



1、1全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题(1)全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题(1)全国英语等级考试二级模拟 试题(1)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填 空从a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. you_help me if you dont have time. i can dothe job myself.a arent able to b dont have to c arent going to d must nt22. next august, bob and sue_ for 10 years.a are marrie

2、d b have bee n marriedc will have bee n married d will marry23. the sun gives off light and warmth, _s veryimporta nt to the liv ing thi ngs on the earth.a that b which c what d where24. would you please wait for me_ few minu tes?a more b some c ano ther d other25. it_ hard whe n i left the house.a

3、rai ns b_) is ra ining c rained d was rai ning26.after a long discussi on,they at last _ a2con clusi on that the experime nt should be con ti nu ed.a made b found c discovered dj drew27. the stars are_whe n there is no moon.a the brighter b more bright c brightest d brighter.28. -do you mind if tom

4、rides in your car?-_. i ii be glad to take an ybody but tom.a certa inly no t b no, i do c not at all d yes, i do29. his gran dfather_ for fiftee n years.a died b was dead c has bee n dead d has died30. the light is still on. they_ to switch it off.a may forget b should have forgotte nc must have fo

5、rgotte n d cant have forgotte n31. no one can prevent us _ aking the socialistroad.a with b from c to d for32. the populatio n of sha nghai is bigger tha n_ ofqin gdao.a this b those c it d that33._ she promised her parents to write_while she was away.a the other day b each other day g every other d

6、ay d any otherday34. -mike has lived in beiji ng for 5 years.3-yes, but he_ can t speak chin ese.a hardly b nearly c yet cd still35. n either you nor he_ to blame.a is b be c are d am第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a .b .c 和 d )中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。human beings have used tools for a very long

7、 time. in some parts ofthe world you can still find tools that people used more tha n two milli onyears ago. they made these tools by hitting one stone (36) another. in thisway they broke off pieces from one of the stones. these chips of stonewere usually (37) on one side. people used them for (38)

8、meat and skinfrom dead ani mals, and (39) for making other tools out of wood. humanbeings need (40) tools because they did not have sharp teeth like othermeat-eat ing (41) , such as lions and tigers. tools helped people to getfood more (42).work ing with tools also helped to (43) huma n in tellige n

9、ee.the huma n bra in grew bigger, andhuma n beings bega n to invent more and more tools andmachi nes. the sto ne chip was one of the first tools (44) people used, and4perhaps (45) the most important. some scientists say that it was the key46 the success of mankind.since 1960 a new kind of tool has a

10、ppeared. this is the silic onchip( ft )a little chip of silic on crystal. it is (47) tha n a fingernail,but itcan (48) more than a millionbits ofin formati on .it is (49) electro nic brai n.every year these chips get cleverer, but (50) size gets smaller, andtheir cost gets (51).huma n beings used (5

11、2) chips for more tha n two millio n years, buthuma n (53) cha nged very little in that time. we have used silicon chipsfor (54) a few years, but life is changing faster every day.(55) will life be hke in twenty years?36. a after b to c aga inst d among37. a sharp b hot c stra nge d weak38.hitti ng

12、b cutti ng c hit d cut39.n ot b o nly c just d also40. a store b fi nd c use d repair41. a ani mals b pers ons c tools d people42.easy b easily c difficult d hard43. a preve nt b hard c develop d ope n544.that b which c what d as45.theyre b its c therere d youre46.of b in c to d o n47. a smaller b b

13、igger c n ewer d softer48. a send b produce c store d destroy49.an b o ne c a d the50.its b our c their d your51. a more b fewer c greater ld less52. a sto ne b silic on c wood d iron53.body b life c nature d health54.quite b o nly c nearly d hardly55.how b whe n c what d why第三部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选

14、项(a.b.c 和 d)中选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。as my train was nt due to leave for ano ther hour, i had ple nty oftime to spare. after buying some n ewspapers to read on the journ ey, imade my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy suitcase i had leftthere three days before. there were only a few people w

15、ait ing, and i took6out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. the receipt didn t seem to bewhere i had left it. i emptied the contents of the wallet, and railway-tickets,mon ey, scraps of paper, and photographs fell out of it; but no matter howhard i searched, the receipt was no where to be fou

16、nd.whe n my turn came, i expla ined the situati on sorrowfully to theassista nt. the man looked at mesuspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story manytimes and asked me to describe the case. i told him that it was an old,brow n-look ing object not differe nt from the many cases i c

17、ould see onthe shelves. the assista nt the n gave me a form and told me to make a listof the chief contents of the case. if they were correct, he said, i could takethe case away. i tried to remember all the articles i had hurriedly packedand vrote them dow n as they came to me.after i had done this,

18、 i went to look among the shelves. there werehundreds of cases there and for one dreadful mome nt, it occurred to methat if some one had picked the receipt up, he could have easily claimedthe case already. this7had n t happe ned fortun ately, for after a time i found the case lyingon its side high u

19、p in a comer. after examining articles in side, the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me i could take the caseaway. aga in i took out my wallet: this time to pay. i pulled out a ten-shilling note and the lost receipt slipped out with it. i could nt help blushi ngand looked up at

20、 the assista nt. he was no ddi ng his head knowin gly, asif to say that he had ofte n see n this happe n before too!56. the un derl ined words to spare probably mean s().a to show mercy tob to leave over or more tha n you n eedc to be freed to use in a small qua ntity57. why did the go to the luggag

21、e office?a he went there to get his case.b he went there to see a friend.c he went there to buy someth ing to eat.d he wan ted to ask whe n the train was leav ing.58. there were a lot of thi ngs in his wallet except().a railway-ticketsb moneyc photoraphsthe8d id card59. the writer took out his walle

22、t the sec ond time to ().a search for his receipt aga inb find some paper to write onc pay for the serviced see if his railway-tickets were there60. what can you infer from the passage?a the writer actually put the receipt in his case.b the writer easily found his case in the luggage office.c the wr

23、iter was a careless pers on.d the train arrived behi nd schedule.bdependon yourself is what nature says to everypare nts can help you. teachers canyou. others still can help you. but all these only help youto help yourself.there have bee n many great men in history, but many of them werevery poor in

24、 childhood, andno un cles, aunts or friends to help them. schools were fewand not very good. they could not de):upon them for an educati on. they saw how it was, and setto work with all their might(jjl) to ksometh ing. they workedman.9their own way up to fame ( ).one of the famous teachers in englan

25、d used to tell his pupils, icannot make worthy men of)but i can help you make men of yourselves.some young men have no ambiti on( 1 ll)to excel()i nany thi ng, and they are to be pitiedthey can n ever achieve much uni ess they see their weakpoints and cha nge their course. they are not now, and will

26、 be nothing aslong as they live, uni ess they accept the advice of their parents and teachand depend on their own honest efforts.61. many of the great men in histoly succeeded becausea they were very poor in chilkhoodb they could not depe nd on schools for an educati onc they made great efforts to l

27、ear n and workd they wan ted very much to become famous62. accord ing to the famous teacher in en gla nd, a teachercana make his pupils worthy menb help his pupils make themselves useful menc make his pupils men of stre ngth and couraged help his pupils find a way to fame1063.if young peopledependon

28、 their own efforts,a they are to be pitiedb they are no thi ng now and will be nothing in the futurec they can be ambitiousd they can be successful in their careers ( 事业)64. which title best fits the passage?a how to be famous.b dare to execi.c depe nd on yourself.d what n ature says to every man.ca

29、 young boy, about eight years old, was at the store pick ing out alarge box of laundry deterge nt (洗衣清洁剂).the grocer ( 杂货商) walked over and, trying to be friendly, asked theboy if he had a lot oflaundry to do.oh, no laundry, the boy said. im going to wash my dog.but you shouldn t use this to wash yo

30、ur dog. its very powerful and if11you wash your dog withthis, he ii get sick. in fact, it might eve n kill him.but the boy was not stopped by this and carried the deterge nt to thecoun ter and paid for it, eve n as the grocer still tried to talk him out ofwashi ng his dog.about a week later the boy

31、was back in the store doing some shopping. the grocer asked the boyhow his dog was doing.oh, he died, the boy said.the grocer said, i tried to tell you not to use that deterge nt on yourdog.well, the boy replied, i don t thi nk it was the deterge nt that killedhim.oh i m sorry. how did he die?i thi

32、nk it was the sp in cycle ( 甩干筒).65the boy bought a large box of laundrydeterge ntto_.a wash a lot of clothesb wash his dogc clea n the floor in his housed clea n the fur niture in his house66. the grocer_ after he got to know what the boy12wan ted to do.a tried to sell the boy more goodsb tried to

33、persuade the boy to give up his pla nc told the boy he was too young to do shopp ingd got angry at the boy67. the boy s dog died-it was_ .a washed with boili ng waterb run over by a carc killed by the grocerd washed in a wash ing mach inedpeople often show their feelings by the body positions they a

34、dopt.these can con tradictwhat you are say ing,especially whe n you are tryi ng to disguise the way you feel. for example,a very com mon defe nsive positi on, assumed whe n people feel threatened in some way, is to put your arm or arms across your body. this is away of shielding yourself from a thre

35、ate ning situatio n. this shieldi ng action can be disguised asadjusti ng one s cuif or watchstrap. lea ning back in your chair especiallywith your arms folded is not only defensive, it s also a way of show ingyour disapproval, of a n eed to dista nee yourself from the rest of the13compa ny.a positi

36、 on which betrays an aggressive attitude is to avoidlooking directly at the person you are speaking to. on the other hand,approval and desire to cooperate are shown by copy ing the positi on ofthe pers on you are speaki ng to. this shows that you agree or are willi ngto agree with some one. the posi

37、ti on of one s feet also ofte n shows thedirecti on of people s thoughts. for example, feet or a foot pointingtowards the door can indicate that a person wishes to leave the room. thedirecti on in which your foot poi nts can also show which of the people inthe room you feel most sympathetic towards,

38、 eve n whe n you are notspeak ing directly to that pers on.68. body positi ons are used to show_ .a peoples inten ti onsb peoples feeli ngsc what people saidd what people assumed69. to put your arms across your body is to show_ .a j a threate ning positi onb that you are angryc that you are defe ndi

39、ng yourselfd that you are in differe nt to what had happe ned1470. to copy the positi on of the pers on you are talk ing to isto showa your disapprove of himb that you admire him verymuchc that you agree with him and want to cooperate with himd that you are willi ng to follow after him71.to avoid lo

40、oking directly at the person you arespeaki ng to in dicates you_a are very shy and timidb dont like to talk to that pers onc are willi ng to be in ferior to that pers ond are aggressive and impolite to that pers onnew york, london, paris and other big cities are exciting places to livein. there are

41、manin teresti ng things to see and to do. you can go to differe ntkinds of museums, plays and films. you can also go shopp ingto buy thi ngs from all over the world.but there are serious problems in big cities too. the cost oflivi ng is high, and there are too many people in some of bigcities. every

42、 year many people move to the cities because there are somecha nces i find jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive goodmedical care. but sometimes these people cannotfind work or a good15place to live in. also, too many people in a small space make it hard tokeep the ficities safe and clea n.

43、some people enjoy living in big cities. others do not. before peoplemove to big cities, they should thi nk about the problems of livi ng there,72. which is the best title( 题目)for this passage?a big cities.b new york, l ondon, and paris.c excit ing places in big cities.d serious problems in big cities.73. in big cities people can_ .a goto di


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