2020-2021学年高中英语外研版选修7课时作业(十) Module 3 Literature Section Ⅱ Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Language Points Word版含解析_第1页




1、课时作业(十)module 3section introduction & reading and vocabularylanguage points.单句语法填空1it is unfair that he gets very little in reward _ his hard work.2he is eager _ (try) something he has never tried before.3her mother was looking for her keys all day,but to her _ (astonish),when she came home, the

2、 keys were in the door.4lions as well as tigers, belonging to meat­eating animals feed _ meats.5the policeman stopped the stranger and asked him why he hung _ at night.6one morning, i _ (sleep) soundly when i was woken up by a sudden cry of my sister,“it's snowing.”7did linda see the traffi

3、c accident?no, no sooner had she gone than it _ (happen)8“mr thomson,” i said _ a weak voice, “please let me try again.”9he touched me with his finger, _ (whisper) to me in my ear, “the teacher is coming.”10it's a custom in this district to have some tea or other drinks before the meal _ (serve)

4、.阅读理解if you expect to work in the future in the travel industry, you should begin learning chinese. that's because chinese people spent nearly $258 billion in total on international travel last year. that's more than twice the combined amount spent on international travel by people from the

5、united states and germany, the next two biggest­spending nations. the chinese are relative (相对的) newcomers when it comes to traveling beyond their nation's borders and only a small percentage of them travel outside of china each year. given the size of that nation's population. even tha

6、t small percentage represents well over 100 million chinese travelers to foreign destinations.yet chinese citizens flew, on average, just 65 miles last year versus (与相对) the 227 miles flown on average by us residents (居民), the 285 miles flown on average by germans, the 271 miles flown on average by

7、those from the united kingdom, and the 632 miles flown by the average canadian last year.china's high total spending on international travel and its low average number of miles flown on international travel may show that while only a small percentage of china's residents actually travel outs

8、ide their homeland, and those who do spend a lot of money don't go that far. but there are reasons for china's low average of miles travel on international trips. a small percentage of chinese now have enough money to travel internationally, though the number of people who do travel outside

9、of china is growing fast every year. besides, a large percentage of chinese people traveling abroad stay close to home.however, as more and more chinese gain the financial ability to travel internationally and as chinese become more and more interested in visiting destinations farther and farther aw

10、ay from home, their spending on international travel and the average distances flown will both rise rapidly.1why does the author suggest learning chinese for the future work in travel industry?abeing good at chinese is a must for future work.bchinese is most commonly used in travel industry.ctravel

11、industry requires employees to learn chinese.dchina is a big­spending nation in international travel2what can we infer from paragraph 3?apeople from different countries have different preferred destinations.bchina has a relatively low average number of miles flown on travel.cchinese people are

12、more willing to travel abroad compared with canadians.dpeople going on a journey around the world hate taking international planes.3what are many chinese people who travel abroad likely to do?atry to save their money.bimprove their ability to travel.cchoose to stay close to home.dtravel in america a

13、nd germany.4what does the last paragraph say about the future of chinese people's traveling abroad?ait's bright. bit's confusing.cit's hopeless. dit's unclear.完形填空tracy wong is a well­known chinese­american writer. but her writing _1_ was something she picked up by hers

14、elf. after her first _2_, teaching disabled children, she became a part­time writer for ibm. _3_, writing stories was simply a _4_ interest. tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher (出版商). _5_, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long _6_ and paid tr

15、acy a $500,000 advance. “a pretty money,” said the publisher, “for _7_ writer.”_8_ tracy's characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes _9_ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “my mother believed i could _10_ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “she used to have me

16、 speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”“can i? i don't think i can,” tracy said with a laugh. “but i do have _11_ when things come to me _12_.” once, she was wondering how to complete a _13_ set in ancient (古代的) china. _14_ the doorbell rang. it was a fedex delivery man,with a copy

17、 of a book on chinese _15_. it came without her having _16_ it.though she has published 10 books,tracy has remained _17_ by her fame. she lives in the same _18_ she lived 27 years agoalthough in a more comfortable home. there's more room for _19_ in her lifeand it wasn't just _20_.1a.skill b

18、experiencecpractice dmethod2a.duty beffortcjob dtask3a.instead bnormallyccertainly dthen4a.general bdeepcpersonal dlively5a.interested banxiouslycseriously dencouraged6a.film bstorycprogram darticle7a.a foreign ba popularcan unusual dan unknown8a.now that beven thoughcjust because dexcept that9a.fin

19、d bturncleave dhold10a.make up bconnect withccontrol dexplain11a.events bchancescfeelings dmoments12a.for no reason bfrom a distancecby accident das gifts13a.description bpaintingcscene dtalk14a.surprisingly bsuddenlycexpectedly dfortunately15a.cooking bhistorycplay dmedicine16a.known bsentcrealised

20、 dordered17a.unchanged bexcitedcdetermined dunmoved18a.life bcitychouse dway19a.success bworkcjoy dvariety20a.writing breportingcluck dfun课时作业(十).单句语法填空1for2.to try3.astonishment4.on5.out6.was sleeping7happened8.in9.whispering10.is served.阅读理解【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了越来越多的中国人有了出国旅行的经济能力,他们在出国旅行上的花费和平均飞行

21、距离都将迅速增加。因此如果您希望将来在旅游行业工作,则应该开始学习汉语。1答案与解析:d细节理解题。根据第一段中的“if you expect to work in the future in the travel industry, you should begin learning chinese. ”和第二段中的“that's because chinese people spent nearly $258 billion in total on international travel last year.”可知,如果您希望将来在旅游行业工作,您应该开始学习汉语。这是因为去年中

22、国人在出国旅行上总共花费了将近2580亿美元。由此可知,作者建议想到旅游业来工作的人学习汉语是因为中国在出国旅行方面是一个消费大国。故选d。2答案与解析:b推理判断题。根据第三段“yet chinese citizens flew, on average, just 65 miles last year versus the 227 miles flown on average by us residents (居民), the 285 miles flown on average by germans, the 271 miles flown on average by those from

23、 the united kingdom, and the 632 miles flown by the average canadian last year.”可知,中国人去年平均只飞行了65英里,而美国居民平均飞行了227英里,德国人平均飞行了285英里,而英国人平均飞行了271英里,加拿大人去年平均飞行了632英里。因此我们可以从第3段中推断出中国人的平均飞行里程数相对较低。故选b。3答案与解析:c细节理解题。根据第四段中的“besides, a large percentage of chinese people traveling abroad stay close to home.”

24、可知,出国旅行的中国人中有很大一部分人去的目的地离中国较近。即出国旅行的许多中国人可能会选择离中国较近的地方。故选c。4答案与解析:a推理判断题。根据最后一段“however, as more and more chinese gain the financial ability to travel internationally and as chinese become more and more interested in visiting destinations farther and farther away from home, their spending on interna

25、tional travel and the average distances flown will both rise rapidly.”可知,随着越来越多的中国人获得出国旅行的经济能力,并且随着中国人对离家越来越远的目的地越来越感兴趣,他们在国际旅行上的花费和平均飞行距离都将迅速增加。因此从最后一段可以看出中国人出国旅游的市场前景是光明的。故选a。.完形填空【语篇解读】介绍了华人有名的作家黄莺莺。1答案与解析:awriting skill“写作技巧”。2答案与解析:cjob“工作”。“teaching disabled children”作同位语,而教残疾的孩子是一种工作。duty“责任”

26、;effort“努力,成就”;task“任务”。3答案与解析:d用then表示“当时”,与上下文呼应。4答案与解析:cpersonal interest“个人兴趣”。5答案与解析:ainterested“感兴趣的”。从下文“paid tracy a $500,000 advance”可以看出出版商对她的小说很感兴趣。6答案与解析:b根据上文“tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher”可判断出出版商建议把这三篇短篇小说合为一篇长篇小说。7答案与解析:d从上文可以看出特蕾西利用业余时间进行小说的写作,是一个不出名的作家。a pretty money的意思是“相当大的一笔款”,出版商认为给一个不出名的作家500,000美元是一笔相当大的款。8答案与解析:beven though“即使”,引导让步状语从句。比较“interesting”和“uneasy”的意思可判断出应用even though填写。即使她写的人物很有趣,但是,有时会使读者感到不安。9答案与解析:cleave readers uneasy“使读


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