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1、三合一检测、写出以下动词的过去式.1. plant2. water3. try4. fill5. save6. happen7. hope 8. carry 9. begin 10. dig 11.keep 12. put、根据图片和首字母提示,把句子补充完整.41. I was s2. I vwhen I got the present.the mlast week.3. She h her mother c the house yesterday.4. I was very angry when someone c d the tree.5. Last night, a car c i t

2、he tree.6. The farmers are p the f now.三、用适当的单词补全对话.A: you plant trees last Tree Planting Day?B: Yes, we A: did you plant the trees?B: Behind our school library.A: What trees you plant?B: We planted peach trees.A: you going to plant trees this Tree Planting Day?B: Yes, we A: I go with you?B: Of you

3、can.When引导的时间状语从句HeSheWe TheyWaswere feltHappywhen当时候the trees grew well 树长得好sadthe shoots appeared.田出来了Angrysomeone cut the tree.有些人砍了树surprisedso m any flowers appeared.这么多的花开了Excitedsomeone picked the fruit.有些人摘果子表中句子是状语从句,由附属连词“ when作引导的从句,用以修饰前面的形容词 分音节优秀学习资料 欢迎下载如何分音节:两个元音之间只有一个辅音,该辅音就归后面的音节,如

4、果两个元音之间有两个辅音的,就前后音节各一个,例如:welcome / ap ple / bet: ter / hap pen a gainst / be gin / me morial / pa per重读音节英语单词一般有两个以上音节,有的音节读得重而清楚,叫重读音节;有的读得清而模糊,叫非重读音节.单音节词只有一个音节,在单独读音时须重读,但不用标重音符号.双音节词和多音节词中的重读音节用重音符号标出,重读符号放在重读音节的左上角.稳固练习一、找出每组单词中不同类的一项.()1. A.savedB. wateredC.plantedD.broken()2. A.earthB. digC.

5、fillD.put()3. A.seedB. leafC.fruitD.pick()4. A. surprisedB. sadC.carryD.angry()5. A.tallerB. playerC.biggerD.closer二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空.1. Jiamin (go) swimming last Sunday morning.2. What he (do) yesterday?3. Tom (visit) the museum next week.4. They (feel) excited when the shoots appeared.5. Janets mot

6、her usually (do) housework in the evening.6. Look at the children, they (paint) a picture in the garden.7. I (clean) the house the day before yesterday.8What is the boy doing?-He (play) football.9. Ben and his parents (have) a party tomorrow evening.三、选择正确的答案填空.()1. Mrs Smith will start Beijing toni

7、ght.A. for B. at C. for()2. They put the young trees the holes and filled the holes earth.A. into, with B.on, with C. into, to()3. All of us hope the trees grow well.A. will be B. will C. is going to()4. My father didn't the flowers last night.A. watered B. waters C. water()5. It's time have

8、 lunch. Wsah your hands, children!A. of B. to C. for()6. Last night a bus carshed the tree.A. with B. into C. on优秀学习资料欢迎下载()7. We many trees next Tree Painting Day.A. plant B. planted C. are going to plant()8. All of us felt tired when we the work.A. finish B. finished C. finishes()9. On Sunday Sall

9、y usually helps her mother the house.A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning()10. The doctor tried the old man last night.A.save B. to save C.saves四、根据实际情况答复以下问题.1. Did you plant any trees last year?2. Do you keep a diary?3. Can you plant trees?4. Are you going to plant more trees next year?5. What did you d

10、o yesterday?小升初链接一一介词和数词介词详解一、概述介词是英语中很活泼的词,一般置于名词之前.它常和名词或名词性词语构成介词短语. 同一个介词常和不同的词语搭配形成固定搭配,表示不同意义.二、常用介词的根本用法at表示时间:I go to school at seven every day我每天早上 7点去上学.表示在某一具体地点: He is standing at the bus stop他站在公共汽车站.表示动作的方向、目标: Let me have a look at the picture让我看看这幅图.用于某些固定搭配:at last最后at the same time

11、同时 not at all 一点也不about表示大约时间:It ' s about six o'clock noWE在大约6点钟了.关于,对于: We are talking about the news.我们正在谈论新闻.after优秀学习资料 欢迎下载在之后:After dinner I watch TV.晚饭后我看电视.在后面: He came into the room after me.他在我后面进了房间.behind在之后:There is a bike behind the tree.树后有一辆自行车比晚,迟于: The train is behind time

12、.火车晚点了by在旁:He is sitting by the bed.他正坐在床边.至U时候: We have learned three English songs by now到现在为止,我们已经学会了三首英文歌曲.以方式:I go to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学.用于某些固定搭配:one by one一个接一个by the way顺便说一句for为,给,替:I'll make a card for my teacher.我要给老师做张卡片.表示给某人用的: There is letter for you.这儿有你一封信.in在里面:The pencil i

13、s in the desk.铅笔在课桌里.用,以: What's this in English?这用英语怎么说在某一年份,季节,月份: in 2002, in spring, in January表示状态,服饰:Helen is in yellow.海伦身穿黄色衣服.用于某些固定搭配:in front of在前面 in the end最后 in time及时like像样:He looks like his father.他像他的父亲.怎样:What's the weather like?天气怎样.near靠近,在附近: My bed is near the window.我的

14、床在窗户旁.of的用于所有格:He is a friend of mine.他是我的一个朋友.表示数量与连词连用: One of us is from Beijing.我们中有一个来自北京on在上面: There are some apple on the tree树上有些苹果.在星期天,在某天的上午下午,晚上: They go to English class on Sunday.用于某些固定搭配:on duty值日 on time准时over普及,穿过:There is a bridge over the river.有座桥横跨那条河.超过,不止: She is a little over

15、 2.她两岁多了.to到,往,向: He walks to the window.他走向窗户.表示时间、数量,到 为止Please count from ten to thirty.请从10数到30.向,对,给: Happy New Year to you all.大家新年好.underWhat's under your desk?你书桌底下是什么with和,写: Could you go home with me?你能和我一起回家吗表示伴随状态,带有: Who's that girl with glasses?那位戴眼睛的女孩是谁总结:喊示方位白介词:in, to, on1.

16、 in表示在某地范围之内.如: Shanghai is/lies in the east of China.上海在中国的东部.2. to表示在某地范围之外.如: Japan is/lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东面.3. on表示与某地相邻或接壤.如: Mongolia is on the north of China.蒙古位于中国北边. 喊示材料白介词:of, from, in1. of成品仍可看出原料.如: This box is made of paper.这个盒子是纸做的.2. from成品已看不出原料.如: Wine is made from gr

17、apes.葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的.3. in表示用某种材料或语言.如: They talk in English.他们用英语交谈.喊示工具或手段的介词:by, with, on1. by用某种方式,多用于交通.如 by bus乘公共汽车,by e-mail.通过电子邮件.注意:表示搭乘交通工具时,用 by时不用冠词,用in时要用冠词.请比较:I went there by bus/in a bus.我是坐公共汽车去的那儿.2. with表示 用某种工具.如:He broke the window with a stone.他用石头把玻璃砸坏了.注意:with表示用某种工具时,必须用冠词或物主代词.

18、3. on表示“以方式,多用于固定词组.They talked on the telephone.他们通过 进行交谈.喊原因或理由的介词:for, at, from, of, with, by, because of1. for 表示原因,常与 sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame 等词连用.如:I am sorry for what I said to you.我懊悔不该对你讲那些话.2. at指情感变化的原因,意为因听到或看到而 .如:He was surprised at the news.听到这消息他大吃一惊.7. because of

19、表示引起结果的直接原因.如:He retired last month because of illness/because he ill.喊示好似或当彳的介词:like, as1. like表示“像一样,其实不是.如:Peter the Great, like his country, was strong and proud.彼得大帝像他的国家一样强健和自豪.2. as表示“作为,以 身份,其实也是.如:He talked to me as a father.他以父亲的身份跟我谈话.注:as作连词时,可表示“好似 ".如:The work is not so difficult

20、as you imagine这工作不像你想像的那么困难.峨示支持或反又的介词:against, foragainst反对,for支持,互为反义词.如:Are you for my idea or against it?你赞同还是反对我的想法1 .用介词或副词填空 He is good swimming. Tom gets at seven every morning. Sunday morning, he played football with his friends. What' s wrong you?There is something wrong my back. He of

21、ten helps me my English.It ' s time breakfast. Can you sing a song English? He looks his father. Please listen me carefully.It ' s too cold. Don ' t take your coat.2 .介词填空 Tony is Canada. What is the name the factory? Betty is English. What you? Who s the woman the black dress Where do y

22、ou come? She looks her father.优秀学习资料欢迎下载 Do the students stay home Saturday My mother cut the cake a knife (刀). The meeting ended 6 p.m. We ll play football class. Go this road, turn left the first crossing.12 Can you tell me the way the zoo?13 where are you from?I am Beijing.14 Let' s count the

23、 numbers one fifty.三、选择.1, We went to the country a very cold morning.A. atB. inC. onD. of2,China lies the east of Asia and the north of Australia.A. to; toB. in; to C. to; in D. in; on3, I didn't go to the park, because my mother asked me to my little sister at home.A. look after B. look at C.

24、look for D. look like5, Lyon wanted to be a soldier and his dream came true November 25th2021.A. in B. during C. onD. at6,My father usually comes back from work 6 30 the evening.A. in; onB. in; at C. on; inD. at; in7, This kind of machine was widely used the1960s.A. inB. for C. atD. on综合测试一、 选择填空,并把

25、其字母编号写在括号内.()1. It ' s time supper.A. atB. inC. onD. for()2. It ' s no time school. It' s time go back home.A. to, for B. to, toC. for, to()3. Mr Brown comes America.A. atB. from C. inD. to()4. What ' s this English?A. inB. atC. onD. under()5. Sometimes I go to school foot.A. byB. in

26、C. onD. with优秀学习资料欢迎下载()6. Count (数)one ten.A. from, byB. from, toC. to, to D. at, to()7.My sister is looking her new shoes now.A. atB. afterC. forD. to()8. It ' s cold ouPidase your warm clothes.A. put inB. take offC. put on D. put up()9. The classroom is quite different that one.A. ofB. fromC.

27、 withD. like()11. A: Does the autumn start August?B; Sometimes it does. But usually it starts September.A. in, in B. on, on C. at, at()13. I like summer. Is it cool autumn? What summer? Oh, it is too hot.A. in, about on B. on, about on C. in, about in()14. A: Do you listen to the radio a long time?B

28、: No, I often listen to it twenty minutes.A. for, to B. for, for C. to, for()16. They will move to the new school next Monday.A. onB. inC. /()17. He always goes to school at 7:00 every day.A. onB. inC. /()18. She does her homework half an hour every day.A. in B. for C. /二、用所给的介词填空.in, from, for, wit

29、h, against, with, on, to, at, of1. Go straight ahead, the post office is your right.2. We could buy hamburgers lunch.3. I help my mother the housework.4. You can come and have dinner us.5. I painted a picture horses.6. Bill is a heavy boy short hair.7. Adults usually give lucky money to children Spr

30、ing Festival.8. It ' s a post card信片) the USA.9. I live the eighth floor.13. Shall we meet the gat e(大门) the school?14. Don ' t walk the grass.15. Some children are swimming the river(河).数词优秀学习资料欢迎下载表示 多少和 第几的词,叫数词.数词分为基数词和序数词两种.1)基数词:在十位数词和个位数词中间加上连字符:如:21 twenty -one基数词三位以上的数词,在百位和十位之间,一般要

31、用连词"and如:132 one hundred and thirty-two.表示"万 的词英语中没有.如1万可用10千来表示.ten thousand. 30万可用three hundred thousand 来表示.基数词的用法:1 .编号的事物用基数词:如:Lesson Five, Room 1012 .表示“年,月,日时用基数词.3 .表示 几点钟,几点过几分用基数词.It is two to two.现在是两点差两分.4 .加减乘除用基数词.One plus two is three丁力口二等于三.Eight minus four is four. /I减四等于

32、四.Two times two is four.二乘二等于四.Ten divided by two is 巾ve.十除二等于五.2)序数词:表示数目顺序的词用序数词.1 .序数词119除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二变化不规那么外,其余均由在基数词后加上-th.2 .十位整数序数词的构成方法是,将十位整数基数词的词尾y变成i再加-eth.3 .几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变.4 .第一百以上的多位序数词由基数词的形式变结尾局部为序数词形式来表示.one hundred and twenty-first , one thousand three hundred a

33、nd twentieth5 .序数词的缩写形式 有时,序数词可以用缩写形式来表示.主要缩写形式有.first-lst second-2nd third-3rd fourth-4th sixth-6th twentieth-20th twenty-third-23rd其中lst, 2nd, 3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加上th.hundred, thousand, million与 of 连用有hundred等数词,有s时有of,没有s没of;数词前面加,没有s没of;前面无数词, 有s也有of.同步练习:( )1. I study in Yu Cai Middle School.

34、There are two students in our school.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of( )2. They said they would have holiday.A. a two-month B. two months C. two-months D. two-month' s优秀学习资料欢迎下载( )4. Many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is an in the centre.A. 80-flo

35、or building B. 60-floor building C. 80-floor buildings D. 70 floors building( )6.- How soon will you finish your work - -In about.A. one and a half month B. one month and a halfC. one and half a month D. a month and hal()7.-Would you like some fruit, madam? -Oh, yes., please.A. 5 kilo bananas B. 5 k

36、ilos of bananas C. 5 kilo of bananas D. 5 kilos of banana()8. I've read sports news about the F1 race today.A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of( )10 The river through our city, which is about is clean again.A. 6000 meters long B. 6000-metres-long C. 6000-metre-long D. 6000 meter long

37、2)提升练习1. September is the month of the year.A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eleventh2. The People's Republic of China was foundedA. on October the first, 1949B. in October the first ,1949C. on October one, 1949D. on October first one, 19493. There are days in a year.A. three hundreds and sixty-fi

38、veB. three hundreds and fifty-sixC. three hundreds of sixty-fiveD. three hundred and sixty-five4. There are days in February.A. thirty B. thirty-one C. twenty-eight D. twenty-six5. The film begins at 4:15. The right answer of“4:15 " isA. four fifth B. fifteen four C. four fifteen D. a quarter t

39、o four6.is seventy seven.A. forty and four B. thirty-seven and forty C. forty or thirty-seven D. seventy of seven7. What row are you in? I am in.A. Row One B. Row First C. Row one D. One Row9. The airport is from my hometown.A. two hour's ride B. two hours' ride C. two hour ride D. two hours ride小升初链接1 .The


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