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1、朱紫別矣朱紫別矣 zhu zi bie yiThe Sibu fenlei fa 四部分類法四部分類法Dr. Marc WinterInstitute of Asian StudiesDepartment of Sinology/Chinese LibaryUniversity of Zrich1Jing經類經類Confucian Classics, philological works627 titles, 5371 juan.2Shi史史Historiographic texts817 titles, 13264 juan3Zi子子Philosophers, masters852 titl

2、es, 6437 juan4Ji; Daojing; Fojing集; 道經; 佛經Literary Collections, canonical works of Daoism and Buddhism554 titles, 6622 juanSuishu 隋書隋書 jingji zhi 經籍志經籍志 636 A.D. to Siku Quanshu 17721General IntroductionJi lue 辑略辑略2The Six ClassicsLiuyi lue 六六藝藝略略3Philosophers, MastersZhuzi lue 諸諸子略子略4Poetry and rha

3、psodiesShifu lue 詩詩赋略赋略5Military writingsBingshu lue 兵兵書書略略6Mathematics and prognosticsShushu lue 數數术略术略7Medicine, body techniquesFangji lue 方技略方技略The qi lue 七略七略 of Hanshu yiwen zhi 藝文志藝文志 by Liu Xiang and Ban Gu/Ban ZhaoClassOriginalSubclassOriginalSize1General IntroductionJi lue 辑略辑略2The Six Clas

4、sicsLiuyi lue 六六藝藝略略Changes, Documents, Songs, Rites, Music, Spring-and-Autumn, Analects, Filial Piety, Philology易、書、詩、禮、樂、春秋、論語、孝經、小學103 titles, 3123 chapters3Philosophers, MastersZhuzi lue 諸諸子略子略 Confucians, Daoists, yin-yang-Cosmologists, Legalists, Sophists, Mohists, political advisors, ecclecti

5、cs, agronomists, lesser schools儒家、道家、陰陽家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、雜家、農家、小說家189 titles, 4324 chapters4Poetry and rhapsodiesShifu lue 詩詩赋略赋略Poems in the tradition of Qu Yuan, Lu Jia, Xun Qing, several rhapsodies, shi-Songs屈赋之属、陸赋之属、荀赋之體、雜赋、歌詩106 titles 1318 chapters5Military writingsBingshu lue 兵兵書書略略Military str

6、ategies, forms, military yin-yang-teachings, military ruses兵權謀、兵形勢、兵陰陽、兵技巧53 titles, 790 chapters6Mathematics and prognosticsShushu lue 數數术术略略Astronomy, calendar, wu xing, scapulamancy, prognostics, law天文、歷譜、五行、蓍龜、雜占、刑法190 titles, 2528 chapter7Medicine, body techniquesFangji lue 方技略方技略 Medical theor

7、y & practice, sexuall techniques, exorcism醫經、醫學方、房中、神仙36 titles, 868 chapters 1General IntroductionJi lue 辑略2The Six ClassicsLiuyi lue 六藝略3Philosophers, MastersZhuzi lue 諸子略4Poetry and rhapsodiesShifu lue 詩赋略5Military writingsBingshu lue 兵書略6Mathematics and prognosticsShushu lue 數术略7Medicine, body t

8、echniquesFangji lue 方技略甲Jing經類Confucian Classics, philological works乙Zhuzi諸子Philosophers, masters丙ShiNEW!史Historiographic texts丁Ji; Daojing; Fojing集; 道經; 佛經Literary Collections, canonical works of Daoism and BuddhismZheng Mo 鄭默 (213280) Zhongjing 中經 (lost)1Xun Xu 荀勗 (?289) Zhongjing Xinbu 中經新簿 (lost

9、)易、書、詩、禮、樂、春秋、論語、孝經、小學儒家、道家、陰陽家、法家、名家、墨家、纵横家、雜家、農家、小說家屈赋之属、陸赋之属、荀赋之體、雜赋、歌詩兵權謀、兵形勢、兵陰陽、兵技巧天文、歷譜、五行、蓍龜、雜占、刑法醫經、醫學方、房中、神仙Jing易 Yi , 诗 Shi, 书 Shu, 礼 Li, 乐 Ye, 春秋 Chunqiu, 孝经 Xiaojing, 论语 Lunyu, 谶纬 Weijing, 小学 Xiaoxue儒 Ru, 道 Dao, 法 Fa, 名 Ming, 墨 Mo, 纵横 Congheng, 杂 Za, 农 Nong, 小说 Xiaoshuo, 兵 Bing, 天文 Tian

10、wen, 历数 Lishu, 五行 Wuxing, 医方 Yifang正史 Zheng Shi, 古史 Gu Shi, 杂史 Za Shi, 霸史 Ba Shi, 起居注 Qijuzhu, 旧事 Jiushi, 职官 Zhiguan, 仪注 Yizhu, 刑法 Xingfa, 杂传 Zazhuan, 地理 Dili,谱系 Puxi, 簿录 Bulu楚辞 Chuci, 别集 Bieji, 总集 Zongjidaofu 道录, folu 佛录HanshuSuishu經類經類諸子諸子史史集集道道經經; 佛佛經經六六藝藝略略諸諸子略子略詩詩赋略赋略兵兵書書略略數數术略术略方技略方技略1Jing經類Co

11、nfucian Classics, philological works2ShiNEW!史Historiographic texts3Zhuzi諸子Philosophers, masters4Ji; Daojing; Fojing集; 道經; 佛經Literary Collections, canonical works of Daoism and Buddhism甲Jing經類Confucian Classics, philological works乙Zhuzi諸子Philosophers, masters丙ShiNEW!史Historiographic texts丁Ji; Daojing

12、; Fojing集; 道經; 佛經Literary Collections, canonical works of Daoism and BuddhismZheng Mo 鄭默 (213280) Zhongjing 中經 Xun Xu 荀勗 (?289) Zhongjing Xinbu 中經新簿Li Chong 李充 (?; fl 322325)Jin Yuandi Sibu Shumu 晉元帝四部書目 317322Significance of these changes Reduction to Four Classes = Imperial Power, the cosmological

13、 implication of four = completenessSignificance of these changes Reduction to Four Classes = Imperial Power, the cosmological implication of four = completeness Meanwhile introduction of a separate class for administrative textsSignificance of these changes Reduction to Four Classes = Imperial Power

14、, the cosmological implication of four = completeness Meanwhile introduction of a separate class for administrative texts Historiographical works closer“ to the Classics = Confucian officials in charge of historiography claim increased importanceSignificance of these changes Reduction to Four Classes = Imperial Power, the cosmological implication of four = completeness Meanwhile introduction of a separate class for administrative texts Histor


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