



1、Outcome2Sources of Export Assista neeClass: Global Trade and Business 1Submission Date: 11-Apr- 2013Name : LI cheng shunSCN:8ContentsResearch plans and overseascon tractswould ben efit from gover nment assista neeIn troducti onThis report aim to hel p FLYCO company export the Razor to En gla nd mark

2、et. In this report,the government assistanee would be identified, the Razor sale andits p ositi on would be in troduced, some source of assista nee would be invo Ived and mon itor of effective ness also men ti oned in the er nment assista neewhichmarketWhen export our p roducts, many export

3、activity would ben efit from gover nment assista nee. At first, market ing plans which is a comp rehe nsive blue print outli nes an orga ni zati on's overall market ing efforts. Second, new p roduct development is the compiete process of bringing a new to market. Third, expansion is developing t

4、he new market from the original one. Fourth, long term corpo rate plans means that the seller and buyer sig n a con tract in the future more tha n 5 years.Some p roducti on activities also can get assista nee from gover nment. Such as, the manu facturi ng con tracts for overseas distributors. In ord

5、er to p roduce more products and save transportationfee, the company would choose overseasdistributors to p roduce their p roducts.Razor and its manu facturi ng con tract for overseas distributorsThe sale turnover of FLYCO Razor is billio n Yua n in the year 2010. Nowadays, FLYCChas depIoyed more th

6、an 300 cities across the country managementoutlets, more tha n 20000 sales termi nals, i ncludi ng p romoters are made by FLYCO their trai ning, so that the termi nal con trol in own hand.Wha' s more, i n overseas markets, FLYCO with the desig n concept of "fashi on, con tracted, scie nee a

7、nd tech no logy" and the strict p erfect quality con trol system, good quality, beautiful app eara nee, faster inno vati on, excelle nt service, won the p raise of customers at home and abroad, and exp orted to the European Union, Japan, the Un ited States, Russia, more tha n 30 coun tries and

8、regi ons.The manu facturi ng con tracts for overseas distributors can get some assista nee from government. FLYCOean inquiry the available information from government. At first, finding overseas age nt and distributor who look for FLYCO to sig n a con tract. Second, Openings for manu facture un der

9、lice nse, jo int ven tures, or opportun ities to coop erate in p roducti on, man ageme nt, finan ce, inv estme nt or distributi on. Third, pro vid ing details of agreeme nts prop osed or appro ved by the multilateral funding age ncy.Iden tify the sources of assista neeFirst, atte nding trade fairs.

10、A trade fair (trade show, trade exhibiti on or expo) is an exhibitionorganized so that companies in a specific can showcaseand dem on strate their latest p roducts, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent and . In contrast to consumer fairs, only some trade fairs are open to the publi

11、c, while others can only be attended by companyrepresentatives (members of the trade, . ) and members of the , therefore trade shows are classified as either "P ublic" or "Trade On ly". A few fairs are hybrids of thetwo; one example is the , which is trade-only for its first thre

12、e days and open to the general public on its final two days. They are held on a continuing basisin virtually all markets and normally attract companies from around the globe. For example, in the . there are currently over 10,000 trade shows held every year, and several online directories have been e

13、stablished to help organizers, attendees, and marketers identifyappropriate events. FLYCO company can go tothese exhibit show their product to the overseas markets.marketSecond, visits to potential markets. FLYCOcompany should do some research in the potential markets. When do these research some se

14、condary data can be provided by the relative government.usefulThird, assistance with research. Government has many information about the market. We can search the web site of Ministry of finance to get information.ForFourth,assistance with translation. Wecan use the public transportation. example, F

15、ederal Express.Fifth, assistance with promotion. We sign a contract with the government and promotion our products.How the organization would monitor the cost effectivenessThe organization would monitor the cost effectiveness of the assistance received from trade service organizations by sales,profi

16、ts,level of expertise/assistance,market share gained,number of contacts yielded and quality of information gained. It is obvious that the higher the sales, the more effectiveness the organization would be. The profit, level of expertise, market share and so on are the same to sales.ConclusionThis report analysis main government assistance, and what assistance FLYCO


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