



1、()1. A. that_ B. lakeC. ageD. name_()2.A. red()3.A. bike_C.bigD. pen()4.A. hot邑 homeC. over_()5.A. uncle_B. jumpC. use_D.up_()6.A. aunt_B. masterC. agairD. answer _()7.A. flyB. babyD. my()8.A. footB. coolC. food _ D.room()9.A. eatB. breakfastC. bread_D. ready_()10.A. waterB. wantC. whatD. watch()11.

2、A. water_B. wantC. washD. watch_()12.A. doB.goesC.shoes1D. who_()13.A. cupB. studentC. unde_rD. hungry _()14.A. bedroomBJookC. goodbyeD. food _()15.A. overB. herC. worker()16.A. hello_B.hour()17.A. apple_ B. matchC. glad()18.B. enjoyC.weekend()19.A. shoppingC. storyD. hobby _()20.D.music()21.B. hero

3、 C. helloD. hour()22.A. also _B. always_D. ball()23.A. run_ C. sunD. cute_ _()24.A. foodB. roomC. zoo _D.look _()25.A. criesD. cities二.词汇运用1. _ (walk)after dinner is good for our health.2. Hobo isn ' t a(real)dog. But Eddie.(real)likesit, because it isU2同步课时训练.单词辨音网球)likes sports.(real) a helpfu

4、le-dog.2. Sandy is a new member of the(3. What ' s your(最喜欢的)sport I like basketball best.4. The rich man has a big house with a large pool(5. There are many different kinds of(6. What he said is(truth), We should believe(水池).He often goes(游泳)there.俱乐部)in this school.相信)him.7. David goes(walk) w

5、ith his grandfather after dinner every day.8. My mom is a fan of Hugo .She e all his works ,especially The Disguiser.9. People can get bread for f in this restaurant .They don' t need to pay( 付费)any money.10. Each of us h that the exchange students will have a happy holiday in China.11. Amy like

6、s to read books,and( 画画)is Millie ' s hobby.12. The twin girls often go to have dancing lessons at(周末)13. There are two basketball(match)in our school every month.14. Andy Lau and Jackie Chan are my(hero).Both of them are really hard-working15. Going to school is the dof those children in poor a

7、reas.16. There is something ein today s newspaper. Please read it again carefully.17. Do you have frowing a boat ( 划船 ) with us18. Is it ( 乐趣 ) for you to cook delicious food for your family at weekends19. My sister likes playing(网球 ) after class.20. Children in Hope School can get ( 免费的 )breakfast

8、on weekdays.21.三 动词填空1. Frank likes going(run) after finishing his homework every day.2. What about(buy) some take-away food for lunchGood idea.3. One of the teachers(be) from the south of America.4. I hear he often (fly) kites in the park.No,he doesn likes boating on the lake.5. Polo s family(work)

9、 very hard,but only his mother(do)well in housework.6. Now almost every student in our class(have) a mobile phone.7. Would you like (swim) with me this afternoon8. What timeyour son(get) up in the morning9. Ben s coming this afternoom. (be) there any cola in the fridge He likes it best.10. Many peop

10、le in the town (go)to work by car every morning.11. My family often (watch) CCTV news at supper.12. The young man usually(take) his dog for a walk in the evening.13. Look, Gary( have) three tickets to the museum.14. My cousin ,Jim,(get)up at 6 o clock in the morning on weekdays.四单项填空。() 1. Mary like

11、s playing tennis while Judy likes playingguitar(吉他 ) 。The; the B. /; / C./; the ; /()2. you see a boy the treeYes ,I am.; in B. Do; on C. Do; in D. Can; on() goby bike after school,because they all have bikes.A don t ; home B. /; to home C. /; home D. don t; to their home() live in Wuxi, beautiful c

12、ity near the Taihu Lake.A. /; a B. the; a C. /; the D. the; the()5. does Jim lookHe looks.How; a basketball player ; like a basketball playerWhat; a basketball player ; like a basketball player() is a member the Reading Club and Lucy isthe Singing Club.A. in; of B. in ; in C. of; of D. of; in()7. yo

13、u and your parents free tomorrowI m afraid not.A .Do B. Does C. Is D. Are( )8. -a day do the students read EnglishTwice(两次) oA. How often B. How long much many times()9. -Do you bring red ba1100ns(气球)?-No,but Ibring yellow balloons here.A. Any; some B. some; any ; any D. some; some()A. between ; and

14、 B. from; to C. between; to ; and( )hope you to me soon.write B. will write C. wrote D. writhing( )12. The girls are talking the film now.B. with( )Wang and Mr are nice to me.A. all like all like like both like()teaches English -Mr King does.A. us B. our C. we五完成句字我和我表妹是学校舞蹈俱乐部的成员。My cousin and I ar

15、e the school.2 .孩子们正在谈论晚饭后去散步的事。Chidren are talking for a walk after dinner.3 .我希望这些孩子们的梦想能成真。I hope these children ' s.4 .桑迪暑假还去了哪里?did Sandy go to in the summer holiday5 . 在空闲时间,他们学习怎样做饭。they learns how.6 .蔬菜和水果能使我们身体健康。Vegetables and fruits.7 .我的爱好是读报纸和听广播。 newspapers and to the radio my.8 .你

16、最喜欢什么 运动?(两种)you.your.9 . My father and mother walk the dog on weekdays.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)father and mother the dog on weekdayswalks there three times a week.(对画线部分提问) a he thereHe walks there three times a week.( 对划线部分提问)he thereare some beautiful trees and flowers in the garden.(对画线部分提问)in the garde

17、nboy with a pair of glasses is my cousin.(对画线部分提问 )is your cousinyoung man looks strong.(对画线部分提问)the young manbrother goes to school by bus.(同义句转换 )My brother a school.15 .我经常和他谈论我的爱好,我非常喜欢打篮球。I often my with like a lot.16 .大卫。贝克汉姆是我最喜欢的足球运动员之一。David Beckham is my.17 .My brother likes table matches his.18 .双胞胎之一享受跑步,跑步使他快乐。One of the twins and it.19埃米每天步行去工作,这对她的健康有好处。Amyevery day and it ' s good for her health.20 .他们每周去绘画俱乐部两次。Ther go to the21 .放学后和我一起踢足球怎么样What about不,我擅长排球。-you the-No


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