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1、实用文档小升初毕业班精选对划线部分提问专项练习1.His father is an engineer(_工程师).(对划线部分提问)_his fathers_?2.My first name is Tom.(改为同义句)My_ _is Toms.3.Mr King is from America.(对划线部分提问)_is Mr King_?4.Jenny is English.(对划线部分提问)Whaf s_?5.He s an actor.(变为复数)_are_6.Jack has a basketball.(改为否定句)7.I have three cousins.(对划线部分提问)_?8

2、.These are Jennys CDs.(对划线部分提问)_?9.Does your uncle have any children?(作肯定回答)10.That is a video game.(变为复数)11.Tom likes action movies.(改为一般疑问句)_?实用文档12.I like fishing. I like painting.(合并成一个句子)实用文档13.They dont like action movies. They dont like docume ntaries.(合并成一个句子)14.Amy s mother likes roman tic

3、movies.(对划线部分提问)_?15.Linda likes sports programs.(改为否定句)16.Does your mother like acti on movies?(作肯定回答)17.His favorite football player is Beckham._(对划线部分提问)_?18.He likes acti on movies, but he prefers horror movies.(变为同义句)He_horror movies_acti on movies.19.The walkman is Daves.(对划线部分提问)_?20.I have t

4、hree cous ins.(对划线部分提问)_?21.Her backpack is on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)_?实用文档22.There are two_bathrooms in my house.(对划线部分提问)_?23.Is there a TV in your bedroom?(作肯定回答)24.There is a dining room in my house. There are threebedrooms in my house.(合成一个句子)(1)_25.There are some books in the bookcase.(变为一般疑问句)_?2

5、6.Theres a supermarket opposite the post office.(戈U线提问)27.The shoe store is on AdamsStreet, across from the museum.(划线提问)28.Are there any parks here?(作否定回答)29.Theres a railway station over there.(改为一般疑问句)30.The video store is opposite the gym.(变为同义句)实用文档31.There are four hotels on the street.(划线提问)3

6、2.The library is on Mill Street, n ext to the hospital._(划线提问)实用文档33.The museum is across from the school.34.The park is on Main Street.(划线提问)35.There is a desk and chair in the room.(改为否定句)36.She teaches En glish in our school.(改为同义句)She_English_in our school.37.I have a son and a daughter.(划线提问)_c

7、hildren_you_?38.She doesnt like swimming. She doesnt like fishing.(合并成一个句子)She_swimming_fishing.39.There are three bedrooms in the house.(用have改写为同义句)The house_three bedrooms.40.His house is n ext to our school.(变为一般疑问句)41.She has a computer.(变为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)实用文档is next to the drug store. Its also

8、next(合并成一个句子)office.is a teacher?42. The shoe storeto the post office.The shoe store isthe drug store_ the post43. Liz is a teacher.(划线提问)实用文档44.Tomlikes doing his homeworkafter school.(改为否定句)45.They are wome n teachers.(改为单数句子)46.There is a big buildingnear my home. There is asupermarket n ear my h

9、ome.(合并成一句)47.My school is between a park and a bank.(戈U线提问)48.and, she, likes, read ing books, watchi ng movies, also,likes, she(连词成句)49.Kate has two un cles and an aunt.(改为否定句)50.The books are Stevens.(改为一般疑问句)51.There is some soda in the bottle.52.There are ni ne apples on the desk.53.We n eed to

10、 buy some chocolates.54.There is a little ketchup in the bottle.(变为一般疑问句)(划线提问)(改为否定句)(划线提问)(用a lot of回答)实用文档55.How much meat is there in the shop?实用文档56.Theyd like some juice and hamburgers.(戈H线提问)57.Would you like a large pizza?(用small改为选择疑问句)58.The potatoes are one dollar a kilo._(划线提问)59.The bre

11、ad is three dollars and fifty cents a loaf._(戈H线提问)60.Ill have a glass of juice, please.(划线提问)61.We d like two cups of tea.(划线提问)62.The soap is on_(戈U线提问)63.We have porridge, bread and eggs for breakfast.(划线提问)64.Id like onions on it.(划线提问)65.Jack wants a doze n eggs.(同一句转换)66.Robbie does the high j

12、ump very well.(用can改写)实用文档67.Gary can run the 100-meter hurdles.(戈H线提问)实用文档68.Tracy can do pushups.(改为否定句)69.Pe nny can throw the shot put.(改为一般疑问句)70.Can Joe play table tennis?(作肯定回答)71.I need a baseball bat to play baseball.(对划线部分提问)72.You can play football on the football field._(对划线部分提问)73.Jenny

13、s favorite sport is playin_(对戈U线部分提问)74.Is diving your favorite sport?(作否定回答)75.Tony is good at running.(变为否定句)76.Robbie can do a somersault.(变为一般疑问句)77.He can run the 100-meter race.(对划线部分提问)78.We can run the 400-meter race on the running track.(对实用文档划线部分提问)实用文档79.There are two pools in the sports

14、center.(对戈U线部分提问)80.Sa ndys favorite sport is roller-skating._(对划线部分提问)81.Jenny is good at swim ming.(变为否定句)82.I can also play table tennis and play volleyball._(对划线部分提问)83.Can you do a han dsta nd?(作肯定回答)84.Liu Xiang is my favorite sports star.(对划线部分提问)85.He s learning divi ng now.(对划线部分提问)86.There

15、 is a dresser in this room.(改写为复数形式)87.The refrigerator is in the kitchen._(对划线部分提问)88.Are there any hotels near here?(肯定回答)实用文档89.There are some lions in the zoo.(改为否定句)90.Her mother is a policewoman.(对划线部分提问)91.There are three apples on the plate.(改为否定句)92.Kate likes mak ing kites.(改为一般疑问句)93.Ther

16、e are six people in my family.(对划线部分提问)94.These video games are Bobs.(对划线部分提问)95.Its fine.(对划线部分提问)96.I often go to school on fo_(对划线部分提问)97.The meat is ten yuan.(对划线部分提问)98.The factory is two kilometers from here.(对划线部分提问)99. The river is five metres wide.(对划线部分提问)实用文档100. He didnt come to school b

17、ecause he was ill in bed._(对划线部分提问) 参考答案:旬型转换1.His father is dn engineer.(对划线部分提问)_ Wha“_ hi& fkihcr备_iob _?2.My first name is Ibtn.(改为同义句)My _ ven_nameits Toms.Mr King is from America.(对划线田分提问)Where is Mr King from ?4.Jenny is English.u have?K lThesc arc Jcnnys CDs.(对划线部分提问)Whose CDs are Lhesc?

18、9一Dgt your uncle have any children?(作肯立冋答)es, he does.10, Tht i&a ideo game, f变为复数)Thg*a忧video削mes,1L rum likes action movies.改为般5E问句)Doci Ibm like acLion ntuvics?12. I like fishing. I like painting.合并成个旬子1 liki jlwhin虫antbaU player is Beckhmn.对划线韶分提问) ho治上ijw也中曲悅Ibuiball player?18. He HJOBSacti

19、on movies but be prefers horror movies, f变为同义句)实用文档Hejrc(ers hmror muvicb lo actiun niuvics19. TheHalkman h Davc.(对划线部分提问)讥hose walknKiri i* il?20.I have three cousias. 对划线部分提问)HUHmirty cousins du you have?21.Her backpack is on the sofa.(对划我部分提问)Whcrr i$ her也“卩叙?There tiru two bathrtxiTTis m my hous

20、e. skire is机加阳苓i+emi the gym31.There arv four hotels on the stroci. you have ?3d. She doesnt like swimming. She doesrft like fishing.(合井成个句子)She jdoi:snl_ like swimming _ur_ fishing.39,Iherv are ihree bedroomA in the house” (0 have改写为同义句)llie hJuse has thrtx bedrooms*实用文档40.His houseisnext Lo uur sc

21、hool.(变为一般駆问句)s his house next tuour school?41.She has a computer.(变为一般U问旬Does she haveaeomp utcr?42.The shoe store is next to lhe drug xuire. Its also next to the jM)st oRice.(合并成一个旬子The shoeMarc is ecu lhe drug store and_ lhe post ofiicc,43.ljz is a teacher.(划綾提问)Whc is g leachcr?44.Torn like*: do

22、ing hiw homework after school. 改为古Sf旬)Ttrm dm曲t likeduiti當his homcwiirk after schuol.45.They arc women tcachcrii.(改为单数句子)She址_d_ _wcman_ _tcaehcr_.46.There is a big building near my home. 1 here is a supmmrkci near my home.(合/卜成一,句) There i*日bi艮buildinM Bed七hupcmaktji“酎home”47.My school is run E par

23、k血订 *btrnlc (划线提问)Where i$ YourMhool?4K and, shctlikes, reading books, watching movies, also, likes, she(连词成诃She likes reading books and she also likes watching movies,49.Kate has two uncles andanaunt.(改为古运旬)Kate does n(have any uncles iir utuils50,The books arc Stevens.(改为一股疑问句)Are the book Slcven?

24、5L There is svme soda iti the buttle.(变为一般疑问句)hihere廿门such in (he tnHilc?52,There arc nine applesonthe dc*Jt.(划线堤 |可)How many apples arc ihurc on the desk?53.We need lu buy stme chocolates.(改为否定旬)54.There is a little ketchup in the bollle. 划线提问)Hi学1些h kclchup is there iti the boltk?55.How much meal

25、is there in the fh)p? ( Hl a Lot jf冋善) There is a lol mcdin ihc sh璽56.Theyd like讯rncjuiw and hanibLtrgcrs.Plea.(.划线提问)W hzt would you like?62. The soap is阿lyUIK山)1応辻bar.(划线提问)How much is lhe stap?祐”Wi hnw ponidM biyatl and c轡 伽breakRiM划线提问)Whsi do丫3ti ha忙fi)r beakGisi?实用文档64.rd Like omans on it.(划线提

26、问)Whai would you like im h?65.Juck wanbs a iluen c昭s.(同一旬转换)Juck vs ou.ld jikcadozen eggs.66.Robbie does the high j ump very well.(用uin改写)Kobbic cando_ lhe high jump very well67.Gary can run lhe 1 OO-meter hurdlg (划线提问)Whal_can Garydo ?68.Tracy can od曰l TuriTiinM.76.Robbie can do a somcrsaull.(变为一股疑问旬)Can Robbie Ju a somcrsiiuJl?77.He can mn山心lOthmclcrrag (对划线部分提问)W hat canQUdu?7A. We can run lhe 40Q-tnL:lcr race un Lhe running Itiick.(对划线部分提问) W here cun you run the400-rnclcr raci:?79. 1 here are uso pxils in lhe sporh center. 对划线部分提问) H冷learoi


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