1、Age Range(per person per year)(pemrllion miles)MenWomenMienWomenUnder IS0 4&20 2745D.4522180,3250 1993233B.119-220.2560.139118.123.223-290 1250 0929.615.230-390.0920.0737,213.540-49O.OSO0.0626.811.850-590 0780 0578.314.4GO-690.0550.0467.912770 £ over0.0560.03711711.9Frequency of Driver Acci
2、dentsAccidentsAccidentsQUESTIONA grcmp of one thousand men, aged 23*29, each drive 10,000 miles per year. How many accjidenrts sfe there Hkely to be in this group?969609,600QUESTIOHc30-39B_40-4970 SoverEIn terms of accidents per year, to what extent do wornen aged 30-39 have fewer accidents than wom
3、en aged 23-29? 1 -% lessR -7% less1 lessmD111 nil IIn terms of mites driven, and compared t& the previous age range, which age range for v/ornen shows the 'greatest proportional reduction in 协亡 number of accidents?IShone of1422MOW rh«nyeCEe"塞 In 9 YV9t wil c 津* Of ailhous 13-ye(ir
4、備 mefi 比 likely 10 Mv5 COifiOed Wth 卜 yOM)和 «ttwsand 1 缶 veer oW gften,1367199回126AEDBDGranta Industries Ltd. Product RangeProductTotal cost per unitSale Priiice per unitProfit peunitManufactureDistribuiionOtherZelec 25£12 10£1.15£3 40£40.95£24.30Zelec 32a£1325
5、3;1.15£300£50.95£33.55Zelec 32h£1325£1.15£3 50£55.95£38 05MidrasU£20 20£2.30£4 20£72.00£45.30Midras120£25 40£2.50£7 60£120 00£84.50QUESTIONif you sell seventeen units of Midras 14 for every Midrss 120 you sell,
6、 what would be the Ictal profit on Midras products it you sold 312 Midras 120s?£224,234.40£266.400.40None of theseBIf increasing the sale price of the Zelec 25 by £5 would reduce sale from 134,200 a year to 117,340 自 year, would be the effect on annual Zelec 25 profits?-£177.002-
7、£16,900+£l77,00i2QUESTIONBIf the total cot of a batch of Zelec 32a units was £4106.40, what would t>e the total profits on the 聞 fe af these units if they were each sold for £4 00 less than they normaly are£6.271.3C£7.133 40cii,aso.2oBHow mmy units of Zdec 32b woddi
8、ytMJi Deed to sei to make more prolit than you wouW by e*hg 13.294 unrts of Zelec'9.4X.BABBBPopulation SlatistrcsTotal Population (inillions)Population Growth Rate(average % annual increase)Birth Rate (per 1,000 pop.)Mortality Rate (per 1,000pop.)Urban : Rural split (population rertio)Literacy R
9、ate (% male / female pop.)IN EPALINDIA199120011991200116.821.704310792.62 542.433.440.624313.510.21228.B1 : 91 : 852 : 7.51 : 4.528/1930/2054/3976/60QUESTIONlit in 2002 and 2003 the Nepalese popiJatioo grew in line with the1991-2001 rsite. whart would the population be in2003 (to the neorest 10,000)
10、?21.84 million2S.34 mitlbonNone of theseHow inany people lived in rurl aresi in India in 2001 Cto the nearest million)?&30 milfion寸 361 million652 mllior|7 683 mliionG34 mltionAsivnng thsit thepopiltiqrii continue? Io 歹qw M the ?arne overage rate, by whqt year w< the pofMaftupn tirt 1.25回 200
11、7回 2009Mion(1 ,?S0 nMton) people?2w6Q 2006O 2010IQUESTIONDGpjeji that th& mortality rate in urban areas of kidta in 2001 was 9.7 per 10OG - i e higherthan the country average - what was the mortality rate in rural areas'0 8 50 S.7H B.4H B.6fg &.SBDBDCRettedMarinskr*GaeffShogoBellucr100 i
12、nk pens250024 002D.5O 30.0026.5050 pencils7,508,0010.2012.007 0015 erasers1.80毛2JD1出2.002.105 rules4704,655205.204.5020 coloured pens毛33毛 5.DD3.502.m3 55stationery costs from five providers* Rettel offer a 10% discount on orders of over10D,* Marinski give away one packet of2Q coloured pens with ever
13、y 1,000 ink pens ordered.* Belluci will give a 15% discount on packs of 50 pencils for every pack of 100 ink pens bought. Questio nare producing 9 special pnck of 250 ink pens and 25Q pencils for12Q. Approximately how much would you save tjy buy rig these packs if you were buying ink pens and 1,000
14、pencils?ACE111%117.5%20.7S%B 16%D 20%Question42 O'. 00eoe.'oo 632.00If you have a regubr order of 700 ink pens a nonth from Rettel, how would your annual bil increase if you transferred this order to Shago?B 441.ODD 630 00ACEMarnsfcr provttted 1,500 M pens, 150 erasers acd OOcdoured pens. Ho
15、w much did Ihn cost? ES e53SQ <400f3 r*5ne of ires*ADCof £1 Sterling (GBP)CurrencyEuro (EUR)US doll'air (USD) Japan«i$e yen (JPY) Australian dollar (AUD) Swiss franc (CHF) Homgi Kong dolllaf (HkP) Malaysian ringgit MVR)Year 11521.6015U2.552.601337 60Year 2I &41.451902712.40II 35
16、 45忙currency Qn Ye* 1 a trAv* incurs « charge of 5% on eacb tranudunrude. Thelraveter trU convertJpy100,000 ria MaiAyskm rnagts STtfrUy 4tterw4rd3, Ihte rrwev 眩 converted kHo Austr4*4n doivs Kffw menv AusirdAen (Mari 14 then. Editing 4CCO(miI otAAuoeoiC,斟a闆E巨C«mAAU0lJ4flAUD 1,157The cufren
17、cy wNch hii ihiown the tmaaest propodiorAi change n vejue m iriiHatiori to t St&hng between Year 1 snd ¥电舸 2 IS TPllH0g I壮H5fPi-g KFfG0P I24 5fGBP 192.ieGBP 373.79GBP 1 37.93JPY1.000 in Year 1 te worth how many US dollars in Year 1 ?USD 6.33USD 10.13USD 14.33QUESTIONGBP 231.07USD 0.33USD 12
18、.83It GPB100 were used to purchase Euros in Year 1, what would be their appro»imate value it they were kept for a yesr (assume no interest earned) and then exchanged for HKD?HKD 937HKD 1,6S7HKD 2,626HKD 1,033HKD 1,647OUESTIONMow many mofe Austrian Ckjaars c(x4d have beer |h旳ised wi(hU£02,0
19、00 n Year 2 ctmpared to Veafl?Q ALID272目 JJD 303Q AUTOQ Am 447冋AUE曲QUESTIONHow iPSTiy fewer Swiss Francs would PYI OjOOO pirchflse n Year 2 compared :o Year 1? n CHF 24目 CW 礬.433 CHF 52 &3a-c-eCHF 4Q COCHF辽第rti0200 UuuyriL eflr 1 Is uutivurlci;, vmltnuul 点rv其. LurHiyyib.bi Yev 2 tl ILIikhuu* ivm
20、lcJ UtiLk iiiluMuiiuMong ctotlbrs Approximateiyhow rn/ Hong Kong 州Ims is that?HKD 194MMO27bDADCBPrice of Soya beansYearPrice in $/tonne(Dec 31)Consumer Price liridex(Jan 1 -Dec 31)S34DS358$348$346S359$375+3.9%+42%+3.1%+25%+1.7%+2.1%QUESTIONAC|EWhat was the effective Increase in the price of Soya bea
21、ns in Year 6, conpared 1o Year 5. if the Consumer Price Index had teen taken into account?$3,46 per tonne513.S2 per tonne制 7.SS per tonneASBuiTwg Che Vear 6 price per tonne a increnud year on ytat by 3%. how many years woiM 4 be b«fo<e the price exceeds 5430 iwrtonne2 years5 years了 year?Year
22、 3Vear 5ey how frwch Ms the Consiucner Pirice Wex rtsfln between the stflft of Vew 1 (nd the end of Y«f 6?ESI n 5%13 O b%0 II5 4%2 1? $%曰 JI 3 8%ACAEQuestionVhat would the price of a lonT:& of Soya bmans be in YWar 9 iif it rose by 5% pwr annum from its、上5c pricedACES3S0.&9S413.44S455.B
23、1B S3537SD S434.11Average speeds of 4 wheeled vehides in lhe City (kph)IIMorning Pbriod;Off Re* FWiod;Ev«fiing PMk Rern(trevCentral ZoneIfWH ZbneOuter Zbne190725027 636 3199121 826635.0199520626.834.0199920 jO24 032 S1987=278326、506199122 jO31 e45 619952123C045 419992002.e43.319S725026.240.8190
24、130 j623:240 S199519626433419991922 S384A motorist commutes ri ihe Mofning Peak PeriocI, 6 km through the Inner Zone artd 20 (tmlhrouiXi the Outer Zone How much did their average journey rcrease from 1307 to 1G99 吐o the neefest rnifiUe)?Q 4 Tpinute0 e rninutesM fl minutci回 1i0i imnutesV3 1 9 miniIn
25、the Evening Peefc PertotJ in 1991ACE27 J6 kph2S 4 kphCannot say,what would be the aver»g& speed of a car making a jourrev across the entire cty?目 26.0 kphRl 23.2 kpti<31JESTQN BEBStarr Distnhution at abc EngineenngPercentage of total staff in each funclionFunctionYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
26、Year 5Marketing1820253025Production4030302832Finance9956aDistribution2115131425Other1213272210TOTAL100100WQ100100ki year 3 ttiere were 436 people employed in areas other ttian Finance, DistrfcLition, Marketing, and Production. How many people were employtd by ABC Engineering m Yeif 3?16501S50None ofttieseBBetveeiHi whFch two years did the number of people employed in Maiteting at ABC Engineering change the most?Year 1 - V£ar 2Year 3 - Year 4BD"r ear 2 Year 3Year 4
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