1、表格式文本教案推荐模板教案(首页) 授课时间 2006.22006.5 教案编写时间 2005.12 课程名称Management 课程编号01140总学时: 44讲课:44 学时实验: 学时实习: 学时学 分 数2.5课型必修课( ) 选修课( )理论课( ) 实验课( )任课教师青 平职称副教授授课对象2004年(班)级 工程管理 专业基本教材和主要参考资料Text Book: Management, astephen P. RobbinsReferences Books: 1. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational behavior, Pp3 12-350
2、, 清华大学影印出版,2001年版; 2.Economic sociology, carlo Trigilia, Blackwell publishing, 2002; 3. Strategic management: thinking, analysis and action, Graham Hubbard, Person Education Pty Limited, 2000教学目的和要求Objective: Help students master the basic theories and techniques of management, make them become inte
3、rested in management, and promote them to understand the theoretical framework of management. This course is the basis of students further study of business management.Requirement: Students should understand the meaning of the basic concepts of management and peoples behavior in management environme
4、nt; they should be able to apply the theories and techniques they learn from this course to analyze various kinds of management issues(of course only to a elementary level); They should also achieve the ability to help business organizations to improve both efficiency and effectiveness to some exten
5、t. 教学重点、难点Students understanding of the basic concepts of management; The logic among different management concepts in different levels; Students understanding of the supporting knowledge behind management knowledge; The application of management knowledge and skills in real business practice;Studen
6、ts English competence especially their listening and speaking (because this course is taught in a bilingual approach) 教学进程第 次课Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter10Chapter 11授课章节Introduction to organization and managementManagement research
7、methodOrganization: structure and designManagement yesterday and TodayOrganizational cultureDecision making: the essence of managers jobLeadingManagement problems and foundations of controlFoundations of behaviorStrategic managementHuman Resources Management学 时44444444444备 注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 1
8、Introduction to organization and management教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter study this chapter, students should be able to understand the definition of organizational and managementExplain why different manager play different social rolesDescribe the six key elements of organizational designIdentify the four c
9、ontingency factors that influence organizational design重 点难 点SummaryStudents usually have the following questions: (1) they do not understand what is organization; (2) they do not think that understanding of organization operation will provide them with ideal job after their graduation; (3) organiza
10、tion structure is too abstract to them. Teacher can take the following measures to overcome these questions: (1) economic sociology is useful both for them and for the country because it is the course that closely related to economic life (2) use some examples happen in business life to show that ev
11、erything is economic sociology can help students achieve success; (3) spend more time on the explanation of some basic concepts of economic sociology, and use examples happing in real social life when necessary.教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLecture and ask 2 to 3 questions.Contents1. D
12、efining organization and management2. Several types of social roles manager play 3. Technology development and organization change 4. The differences of managers job demand5. Management efficiency and management effectiveness Scheduleweek 1Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题Critical thinking1. What
13、 are the subjects might interest economic sociologists?2. Give examples from your own life experience that show how social setting have influenced or constrained your life.3. Give a brief explanation of how organization structure theory might apply to improve organization efficiency. 主要参考资料管理学,芮明杰主编
14、,上海人民出版社2000年版,PP 3-16The first chapter of “The handbook of economic sociology”, Neil. Smelser, Princeton University Press, 1994备注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 2 Management Research Approach 教学目的和要求Objective Help students understand the nature of Scientific research circle, know the differences and relatio
15、n between research quality and research attitude master market research, know how to design research paper. Students should also know how do business circle research.Some questions in market research in contemporary china especially the problems of “consumer and business situation analysis” should b
16、e the core of economic sociology research.重 点难 点SummaryThis chapter is a very practical one, it is the application of sociology research in economic and business issues. Students usually have the questions as follows: (1) The deference between sociology research and economic sociology research. (2)W
17、hen talking about the skills of economic sociology research, students usually ignore the basic features of Chinese culture and the characteristics of Chinese and want to use the universe frame to do research. (3)students majored in sociology do not have many opportunities to go out of the campus to
18、do market research. Therefore it is better for teachers to do these : (1) the definition of economic sociology research. (2) in order to make students pay attention to the importance to do market research, teachers should give them several market research tasks. (3) students should use the modern st
19、atistics measures such as SPSS software to do market research. Teacher can use examples even their own life experience to tell students about market research. 教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLectures plus class discussion. Contents1. Market research and management research2. Questionnair
20、e in business research 3. Types of questions used in questionnaire4. Interviewing5. Observation6. Focus group ScheduleWeek 2Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题1. Why is economic sociology research important in economic and business practice?2. What is observation? What is interviews? How to do obse
21、rvation in supermarket?3. Explain the needed qualities of a good interviewer.4. What is questionnaire? How to use it to do market research?主要参考资料American journal of sociology, No 11, 2002, pp35-411.The handbook of economic sociology, Neil. Smelser, Princeton University Press, 1994, pp434-438备注教案(章节备
22、课) 4学时章 节Chapter 3 Organization: structure and design 教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter study this chapter, students should be able to understand the definition of organizational structure and organizational designExplain why structure and design are important to an organizationDescribe the six key elements of
23、organizational designIdentify the four contingency factors that influence organizational design重 点难 点SummaryStudents usually have the following questions: (1) they do not understand what is organization; (2) they do not think that understanding of organization operation will provide them with ideal
24、job after their graduation; (3) organization structure is too abstract to them. Teacher can take the following measures to overcome these questions: (1) economic sociology is useful both for them and for the country because it is the course that closely related to economic life (2) use some examples
25、 happen in business life to show that everything is economic sociology can help students achieve success; (3) spend more time on the explanation of some basic concepts of economic sociology, and use examples happing in real social life when necessary.教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLectu
26、res and questionnaires design, do 2 sociology researches, one in terms of questionnaires, one in interview. Contents1. A scientific approach to knowledge; 2. Ethical issues of social research; 3. Research questions and hypotheses; 4. Theoretical concepts and research variables; 5. Major sociological
27、 research methods; Statistics and sociology research. ScheduleWeek 3Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题Critical thinking1. Give examples from your own life experience that show how social setting have influenced or constrained your life.2. Give a brief explanation of how organization structure theo
28、ry might apply to improve organization efficiency.3. What factors that should be taken into account when to do organizational design?4. What is a suitable organizational structure for small-sized private enterprises? Why? 主要参考资料Sociology, No 2, 2001, pp304-308Organization theory and design, Richard
29、L.Dafd, 清华大学影印出版,pp21-29,2003年半版备注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 4 Management Yesterday and Today教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter study this chapter, students should be able to understand the definition of organizational structure and organizational design重 点难 点SummaryStudents usually have the following questions: (1)
30、the essence of each theory that have been mentioned in this chapter; (2) the relationship between different theories; (3) the evaluation of management theory process; (4) the background of the creation of each theory; (5) the application of each theory in management practice. But usually the most co
31、mmon question for students is this: now that we are living in a modern age, why should we study the management theories of the past time? Usually in order to help students to overcome the difficulties above, teachers should do as follows: (1) before to teach the theory, it is better top introduce th
32、e social, economic, and political background of each theory; (2) focus on the most important points and contents of the theory. Considering that some theory just belong to the ancient time, it is not necessary for people today to search each details of them; (3) the logic of the development of manag
33、ement theory is a key part of this chapter, thus it should be shown to the students clearly so that they will not be confused by so many theories; (4) different theories have different perspective to examine the same management phenomenon, and the same phenomenon can be considered from different ang
34、les to draw different conclusions. Thats reason why we have some many theories.教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLectures and questionnaires design, do 2 sociology researches, one in terms of questionnaires, one in interview. Contents1. Historical background of management2. The development
35、 of management theories3. Current trends and issues4. Scientific Management theory5. Administrative Management6. Bureaucratic Principles7. Fayols Principles8. The Hawthorne Studies9. Behavioral ManagementScheduleWeek 4Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题Critical thinking1. What kind of workplace wou
36、ld Henri Fayol create? How about Frederick W. Taylor?2. Is globalization an issue for e-business? Explain.3. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research in management research.4. Talk about the main ideas of Max Webers organizational theory.5. For t
37、he most of the small sized, private enterprises in china, which management theories would be most suitable for them? Why?主要参考资料管理思想的演变,丹尼尔 A 雷恩, 中国社会科学出版社,2002年11月备注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 5 Organizational Culture教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter study this chapter, students should be able to understand the econ
38、omys decisive influences on culture, cultures influences on economy, New protestants ethics and the development of capitalism.重 点难 点SummaryDifficulties facing students when doing this chapter include: (1) the concept “culture” is too abstract to them, it is easy for them to be confused by the “cultu
39、re” in sociology and “culture” in everyday life; (2) it is hard for students to understand the relationship between culture and economic development. Usually they think culture is “determined” by economy. (3) students do not know the essences of Chinese culture, thus it is hard for them to find new
40、spiritual resources for Chinese businessmen. Thus what teachers should do are as follows: (1) use some examples especially those around students to tell them the true meaning of culture in sociology; (2) Combine sociology and history to help students find the acceptable position of Chinese culture i
41、n the “culture safari”; (3) Give students the most critical and important parts and values of Chinese culture, and show their values in modern economic and business life.教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLectures plus 2 to 3 questions. Contents1. Definition of Culture 2. Cultures influence
42、s on economy3. New protestants ethics and the development of capitalism4. The cultural foundations of market economy 5. Economys decisive influences on culture 6. Traditional Chinese culture and economySchedule Week 5Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题Critical thinking1. In what ways can a knowledg
43、e of the concept of culture be practical in business and travel?2. Why (or why not) is a cultural explanation of human behavior more useful and significant than an explanation based on human nature or sociology?3. Give examples of cultures effects on the development of economy4. Make a fairly comple
44、te list of the subculture and countercultures that block business.主要参考资料The spirit of Chinese people,外研社2002年版Economic sociology, carlo Trigilia, Blackwell publishing, 2002, pp367-344备注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 6 Decision Making教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter study this chapter, students should be able to unders
45、tand the definition of organizational structure and organizational designExplain why structure and design are important to an organizationDescribe the six key elements of organizational designIdentify the four contingency factors that influence organizational design重 点难 点SummaryOur students usually
46、have no business management experience, and because they always live and study under the support and protection of their parents and teachers, they have not made many important decisions in their lives. The difficulties for students in the study in this chapter are as follows: (1) students do not kn
47、ow what are the key factors that be included in the decision process, and what criterion be used to select the factors; (2) business decision are usually made in a situation in which not enough information is provided, but it is not something that made on the basis of pure guess, so we should persua
48、de and help our students to build up a scientific approach to make a objective decision; (3) the relationship between a rationality-based decision and a intuition-based decision; (4) combine the decision approach in China and the western style decision approaches. Teachers in the teaching process of
49、 this chapter should: (1)introduce the 8 steps of decision process carefully; (2) some business plan and decision examples should be provided to help students understand the decision-making process; (3) the approached to evaluate and select the important criterion to assess a decision-making effecti
50、veness; (4) combine business decision principle with students life and study to make them become interested in the topics, and apply what they have learned in the classroom to their practical needs. Anyway, the basic principles of decision are just the same no matter what kinds of decision you want
51、to make. 教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、 辅助手段)Teaching methodLectures and questionnaires design, do 2 sociology researches, one in terms of questionnaires, one in interview. Contents1. The decision making process2. The manager as decision maker3. Decision-making condition4. Decision-making style5. Approache
52、s to establish goals6. Steps in goal-settingScheduleWeek 6Teaching instrumentMulti medium本章思考题Critical thinking1. What are the 8 steps in decision making process?2. What are the certainty, risk, and uncertainty in decision making process? How to reduce the risk to the limit in the decision making pr
53、ocess?3. How to reduce the conflicts coming from different style of decision making in management?4. What is an ideal business goal? Why?主要参考资料管理学,芮明杰主编,上海人民出版社2000年版,PP 209226备注教案(章节备课) 4学时章 节Chapter 7 Leadership教学目的和要求ObjectiveAfter studying this chapter, students should know the nature of leaders
54、hip, leadership behavior, Early theories of leadership, contemporary theories of leadership, leadership traps and Webers theory on rule. Students should also identify the several basic qualities of a successful leader ion Chinese culture environment. on the basis of the understanding of deviance.重 点
55、难 点SummaryThe emphasis of this chapter should be: (1) many students believe that they are not natural leaders thus they do not like this chapter. (2) leadership skills are ethical sensitive, thus it is easy for students to misunderstand the moral standards of successful leaders. (3) categories of leadership t
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