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1、Unit 4 Welcome to our party!(第二课时教学设计)一、教材分析1 .教学内容木课时系教材英语1(基础模块高教版)第四单元的第二课时,授课材料为Listening and speaking中的Dialogue B,具体内容包括:各种饮料和食物的词汇;主人在聚会上招待客 人、客人恰当回应主人款待的对话。以上内容为本单元听说课的教学重点,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。 同时,本课时的教学内容为学生完成单元任务一一为即将过生日的同学举办一次生日聚会做语 言准备和行为示范。2 .教学重点、难点教学重点学生在聚会上周到地招待客人,并以客人身份礼貌地回应和感谢主人的

2、款待。教学难点学生了解并运用两项听力策略Inferring and listening for specific informatai二、教学目标1 .知识目标学生能掌握部分饮料和食物的词汇,如coffee, milk, water, orange, grape, apple, sugaro学生能掌握在聚会上招待客人并恰当回应的句型,如:Welcome to our party!Would you like something to drink / eat?Milk, please.With or without sugar?Without sugar, please.Here's y

3、our milk. Please help yourself.2 .能力目标学生能听懂聚会匕主人和客人之间的对话。3 情感目标学生了解聚会礼仪并会在实际生活中应用。三、教学步骤Step One What a wonderful party on the picture! (10 min)1. Picture show (1 min)Teacher shows a picture about a birthday party on the screen. On the picture, there is some food and drinks - People are talking with

4、 each other happily, and someone is offering food for others - Students have a look at the picture for 5 seconds (设计意图:以生动的图片引入新课,有助于教师抓住学生的注意力。图片中出现的食 物 和饮料,有助于学生回顾本课词汇。画而中的场景也为开展木课活动做出情境铺垫。)2. Let's dig the story out! (5 min)Teacher says, l,Whafs on the picture? What might be happening? Lefs t

5、ell a story about the picture with a sentence, a phrase or even a word in turn We will find out which group is the best story teller. Any words or sentences about the picture will gain a score for your groq).55Students describe the picture or imitate the dialogue among the people - The group that gi

6、ves the most expressions is praised by teacher orally.(设计意图:让学生展开想象,用句子、词组或词汇轮流描述图片中可能发生的故事,难 度分层,有助于活跃思维,激发学生的参与热情,也为学生开展Activity 6, 7, 8的活动 做出 语言铺垫。)3. The story in my eyes (4 min)After all groups have given their descriptions about the picture, teacher retelk the story in his own words. The more

7、exaggerative the story is, the more easily the students can remember the new expressions the teacher has referred to in his storyThe key sentences of this lesson must be referred to in the teacher's story and must be written down on the blackboard to impress the students - Then students read the

8、 expressions on the blackboard together.(设计意图:教师以夸张的语言描述图片中可能发生的故事,易于吸引学生的注意力, 使他们对故事中可能出现的对话有更深刻的印象,从而完成本课关键句型的教学。)Step TWo Listening (Activity 6,7, 8) (6 min)1. Activity 6. Listen and tick- (2 min)Teacher says: nWe will listen to a dialogue between Li Xiaonian and Mrs Smith- Whafs the relationship

9、 between them? Please guess and tick a possible answer. Then we listen to the tape and find out whether you are lucky enough to get a correct inference.Then students tick the choice, listen to the diabgue and check answers (设计意图:Inferring的听力策略使得听力活动更具趣味性和针对性,学生会更加仔细 地听 对话,以核对自己是否BingO。教师可以先解释三个选项,扫除

10、听力活动中存在的词汇 障碍。)2. Activity 7. Listen and judge. (2 min)Teacher says: u We will listen to the tape again. This time, we just find out what Mrs Smith wants to drink- It is listening for specific information. So you can just focus on it and ignore other information.A1) Mrs Smith wants to drink coke wit

11、hout sugar ()2) Mrs Smith wants to drink coke with sugar ()3) Mrs Smith wants to drink coffee without sugar ()4) Mrs Smith wants to drink coffee with sugar.()(设计意图:该步骤向学生传递了一个重要的听力策略Listening for specificinformationo如果学生觉得有难度,可以再播放一遍录音。)3. Activity 8. Listen and complete. (2 min)Students listen to t

12、he dialogue and fill in the blanks individually. Then the whole class check the answers together.Listen again if necessary(设计意图:该步骤存在加强学生对待客和做客相关表达的卬象,帮助他们学习并使用这些表达,为下一个活动做准备。如有需要,教师可将对话中的重点句型进行讲解。)Step Three Speaking (Activity 9,10,11) (28 min)1. Activity 9. Read and underline (2 min)Students read

13、the dialogue in Activity 9 individually, then underline the sentences about entertaining the guest. Teacher asks 2 or 3 students to tell others their choices, and writes down the sentences on the blackboard:(设计意图:学生通过阅读,独立找出Activity 9中关于招待客人的关键句型并不难。教师 可以请两三名学生给出答案,进行核对比较,这能让学生对关键句型的印象更加深刻。)2. Activ

14、ity 10. Listen and repeat(1 min)Students read the dialogue twice together. The first time is between two groups, and the second is between boys and girls-(设计意图:该步骤能帮助学生记忆关于招待客人的关键句型,并做出恰当回应。为了保 证学生朗读时语音语调正确,教师可以和他们一起大声朗读作为引导和示范。)3. Game: Question cycle- (5 min)Teacher asks questions with the key sen

15、tences on the blackboard A student answers first, then he arouses another question to the next student The question cycle must go quickly around most students in class. Some noun wwds could be replaced each time.(设计意图:通过问答接龙游戏做替换练习,能帮助学生快速记忆和运用关键的句型,为 下一活动做准备。适当的刺激和紧张度有助于学生集中注意力O)4. Performance: We

16、are going to have a birthday party! (15 min)Teacher says: "Let's go on the birthday party we held in the last lesson. You form the same groups as you did in the last lesson. Please find another girl whose birthday is coming soon in your group - TheStudents prepare the performance for about

17、5minutes. Then teacher invites as much groups toshow it as possible-The teacher gives an example on how to carry out the role play if necessary(设计意图:该步骤承接上一堂课的活动内容和情景,起到承上启下的作用,提高了课 堂实践活动的效率,有助于学生将所学知识运用于生活实践,为完成单元任务做准备。)5. Discussion: What manners are important when we are hosts or guests in a part

18、y? (5 min)Students may discuss the topic with group members. Then they give their ideas with sentences, phrases or even body languages-(设计意图:该步骤的活动有助于培养学生参加聚会的礼仪。同组合作的交流方法,包括 肢体语言在内的表达形式,降低了学生开展讨论的难度。)Step Four Homework (1 min)Please finish the tables with your group members according to your discussion and put them up on xxzn 11 0cc+Lqyu cccy7ciirDos as a hostDon'ts as a hostDos as a guestDon , ts a


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