Unit8 租船业务课件_第1页
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1、 Unit 8 Chartering Business 租船业务租船业务 本节历年试卷本节历年试卷I考试分值在考试分值在48分分 本节重点:本节重点:1 航次租船航次租船2 定期租船定期租船3 光船租船光船租船 chartering:租用(在这里引申为“租船”)employment: 雇用,使用,利用 suitable: 适当的,相配的 variety: 变化,多样性,品种commodity: 商品 一、租船业务的介绍1、租船的定义 Chartering is the business of providing employment for a vessel and arranging sui

2、table sea transport for a variety of commodities. 租船是提供使用船舶和为各类货物安排适宜海上运输的业务。 requirement: 需求,要求 call for: 需要,要求charter party: 租船合同 The different requirements of employment for vessels call for several different kinds of chartering. The term charter party is employed to describe contracts relating t

3、o the use of vessels owned controlled by others. 由于使用船舶的不同需求产生了几种不同的类型的租船业务。租船合同这一术语被用来描述租用他人船舶的各种合同。 voyage chartering: 航次租船 shipowner: 船东 promise: 承诺,答应(常接to,答应做,承诺做 ) carry:装载,携带,运送 on board: 在船上,到船上 specific: 特定的,明确的 particular:特殊的,独特的,特别的 cargo:船货,(车、船、飞机等运输的)货物 single voyage:单程航次(voyage: 航程,ro

4、und trip charter:往返租船) loading port: 装货港 discharging port:卸货港 二、租船业务的三种基本类型:航次租船、定期租船、光船租船(掌握各自的定义,合同内容,特点以及承租人和船东之间的费 用、责任的划分) 1、Voyage Chartering 航次租船(考试重点) 1)Voyage chartering means that the shipowner promises to carry on board a specific ship a particular cargo for a single voyage from one or mo

5、re loading ports to one or more discharging ports. 航次租船是指船东承诺按一个单程航次装运约定的货物,从一个或多个港口运至另一个或多个港口。 Under a voyage charter, a ship is chartered for a one-way voyage between specified ports with a specified cargo at a negotiated rate of freight. The charterer agrees to provide the cargo for loading withi

6、n an agreed range of dates.Once the cargo has been delivered at the port or ports of destination, the ship is free for further employment at the owners discretion. at ones discretion dskre()n:自行决定 承租人同意在一个约定的日期范围内提供货物的装载。 Loading and discharging costs are divided between the ship owner and the chart

7、ered in accordance with the agreement from case to case. 船东和租船人依照每次租船协议划分装载和卸载费用。 There are more standard forms of voyage charter party used. A typically example is the GENCON form that is a general charter party designed to be used in trades where no specific form exists. 航次租船合同有多种标准格式可供使用。最具代表性的是“

8、金康”格式,它是最普遍使用的航次租船合同,可用于没有特殊合同格式的贸易当中。 2)航次租船合同的内容 The relationship between the parties is governed by the voyage charter party. be governed by: 由控制,受约束voyage charter party: 航次租船合同 租船双方的关系受航次租船合同的约束。航次租船合同包含的内容(航次租船合同包含的内容(9个内容):个内容): 1The names of the parties 合同双方的名称 2The name and nationality of th

9、e ship 船舶的名称和国籍 3 Its bale or grain capacity 船舶包装或散装的容积 (bale or grain capacity: 包装或散装容积) 4 Description of the goods to be loaded 对货物装载的描述 5 Port of loading and discharge 装货港和卸货港的规定 6 Time for loading and discharge 装货和卸货的时间 7 Payment of freight 运费的支付 8 Demurrage 滞期费的规定 (demurrage dmrd:滞期费) 9 Dispatc

10、h and other relevant matters. 速遣费和其他相关事宜 的规定 (dispatch:速遣费 matter: 事件,问题) 1)Laytime and demurrage clauses normally appeared in the ( ) charter party. A. time B. voyage C. bareboat D. TCT答案:B分析: 航次租船合同的特点就是船舶出租人负责 营运,为了避免船期损失,通常在航次租船合同 中规定装卸时间和滞期费条款。定期、光租和航 次期租都是船舶承租人负责营运,所以没有这类 条款。2)A voyage charter

11、 party mainly contains the () clauses. A. payment of freight B. delivery and redelivery C. payment of hire D. time for loading and discharging 答案:AD 分析:航次租船合同中都规定可用于在港装卸货物的时间,装卸时间的计算方法,滞期和速遣以及滞留损失、运费的支付固定。定期、光船租船和航次租船都是船舶承租人负责营运,所以没有此类条款。retain: 保持,保留 operational: 操作的,运作的 control: 支配,控制 be responsib

12、le for: 对负责,承担责任port charge: 港口费用 bunker:燃油费tax:税3)航次租船中船东与租船人的责任、费用划分 Under a voyage charter the shipowner retains the operational control of the vessel and is responsible for all the operating expenses such as port charges, bunkers, taxes, etc. 在航次租船中,船东仍保有对船舶的控制,并且承担所有的运营费用比如港口费,燃油费,税收等等。 Loading

13、 and discharging costs are divided between the shipowner and the charterer in accordance with the agreement from case to case. divide:分,划分 charterer: 承租人,租船者 in accordance with: 与一致,依照 船东和租船人依照每次租船协议划分装载和卸载费用4)航次租船合同格式There are more standard forms of voyage charter party used. A typically example is

14、 the GENCON form that is a general charter party designed to be used in trades where no specific form exists. standard: 标准的 form:形式,格式typically: 代表性地,作为特色地 Gencon form:“金康”格式(全称“统一杂货租船合同(Uniform General Charter),是一个不分杂货和航线,适用范围比较广泛的航次租船合同的标准格式。) design: 计划,打算,设计 exist:存在航次租船合同有多种标准格式可供使用。最具代表性的是“金康”

15、格式,它是最普遍使用的航次租船合同,可用于没有特殊合同格式的贸易当中。 历年考题: 1)Which of the following standard charter party forms is used in a voyage charter. () A. GENCON B. BALTIME C. NYPE D. BARECON 答案:A 分析:GENCON是航次租船合同最常使用的合同范本,BALTIME和NYPE是定期租船合同最常使用的合同范本,而BARECON是光船租船合同使用的范本。 2)The port charges are payable by shipowner during

16、 the period of voyage charter. ( ) 2005年判断题。 答案:对 分析:航次租船的船舶所有人负责船舶的营运,因此要负责包括港口费等一系列的相关费用。 time chartering: 定期租船 designated: 指定的,派定的 manned:有人驾驶的,有人操纵的(在这里是指“配备船员” manned ship:配好船员的船舶) employ:雇用 hire: 租金,工钱,雇用,租用 2、Time Chartering 定期租船 (考试重点) 1)定期租船的定义 Time chartering means that the shipowner provi

17、des a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire. 定期租船是指船东将配备好船员的指定船舶提供给承租人,在约定的期限内,由承租人控制船舶的营运并支付租金。 2)定期租船的特点及费用、责任划分 The hire is payable in advance for a month or other period. If the hire is not paid promptly the ship

18、owner may be entitled to cancel the charter. payable:应付的,可付的in advance: 提前,预先 promptly:敏捷地,迅速地 be entitled to: 有权(做),有的资格 cancel:取消 租金应提前一个月或其他期限支付。如果没有及时地支付租金,船舶所有人有权取消此次租赁。 Under a time charter the crew is employed by the shipowner, whois also responsible for the nautical operation and maintenance of the vessel and supervision of the cargo. crew: 全体人员(工作)队,在这里引申为“船员” nautical:船员的,船舶的,航海的 (nautical operation:航行操作)maintenance: 维


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