



1、阳江市第三中学2014级高一(英语)教学案五 课题:Unit4 Astronomy: the science of the starsGrammar: Noun clauses as the subject 1Teaching aims (教学目标)1) Learn the use of the noun clauses as the subject.2) Make sure that the students can do the exercises correctly. 2. Teaching important and difficult pointMaster the use of t

2、he noun clauses as the subject.3. Teaching methodsDiscussing, summarizing and practicing.4. Teaching proceduresStep1: Lead-inAsk Ss to underline the subject of two groups of sentences.Step2: Point out the grammar: noun clauses as the subjectStep3: Learn the grammar in details1. 定义:在句子中充当主语的从句叫主从2. 基

3、本结构:1)主从放句首 2)主从放句末3. 连接词:that, whether, who, whose, what, which, when, where, why, how等(1) What we see are three cute babies.(2) That she is beautiful is obvious.(3) Whether they will get married is still unknown.Exercises 一. 用正确的连接词填空1. _ we need are more books.2. _ he loves is none of my business

4、.3. _ the man did this remains a puzzle.4. _ she will come or not is not sure.5. _ the earth moves around the sun is well known.为了避免头重脚轻,常用 it 作形式主语, 而把主语从句放在句子末尾,重要句型有:1) It is + 名词 + 主从 It is a pity/ a fact that+主从 遗憾的/事实是2) It is + 形容词 + 主从 It is sure/certain(确定的), obvious(明显的), important(重要的) +

5、主从3) It + be + 过去分词 + 主从 It is well known that + 主从 众所周知 It is said that + 主从 据说 It is reported that + 主从 据报道 It is believed that + 主从 据认为Exercises 二. 完成句子(1) _ the 2008 Olympic Games took place in Beijing.(众所周知)(2) _ he is the best student in the class.(明显的)(3) _ she has made such a mistake.(很遗憾)(4

6、) _ Tom will do well in his exam.(确定的)注意:1. whether引导主从放句首句末均可, 但if引导的主从只能放句末2. 连接词 that 一般不可省略3. 主从用陈述句语序(主语+谓语+其他成分)4. 连词引导主从时,谓语通常用单数; 但what 引导主从时,谓语动词:1) 一般情况下,用单数2) 与后面的名词一致Exercises 三. 单选1. _ you dont like him is none of my business.A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether2. _ he said at the meeting

7、is interesting.    A. What B. That C. Which D. Whether3. It is clear _ he has no money with him. A. what B. that C. which D. when4. _ it is true remains a problem. A. this B. that C. whether D. it 5. _ the sports meet will be held depends on the weather. A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That 6. _ he didnt come here yesterday is unknown. A. Where B. When C. What D. Why7. When and why he came here _ yet.A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not knownExercises 四. 判断对错(1) What can you do is to leave her.(2) When will we


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