



1、一辩陈词自由辩:二辩:纸质书比电子书更有利于身体健康.There is no doubt about the rapid development of the e-book , but we dont think that paper-books will be replaced by e-books. Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health issues. It is important to realize that e-books are easy to cause damage of our eyes

2、and vision loss; And there are other health risks using e-books. When we read e-books rather than paper-books for a long time, paper-books are more healthier to the readers.反方二辩:看纸质书看久了也会对视力不好一辩:纸质书给作者的版权保护更完整,更能保证收入,而且纸质书拥有的是所有权而电子书只是使用权Another problem is the copyright. Despite the current paper-bo

3、ok rampant piracy problem, it can protect the benefits of the authors better than e-books. E-books raises the popularity of piracy. Although people may need to pay for their downloading some e-books, but in more cases ,the user only need click his mouse. And the writer usually get less payment for t

4、heir books. The press often choose to publish real books and just provide a part of the book on the internet, thus we can be sure that paper-books give the press and their writers much more return than e-books. 反方三辩:现在的盗版书猖獗,一样没有版权 提问:电子书携带方便,传播方便,纸质书就做不到二辩:纸质书也可以携带方便随时阅读,电子书没电了一样不能看提问:纸质书可以标注,便于阅读理

5、解,电子书功能不够完善Paper books can also easy to carry for reading anytime,when E book is out of electricity,it also cannot read.When we are reading a real book, we can line a paragraph we are interested in conveniently, which helps us a lot in understanding and remembering the knowledge we need. But when re

6、ading e-books, we have to build a new file or use a notebook, its very inconvenient for us反方一辩:电子书一样可以标注,很多文档软件都有标注功能,更多样化 提出:纸质书有环保问题三辩:纸质书可以回收利用,环保问题可以解决,电子书所用的电子产品的制造和处理也同样存在污染问题,不好解决Although paper-books have a pollution problem, the electric products that e-books use may cause more pollution pro

7、blems than paper-making progress, when the electric products are made or abandoned, they may pollute the environment more badly反方二辩:纸质书需要花钱,有的书看一遍就不看了,花销大二辩:电子书看上去便宜,但是真正有用的资源价格不菲,免费的只是网友的分享和一些没什么营养的小说提问:好的纸质书还可以收藏It seems that e-books are cheaper than paper-books, but the resources that are really

8、useful is far more expensive. The free e-books are usually uploaded by other person and some novels which have little help educating or inspiring people.Another ,paper book has the value of collection, For example,you could think about the hardcover, its significance and value is not only the conten

9、ts of the book,but also the material carrier and the emotions of collectors.反方一辩:电子书存在各种存储设备中更方便收藏且容量空间大占地微小,不像纸质书需要弄个大书架收藏占空间 提问:电子书翻页操作什么方便,阅读背景和格式等都可以个性化选择,电子书还需要手动翻页,且格式都固定好的,不易阅读二辩:看纸质书的过程本身是个享受墨香书香手动翻页的过程,电子书完全没有了读书的感觉Reading paper book is a process of enjoying ink fragrance and elegant manual

10、 fliping , ebook lose the feeling of reading completely反方二辩:我们并没有完全抹杀纸质书,我们只是强调电子书在诸多方面更先进快捷三辩总结陈词Dear teacher and opposite debaber, thanks to the opposite debaters' statement, now , it is the time for me to do the summary address.our debaters adhere to the view that "ebook cannot completel

11、y replace the paper book" from the beginning to the end, we listed the advantages of paper books in several espects ,such as depth reading, inheriting civilization, publishing copyright and so on.And we found that the ebooks have many shortcomings in reading habits limit, health keeping, electr

12、onic copyright chaos and so on. From the comparison, we can foresee that ebook cannot completely replace the paper books Besides.in the way of traditional reading, the development of electronic reading is not only an opportunity but also a challenge. Traditional books is not only the accumulation of

13、 visible tangible forms , but also the constant accumulation of knowledge, it is a real symbol of cultural heritage and spiritual transfer tool. E-book is just a supplement to traditional reading. And its development is obviously limited.The fast food culture essence of electronic books leading to that it can only undertake transferring informational material; On the other hand, for some serious or highly academic professional readings, it is not appropriate to be the reading tool. Nowadays,e-book is popular, someone


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