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1、冀教版七年级第二学期用英语期中检测题一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. Today is m y birthday and m y m olher is a cake m e.A. m akhg, to B. m akhg, for C . doing, to D . doing, fcr2. C indy, dinner is ready, w here is John?H ehis hom ework in his room .A. does B. did C . is doing D . w Uldo3. Yao M hg does a good j)b h basketballm

2、 ateh.H e is m y fevorite.A. wotker B. teacher C . dancer D . player4. Is here?N o, Bob and Tom aren ' there.A. anybody B. everyone C . som eboay D . som eone5. do childwn bve beston C hrEtn as D ay?FalherC hristm as.A. W hat B. W here C . W ho D. W hrh6. M ary is h 1he shop w ilh herm olher She

3、s heipiig herA. go shopphg B. to go the shopphg C . doing shopphg7. There a talk show on C C TV-3 atefehtlhis evening.A. is gohg to be B. is going to haveC . w illhaveD . is gohg to be have8. loften wantm y grandm olherA. visit B. visits C . visiting D . visited9. Are you gohg to go on a picnr?Yes,

4、w e are.A.next dayB.innextweek C .tom oirow Sunday D .nextm onth10. W ill there be schoolin 1he fiiture?N o, tiiere.11. 1he popuhtbn ofShanghai?It' abouts -thirteen m illbn.A , W hat' s B . H ow m any is C . H ow m uch D . W hat12. N o one h our class to speak English badly.A. want B. wants

5、C . to want D . wanting13. The worn an can speak C hhese.A. a littfe B. a few C . btof D . m any14. They fiom C hha.A. are all B. allare C . be all D . all15. Table tennis is 1han mnnhg.A. relaxhg B. m ore reJaxhgC . m uch rehxhg D . rehxer16. The chiHen are phying cards h 1he park. They feel.A. hap

6、pily, happy B. happy, happ山C , happily, happily D . happy, happy17. It s difficult 1he old people walk up the G reatW allA. fcr; for B. to, to C . foi; to D . to, for18. There are seven people in H one Kong.A. m iffion B. m Ufon of C . m Ufons of D . m illbns19. Idon ' tlhhk yourbag is betterlha

7、n.A. 1heir B. m y C . her D . m he20. The bridge is.A. bng 3 kibm eters B. kfbm eters bngC . 3 kibm eters bng D . 3 kibm eter-bng 二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)根据文章内容选择最佳答案。(A )B ig B en isnotthe nam e of a m an. It is the nam e of a huge cbck h London. This cbck has four feces, so no m atter (无论)w here you sta

8、nd, you can read the tin e on the fece of B ig B en. E ach fece is 1he size of a double-decker (双层的)bus. The hands are aboutfourm eteiB bng.you go to London, you m ay w ant to visit 1he H ouse of P arlfem ent (国会大厦). You w ill fhd B 世 B en sitting at 1he top of the cbck tow er (塔) h the H ouse of P

9、arlhm ent You w illhear itas w ellas see it The b世 cbck m akes such a bud sound.“ D hg dong, dhg dong n as itgoes every quarter of an hourThe cbck w as nam ed after a bg m an. H e w as S irB enm h H fll H e did m uch building w oik h London m any years ago.21. B ig B en is.A. a double-decker bus B.

10、a huge clockC the nam e ofa m an D . a nam e of the H ouse ofP arliam ent22. The cbck strikes eveiy of an hourA. ten m hutesB , fifteen m hutesC , ihirty m hutes D . fortym hutes23. have 1he sam e m eaning as “ laige ” .A. B ig and doubleB. Huge and budC . B ig and hugeD . G fentand sm all24. Y ou c

11、an read the tin e of B ig B en. A.atlhe top of 1he cbck tow erB .ony in the H ouse ofParlam ent C , on 1he hands of 1he huge cbck D . on 1he four feces of 1he cbck25. The title (标题) oflhe passage m ay be.A . B 适 B enB. A C bckC . S irB enrn in H ill D . The C apitalof 1he U K(B)P eople are busy wotk

12、hg every day, so 1hey do nothave enough tin e to do exercises. Asa result (结果),m any people becom e too fer To keep ourbodies healthy, w e have to do exercises eveiy day.There are m any khds of exercises. B ending (弯腰) and stretching (伸展) he fcs us m ove easily. B efore w e phy ballgam es or sw in ,

13、 it is better forus to do bendhg and stretching exercises fct This khd of exercise is som etim es called “ w atm up exercise ” . Runnhg is also a good exercise. Ifwe cannotiun fest, we can j)g. Jogghg m eans mnnhg sbw 卜.B efore w e nin or j)g, w e m ustdo waim -up exercises. And w e should notmn or

14、j)g h busy streets. The air 1here is often dirty. Som e people like weightlifthg (举重)because itcan m ake Iheirbodies stong. W e also need to do som e warm up exercises before weightlifthg.26. m akes m any people too fetA. Eathg or drhkhg every dayB. H avhg no tin e to do exercises C . D ohg m oe exe

15、rcisesD . R eadhg athom e27. B efore w e, w e m ustdo w aim up exercises.A. nin B. j)gC . woik D . Bo1h A and B28.is called 一 "upw aim exercise ” .A , P layhg ballgam es B. S w in m hgC . B endhg and stretching D . W eightlifthg29. W hy do people like w efehtlifthg?A. Because it can m ake them

16、w oik w ellB. B ecause it can m ake them 1hh.C . B ecause itcan m ake Iheirbodies stong.D . B ecause 1hey don ' tlike olher exercises.30. W hrh of the folbw hg sentences is R JG H T accotdhg to 1he passage?A. Jogging m eans tunning qurky.B. Busy streets are notgood places fcrmnnhg.C. W eightlift

17、hg can heb us m ove easily.D . W e shouldn ' tdo w aun mpexercises before sw in m hg.(C )Jam es is an Am erfcan boy. He' sgohg to be a student in a m ildle schoolhS hanghai H e w ants to know m uch aboutC hha, because his parents tellhin thew are m any festivals h C hha. S o now he' ttyi

18、ngs to fed som elhhg aboutM id -Autum n Festival (中秋节).Here ' s what his com puter tells hin .M id-Autum n Festivalusually com es h S eptem berorO ctober 0 n Ihatday m anyfem ffes w illhave a bfe dinner They w illeatm oon cakes to iheir fidends as presents (礼物). Then h 1he evening people w illgo

19、 out to celebrate (庆祝)ihe tound m oon.Itseem s b feger and brighter They also te lithe story o t hang' e ffesotlhe m oon. It ' s 1he tin e foralllhe fem fly m em bers to gettogetherJam es thinks of Thanksgihg D ay h his country. It' a In ostlhe sam e asM id-Autum n Festivalh C hha. S o h

20、e 1hhks he ' sgohg to talk aboutthatto his C hhese friends. H ere , s whaigohghe to , ssay:The Am erican people celebiate Thanksgiving D ay on 1he forth ThuiBday ofN ovem ber 0 n Ihatday people give thanks to G od forgihg them a good harvest (丰 耳攵).It' usually a fem ily day. P eopfe gettogel

21、herto celebiate 1he harvest A big tuikey (火鸡)and som e pum pkh pies (南瓜派)are iheir specalfood for the fesWal They alv ays have a btofeat()31. W ho tells Jam es som ething aboutM Jd-Autum n Festivals C hha?A. H is parents. B. H is com puter C . H is frfend.()32. W hen does Thanksgiving D ay h Am eric

22、a com e?A. h Septem berorO ctober B.In Novem ber C.MJuK.()33. 0 n Thanksgiving D ay. Am erican people do eveiything except (除 之外) that.A.1he fem fly m em bers gettogelherB. people celebiate 1he harvestC. people eatm oon cakes to celebiate 1he festival ()34. W hat is 1he m eanhg of 1he w old“ Thanksg

23、iving ”?A. People give thanks to theirparents.B. People give thanks to their country.C. P eople give Ihanks to G od forgiving them a good harvest ()35. W hrh of 1he folbw ing is rfeht?A. People w Hlgive m oon cakes to theirfiiends as presents on M id一 Autum n FestivalB. Thanksgivhg D ay is on Tuesda

24、y.C. People often eattuikeys and pum pkh pies on M il-Autum n Festival (D)Is your schoobag too heavy to carry? The e-schoobag w Hlhei)you.In feet 1he e-schoobag should be called 1he etextbook. It is a sm a 11 com puter for students. H eavy schoobags are notgood for 1hem . Butlhe echoobag w ill chang

25、e (改)eveiythhg. It is Ightand sm all but it can save a 111he thiigs for study, like a textbook, an exeicise book and so on. Thee are som e chj)s (芯片)of texlbooks for students. The students can putthe rfehtchj) into the e-schoobag and read 1he texlbook page by page on the screen. And 1hey can aso use

26、 the e- schoobag to take notes (做笔)or send em ails to 1heir teachetB.S om e people say the etexlbook-is good for students ' study, but som e people say it is notgood forstudents' eyes. Ithhk on tin e w Hite IL根据短文内容,最佳答案。 ()36. An e-schoobag is.A. a TV set B. a usualbookC . a heavy bag D . a

27、 sm allcom puter ()37. The echoobag is.A. b垣 but lightB. heavy and bigC . sm a Hand light D . the sam e as a usualschoolbag ()38. E-schoolbags arc desfened( ) for.A. m anageiB B. students C . writers D . teachers( )39.The underlined wordscreenm eans "" in Chinese.A.显示屏 B.键盘C.录音机D.幻灯机()40.W

28、 hrh of 1he folbwing is REHT?A. A lllhe people like 1he e-schoolbag.B. E-schoobags can do everything for students.C . S tudents can use the e-schoobag to read the textbook.D . The echoobag is good for students ' eyes. 第二卷五、书面表达第一节:根据汉语完成下面句子。61、我父亲明天将动身去北京。M y fether Beijng tom oirow.62、他们打算这个周末在河边野餐。Theyby 1he river this w eekend.63、他们将在互联网上学习。They.64、谢谢你从北京给我寄来的明信片。yourposteaid Beijing.65、我们正在为晚会做准备。W e arethe party.第二节:作文请你根据下面的表格,写一篇不少于50词的短文,介绍你本周末的活动计 戈上文章的开头部分已给出。S atuiday m omhgG etup ear,do hom ew oikS atuiday afternoonV isitgiandpaiEntsSundayH ave a prnic with Em


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