1、English Review(1502孙瑞宗整理)· Unit 6 Education EmploymentVocabulary1.It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes.这是令人愤慨的是,这些建筑物仍然是空的,而成千上万的人没有家园。2.My brother was expelled from school for bad behavior.我弟弟因为行为不端被学校开除了。3.Severe iron deficiency can cause
2、developmental delay and growth retardation.严重缺铁会导致发育迟缓和生长迟缓。4.A goal just before half-time rescued the match from mediocrity.一个半场前的进球使这场比赛没有流于平庸。5.She has campaigned relentlessly for her husbands release from prison.她锲而不舍地奔走努力争取她丈夫释放出狱。6.There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders
3、 when the government announced it was to raise taxes.当政府宣布提高税收时在政党领导人间出现了小的争议。7.Our football coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spirit in the players.我们的足球教练将一种团队精神努力灌输给球员。8.There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice.她的话语中带有点自鸣得意的感觉。9.Theyll quite happily squander a whole years s
4、avings on two weeks in the sun.他们非常开心地将一整年的积蓄挥霍在了阳光下的两个星期.10.Our landlord racked up the rent by 15% this year.我们房东今年将房租提高了整整15%Vocabulary1.The labor union and the companys management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an u
5、nexpectedly conclusive, albeit still tentative, agreement on next years contract.(A)conclusive结论性的;决定性的;毋庸置疑的。 (B)onerous犹豫的;迟疑的;吞吞吐吐的;踌躇的 (C)hesitant犹豫的;迟疑的;吞吞吐吐的;踌躇的 (D)swift迅速的;敏捷的;立刻的;突然发生的长期以来工会和公司管理阶层一直对每个问题都有很尖锐的分歧,然而对于明年的合同他们却出人意料并毋庸置疑地表示赞同,尽管这只是暂时的。2. Human reaction to the re
6、alm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that material sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of remote facts.(A)familiar symbolic相似的.象征性的 (B)material remote物质的.遥远的/微小的 (C)emotio
7、nal impersonal情感的.客观的 (D)definitive controversial明确的.有争议的人类对思想境界的反应程度跟对可感知的外表的反应程度一样强烈。相比思想上的微小事实,物质感官所真正呈现的可能对我们的实际行动有更少的影响力,这就是我们更高的道德生活所依赖的事实。3. In response to the follies of today's parliaments, the councilor does not express inflamed indignation, but rather affects the detachment and s
8、mooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit. (A)resort to.spurns采取,诉诸。蔑视,践踏 (B)rely on.avoids依赖。避免 (C)suppress.clings to抑制。依附,依靠,坚持,墨守 (D)express.affects表达。模仿,影响,喜欢针对当今议会的愚昧,这个议员没有表达一种过激的愤怒,而是模仿某位18世纪智者那种客观和舒缓的、警句格式的散文体(来表达自己的观点)。4. As is often the case with collections o
9、f lectures by different authors, the book as a whole is disconnected, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves. (A) different.disconnected 不同的不连贯的,无系统的; (B) incompetent.abysmal 无能力的; 不胜任的;深不可测的; 完全的;
10、0; (C) famous.systematic 著名的有系统的,有规则的; 有条不紊的; (D) mediocre.unexciting 普通的; 中等的;不令人兴奋的; 正如由不同的作者的文章所构成的文集的那种通常情形一样,书的整体风格是不统一的,尽管每个人的作品就其自身而言都是很杰出的。5. The essence of belief is the establishm
11、ent of practice; different beliefs are distinguishable by the different modes of action to which they give rise.(A)allegiances 效忠,忠诚;忠贞 (B)practice 实践;练习; (C)trust
12、信任,信赖; (D) commitment承诺,保证,委托; 信仰的本质在于(习俗惯例)的确定,不同的信仰可以凭借这些信仰所导致的不同行为方式来加以区分。6.The results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were provocative not only because these results
13、160;challenged old assumptions but also because they called the prevailing methodology into question. (A)specious.original华而不实的,似是而非的原始的,最初的。 (B)predictable.contemporary可预测的.同时代的; (C)provocative.prevailing挑衅性的,挑战性的.盛行的,流行的;&
14、#160;(D)inconclusive.traditional非决定性的.传统的 伊丽莎白和雷切尔进行的实验结果是有挑战性的,因为这些结果不仅挑战了老的假设,还质疑了流行的方法学。7.As early as the seventeenth century, philosophers called attention to the problematic character of the issue, and the
15、ir twentieth-century counterparts still approach it with uneasiness(A)problematicuneasiness有疑问的;不确定的不安;担忧 (B)unusualcomposure与众不同的镇静 (C)complexantipathy复杂的反感的 (D)auspiciouscaution吉利的小心 早在17世纪,哲学家们就注意到了这个议题的有不确定的特点,到了20世纪又有跟他们相似的一波科学家还是带着不安开展了这个议题。8. The
16、160;deference with which the French aristocracy greeted the middle-class Rousseau was all the more remarkable because he showed so little respect for them. (A)appreciation. deserved欣赏应得
17、的 (B)suspicion. uncanny怀疑离奇的的 (C)reserve.unexpected预留出人意料的(D)deferenceremarkable敬重卓越的 法国贵族对身为中产阶级的卢梭表示敬意,而这种尊重反而因为他对他们的不尊重而变得更加明显。9. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarilybecaus
18、e the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such divergent assumptions. (A) fundamental 基础的; (B) trivial琐碎的,微小的; (C) divergent有分歧的; (D) commonplace平凡的
19、60;翻译:国会很难在能源政策上达成一致,主要是因为不同国会成员的政策目标建立在不同的假设基础之上。10. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. (A) e
20、xpendable可消费的 (B) fundamental基础的 (C) lightest 最轻的 (D) steadiest稳定的 氢元素是宇宙的基本物质,因为它提供了其他的元素赖以产生的基本物质.Translation1.Certainly many neurotic boomer parents-and their stressed-out ,resume-building teenagersassume that it is always better to
21、choose Harvard over Big State U. because of Harvards presumably superior educational environment, better alumni connections, and more lucrative on-campus recruiting opportunities.对于那些在生育高峰期出生,已为人父母的人和他们焦虑不安,整日忙于增加阅历,以使简历内容更加丰富的十几岁的孩子来说,选择哈佛大学当然比重点州立大学更好。因为哈佛可能会有优越的教育环境,更好的校友圈子,以及更加诱人的校园招聘机会。2.Its tr
22、ue that big law firms, major teaching hospitals, and investment banksheck, even the offices of FORTUNEare stuffed with Ivy Leaguers. Its also true that if you want a career at what passes for the American establishmentSullivan&Cromwell, McKinsey, Goldman Sachsa gilt-edged diploma is a distinct a
23、dvantage.事实上,大型法律公司,主要示教医院和投资银行,甚至是财富杂志的办公室,满是常春藤学生。这也是事实,如果你想在被当做美国经济基石的公司谋得一份职业,如苏利文克伦威尔律师事务所,麦肯锡,高盛等,那么一份镶金的学位证书无疑是一个独特的优势。3.The advantages of Harvard, in other words, confer few benefits on the class slacker. Robert Zemsky. An education professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who believes a
24、 prestigious undergraduate degree does pay off, puts it this way: “Its like the brass ring on a merry-go-round. If you go to a high-prices, highly selective school, you have a better shot at the brass ring. But you have to grab it.”换句话说,哈佛的优势在于不会给偷懒者带来太多的好处。宾夕法尼亚大学的教育学教授Robert Zemsky认为读有名的大学是划算的,他这样
25、说:“这就好比是旋转木马上的铜环。如果你选择一个昂贵的高选性的学校,你就有更好的机会能够击中铜环。但是你必须得抓住它。”4.So listen up, high school seniors: Your life is not over if you end up at the University of Oklahoma. In fact, if you want to be governor of Oklahoma when you grow up, youre probably better off graduating a sooner.请高校的高年级学生注意听好了:如果你仅仅只是毕业
26、于俄克拉马荷马州立大学你的人生并没有完蛋。而事实上,如果你想长大后成为俄克拉荷马州的州长,你还能近水楼台先得月。5.Most studies use future income, the favorite yardstick of those dead souls called economists. But knowing the cost-benefit ratio of a purchase is not the same as knowing it value.很多研究运用未来收入,因为这是那些被称为经济学家的老家伙们最青睐的计算标准。但是,知道一件所购之物的成本效益率并不等于知道了它
27、的价值。· Unit 7 FilmVocabulary1.Was he really a villain, or just a scapegoat?他真的是一个坏人,或只是一个替罪羊?2.With regard to hardness, the diamond is in a class by itself.讲硬度,金刚钻是独一无二的。3.The time when a solar eclipse(暗淡失色) will occur can be calculated.日食发生的时间可以推算出来。4.Some praise him, whereas others condemn him
28、.有人赞扬他,而另一些人谴责他。5.Ihave seen such desire of success before in people who held immense power.之前我在掌握大权的人身上看到这种成功的欲望。6.These are treacherous times for many foreign businesses in China.这些是许多外国企业在中国遇到的危险时期。7.He who knows only how to wield (使用)a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face of practical pr
29、oblems.只知道耍笔杆的人在遇到实际问题的时候通畅会感到很无助。8.The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.作家试图摹写日落的光彩。9.They may be able to mediate between parties with different interests.他们也许能在不同利益政党之间进行调解。10.Revisionism is already offering alternative views of his achievements.修正主义已经对他的成就提出了不同的观点。11.Steve Jobs h
30、ad been in conflict with some other members of his crew. (in opposition to) 12.An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker. He is a visionary. (foreseer)13.The Prime Ministers fragile government was on the brink of collapse. (edge) 14.She loved to ride; on horseback, she was reckless and utterly
31、without fear. (bold) 15.Writes of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present. (put together) 16.A language teacher should initiate students into the elements of grammar. (lead) 17. Signature must be consistent with that in your policy record. (be the same as) 18.Cultivating a
32、nd training college students setback-resistance should be an important part in quality education. (discouragement) 19.If you cant dazzle people with brilliance, dazzle them with your smile. (impress) 20.As far as quality is concerned, we must not make do with what we have, but must constantly strive
33、 for excellence. (try hard for) · Translation1.Part of this came from his unique view of risk and return, which defied the short-term outlook of his investors.其中一个原因归结于他独特的对于风险和回报的视角,而这个视角让投资者们无法看得到表面上的短线效益。2.Disneys persona combined nostalgia for small-town American values with faith in the po
34、tential of modern science and technology to transform our lives.迪斯尼的个性中同时混合了美国小镇居民怀旧的价值观和对现代科技必将改变人类生活的信心。3.The success of the film helped Disney the discipline of building a high performance business culture that would contribute to his companys future triumphs.这部电影的成功帮助迪斯尼推动了建立高端企业文化的原则,对公司未来的成功起到
35、了重要的作用。4.Only through the talent, labor and the dedication of this staff could any Disney project get off the ground.如果缺少了才华,劳动和员工的奉献精神,迪斯尼的任何一个项目便都无法问世。5.“He knew that for intuition to mean anything it had to be implemented, and that this demanded a combination of stringent analysis and sheer hard
36、work, backed up by the practical talents of the artists with whom he surrounded himself.”他知道要令直觉有意义,必须让它实现。而这需要一系列严密的分析及实打实的辛勤工作,同时需要他身边的那些艺术家的真正的才华作为支撑。· Unit 8 Environmental EngineeringVocabulary1.A custodian or trustee is appointed to oversee the debtors property to protect it from loss.托管人或
37、受托人被任命监督债务人的财产保护它免受损失。2.U.S. auto sales are down about 40% from their peak, forcing automakers to idle plants and furlough workers.美国汽车销售已经从峰值下降了约40%,迫使汽车制造商闲置厂房和工人休假。3.We are asking consumers to boycott goods from companies that use child labor.我们呼吁消费者抵制使用童工的公司的产品4.An oil refinery caught fire and r
38、esidents near a nuclear reactor were forced to evacuate safe areas.一个炼油厂起火,核反应堆附近的居民被迫疏散到安全区域5.The Civil Rights leader focuses on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.民权领袖的重点是公开的歧视,而不是阴险的种族主义方面。6.In the wake of developments in science and technology, man has become more capab
39、le of conquering natural disasters.随着科学技术的发展,人类已经变得更加有能力战胜自然灾害7.When he was drunk, Professor Dou blurted out what was on his mind and added fuel to the fire.当都教授喝醉的时候,他脱口而出了心中所想并一发不可收拾。8.If a forest fire cannot be extinguished, devastation is sure to ensue.如果森林火灾不能被扑灭,灾害一定会随之发生。9.The conversations w
40、ere designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company.这些谈话被用来暗地破坏她的权威,以至于她觉得她不能再为公司工作了。10.They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course and offered 20million, but the deal fell through.们出价两千万英镑,想把这块地变成高尔夫球场,但交易泡汤了。Vocabulary1.On no account shou
41、ld they reckon examination as the only means of stimulating pupils to pursue knowledge.他们无论如何也不能把考试认为是激励学生学习知识的惟一手段2.We uphold our most cherished values not only because doing so is right, but also because it strengthens our country and keeps us safe.我们维护我们最珍视的价值观不仅因为这样做是正确的,还因为它可以巩固我们的国家,让我们的安全。3.H
42、is extensive experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural barriers.他在亚洲其他地区的广泛经验帮助他克服文化障碍。4.But why did they permit him to carry on his practice of challenging the law and the authority of the law for as long as the did?而是,为何他们一再容许他,挑战法律及法律权威,达这么长一段时间。5.The court ruled that John
43、 was justified in hitting the man in self-defense.法院裁定,约翰出于自卫而打了那个人是合理的。6.Parliament has passed an act forbidding the slaughter of animals for pleasure.会通过了一项禁止杀生取乐的法令。7.Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.为了降低乳制品和面包的价格必须需要食物补贴。8.The government has rea
44、ffirmed that it will take any steps to maintain law and order in our country.政府重申将采取任何措施来维护我国的法律和秩序。9.Hooker didnt squander all the money which his father left him on flashy cars or other vices.胡克没有将自己的钱挥霍在豪华轿车或其他恶习上。10.Above all Susie is a great survivor in the car crash, with a bright indomitable
45、spirit.总之,苏茜是一个在车祸中伟大的幸存者, 开朗乐观、不屈不挠。Translation1.If conservationists hope to save even the wild lands and wild creatures, they are going to have to address issues of economy, which is to say issues of the health of the landscapes and the towns and cities where we do our work, and the quality of tha
46、t work ,and the well-being of the people who do the work.如果生态环境保护者们希望能挽救的即便是荒地和野生物,他们也将不得不解决经济方面的问题,他们也将不得不解决经济方面的问题,也就是指地区地貌和我们工作的城镇,城市的健康问题,以及这项工作的质量和做这项工作的人们的福祉。2.We know that soil erosion, air and water pollution, urban sprawl, the proliferation of highways and garbage are making our lives alway
47、s less pleasant, less healthful, less sustainable, and our dwelling places more ugly.我们知道水土流失,空气及水资源污染,城市蔓生,以及公路和垃圾暴增,常常使自己的生活更加不如意,不健康,不可忍受,住所更加丑陋不堪。3.Such damage is justified by its corporate perpetrators and their political abettors in the name of the free market and free enterprise, but this is
48、a freedom that makes greed the dominant economic virtue, and it destroys the freedom of other people along with their communities and livelihoods.这种损害是其企业肇事者及政治教唆者们以“自由市场”和“自由企业”的名义来得以辩护的。但是这种自由是以贪婪为主导的经济美德。他会破坏他人的自由,以及他们的社区和生活4.As a result, our once-beautiful and bountiful countryside has long been
49、 a colony of the coal, timber, and agribusiness corporations, yielding an immense wealth of energy and raw materials at an immense cost to our land and our lands people.其结果就是,我们曾经美丽而富饶的乡村长期以来都是作为煤炭,木材,农业产业的殖民地,以我们的土地及其子民的巨大牺牲来换取能源和原材料的巨额财富。5.Furthermore, to permit the smaller enterprises always to b
50、e ruined by false advantages, either at home or in the global economy, is ultimately to destroy local, regional, and even national capabilities of producing vital supplies such as food and textiles.此外,无论在国内还是在全球经济范围内,让小型企业在这些认为的优势下破产,最终会破坏地方,区域甚至国家生产重要供应品的能力,比如食品和纺织品。· Unit 9 HealthVocabulary1.
51、My grandmother never told my mother the truth about my grandfather. Weve been living a lie all this time.我奶奶从来没有告诉我的母亲我的祖父的真相,我们一直生活在谎言中.2.The vast expansion in high education is putting strains on the system.高等教育的大幅扩张正对该系统造成压力。3.He is likely to be called up for Fridays match against Australia.他很可能会
52、被要求参加星期五对阵澳大利亚的比赛。4.He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relation in the future.他设想在未来可以建立直接的外交关系。5.These dangers are not confined to smokers, but to non-smokers as well.这些危险不仅限于吸烟者,而且对非吸烟者也有。6.Farmers are angry because the rise fails to keep pace with inflation.农民们很气愤,因为提价
53、赶不上通货膨胀。7.The media distorts reality, categorizes people at all good or all bad.媒体歪曲事实,将人分为十足的好人和坏蛋.8.The bill was intrigued (以谋略达成)through the Senate.该法案在参议院通过了。9.He has been asked to account for his conduct.他被要求解释他的行为。10.A man who goes from door to door selling things shall to be aggressive if he
54、wants to succeed.挨家挨户推销产品的人 如果想成功,他必须积极。Vocabulary1.During that unexpected rendezvous, I felt more in tune with the rhythms of life on this vast planet than I ever have.在那次意外的邂逅中,我感受到这个巨大的星球上,生命之间的一种极致的和谐。2. If you have high blood pressure or signs of heart, eye, nerve or kidney disease-or other dia
55、betes complications that may be aggravated by pregnancy-you may need treatment before conception.如果你有高血压或心脏、眼睛、神经或肾脏疾病或其他糖尿病并发症,可能会加剧妊娠-你可能需要在怀孕前处理。3.The problem with these findings is that they are at variance with(与不符) what we s
56、ee on our TV screens and magazine covers.这些研究结果的问题在于:它和我们在电视和杂志封面上看到的情况不一样。4. Last year, mortgage rates in Hong Kong dipped below 1%, adding fuel to the home-price surge.去年,香港按揭利率跌至1%以下,这进一步助推房价
57、飙升。5.“If there is an evil on earth which we are facing nowadays as nations and as peoples and individuals, then together with drug trafficking and illicit trade, it is
58、60;human trafficking.” he said.他说:“如果我们,无论是作为一个国家,一个民族或是个人,现在正面临着一个恶魔,它还连同毒品贩卖和非法交易一起影响我们,那便是人口贩卖。”6.Otherwise, the medicines could lose their potency over time due to the development of resistance.否则,随着时间推移,由于产生耐药性,这些药物可失去其效力。*7. All these factors appear to converge on a common conclusion
59、: something weird is going on inside the sun, and theorists are currently at a loss to explain the phenomenon.所有的因素都汇聚成一个结论:太阳的内部正在发生一些奇怪的改变,我们的科学家目前还无法解释这些现象。8. The goal is to allow passengers to converse in a normal speaking voice between front and rear rows while traveling, a small and important
60、factor in a pleasant driving experience.这么做的目标是在行车状态下,让前排与后排的乘客也能用平常说话的音量交谈,对于愉快的驾驶体验来说,这是一个细微却有至关重要的因素。9. Less certain is whether the country can afford to keep building at this pace, and whether many of these projects will never pay off in terms of the economic development they are meant to suppor
61、t.这个国家是否可以这个速度建立是不确定的,以及就他们的经济发展水平得得到的支付情况而言,这些工程款可能永远还不清。10. To dismiss John from his job when his wife has just left him would hitting a man when he is down.约翰的妻子刚刚离开他,现在又要解雇他,简直是落井下石。Translation1. The main reasons for this trend are the dramatic advances in medical diagnosis and treatment as well
62、 as the changing American lifestyle, with its new emphasis on healthier diets and regular exercise and its declining dependence on tobacco.这种趋势的主要原因是医疗诊断和医疗方法的巨大进步改变了美国人的生活方式-通过其新的强调健康饮食和定期锻炼的方法以减少对烟草的依赖。2. Every country with reliable health statistics reports that women live longer than men; the observation is at least as old as health statistic themselves, because women outlived men by nearly three years when such data were first recorded in Europe, more than 200 years ago.凭借每个国家可靠的健康统计报告可以知道,女性比男性更长寿;这个观察报告至少和这个健康
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