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1、七年级英语口语测试试卷A一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词:l.classmate2.master3.hobby4.glasses5.everyone6.grade7.dancing8.pardon9.which10. biology二、朗读课文Im at a new school now. I have some new friends. Kitty is cute. She is 11 years old. Her hair is long. She loves dancing. Amy is small. She is 12 years old. Her hair is short. She

2、is good at swimming.Hi, I m Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School. Im 12 years old. Ihave short hair. I love reading. I also like sports. I often play table tennis after school. And I a member of the school table tennis team.三、情景问答Amy和Simon在谈论运动,Simon告诉Amy他喜欢在放学后踢足球,老师们 都很好,吴老师是他们的英语老师.Amy

3、: What s your favourite sport, Simon?Simon: I like playing football.Amy: Do you often play football?Simon: Yes. I often play football after school. What about you?Amy: I go swimming every week. What do you think of our teachers?Simon: They are very nice.Amy: Is Mr Wu our Chinese teacher?Simon: No, h

4、e isnt. He is our English teacher.四、话题简述P161 .大家好!我是Daniel.我12岁.我来自南京,但现在我和我的家人住在北京.2 .我个子不高,我的头发很短并且我戴着眼镜.3 .我喜欢所有阳光中学的功课并且我擅长数学.4 .在学校,我有一些新朋友.他们都很好一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词:l.geography 2.modern 3.diary 4.building 5.volleyball 6.enjoy7.really 8.tennis 9.number 10. member二、朗读课文I love sports, and I like footba

5、ll very much. Li Hua is my favourite football star.Li Hua is 22 years old. He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club. He comes from Guangdong, but now lives in Beijing. He looks strong and plays football very well. Many people like him.三、情景问答P26Sandy和Millie在谈课后活动,Sandy说她经常打篮球,有时还听音乐,她爱音 乐,使她感觉棒,她也

6、喜欢读书,读书有趣.Millie: Hi, Sandy. What do you often do after school?Sandy: I often play basketball.Millie: What else do you like to do?Sandy: Sometimes I listen to music. I love music. It makes me feel great. Whatabout you, Millie?Millie: I often play volleyball with my friends, and I like reading a lot

7、of interesting books.Sandy: Me too. Reading is fun.四、话题简述P281 .我叫大卫,我热爱运动,并且我非常喜欢打篮球.2 .我是我们学校篮球队的一名成员.我经常和我的朋友们在放学后打篮球.3 .我们经常谈论篮球并且观看电视上的篮球赛.4 .姚明是我最喜爱的篮球运发动.他篮球打得很好.他是我的偶像.一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词:l.true 2.sure 3.heroes 4.matches 5.looks6.hope 7.ground 8.bright 9.hall10. borrow二、朗读课文It is a long way from m

8、y home to the school. I take the bus to school every day.It takes me about half an hour. I often get up at six thirty. My friend Amy lives near our school. She walks to school every morning. It takes her ten minutes. She always gets to school early. Sandy goes to school by bike. It takes her about t

9、wenty minutes to get to school.三、情景问答Amy的表姐Shirley想了解Amy学校的情况,Amy告诉她,他们学校有一个大 图书馆,上午8:30到下午5:30开放,但是阅览室只在下午开放.图书馆有各种 各样的书籍,她经常借书,书很有趣.Shirley: Do you have a library, Amy?Amy: Yes, we have a big library.Shirley: Really? What is it open?Amy: Its open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., but the reading room is o

10、nly open in the afternoon.Shirley: Do you often read there?Amy: Sure. There are all kinds books in our library.Shirley: Do you borrow books from the library?Amy: Yes. Look at this one. Its interesting.四、话题简述P401 .现在我在希望中学学习.2 .我们的学校小.我们仅有几间教室,我们没有图书馆,但有一个阅览室. 有时我们在那儿读书.3 .我们的老师都很和蔼,我们都非常喜欢他们.4 .我住的离

11、学校比拟远,每天我步行上学,花费我大约一小时到达学校 一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词:8.picnic9.reason10. world二、朗读课文P 44Now I am a student at Sunshine Middle School. I love my school.Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday. Usually wedo morning exercises fir

12、st. Our lessons begin at 8:15. My favourite subject is English. I am very good at it.I have a lot of friends here. They are all nice to me. After class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground.三、情景问答P50Millie和Tommy在聊关于周末的一些事.Millie说她喜欢参观博物馆,大约一 周去两次.Tommy说他喜欢和一家人去野餐,大约一周一次.Tommy: Wha

13、t do you like to do at weekends, Millie?Millie: I like to visit the museum.Tommy: How often do you visit a museum?Millie: About twice a month. What about you, Tommy?Tommy: I like to go on picnics with my family.Millie: How often do you go on a picnic?Tommy: About once a week.Millie:Thats great!四、话题简

14、述P401 .在学校我热爱功课.我们的老师很好并且学科很有趣.我也爱读书,从中我能 了解很多关于这个世界的知识.2 .我喜欢早操.他们对我们有好处,他们帮助我们为这天做好准备.3 .我不喜欢篮球,我个子不高,因此我打不好.我们总是有太多作业,我不喜欢一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词.l.celebrate 2. festival 3. paint 4. special 5. question 6. radio 7. together 8. different 9. important 10. guess 二、用正确的语音语调朗读以下短文.Good evening , ladies and gent

15、lemen. Welcome to our fashion show. I am Millie from Class 1, Grade 7. Today. We are going to show you different styles of clothes.Now Amy and Daniel are coming. They look cool! Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf. Daniel is wearing a blue T-shirt. Both of them are wearing blue je

16、ans. Young people really like jeans.三、情景问答.Simon想买一双40码的鞋,他问可不可以试穿,试穿之后很适宜,但499元太贵了,他想看另一双.Shopkeeper: Hello, Can I help you?Simon: Hello, Id like a pair of shoes.Shopkeeper: What s your size?Simon:Size 40. Can I try them on ?Shopkeeper: Yes, of course.Simon: Well, they fit very well. How much are t

17、hey?Shopkeeper: They are 499 yuan.Simon:Sorry, that s too expensive. Can I see another pair?四、话题简述.P90阳光购物中央是一个新的购物中央,它在汽车站附近.里同有许多服装店, 我们可以买到各种不同种类的服装.也有一个大书店,里面有许多有趣的书. 所有的饭店都在顶楼.有来自不同地区的食物.那里的食物真的很不错.这个 购物中央真的是一个约见朋友和休闲的地方.1. lazy 2.blouse 3. gentleman 4. comfortable 5. purple6. soft 7. smooth 8.

18、 jacket 9.model 10. include二、用正确的语音语调朗读以下短文.Hi! My name is Kitty. I love dancing. I dance for half an hour every day.Healthy food is important for me. I need to keep fit. I always have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I usually eat fish and vegetables.Sometimes I feel hungry betwe

19、en meals, so I eat an apple or a pear. I seldom eat cakes or sweets. They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth.三、情景问答.Millie跟她妈妈在谈论学校的“节日周,在节日周将有世界各地不同节日的展 览,很有趣.展览在校礼堂举行.妈妈希望她玩得开心.Mum: You seem very happy, Millie.Millie: Yes, Mum. We have a Festival Week at school.Mum:Really? What do you do

20、?Millie: We have show about different festivals around the world. I t s interesting. Mum: Great! Where do you have the shows?Millie: At the school hall.Mum: Good. Have a nice day!四、话题简述.P78我是Simon.经常踢足球保持健康.我也吃健康的食物.早餐我总是吃一个鸡蛋,我也吃包子或馒头,我还喝一杯牛奶,这能帮助我很好地开始一天.午餐我吃米饭或面条.我也吃肉和蔬菜.这顿饭为我整个下午 提供了能量.晚餐我经常喝汤,吃

21、鱼和蔬菜.我每天吃水果,水果和蔬菜对我们有益.我需要他们来保持健康.我每天也喝许多水.1. hamburger 2. chocolate 3.carrot 4. change 5. plate6.score7. point 8. order 9. energy 10. whole二、用正确的语音语调朗读以下短文.Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening. Mum looks great in white. I think a pair of white shoes matches her white blouse and her blue skir

22、t.I plan to go to Sunshine Park with Millie tomorrow. Mum thinks my red sweater and blue jeans are not bad. They look good on me. Mum thinks trainers are light and comfortable. They are fit for a long walk.三、情景问答.Millie和Andy在饭店点菜.Andy想点一些牛肉,绿豆,一瓶可乐,Millie赞成并建议点一些蔬菜,一些米饭和苹果汁.Millie认为可乐不健康.Millie: Wha

23、t would you like to order, Andy?Andy: Let me have a 100k at the menu, please. How about some beef?Millie:Ok, I 1l have some fish. Would you like some vegetables?Andy: Yes. Some green beans, please.Millie: All right. We ll also have some rice. Any drinks?Andy: Can I have a bottle of cola?Millie: Cola

24、 is not healthy, Andy. What about some apple juice?Andy:That s fine. Apple juice tastes good.四、话题简述.P67春节是中国的一个重要节日.大局部中国家庭都庆祝.春节总是在一月或二月. 每年的这个时候天气都很冷,但人们很开心.家庭成员聚在一起吃一顿丰富的 晚餐.饭后人们喜欢看电视.每年电视上都有春节年欢晚会.这天孩子们玩得很开心.我们得到礼物.通常父母为我们准备好新衣服,而且 我们从祖父母、父母、叔叔阿姨那儿得到红包.夜里我们喜欢燃放烟花爆竹. 它们真的很精彩.一、用正确的语音拼读以下单词.1. taste 2. wallet 3. money 4. collect 5. stamp6. enough 7. restaurant 8. pocket 9. size 10.expensive二、用正确的语音语调朗读以下短文.Hello, I m Daniel. I like playing computer games. I seldom exercise.


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