



1、Module 8 Sports lifeUnit 1短语:1. play against 与 .对抗3. That ' s no excuses找借口5. No way!绝不7. face the truth 面对现实9. be mad at/with sb 生某人的气笔记:2. stand for 代表4. by 11:30 在 11:30 前6. most of.中绝大多数8. You ' ve got chance!你没有时机10. cheer for 为 .喝彩1.against价词反对,违反,对抗,对着,靠着常用短语: be against sb反对某人 play a

2、gainst与进行比赛 be against the rules= break the rules®反规定fight against 与 作斗争1我们必须与污染作斗争.We must pollution.2 没有人反对这项提议.No one the suggestion.3如果你违反规定,我们会惩罚你.If you , we will punish you.4明天我们要与14中学比赛.We No.14 Middle School tomorrow .5)他正靠着墙站着.He is standing the wall.6) Doing like that is( 违反)the scho

3、ol rule.2. stand for是.的缩写,代表,象征1) USA 是美国的缩写. USA the United States of America.2) UN 代表什么? What does UN?3. ® beat-beat beaten v.打败 beat sb打败某人,beat the team打败队伍 win-wonwonv.赢 win+奖项/比赛 win the match/game/prize1) I think we will them and the match.A. beat, win B. win, beat C. beat, beat2) The bo

4、y was(打败)by his friend in tennis yesterday.3) The great man ' s(赢得)four gold medals in the Olympics so far.4. decision n.决定 decide v.以定 make a decision to do sth= decide to do sthft 定做某事decide not to do sthfe定不做某事1) He decided that he would have a trip this weekend.=He have a trip this weekend.=

5、He have a trip this weekend.2) I haven ' t 决定)how to get to the station.3)The man decided any trees in his garden. A. not to plant B. don ' C.ptontolant5. difference 可数 n.不同处 different adj. 不同的反义 same There is/are no difference(s) between A and B A 与 B 之间没有不同.A be different from B. A 与 B 不同A

6、 be the same as B. Af B 相同1)There is no between this book and that one. A. difference B. differences C. different2) There is no difference between this book and that one.=This book that one.=This bookthat one.3) There are no(不同)between the two shoes.6. be mad at/with sb= be angry with sb 生某人的气1)我数学测

7、试不及格,爸爸很生我的气.I failed the maths exam, my father me.2) Tom ' s mother is very angry hi. B. to C. with7. have a chance to do sthW 时机彳故某事=have a chance of doing sth我希望能有时机参加这次英语竞赛.I hope this English competition.8. do/does/did+动词原形 确实.用于增强动词语气我确实想上周星期六出去踢足球.I to go out to play football last Sa

8、turday.Unit 2短语:1 .be chosen into/fo檄选进2. a gold medal 金牌3. on 13th July 1983 在1983 年 7 月 13 日 4. at first 首先;起初5. set up 建立; 成立 the same time 同时7. break the Olympic Games recor删奥运会记录8. in fact事实上9. from 2021 on从 2021 年开始10. suffer . frornH 而受苦11. return to 回到12. first place 第 名 13. stop sb from

9、 doing sth!止某人干某事14. a symbol o1个 的标志15. take pride in 以 .为自豪笔记:1. invite v.邀请 invitation n.invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事invite sb to+n.邀请某人到 sb be invited to .某人被邀请到.1我们邀请了 Jack 一起吃晚餐.We Jack dinner with us.2) He invited his friends to his house last night. 改被动His friends to his house by him last nigh

10、t.3He was邀请to enter the competition.2. choosechosbchosen v.选择 choice n.选择be chosen into/for 被选进 .1姚明 1997 入选国家队.Yao Ming the national team.2His compositions were 选择into the magazine many times.3. encourage v.鼓励® encourage sb to do sth 励某人做某事 sb be encouraged to do sthft人被鼓励去做某事1老师经常鼓励我们勇敢面对困难.T

11、he teacher often the difficulties bravely.2老师鼓励他参加英语竞赛.He the English competition by the teacher.3 The boy was鼓励to take part in the 100-meter race.4 .ability n.水平have ability in sth 在某方面有水平1.He has no ability the high jump. A. about B. for C. in2The teacher found his水平in maths when he was seven year

12、s old.5. set up 建立; 成立 =found set-set-set found- founded-founded1The hospital was founded in 2006.=The hospital in 2006.2Our school music club was 成立in 2003.6. hang- hung- hung v挂hang out 闲逛他回到家,把外套挂在墙上.He got home and his coat on the wall.7. from .on 从.开始from 2021 on 从2021年开始,一般过去时区别:since 2021自从20

13、21年以来,现在完成时from now on从现在开始,一般将来时from then on 从那时开始,一般过去时区别:since then自从那时起,现在完成时1)He(begin) to work in the factory from 2000 on.2)The man(live) in the city since 2000.3) I(study) hard for my family from now on.4) The boy(not smoke) from then on.5) The girl(be) in the club since then.8.suffer from .

14、因.而受苦1)从2021年开始,刘翔就惨遭脚伤的痛苦Liu Xiang a lot his foot problem from 2021 on.2)他过去的三年里都惨遭受疾病的痛苦.He a lot hisillness.9. return v.归还,return sth to sb = give back sth to sllE 某物还给某人 回来(回去)return to sw = come(go) back to sW到某地1)请把我的书还给我.Please my book me.=Please my book me.2) Mr Green回到英国去了.Mr Green Britain.

15、=Mr Green Britain.3) The magazine was(归还)to the library yesterday.10. It ' s a pity thOt于 真可惜真可惜,他这次数学测试不及格. he didn ' t pass this maths .exam11. stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事1)我们必须阻止他们污染环境.We must the environment.12. take(great) pride in .= be(very) proud of)以.济豪1)他父母为他感到十分自豪.His parents

16、 him.2) All Chinese people take(自豪)in Li Na.13. a symbol of .的个标志教育城是信宜的标志.Education Town is Xinyi.14关于四个建议1) advice不可数n advise v. a piece of advice条建议 some pieces of advice!1条建议some advice一些建议advise sb to do sth® 议某人做某事2) suggestion可数 n suggest v.® suggest (sb) doing sth® 议做某事 sugges

17、t that sb(should) do sth1) Mr Li gave me about how to study English well.A. some advices B. a piece of suggestion C. much advice2) He gave me many(建议)3) He me to go with him. A. advised B. suggested C. adviced4) Mr Green suggested that we more time studying. A. spent B. spending C. spend5)老师建议我们多运动.

18、My teacher us more exercise.=My teacher us more exercise.=My teacher that do more exercise.15. Some expressions about sports the Olympics=the Olympic Games 奥运会 the Athens Olympic Games 雅典奥运会 the Asian Games 亚运会 the Olympic gold medal 奥运会金牌the men' s 110m hurdles rac男子 110 米跨栏赛跑 the men' s 10

19、0m rac阴子 100 米赛跑一般过去时的被动语态:肯定式: 主语 +was/ were+ done.否认式: 主语+was/were +not +done.一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+done?特殊疑问句:疑问词+was/were +done?They planted trees _last year.1. The trees by them last year.改为被动语态 2. The trees by them last year.否认句 3. the trees by them last year? 一般疑问句 4. The trees were planted by th

20、em last years划线局部提问 the trees by last years?一 Choose the best answers.( 1.The young tree by him two years ago. A.was planted B.planted C.was planting 2.The story books by the writer in the 1960s.A. aren ' t written B. weren ' t writtenC. weren ' t writing( 3.The painting to a museum in Beijing in 2001.A. was given B. is giving C. was gave( 4.Last year how many chickens on the farm ? A.killed B.was killed C.were killed( 5.When the wall? A.


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