



1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?1. by doing sth.2. have conversations with sb 同某人谈话3. too.to.太而不能.-sothat Qnough to do sth 的转换4. give a report 作报告5. at first 起初6. word by word逐词逐句地7. the secret to Ianguage learning 学习语言的秘诀8. be afraid to do sth害怕做某事=be afraid that+宾语从句be afraid of sth / doing

2、 sth 害怕9. an English movie called Toy Story 一部名叫玩具故事的英文电影10. fall in love with 爱上11. body Ian guage 肢体语言12. as well也=too ; as well as如同、和,连接主语时如同with (主谓一致要看前一主语, 不能相加)13. a piece of cake小菜一碟;很容易的事14.lt serves you right.活该,自作自受15.look up查阅;查找(主考点)16. so that 以便;为了18. se ntence patter ns 句型19. spoken

3、 English 英语口语20. make mistakes in doing sth 在方面犯错by mistake错误地 mistake for 把误认为21. the ability to do sth 做某事的能力22. depend on视而定;取决于;依靠23. pay atte nti on to 注意;关注24. co nn ect.with.把和连接或联系起来25. get bored感到厌烦26. try to do sth尽力做某事27. be stressed out 焦虑不安的28. even if 即使29. think about 考虑;think of 想起;t

4、hink over 仔细考虑3O.learn from 向学习31. something new / interesting 新事物 /有趣的东西32. be born with 天生具有33. Practice makes perfect熟 能生巧Unit 2 I think that moon cakes are delicious!一、重点短语1. the Lantern Festival 兀宵节2. the Drag on Boat Festival 端午节3. the Water Festival 泼水节4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思5. eat five mea

5、ls a day 一天吃五餐6. put on five pou nds体重增加了五磅7. in two weeks两星期之后8. be similar to.与相似9. throw water at each other 互相泼水10. a time for doing sth.做某事的时候11. the traditional of 的传统12. in the shape of.呈的形状13. folk stories民间传说故事14. go tofor a vacation去 度假15. wash away 冲走;洗掉16. lay out摆开;布置17. end up取终成为;取后处于

6、18. share sth. with sb.与分享19. as a resul结果个另一个21. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭23. haun ted house 鬼屋果就捣蛋25. fly up to飞向27. play a trick on sb 捉弄某人29. the importa nee of :.的重要性31. call out大声呼喊33. sou nd like听起来像35. the begi nning of new life 新生命的开始37.on October the 31st 在 10 月 31 日39.have good luck

7、 in the new year在 新的一年里有好运气20. one,. . the other.两者中的)22. dress up乔装打扮24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖26. take sb. around带某人到处走走28. give out 分发30. care about .关心32. remi nd sb. of 使某人想起34. treat sb. with.用/以对待某人36. the spirit of.的精神38.how touch ing多么动人40. in need需要帮助;处于困境中42. betweenand在和之间41. not on l

8、ybut als不但而且二、用法1. What + a(n) +形容词+可数名词的单数形式(2. How +形容词/副词(+主语+谓语+其他)!3. be going to.将要/打算.5. give sb. Sth. 给某人某物;把某物给某人7. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事9. It is +名词+动词不定式做某事是.么样?11. make sb. do sth.让某人做某事13. warn sb. to do sth.警告某人做某事15. decide to do sth.决定做某事+主语+谓语+其他)!多么.的.!.多么4. in +时间段在后6. plan to do

9、 sth.计划做某事8. one of +名词复数形式 .之一10. Whatthink of.?认为怎12. used to be 过去是.14. tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事16. promise to do sth 承诺做某事Unit 3 Could you tell me where the rest room are? 短语:1. excuse me2. get to3. get some magaz ines4. have dinner5. get some information about6. a pair of7. on one s / the rig

10、ht8. turn left / right9. betwee n.a nd 10. go past11. come on12. on one s way to13. a little earlier14. the shopp ing cen ter15. a good place to eat16. the corner of17. in different situations19. on time劳驾,请原谅,打搅到达得到一些杂志吃晚餐获取有关.的一些信息一双,一对,一副在右边向左/右拐在.和.之间经过,路过快点儿,过来,加油在某人去.的路上 早点儿 购物中心一个吃饭的好地方.的角落/拐

11、角处 在不同的情况下准时,按时6. would like to do sth.重点句型:1. Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?2. Excuse me, do you know where I can get some postcards?3. I won der where we should go n ext.20. look forward to21. pardo n me固定短语:1. n ot .u ntil2. Let s do sth.3. start doing sth.4. spe

12、 nd time doing sth.5. tha nk sb. for (do ing) sth.盼望,期待什么,请再说一遍直到.才让我们做某事吧 开始做某事 花费时间做某事 为(做)某事而感谢某人 想要做某事used to do be used to doing be used to do pay ( more )attention to sth.( doing sth.)对(更加)注意 give up doing = stop doing in stead of ( doing )lose in terest in be afraid ( terrified ) of doing sth

13、. be terrified of sth. / sb.=be afraid of go to sleep = fall asleep all the time = always with the lights on with the door open ( closed )take the bus to school = go to school by bus 坐公车去上学 spend time doing = take time to do go right home daily life chat with sb. about sth in the last ( past ) few y

14、ears make you stressed out all day (long) = the whole dayas + 原级 + as sb. can / could =as原级 + as possible 尽可能 地 in the end = at last = fin ally to one s surprise in surprise eve n though = eve n if no Ion ger = not any Ion ger no more=not any more take pride in = be proud of the pride of change one

15、s life change one s mind an eight-year-old boyafter his fathers death a few years ago在几年前他爸死后can /ca nt afford to buy 能/ 不能买得起Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 短语、句型:过去常常 习惯于作 被用来作 放弃做 代替,而不是 对失去兴趣

16、惧怕做惧怕某人/物 入睡一直,总是 开着灯.开(关)着门 花时间做 直接回家 日常生活 和聊关于 在过去的几年里(用于现在完成时) 使你紧张 整天 最后,终于 令某人吃惊的是吃惊地尽管不再不再对感到自豪是的骄傲改变某人的生活改变某人的主意一个八岁大的男孩子36.get into trouble遇到麻烦37.be in trouble处于困境中38.waste time (money )浪费时间39.It is necessary to do做是必要的2.be made in 在制作/制造4.be made from 由制造/制作6.be produced in 在生产8.as far as I

17、 know 据我所知10.send for 发送;派人去请12.no matter 不论;无论14.avoid doing sth 避免做某事16.find out 查明;弄清18.paper cutting 剪纸20.turn. into 把变成22.be covered with 被覆盖24.put on 张贴26.fairy tale 童话故事Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 一、重点短语1. be made of 由制作/制造3. environmental protection 环境保护5. be famous for 以闻名;为人知晓7. be

18、 known for 以闻名;为人知 晓9. pick by hand 手工采摘11. all over the world 全世界13. even though 即使15. everyday things 日常用品17. go on a vacation 去度假19.such as 例如13. send out 发出;放出;发送23.rise into 上升到;升入28. in trouble 处于困境中30. according to 根据;按照32. many different kinds of 许多不同种类的34. a kite festival 风筝节36. make high-t

19、echnology products 制造高科技产品25.as symbols of 作为的象征27.be used for 被用于29. at a very high heat 在高温中31. be from 来自33. on the sides of moun tai ns在山腰上35. Sky lanterns 孔明灯 二、用法1. “be + 及物动词的过去分词”构成被动语态2. It seems that + 从句好像3. no matter +从句 无论.4. avoid doing sth.避免做某事5 . find it +形容词+ that从句 发现(是怎么样的)6. buy

20、 sb. sth = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物 7. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事8. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事9. want to do sth. 想做某事10. learn to do sth. 学会做某事11. try to do sth. 尽力做某事12. It takes + 一段时间 + to do sth. 做某事花费多长时间Unit 6 When was it invented?一、重点短语1、modern inventions 现代化的发明2、around 1927 大约在 1927年3、some fri

21、ends of mine 我的一些朋友4、in those days 在那个年代5、hand-held calculator 微型计算器6、be used for sth./doing sth. 被用来做7、up and down 上上下下8、by mistake 错误地9、be in a bad mood 情绪不好10、in the end 最后= at last11、fall into 掉入;掉进12、by accident 偶然,无意中13、in this way 这样,用这种方法14、notuntil直到才15、an ancient Chin ese lege nd一个古老的中国传说1

22、6、over an open fire 在户外的火堆上17、notice sb. do sth注意某人做某事;notice sb. doing sth注意某人正在做某事18、produce a pleasant smell发出宜人的气味19、fall down 跌倒;落下20、divideinto把分成21、travel around China 周游中国22、much-loved 深受喜爱23、move towards 朝着 .移动24、since then 从那以后25、according to 根据,依据,按照26、knock into 与相撞27、be brought to 被带到28

23、、invent 动词,发明,创造; inventor 名词,发明家,发明者; invention 名词,发明物 二、重点句子1、When was the telepho ne in ve nted 电话是什么时候发明的。It was inven ted in 1885他发明于 1885 年。2、Who were electric slippers inven ted by? They were inven ted by Julie Thompson带电的拖鞋是由谁发 明的?他们是被朱莉汤普森发明的。3、What is it used for?它是用来做什么的?4、It is used for

24、scooping really cold ice cream. 它用来舀出特别冰的冰淇淋。5、George Crum cooked them for a long time until they were crispy.乔治卡拉姆把薯片炸了很长时间 直到它们变脆。6、Although tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousa nd years before that尽管茶这种饮料直到1610年才被带到西方国家,但它早在三千多年前就被 发现了。

25、7、According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drin ki ng water over an open fire据一个古老的中国传说,皇帝神农氏在户外火堆上烧水喝时发现了茶。8、The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant sm神农氏注意至U树叶在开水中 发出了一种很宜人的气味。9、Dr Naismith divided the men in his

26、class into two teams and taught them how to play his new game詹姆 斯奈史密斯将他们班上的男生所有的男生分成两队,并教他们怎样进行这项运动。10、Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide, and the number of foreign players in America s NBA(Natio nal Basketball Associatio n) has in creased 自那时起,篮球的受欢迎程度就在全球 范围内上升,在美国 NBA (国

27、家篮球协会)打球的外国选手增加了。11、What do you think is the most helpful invention?你认为什么是最有用的发明?12、Some leaves from a n earby bush fell in to the water and rema ined there for some tim附 近一棵灌木上 的一些叶子落入水中。并在水中停留了一段时间。13、The customer said the potato chips weren t salty eno ugh 这个顾客说薯片不够咸。14、Did you know that potato c

28、hips were invented by mistake? 你们知道薯片是不小心被发明出来的吗?15、Later he decided to taste the hot mixture后来他决定品尝一下这种热的混合物。16、The abacus was inven ted in the sixth cen tur算盘发明于公元 6 世纪。三、语法聚焦被动语态被动语态的时态及结构:结构:主语+be+动词过去分词时态: 1、一般现在时: am/is/are +动词过去分词2、一般过去时:was/were+动词过去分词3、一般将来时: will/shall be+ 动词过去分词4、 带有情态动词的

29、被动语态:must/ca n/may/should/need/would be动词过去分词5、现在进行时:am/is/are bein g+动词过去分词6现在完成时:have/has been动词过去分词主动语态转换为被动语态,其方法步骤是:1、主动句的宾语变为被动句的主语。2、主动句的谓语动词变被动形式,要注意时态与主动句保持一致,数与被动句的主语保持一致。3、主动句的主语变为被动语态中by的宾语(如为代词,主格要变为宾格) 特别提示:将主动语态变为被动语态要注意的问题,参照语法专项训练页。四、知识点1、invent v. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明

30、 可数名词2、 be used for doing用来做(是被动语态)女口: Pens are used for writing.笔是用来写的。 Pens arent used for eating. 笔不是用来吃的。3、 give sth. to sb.给某人某样东西 女口: I gave a pen to him.我给他一支笔。give sb. sth. I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔。4、all day 整天5、salty adj. 咸的 salt n. 盐6、by mistake 错误地 如: I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿

31、错了雨伞。7、make sb./sth. +形容词 使怎么样 It made me happy. 它使我高兴make sb./sth. +名词 让做 It made me laugh. 它让我发笑8、by accident意外 偶然 I met her by accident at bus stop我在公共汽车站意外地见到了她。9、notuntil 直到才做 女口:I didnt go to bed until I finished my work. 我直到完成我的工作才去睡觉。10、 according to + 名词 根据 女口:according to an legenc根据一个神话 a

32、ccord ing to this article 根据这篇文章11 、 leaf n. 叶子 复数形式 leaves12、nearby adj. 附近的 如: the nearby river13、fall into 落入 掉进 如: The leaf fell into the river. 叶子落入了河里。fall down 摔倒 如: She fell down from her bike. 她从她自行车摔倒了。14、quite非常adv.与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的后面如: quite a beautiful girl 一个漂亮的女孩very 非常 adv. 与冠词 a 连用时

33、,冠词 a 必须放在它的前面如: a very beautiful girl 一个漂亮女孩注:当不与冠词 a 连用时,两者可以互用 如:I am very happy.= I am quite happy. 我非常高兴。15、pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人发自内心的欣慰和愉快pleasant adj. 愉快 高兴 指天气、时间、旅行令人高兴愉快please v. 使高兴 使同意16、batteryoperated adj. 电池供电的 名词+动词的运动分词构成的合成形容词17、in the sixth century 在第 6世纪18、more than =over 超过 如:

34、more than 300 = over 300 超过 30019、including prep. 介词,“包括” 可以与名词和动名词连用如: Six people, including a baby, were hurt. 6个人包括一个小孩受伤了。20、 have been played被上演 是现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时的被动语态的结构: have /has been +过去分词21、be born 出生 He was born in Canada. 他在加拿大出生22、safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的23、divide sth. into将划分成.通常指将一个整

35、体分成几个对应相对的部分女口:Lets divide ourselves into 4groups. 让我们把我们自己划成 4 组。23、 since then 自从那以后 常与现在完成时态连用 如:Since then, I have left Beijing. 自从那以后,我已经离开了北京。Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own cloth一、短语句型1. 选择自己的衣服 choose their own clothes2. 足够严肃 serious enough3.驾驶执照 drivers license4. 剪发 c

36、ut hair 5.在那个年龄 at that age6. 代替做某事 instead of doing sth7.上课迟到 get to class late8.穿校服 wear uniforms9.全神贯注 concentrate on10.吵闹 get noisy11.志愿做某事 volunteer to do sth12.一次好的经历 a good experience13.八小时的睡眠 eight hours sleep14. 对-有益 be good for 对有害 be bad for15. 做自己的决定 make my own decision16. 阻碍 get in the

37、 way of17. 一个著名的运动员 a professional athlete18. 的重要性 the importance of 19. 养老院 old peoples home二、重要表达1Sixteen-year olds=sixteen-year-old children 十六岁儿童2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)如:Mother allows me to watch TV every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。 be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某 事(被动语态)如:Lily is allowed to go

38、 to Qinzhou. 莉莉被允许去钦州。3. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞让/ get sth. done过去分词)have sth. done 如:我让别人修好我的车4. enough 足够形容词 enough 如: beautiful enough 足够漂亮enough+名词 女口: enough food足够食物enough to 足够去做 如:I have eno ugh money to go to Beiji ng.我有足够的钱去北京。She is old eno ugh to go to schoo她够大去读书了。5. stop doing sth.停

39、止做某事 Please stop speak in请停止说话。stop to do sth.停止下来去做某事 Please stop to speak请停下来说话。6. 看起来好像 sb. seem to do sth. He seems to feel very sad.it seems that +从句 It seems that he feels very sad他看起来好像很伤心。7. 系动词不能独立作谓语, 要和表语一起构成谓语。 常用的连系动词有: look,feel, be, become, get, turn,smell, taste, stay(保持),kept等。连系动词除

40、be和become等少数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接 形容词。如: They are very happy. He became a doctor two years ago.She felt very tired.8. 倒装句:由so+助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词+主语 意为:也是一样 She is a student. So am I. 她是一个学生,我也是。She went to school just now. So did I . 她刚才去学校了,我也是She has finished the work. So have I .她已经完成了工作 ,我也完成了。

41、 She will go to school. So will he. 她将去学校,他也是。9. yet 仍然,还 常用在否定句或疑问句当中10. stay up 熬夜如:I ofte n stay up un til 12:00pm.我经常熬夜到 12 点。11. clean up 打扫 整理12. 程 度 副 词 : always 总 是 usually 经 常 sometimes 有 时 never 从 不 如 : I am always/usually/sometimes/never late for school.我总是 /经常/有时/从不上学迟到。13. 曾经做某事:Do you

42、ever get to school late? Yes, I do. No, I don t.Have you ever got to school late? Yes, I have. No, I havent.14. go shoppi ng 去购物),go fishi ng(去钓鱼),go swim ming(去游泳),go boat ing去戈 U船),go hiking(去登山),go trekking(去徒步)15. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉如: Mother is strict with her son. 妈妈对她的儿子很严厉。be strict in

43、sth 对某事严厉16. take the test 参加考试pass the test通过考试fail a test 考试失败17. the other day 前几天18. agree同意 反义词 disagree不同意 动词agreement 同意 反义词 disagreement 不同意 名词18. keep sb/ sth. +形容词 使某人 /某物保持 . 如:We should keep our city clean我们应该保持我们的城市干净。19. bothand+动词复数形式如: Both Jim and Li Ming play basketball.20. learn (sth.) from sb. 向谁学习 (什么) 如:Jim learnt English from his English teacher. 吉姆向他的英语老师学习英语h


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