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1、确立切实可行的学习计划中央电大外语部孙建华 ( 2004年03月04日)浏览人次558英语口语(3)课程的学员:大家好。开学了,你一定已经拿到了“形成性考核及学习档案”这本小册子。在学习“英语口语(3)”过程中,这本小册子将会伴随你并提醒、引导你进行自主学习。自主学习的第一步是确立切实可行的学习计划。自主规划学习要从此刻开始。Now its time for your to set your goals!你已经将自己的学习计划制定出来了吗?如果没有,建议你跟随我们确立你的学习计划。你需要做的事有:第一件事:完成“形考册”中的以下内容。如果你还没有完成,请你补上吧。这里所列的功能与话题有的以前你

2、已经学过,有的是本学期要学的内容,只有你清楚自己的学习起点,对本学期要学的东西心里有数,才能给自己订立计划,是不是?Profile of My AbilitiesRead the topics and functions listed below. Consider your own abilities and use the following key to make a profile of yourself.Key:I can talk on the topic in fluent English. =I cant talk on the topic in fluent English.

3、 =Im familiar with the functional patterns. =Im not familiar with the functional patterns =Step 1Topics Yourself and your family Your hobbies Your friends Your favorite film/films Your favorite book/books Jobs you have had/jobs you would like to do Countries/cities/scenic spots you have visited Your

4、 favourite holiday place/places Higher education in China Higher education in America Food/ eating habits Festivals in China Sports Whether Exams Womens role/status Travelling Across China Travelling Across the USA Travelling Across the UK Body language British and American English My abilitiesFunct

5、ions Making/responding to introductionsOffering/ accepting/ declining invitationsMaking/responding to requestsMaking/accepting/refusing offersExpressing thanks/apologyOffering forgivenessOffering adviceMaking suggestionsGiving commandsGiving warningsGiving congratulationsExpressing and enquiring abo

6、ut likes/dislikesExpressing worry/concern / sympathyGiving approval/disapprovalExpressing encouragementExpressing surpriseGiving/asking for instructionsGiving/ asking for directionsExpressing satisfaction/dissatisfactionExpressing doubt/certaintyAsking for /giving opinionsExpressing intentionsExpres

7、sing possibility and impossibilityInterruptingAsking about/ expressing interestsShowing boredomExpressing insistenceExpressing urgencyPersuading and responding to persuasionsMaking deductions/conclusionsExpressing obligationExpressing necessityDefining and exemplifying 第二件事,思考并回答下面一些问题:1) 在本学期你要学习几个

8、单元的内容?每个单元分成几个小节?2) 你计划用多少时间完成自主学习?你留出的学习时间是在比较清静的早上还是劳累了一天后的晚上?你什么时候学习效果好? 3) 假如你没有整块的时间完成学习任务,你是否每天都能抽出一些零碎时间用于口语学习及练习?你每天一定能抽出零碎时间,你信不信呢?我想提醒你,在上下班的路上你也能学英语:你可以听录音啊。你经常听录音吗?如果没有这个习惯,你可以试一试,语言教学专家不是说经常听,大量的听,对你的口语有不小的促进作用吗?另外你的衣袋中有一个小小的学习记录本吗?记录、整理自己已学的内容,本身就能帮助你记得清、记得牢!思考了以上的一些问题,你可以进入第三步-制定学习计划了

9、。第三件事,制定一个具体的学习计划。你的学习计划除了包括每天什么时间学习以外,还要包括你怎么学习,是听,默读,朗诵,背诵,与学习伙伴对话,还是整理笔记等等,都要考虑到。举个具体的例子,比如你想改正你在口语中常犯的错误,那你首先得把犯过的错误记下来;为了找出自己常犯什么错误,可能还得把你口头表达的话录下来;有时录下来了,自己都说不清自己的毛病在哪儿,哪你就得找个人一起学,或者请教辅导老师,对不对?所有这些都应该是你在制定学习计划时应该考虑到的。为了方便你确立自己的学习计划, 我们在“形成性考核及单元学习记录” 中为你列出了以下内容。你需要先读一读这里列的别人制定的计划,然后定一个适合你具体情况的

10、学习计划。Others plan1. Ill plan my time and set aside at least 30 minutes each day for my English study. 2. In order to learn English well, Ill read it, listen to it, speak it and write it every day.3. Ill set myself a specific learning goal for each day. 4. Ill preview each unit to get a general idea o

11、f what it is about, how it is organized, and how it relates to what I already know.5. Ill get myself a notebook in which to note down new vocabulary and function for each unit. Ill say or write new expressions repeatedly to practice them.6. Ill clearly identify the purpose of the language activity b

12、efore I start doing the activity.7. I will spend a short time each day looking at what I have already studied in the coursebook. 8. Ill note the things I do not say quite correctly when I am doing speaking activities and try to do the activity for two or three more times.9. Ill listen more and imita

13、te the way native speakers talk.10. Ill try to use idioms in my daily practice.11. Ill use reference materials such as dictionaries to help me understand the new language in each unit.12. Ill try to understand what I have heard or read without translating it word-for-word into my own language.13. Wh

14、en I cannot think of the correct expression to say, Ill find a different way to express the idea.14. Ill do self-recording as required.15. Ill work with other language learners to practice, revise, or share information. 16. Ill try to join in and make an effort to speak when I take part in a tutorial.17. Ill keep a diary of my learning and note down what I find difficult and try to spend more time on those part


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