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1、Book4 Lesson1 Part1 李 波连词成句注意大小写及标点1.two we have today students new 2.England from Im 3.Takuya name my is 4.Helen this is5.in Im Class1Book4 Lesson1 Part2 李 波选择填空1. Im in _. A.class1 B. Class1 C. grade12. Are you Helen? _ A.Yes , she is. B.Yes, I am. C. Yes, he is.3._ is in Class 2. A.tom B.Takuya C

2、. yuanyuan4. Helen is from _. A. China B. Japan C. AustraliaBook 4 Lesson 2 Part 1填空并找朋友1、_ hin_ 日本2、J_p_n 美国3、_mer_c 英国4、_ngl_nd 中国Book 4 Lesson 2 Part 2选择填空: ( )1、Where are you_?A in B. for C . from ( )2、This _ my new friend.A. am B. is C. are ( )3、Im _England . A . to B. from C. for ( )4、What _ y

3、ou? A .is B. for C .aboutBook 4 Lesson 3 Part1 秦中禹一、填空完成单词并译成汉语。Mond_ T_esday二、重新组合下列字母,使其成为一个完整的单词,然后填空。 eligshn inesehc pe1. We have an _class today .2. I like _(语文)3. I Like _(体育)Book 4 Lesson 3 Part 2 秦中禹一、用适当的单词填空 1. have _ English class 2. have _PE class 3. time _ our English class二、连词成句 1. is

4、 today Monday 2. have we an today English class 3. go classroom lets to the Book4 Lesson4 Part 1 (出题人:张丽丽)连线: ( )1 . science A、数学( ) 2 .Wednesday B. 科学( ) 3 .math C. 星期四( ) 4 . Thursday D.星期三Book4 Lesson4 Part 2 (出题人:张丽丽)连词成句然后将句子译成汉语。1. today day is what ? 2. science today have a we class . 3. scie

5、nce like I . 4. Thursday is today . 5.English like I . Book 4 Lesson 5 Part 1 出题人:王影找出下列单词划线部分读音不同的选项,将序号填在题括号内( )1.A.Friday B. piano C. violin( )2.A.Saturday B.piano C. Friday( )3.A.Sunday B.music C. Tuesday( )4.A.piano B.today C.violinBook 4 Lesson 5 Part 2 出题人:王影一、改错 1. Today is friday. 2. We has

6、 a music class today. 3. Here are your flute. 4. What is day today ? 5. What class are you have ?二、翻译下列短语。 1. a music class 2. hold on 3. your phone call 4. play ping-pong 5. see you thenBook 4 Lesson 6 Part 1 (出题人:周素美)一、连词成句,译成汉语1.go lets and a have look2.this is your camera ?3.that whats over ther

7、e ?4.that is Linda ?二、 找朋友( )1. over there a. 过来 ( ) 2. come on b. 照相 ( ) 3. take a picture c. 没关系 ( ) 4. my pleasure d. 看一看 ( ) 5.have a look e. 在那边Book 4 Lesson 6 Part 2 (周素美)一、连线 星期一 Friday 星期三 Monday 星期五 Wednesday二、 找出属于不同类的词 ( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. day D. Tuesday ( ) 2. A. violin B. math

8、C. music D. PE ( ) 3. A. cat B. tiger C. dog D. milk( ) 4. A. China B. Japan C. English D. countryBook 4 Lesson 6 综合测试题 王健一 填空并译成汉语1 Chin ( ) 2 J p n ( ) 3 Engl sh ( )4 Engl nd ( ) 5 sc ence ( ) 6 Chin s ( )7 m th ( ) 8 pian ( ) 9 m sic ( )10 cl ss ( )二、连词成句1 we park go shall the to 2 am England I f

9、rom 3 have class today we music a 4 is today Wednesday5 am class1 in I 三、选出不同于一类的单词1 ( ) A China B America C Japan D Sunday2 ( ) A Violin B math C piano D music3 ( ) A P.E. B science C math D Japan4 ( ) A Sunday B Today C Monday D Tuesday Book 4 Lesson 6 综合测试 刘丹一 连词成句1 . your is this camera_.2 that

10、whats over there_?3 Satuiday today is_.4 Lindon that is_.5 go to park shall we_.二、填字母1. Tu_ _day2. _ _dnesday3. F_ _day4. S_ _day5. M_ _day三 英汉互译 1. come on, children. 5 在那边。 2 Take a picture. 6 好的。 3 My pleasure. 7 去公园 4 have a look 8 非常感谢Book 4 Lesson7 Part 1 (出题人:张凯)一、根据汉语写出下列单词或短语。走( ) 写( )朗读( )

11、 讲英语( )二、连词成句。1、English speak I can _.2、can you what do _?3、I walk can with my foot _.Book 4 Lesson7 Part 2 (出题人:张凯)补全下列对话A:_ What can you do?B:_C:_A:Yes.B:Wow.1 I can walk and read.2 Hi.Robot.3. Can you speak English?Book 4 Lesson 8 Part 1 (出题人:武丹)1 填字母,并写汉语意思。fl_( ) r_n( ) sw_m( ) j_mp( )2.连词成句。ca

12、n what do you ?_can swim I._you swim can ?_Book 4 Lesson 8 Part 2 (出题人:武丹)排序。( )Hello!Im Joker.( )What can you do?( )I can do everything .( )Can you fly?( )No,I cant.( ) Hello!Im Bob.( )Can you swim?( )Yes,I can.( )Lets play,OK?( )OK. Lets.Book 4 Lesson 9 Part 1(出题人:许永华)1 将下列单词补充完整,并译成汉语。s_ _ g ( )

13、d_n_e ( ) b_ _t ( ) k_t_( )2.英汗互译。row a boat _ 放风筝_Book 4 Lesson 9 Part 2(出题人:许永华)1 连词成句。you, can, swim(?)_are , how, beautiful, you(.)_2.选择。Can you swim?( ) A Yes,I cant. B No,I can. C Yes,I can.3照例写句子。Can you sing? Yes,I can._Book 4 Lesson 10 Part 1一、选择题1、I can play _ piano. A B the C a2、What _ yo

14、u do? A Can B cant C can 二、连词成句1、do , what , you , can ( ? ) _2、 you , can , the , play , piano ( ? ) _Book 4 Lesson 10 Part 2一、写出下列短语1、踢足球 _ 2、弹钢琴_3、拉小提琴_ 4、打乒乓球_二、答语配伍1、What can you do? A I can play the 2、Can you play the? B Yes , I can .Book4 Lesson11 Part1 (出题人:王艳秋)一 连词成句1 what you can see ? 2 m

15、any how birds you can see ?3 can I see fifteen birds ? 4 see I can a big lake .5 I can have look a ?二 选择填空1 How many_ can you see ? A bird B birds2 Can I have _look ? A the B a Book4 Lesson11 Part2 (出题人:王艳秋)一 英语互译三只鸟 six boats五只风筝 four books三艘船 how many二 汉译英1 你能看见多少只鸟?2 你能看见什么?Book4 Lesson12 Part 1

16、(出题人:万 玲)一、选择填空。1、A: Lets go . B: problem. A. fish ,No B.fishing, no C.fishing ,No2. A: Can you fly ? B: Yes , I .A.can B.cant C.can not3. A: Lets play . B: .A.good idea . B.good. C.Good idea.二、连词成句。1. get food yourselves can you ?2. fish many how have do you ?Book4 Lesson12 Part 2 (出题人:万 玲)一、从A栏中选出

17、与B栏相对应的答语。 A B1.What can you do ? a. I can see three.2.How many fish do you have? b. I can walk.3.How many birds can you see? c. Seven.二找朋友。我能走 I can smell.我能听 I can hear .我能说 I can walk.我能闻 I can talk.Book 4 Lesson 13 Part 1 (出题人:肖迪)一、请把打乱的字母排好顺序组成新的单词:ombro pom shrbu erudst _ _ _ _二、请仿造例句对照所给单词的图片

18、填单词造句:例:Give me a brush , please .1 _. 2 _. 3 _ .Book 4 Lesson 13 Part 2 (出题人:肖迪)一 、选择 :( )1、A : Can I help ? B: _. A. No B. OK C. Yes ( )2、当你想表扬孩子的时候,你会说:“_!”A. Thats all right B. OK C. Good girl ( )3、请写出“Give me a mop , please .” 的同义句 : A. Lets clean the room , please . B. Which one ? C. Pass me a

19、 mop , please .二、 连线 : 扫地。 Wash the car . 檫车。 Mop the floor . 檫窗户。 Sweep the floor . 拖地。 Clean the window .Book 4 Lesson 14 Part 1 (出题人:王黎)一、根据汉语补全单词。1、t _thb _ _ _h 牙刷 2、t _w_l 毛巾 3、to_th_as_ _ 牙膏 4、s_ _p 肥皂 5、_ _ _b 梳子二、把下列字母排列成正确的单词,写在对应的汉语上(在四线格里写)。thoobshurt toohtstepa mobc weotl poas牙膏 梳子 肥皂 毛

20、巾 牙刷Book 4 Lesson 14 Part 2 (出题人:王黎) 一、根据所给单词仿照例句写句子。(写在四线格里) towel toothbrush toothpaste soap combe.g. Pass me the towel , please.二、根据课文内容补全对话。A:Mom, can _ help?B:Yes.Pass me the _,please.A:_ you are,Mom.B:_.Book 4 Lesson 15 Part 1 (出题人:陈忠芳)一、选择正确答案填空,将序号填在括号里。A. make a paper hat B. make a paper bo

21、atC. make a puppet D. make a paper bird( ) 1. Lets _. (玩偶)( ) 2. Lets _. (纸鸟)( ) 3. Lets _. (纸帽子)( )4. Lets _. (纸船)二、重新排列下列单词,组成一个完整的句子。1. me let help you . 2. make let us a ship paper .Book 4 Lesson 15 Part 2 (出题人:陈忠芳)一、把下列对话重新排序。( ) Great !( ) Lets make a puppet. ( ) Let me help you. ( ) No, thank

22、s. I can do it.二、使用Lets 造四个句子。1._2._3._4._Book 4 Lesson 16 Part 1 (出题人:杨洪淼)看图补全单词1( ) h_m_ur_er 2( ) m_l_3( ) h_t d_g4( ) br_ _d5( ) j_i_eBook 4 Lesson 16 Part 2 (出题人:杨洪淼)听音补全短语或句子,并译成汉语。1Go_ . ( )2_ a shopping list ( )3Let me _ you . ( )4_ _ the supermaket ( )5I can _ it . ( )6_ four hamburgers ( )Book 4 Lesson 17 Part 1 (出题人:孙冬梅)一、写出下列词语的复数形式potato_ tomato_ vegetable _bean_pepper_apple _Book 4 Lesson 17 Part 2 (出题人:孙冬梅)一、选词填空 much help apples 15 1、Can I_ you ?2、Ten_ ,please . 3、How _ ?4、_ yuan .Bo


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