2020-2021学年新教材英语外研版选择性必修第二册课时作业(十六) Unit 6 Survival Section Ⅰ Starting out Understanding ideas Word版含解析_第1页




1、课时作业(十六)unit 6section starting out & understanding ideas.阅读理解athe kakapo, a bird that lives in new zealand, is in danger now. weighing up to 4 kilograms, it is the world's fattest parrot. it mates (交配) only when the rimu tree is in fruit, which happens every few years. it developed gradually

2、 in the absence of land­based natural enemies, so instead of flying above the trees it walks like a duck across the dry forest floor. when it moves unsteadily across something that might kill it, it will stand still. such unusual characteristics turned it into fast food for human settlers and o

3、ther creatures. it seemed to have disappeared by the 1970s, until scientists came across two undiscovered populations in the country's south. these survivors were eventually moved to small enemy­free islands, where researchers spent decades trying to get them to breed (交配繁殖) the scientists&

4、#39; patience was finally rewarded. the rimu tree was in fruit this year, and more than 80 baby kakapos were born, making this the best breeding season on record. many have survived into adolescence, increasing the number of adult kakapos by a third, to 200 birds. another danger to the kakapo is a l

5、ack of genetic diversity. this is one reason why fewer than half of kakapo eggs hatch. by sequencing the genome (测定基因组序列) of every living bird, scientists can identify closely­related individuals and put them on different islands. every bird is fitted with something to record its slightest move

6、ment. if a female mates with an “unsuitable” male, the process can be stopped. all these efforts cost new zealand almost $1.3 million this breeding season. yet the kakapo's future still looks unsafe. earlier this year a severe disease spread through the population. and tiny as the number of kaka

7、pos is, space is running out on the two islands where most of them live. new enemy­free shelter must soon be found.1which of the following is a danger to the survival of the kakapo? ait is the smallest bird in the world. bit lacks exercise and usually stands still. cit adapts slowly in genetic

8、development. dit can't respond actively when facing danger.2in what way may the scientists' patience be rewarded? athey hatched more than 80 kakapos' eggs this year. bthey tried to make the rimu tree in fruit this year. ctwo survivors were moved to enemy­free islands. d50 chicks hat

9、ched have survived into adults this year.3why did the scientists put kakapos in different islands? ato stop closely­related kakapos mating. bto increase the population of kakapos. cto stop females mating with males. dto hatch more kakapos' eggs.4according to the author, the efforts to prote

10、ct the kakapo in new zealand are _. asuccessful bunsafe cdoubtful dinadequateb can you survive an unannounced storm? although there is expert broadcasting and we are equipped with cellphones, there're still some examples when the fierce weather takes us by surprise. while most atlantic hurricane

11、s form off the coast of africa giving plenty of early warning, sudden caribbean and gulf of mexico hurricanes form and move rapidly in less than a day's time, endangering everyone and everything in their path. there have been oil workers trapped off the coast when sudden storms appeared. field a

12、rcheologists have been stuck in seaside areas without storm warnings. a few decades ago, a texas national guard group was trapped on the beach by rain­forced flooding and had to ride out a major hurricane during a training exercise. there've been a few cases where travelers were trapped on

13、an island or in a seaside area and unable to escape in time. escaping from the storm­threatened areas is generally a choice for most of us but not for all. each year thousands of islanders across the caribbean face the danger of hurricanes without a public shelter to hide in. most ride out the

14、storm in their homes. but there're a few things you can do to prepare yourself for some unexpected emergencies. being prepared for the unexpected may be your best and only defense. if you're headed outdoors for a few days or weeks, you should always carry a flashlight with extra batteries, a

15、 gps device, and a basic medical box. if you're traveling in your car, remember you may suffer from high winds. you'd better not stay inside to avoid being blown away along with your car. keeping your head and your courage up is crucial to survival in any type of danger. let common sense gui

16、de you and always be prepared for the worst.5according to the text, most atlantic hurricanes _.aform in the caribbean seabcome from gulf of mexicocdevelop off the coast of africadare from the pacific ocean6what is the third paragraph mainly about?athe bad situations of oil workers.bpeople trapped by

17、 sudden storms.cthe danger of traveling on an island.dthe texas national guard group.7what is the purpose of the last paragraph?ato give some advice.bto encourage traveling.cto underline the danger of hurricanes.dto give some warnings.8in which part of a website would you most probably find the text

18、?afood. bsports.clife. dculture.完形填空 i walked into my daughter's room as she was working on a science project. normally, i would have been pleased about such a(n) _1_. but this time, her project involved much sand. while she'd put sheets of plastic under her work area, the sand was _2_ all o

19、ver our new floor. my daughter felt my displeasure and began to _3_ herself. “i used sheets of plastic!” she responded irritably. i responded more _4_, “but the sand is getting all over!” “where else am i supposed to do it?” she _5_. “why didn't she admit that she had done something _6_?” i thou

20、ght to myself. i felt my _7_, thinking of what her life would be like in the future if she couldn't _8_ her mistakes? my fear was translated into more anger, this time about how _9_ it was to admit mistakes. we had a quarrel. she said something disrespectful to me and _10_ her voice. i wished th

21、is had _11_ happened before. but my daughter and i were in embarrassment and felt terrible. so i thought that i needed a good _12_ to respond to my daughter. so i went to my wife and asked how i should have _13_ it. “sweetie,” she said, role­playing in the _14_ with my daughter, “there's a

22、lot of sand here and we need to clean it up before it destroys the floor. how can i help you?” that's really a great way to deal with it: first identify the problem, next state what needs to be done and then offer to _15_. it's simple, right?1a.accident bsight carrangement ditem2a.spreading

23、bflowing cdecorating dlying3a.protect bexpress cdefend dsave4a.calmly bangrily cpolitely dnervously5a.announced bsmiled cnodded dshouted6a.wrong bunnecessary cdangerous dunusual7a.sadness bdisappointment cfear dexcitement8a.avoid bhide cmake drealize 9.a.possible bimportant cnatural dinteresting 10.

24、a.lowered blost craised dheard 11.a.seldom bnever calways dsometimes 12.a.chance bexcuse cway dbelief 13.a.handled baccepted cunderstood dtolerated 14.a.course bconversation cplay dadventure 15.a.help bleave cgive dstay课时作业(十六).阅读理解a【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了人们为了保护新西兰的一种濒临灭绝的鸟类鸮面鹦鹉所作出的一些努力。1答案与解析:d'

25、考查推理判断。根据第一段最后一句“when it moves unsteadily across something that might kill it,it will stand still”可知,当它摇摇晃晃地穿过可能会杀死它的东西时,它会静止不动。再结合第二段第一句可推知,当鸮面鹦鹉面对危险时,它不能做出积极的反应,这对鸮面鹦鹉的生存来说是一种威胁。故选d。2答案与解析:a'考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“the scientists' patience was finally rewarded. the rimu tree was in fruit this year,

26、 and more than 80 baby kakapos were born, making this the best breeding season on record”可知,科学家的耐心终于得到了回报。80多只雏鸟破壳而出,这是有记录以来最好的繁殖季节。故选a。3答案与解析: a'考查细节理解。根据第四段的内容可知,鸮面鹦鹉面临的另一个威胁是缺乏遗传多样性。通过测定每只活鸟的基因组序列,科学家可以识别出亲缘关系很近的个体,并把它们放在不同的岛屿上。由此可知,科学家们把鸮面鹦鹉放在不同的岛屿上,是为了阻止鸮面鹦鹉近亲交配。故选a。4答案与解析:d'考查推理判断。根据最后

27、一段的内容可知,然而,鸮面鹦鹉的未来看起来仍然不安全。今年早些时候,一种严重的疾病在鸟群中肆虐。尽管鸮面鹦鹉的数量很少,但它们生活的这两个岛屿上的空间已经所剩无几。由此可推知,作者认为保护新西兰鸮面鹦鹉的努力是不够的。故选d。b【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了飓风给人们带来的危害,同时给读者就如何应对突如其来的飓风提供了一些建议。5答案与解析:c'细节理解题。根据第二段中的“while most atlantic hurricanes form off the coast of africa giving plenty of early warning”可知大部分的大西洋飓风是

28、在非洲海岸形成的,所以选c。6答案与解析:b'主旨大意题。根据第三段中的关键词:oil workers, field archeologists, a texas national guard group和travelers可知,这段主要讲的是被飓风困住的人。所以选b。7答案与解析:a'推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“but there're a few things you can do to prepare yourself for some unexpected emergencies.”可知,这段主要介绍了一些建议怎样为预料之外的紧急情况做准备。所以选a。8答案与

29、解析:c'推理判断题。文章介绍了飓风给人们带来的危害,同时给读者提供了一些关于如何应对突如其来的飓风的建议。所以是和人们的生活密切相关的文章,所以选c。.完形填空【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者与女儿发生了争执,然后向妻子请教解决办法的故事。1答案与解析:b'根据上文中的“i walked into my daughter's room as she was working on a science project”可知,此处指通常作者会很高兴看到女儿进行科学项目的情景。故选b项。2答案与解析:a'根据语境可知此处指沙子铺满新地板。下文中的“the sand is getting all over”是信息提示。此处spread


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