



1、冀教版八年级下册19课说课稿 说课人:郑建林本课以动物园为话题展开谈论星期天的计划与打算。它是一个对话课,就本课的特点我想从下面几个方面进行讲述。这几个方面分别是:教材分析、目标分析、过程分析、和效果分析。首先看我的教材分析:一 教材分析:(一) 教材的地位和作用 This is the third lesson of Unit3.It is a very important part in this unit。.Lesson 19 is a dialogue, its about a plan.(where are you going) to the zoo。.And Unit3 is ab

2、out the animals.They are connected.By studying Lesson17,the students can improve their listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities.At the same time, make them understand animals are important for people. Some of them will go extinct.To protect the animals is our duty.(二)重难点 The important points

3、 : New words and phrases Act out the dialogue The difficult points : How to make a plan二 目标分析:按语言知识,语言技能,学习策略,情感态度,文化意识五个方面将本课的教学目标细化为几个方面   (1)知识目标: A学习词汇和短语:open somewhere lake all kinds of protect extinct scientist gorilla zebraB学习句型及表达法: lets do what about.C小组能熟练朗读对话,能表演对话,小组讨论后,每人能写出一

4、篇短文。D通过学习本课,能用英语较灵活的描述怎样制定计划提出建议。(2)能力目标: 提高学生的听,说,读,写能力(3)情感目标: 动物是人类的朋友。保护动物 爱护动物是我们的责任。(4)学习策略:能积极的创造学习英语的机会,并充分利用,善于抓住用英语进行表达和交流的机会,注意自主合作学习,任务要求明确,学生学会思考,表达,讨论,倾听和评价.(6)教学用具 a project a tape recorder the blackboard some flashcards三 过程分析:根据同学们的学习特点我设计了下面的教学步骤。Step1 :Lead in Ask some questions ab

5、out Lesson19.say “What are you going to do on Sunday ?Do you want to see the animals?Lets look at Danny and Jenny ,where they are going.借以引出今天的话题Lesson19:The Zoo Is Open!Step2: 单词呈现: 利用屏幕把单词列出并加以讲解 protectfrom+nving go extinct 等词的汉语意并举例说明它们的用法。同时板书重点单词在黑板上。这种设计使同学们一目了然同时分清了各个单词的词性,在今后的学习中能够便于利用。Step

6、3: Listening: Ask them to close their books and listion to the tape.Ill give them two questions.listen to the first part and answer the first question and then the second.。问题展示在屏幕上。设计意图:让学生们带着问题去听,使他们养成良好的倾听习惯。问题非常简单很容易回答上来,让他们感受成功,享受喜悦。Step4: Reading 阅读分两步。第一步 快速阅读掌握大意 第二步 精读 讨论 合作 这次学生们三人一组互相提出问题,

7、解决问题,解决不了的老师帮助。要求他们对于句子结构,重点词组,进行分析。掌握语言点,让学生们能清楚的复述。两步走的阅读方法可以提高学生们的阅读及分析问题的能力。Step5: 表演(act out) Ask two groups to come to the blackboard and act out the dialogue, if they do well,we can go on next step , if they cant , I will give them two minutes to recite the dialodge.这步设计可以锻炼学生们的大胆用英语讲话的能力。Ste

8、p6: Play a game 叫一名可爱的学生到黑板前来,把其他学生分成两组,让这名学生做一些像动物一样的动作,例如像一个猴子,一只狗等等。其他学生猜。哪个队的学生猜上的多,为暂时的胜利者。设计意图:这一步骤能够调动所有学生的积极性。让学生们在乐中学,学中练。让他们猜测,既活跃了课堂气氛,又能让同学们在反反复复的猜测中,快快乐乐地掌握了生词,体现了在快乐中学习英语的新课程理念Step7: discussing Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct every day. How

9、can people stop animals from going extinct, or how to protect the animals.设计意图:动物是大自然留给人类的无价之宝,它是我们人类的朋友。它们的生衍死灭与我们人类的生活是密切相关的。动物的大量毁灭对人类将产生严重的不良后果,造成生态严重不平衡,从而使人类的生存环境遭到破坏。让我们携起手来,好好保护动物,和她们做好朋友,共创美好未来!Step8: 课堂达标检测。在这一步骤中我设计了两个问题,第一个是Fill in the blanks about the new words and phrases.第二个是Writing:要

10、求同学们把上一步骤的讨论结果写下来,只要三四个句子就足够了。这种设计既是对同学们是否掌握了本课所学内容的检测,也是本课的一个拓展。同时提高了同学们的写作能力。Step9: Summary :让同学们来做。让他们进行总结,我们今天学到了什么。然后选择一名同学告诉我:What we have learned today?Step10 : Homework : Writing Write a story about your trip to the zoo,or write a story about a trip to the zoo you would like to take. Dont fo

11、rget to answer these questions: When did you go to the zoo? Did you buy tickets for the zoo? What animals did you see? What animals did you like best? Why ? Did you feed any animals? Are zoos good for animals? Why ?同学们回答问题的同时,通过思考使答案自然成文。Step 11 : The design of the blackboardLesson 19 : The Zoo Is Open !lake scientist gorilla zebraopen ex


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