



1、译林版小学英语3B Unit4 Wheres the bird?教学案例 1、教案背景. 1、面向学生:小学三年级 2、学科:英语 3、课时:第一课时 4、学生准备: a书读单词,语音语调要到位。 b熟读课文,模仿语音语调,并了解本文大意。 c能运用新句型进行简单对话。 2、教材简析: 本节课主要教授Unit4 Wheres the bird?本单元主要围绕寻找小鸟的过程学习under、on 、in 、behind 、desk、bird、chair的英语单词,通过复习以前学过的in、on引入到本单元storytime。要求学生能在一定情境下用Wheres.?和方位词进行简单的交谈以及表达赞美之

2、意。 2、教学课题 教学目标: 1、学会本课7个单词desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind,模仿语音语调,熟读。 2、理解课文内容,模仿语音语调,并了解文本大意。 3、能模仿正确的语音语调、流利、有感情、有动作的表演课文。 4、能运用本科的重点句型Wheres ? Its not here. Its on/in/under/behind并进行流利的对话。 教学重点: 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。 教学难点: 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。 情感目标: 通过各种教学手段,如表演、奖励、竞争、小组合作,交流激发他们

3、学习英语的兴趣和热情,体验成功的快乐,注重培养积极向上、自信、善于交际的优良品质。 认知目标: 使学生能做日常生活中了解并运用句型Wheres.?及其应答语Its.并知道Howbeautiful!表达赞美、感叹之意,同时还要掌握方位词under、on、in、behind以及几个名词a desk, a chair,a bird. 通过句型的深入使学生更为熟悉和灵活运用语言,并运用与实际生活。 教学准备:图字卡、自制的动物图片。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up.1. Sing a songWheres the bird? (播放歌曲一遍)T: Do you like the song?Now

4、 follow me. (老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作)T: This time, lets try to sing and do some activities together.(再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱) 教学理念:Wheres thebird?这首歌贴合本单元教学内容,且歌词朗朗上口,易学易懂,为下文的巩固练习做好铺垫。2. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morningT: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.3.Free talk.T:Is

5、that a book?S:No,it isnt.T:Is this a pencil case?S:Yes,it is.师生间以Is thisthat.?及其答语Yes,it is. No,it isnt.进行自由问答。T:Whats in the pencil case? Can youguess?(生就自己所知的词汇来进行猜测,对神秘物品的竞猜中调动学生的积极性。)师出示物品:T: Look, its a beautiful pencil. (板书beautiful!,教授学习)师引导学生学习This is a pencil, How beautiful!Beautiful means

6、nice! (出中文意思,读beautiful和How beautiful!)Step 2 Presentation1、Play a game and learn the new wordsT: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) Now boys and girls, look, whats in my hand now?Guess!S: T: Look, its a beautiful bird. (板书bird)在板书中指导学生拼写所学的单词B-I-R-D。T: Wheres the bird now? (把小鸟放在书下)师引导学生Its under the book.(教授under并板书)

7、T: Good! And where is it now? (把小鸟放在书里)S: Its in the book.教授并板书。在以教师手中的小鸟为主导中让学生体会介词unde、in等这些方位用于,并模仿练习。 T: Now lets play a game with this bird.(老师让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放进课桌里) Wheres the bird? Guess! S: T: Look, its in the desk. (板书desk,贴图,带读in the desk并示意) Now lets play this game again.(老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放到一把椅子

8、上) Wheres the bird? Guess! 找一生在班级中寻找,其他学生一起齐说Wheres the bird?找到后是引导 T: Look, its on the chair. (板书chair,贴图,带读on the chair并示意) 同法T:(老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后将小鸟放在门到后面)Wheres thebird? Guess! 师引导。T: Look, its behind the door.(板书 behind the door并带读) 。 T:(老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后)Wheres the bird? Guess! T:(不再出现小鸟)its not here.(教

9、授并板书)     教学理念:在游戏中的猜小鸟图片在哪里,进而带动学习方位介词on,in,under,behind,动静结合相得益彰,激发学生学习英语兴趣。    Step 3、 Story time    1. Listen and choose    T: (老师再让学生闭上眼睛,然后把小鸟藏起来) Where is the bird now? Is it    in the park? In the classroom? In the tr

10、ee? Here is a story about the bird. Please    listen carefully, and then choose the right answer.(播放课文录音)    T: Where is the bird?    S: Its in the tree.    T: Is it in the tree? Lets watch the cartoon and check your answer.  

11、0; (播放课文动画核对答案)    T: Is the bird in the tree?    S: Yes!    教学理念:利用学生都有的好胜心理,让他们自己去寻找答案,激发学习积极性。动画片的播放更有助于延长学生的上课有意注意力。    2. Listen and stick    T:   The   bird   stops   in 

12、0; many   places.   Look,   its   here   and   here.    (PPT红圈显示1、7两幅图中鸟的位置) But look, in some of the pictures, we    cannot see it. (小鸟分别飞到了哪些地方呢?请你们来贴一贴。) Now, please    take out your working s

13、heet. Lets listen and stick the birds on the paper. Please    work in pairs.    (播放课文录音, 学生两人合作完成)    T: Lets watch the cartoon again.    (播放课文动画,在每个需要完成的画面上暂停核对)    3. Read the story    T: Finished? Now boys a

14、nd girls, check your pictures. Lets read the story    together, OK? (出第一幅图) Picture1. Lets read it together.    S1&S2:     T:   (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪)   Lets   try   again.(How    beautiful!) &

15、#160;  T: And Picture 2, look, wheres the bird?    S: Its under the desk.    T: Yes. Its under the desk.    Now who can read this? (PPT中出现对话)S1: Wheres the bird?    S2: Its under the desk.T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now

16、 open your books, turn to Page 24,and read the story by yourselves. (请打开书,同桌合作读一读全文)    4. Tell the story    T: You did a good job. Now, look at the blackboard. (拿出小鸟的图片) Look! A    bird!    S: How beautiful!    (老师把小鸟放在黑板上不同

17、位置,带领学生一起复述)    T: Wheres the bird?    S: Its under the desk.    T: Now, its     S: Behind the door.    T: Oh, Its not here. Its     S: On the chair.    T: Wheres the bird now?   

18、S: Its in the desk.    T: Oh, look, now its     S: In the tree.    T: Its your turn now. Can you tell the story like this? You can work in pairs.    (老师让同桌学生之间根据图片复述课文,请1至2组学生到黑板前复述)    Step 4 Sing a song    1.

19、 Say a rhyme    T: (拿出另外两只小鸟放在黑板的树上) Look, how many birds are there in the    tree now?    S: Three.    T: Yes. They are her friends. Try to say this rhyme. First read it in two.    (把歌词变为韵律诗,学生互相说一说)    T: Lets try to say it together.    (教 little和all)    T: Say it all together a


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