. It was great!去年我去了毛伊岛。那儿真是太棒了!We *isited friends who li*e on an island in the Bahamas

6、.我们拜访了住在巴哈马群岛的朋友们。c. on 与方向进行搭配on the left左边on the right右边straight on往前直走Take the first street on the left and continue to the end of the road.在第一条街左转,然后继续走到路的尽头。Dri*e straight on until you come to a gate.一直往前开,知道看见一扇门。4.Into使用 into 来表示从一个地方到另一个地方的移动。I dro*e into the garage and parked the car.我把车开进车库,并停好。Peter walked into the li*ing room and turned on the TV.皮特走进卧室,打开电视。5.Onto使用 onto 来表示某人将某物放在物体表面。He put the magazines onto the table.他把杂志放在桌子上。Alice put the plates onto the shelf in the cupboard.爱丽丝把碗放在碗柜的架子上。6.Out of当表示将某物拉出来或者离开房间时,可以使用o


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