香港公司审计银行询证函-Bank Confirmation-香港会计师事务所需要-中文翻译版本加英文原版_第1页
香港公司审计银行询证函-Bank Confirmation-香港会计师事务所需要-中文翻译版本加英文原版_第2页
香港公司审计银行询证函-Bank Confirmation-香港会计师事务所需要-中文翻译版本加英文原版_第3页
香港公司审计银行询证函-Bank Confirmation-香港会计师事务所需要-中文翻译版本加英文原版_第4页
香港公司审计银行询证函-Bank Confirmation-香港会计师事务所需要-中文翻译版本加英文原版_第5页
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1、银行询证函 中文翻译版本加英文原版申请银行证明清单以供账目审计用账户 (客户名称)为使本公司能进行年度账目审计,请填妥随附之表格,以显示在二O一二年十 二月三十一日营业时间结束时有关本公司与贵行往来结存之资料。贵行如因任何限制因素以致未能提供完整资料,请于有关栏内说明。如无资料可予申报,请填上无。为证实各项资料,请填妥本申请书最后一页所载之银行证明一节。本公司谨授权贵行在填妥本申请书后将之连同贵行作出之任何附注说明,交回本公司审计师罗兵咸永道会计师事务所,地址如上。本公司谨授权贵行在本公司 号之账戶支取是项服务之任何费用。贵行就本申请而作出之回复,一概不会损害贵行作为银行而拥有之一般留置权。(

2、授权签名及印章)一 定期或通知存款收据编号日期金额利率到期日人民币外币二 储蓄账户账号余额人民币外币三 往来帐余额。请说明为贷项余额或借项余额 账号余额人民币外币四 向本公司提供之融资。按融资类别加以说明1融资类别银行参考编号利率金额到期日担保人人民币外币五 贷款账户之借项余额(与进口货物有关之贷款除外)账号余额人民币外币六 年内至证明日为止已取消之账户账号账户类别取消日期人民币外币七 未付清之垫付制造商之款项及 / 或打包放款账户及 / 或已批出之出口贷款账号余额八 未付清承兑汇票银行参考编号金额发出日期到期日银行应收票据其中以信托收据交发之货物 银行持有之托收票据1 此外,银行也可随附相关

3、之银行融资信函。此等融资信函未有包括的任何相关资料必须另行载列于此。九 银行持有之局部付款银行参考编号金额就第八项而持有十 未到期之不可撤销信用证银行参考编号未用余额到期日十一 客户应收票据银行参考编号金额银行买入之票据(至目前为止未收)银行持有之托收票据十二 银行持有之保证金存款银行参考编号金额就第八及第十项而持有就第十一项而持有十三 与进口货物有关之未付清贷款银行参考编号金额货物详情十四 担保2由银行代本公司发出发出对象银行参考编号名义金额i) 船务担保ii) 其他(说明担保类别,例如财务担保、履约保证等) 由银行代本公司取得2 银行担保的常见例子有财务担保、预付款担保、船务担保和履约保证

4、、投标保证金和保留债券担保。如担保的性质未明,建议银行就银行证明 清单中所用的项目提供额外注释。十五 未付清之衍生工具合同 / 结构性产品合同3合同编号名义金额合同费率到期日i) 汇率合同ii) 利率合同iii) 其他衍生工具合同 / 结构性产品合同 十六 其他欠负银行之直接负债或者或有负债十七 由银行持有之抵押品及其他业权文件作为贷款担保作为保管3 衍生工具合同 / 结构性产品合同的常见例子有远期利率协议、股份期权合同、期货合同、掉期安排、贵金属合同、商品合同和结构性产品。如衍生工具合同 / 结构性产品合同的性质末明,建议银行就银行证明清单中所用的项目提供额外注释。银行证明本行谨此证实以上第

5、一至第十七项所填写之余额及资料皆正确及完整。本文件所提供之资料乃供贵公司审计之用,须绝对保密,而本行及本行之雇员、代理人及资料发布人对有关资料之任何错误或遗漏概不负责。银行授权签署代表(签名及印章)REQUEST FOR BANK CONFIRMATION OF INFORMATION FOR AUDIT PURPOSESIn set of 4 pagesPlease return direct to:Beijing Xing Hua CPAs LimitedOur ref.:_Yumin Road ,Xicheng District, Beijing on the 18th North Ce

6、ntral Center Building,NO.1804Date:18th-Oct.2012 To: The Manager HSBC Dear Sirs,A/C:Mount Eastern  Holdings(Hong Kong)Co,LimitedFor the purposes of our annual audit please complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the close of busin

7、ess on 30st September 2012. For each item, please state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state “NONE”.Please confirm the position by completing the section headed “Bankers Confirmation” on the final page of this request. You are hereby author

8、ised to return this request after completion together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. Xing Hua (Hong Kong) CPAs Limited at the address above. Please also send a duplicate copy of the first bank statement after the close of business on 30st September 2012 for each current accou

9、nt which we hold with you direct to our auditors at the above address.You are hereby authorised to debit any charge for this service to our account number _015-549140-838_.It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers

10、.Yours faithfully,(Authorised Signature/s and Chop)Item 1Deposits, Fixed or at Call held in your booksReceipt No.DateAmountInterest RateDue DateLocalCurrencyForeignCurrencyItem 2Savings Accounts held in your booksAccount No.BalanceLocalCurrencyForeignCurrencyItem 3Current Account Balance/s held in y

11、our books. Please state whether in credit (Cr) or overdrawn (Dr).Account No.BalanceLocalCurrencyForeignCurrencyItem 4Facilities granted to us. Please state by types of facilities.Alternatively, banks may complete this section by attaching the relevant bank facility letters. Any relevant information

12、not included in such letters should be separately included above.Types of FacilitiesReference No.Interest RateAmountMaturity DateGuarantorLocalCurrencyForeignCurrencyItem 5Loan Account Debit Balance/s (excluding Loans in connection with Inward cargoes) in your booksAccount No.BalanceLocalCurrencyFor

13、eignCurrencyItem 6Accounts closed during the year to confirmation dateAccount No.Account TypeDate ClosedLocalCurrencyForeignCurrencyItem 7Advances to Manufacturers and/or Packing Credits Account and/or Exports Loans granted Outstanding in your booksAccount No.BalanceItem 8Acceptances Outstanding in

14、your booksReference No.AmountIssue DateMaturity DateBills Receivable by you (Banker)of which, goods releasedagainst Trust ReceiptBills held by you for CollectionItem 9Partial payments held by youReference No.AmountOn account of Item 8Item 10Irrevocable Letters of Credit Outstanding in your booksRefe

15、rence No.Balance UnutilizedExpiry DateItem 11Bills receivable by us (customer)Reference No.AmountBills purchased by you (andoutstanding at this date)Bills held by you for CollectionItem 12Margin deposit held by youReference No.AmountOn account of Item 8 andItem 10On account of Item 11Item 13Loans gr

16、anted in connection with Inward Cargoes Outstanding in your booksReference No.AmountDetails of CargoItem 14GuaranteesCommon examples of guarantees include financial guarantees, advance payment guarantees, shipping guarantees and performance bond, bid bond and retention bond guarantees. Banks are rec

17、ommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the guarantee is not readily apparent.Given by you on our behalfTo whom IssuedReference No.Notional Amounti)Shipping Guaranteesii)Others (specify the type of guarantee e.g. fina

18、ncial guarantee, performance bond, etc)Received by you on our behalfItem 15Derivative Contracts / Structured Product ContractsCommon examples of derivative contracts / structured product contracts include forward rate agreements, option contracts, futures contracts, swap arrangements, option contrac

19、ts, bullion contracts, commodity contracts and structured products. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms used in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the derivative contract / structured product contract is not readily apparent. OutstandingContract No.Notional AmountContract RateMaturity Datei)Exchange Rate Contractsii)Interest Rate Contractsiii)Other derivative contracts / structured product contractsItem 16Other direct or contingent liabilities to youItem 17Securities and other documents


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